Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko on WTC 1, 2, and 7

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Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko on WTC 1, 2, and 7

Post by integral »

Have any of you guys seen these videos with Dutch controlled demolition expert Danny Jowenka? They're from a Dutch TV show called Zemba.
WTC 1 + 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkZMQAC95kI
WTC 7: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgoSOQ2xrbI
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Re: Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko on WTC 1, 2, and 7

Post by hsandman »

Yes,yes, they did it, get over it. Good morning and good for you. :-)

Check this one out... I think he said "OPEC" on purpose! He (bush) is being funny! :-O

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Re: Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko on WTC 1, 2, and 7

Post by Sage »

Building 7 is the most glaring hole in the official "caveman story".
hsandman - Furthermore, 9/11 is not something we can just forget about and "get over". There are wars predicated on it and are liberties at home are being scrapped in order to fight "terrorists". This is an issue where we need concrete change in our government. Apathy will not be useful.
As Thomas Paine said: "It is an affront to treat falsehood with complaisance."
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Re: Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko on WTC 1, 2, and 7

Post by hsandman »

Sage wrote:Building 7 is the most glaring hole in the official "caveman story".
hsandman - Furthermore, 9/11 is not something we can just forget about and "get over". There are wars predicated on it and are liberties at home are being scrapped in order to fight "terrorists". This is an issue where we need concrete change in our government. Apathy will not be useful.
As Thomas Paine said: "It is an affront to treat falsehood with complaisance."
It is just that for me it is same as the knowlidge of world being round. It was very strange concept for a kid that things could be different from what they apper to be. I am not complaisant about that knowlidge, it has just became a "matter of fact" for me.

For now I am just glad to see people waking up. Eat drink and be merry, for tommorow we die, if things don't change soon.

Could go either way. Still debatable. Very interesting time I live in, and I love it. =)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPeAGZt2BCA <- Be merry.

Edit: If you are after real investigation on the 3 buildings watch this one

911 Mysteries Part 1 - Demolitions (Full) 91 mins.
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 5308136871

Edit2: Here is another peek in to how things work.

FoxNews + Monsanto US Courts - Fox News OK to Lie
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 6742527407 (11mins

Monsanto wiki info
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Re: Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko on WTC 1, 2, and 7

Post by integral »

Here's another video I came across regarding WTC 7. It features Barry Jennings, Deputy Director with the New York City Housing Authority, who reports that an explosion went off in the building:
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Re: Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko on WTC 1, 2, and 7

Post by daybrown »

As I note in the 'Cui Bono' thread, as boomers retire from upper and mid-management, they are no longer subject to group think, and on rethinking what was going on, are able to see the delusion. Moreover, unlike the JFK assassination, they now have the net to communicate with their former colleagues to piece things together.

I've noticed on usenet, how originally the conspiracy theorists were all regarded as delusional. Which may be. But as Socrates showed, sometimes its the nut case that sees the emperor has no clothes. But as time went on, the number of supporters of the official 911 report has gradually declined, and now only diehard Bush supporters try to rebut. And do so most often with ad hominum rather than links to actual data.

We have not had a functional democracy since the day JFK was assassinated by the CIA for LBJ. Ever since, everyone in DC understood that the CIA could take out anyone who threatened their power structure. If you recall, JFK was snowed by the CIA over the Bay of Pigs, not that different from what has led to the "intelligence failures" regarding Saddam. Only JFK had plans to clean house cause the CIA damn near produced nuclear war with the USSR.

And if you remember the way the media distorted what Goldwater had to say, you get it how Bush was put in office. I mean, you know, we usta wink and nod at how the USSR was continually led by former leaders of the KGB.

The CIA is the Praetorian guard of the American empire, and it is arguable that they have only done what was necessary to promote the economic benefit of the New World Order. But as Gibbon shows, they eventually reached too far, and were replaced by kingmakers in the Legions.

i dunno how much further we can push the historical lessons. The fact that the brave heart, strong right arm, sword in hand no longer cut it... is such a fundamental change in the application of power. Bush, in keeping with his alpha male instincts, has created tyrannical power, but I dont see how he can prevent Hillary from taking that from him, and what she will do with it is a damn moot point. The day came when an emperor took power, but took it outside of Rome. There was no strategic reason to keep it there. She could likewise, with the kind of communications we have now, take power out of DC and operate like so many emperors did, on the road, seeing for herself what needed to be attended to in the provinces, and showing herself engaged in ways no president has by doing that... an being therefore a moving target, impossible for the CIA to make a hit on.

Common. There's a reason the JFK hit was in Dallas. What's more, what does she, or any other future president, need the CIA for? Are there not several other sources of information that are not even more reliable? If there is economic crisis, such a loss of control over Persian Gulf Oil, she will need a scapegoat, and the CIA will do nicely. And by the time she takes office, a lot more boomers will have retired, and be able to come forward to testify in congressional hearings.

Ergo, Silverstein and the boys on Wall Street, that so cleaned with put calls after 911, will have to bite the bullet, take the hit on the banking stocks to keep the American middle class in their homes despite no mortgage payments, and transfer trillions back from the corporate elite to the middle class. Otherwise, all those boomer retirees, whose real estate investments have gone to shit, will be lining up to testify about 911.
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Re: Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko on WTC 1, 2, and 7

Post by Carl G »

daybrown wrote:As I note in the 'Cui Bono' thread, as boomers retire from upper and mid-management, they are no longer subject to group think, and on rethinking what was going on, are able to see the delusion. Moreover, unlike the JFK assassination, they now have the net to communicate with their former colleagues to piece things together.
You're dreaming. Simply retiring from a corporate job does not release one's mind from group think, nor does it increase one's ability to think for oneself. If it did we would have a different world. No, mind programming and habitual behavior continue for most people straight to the grave, and even tend to accelerate down the home stretch.
I've noticed on usenet, how originally the conspiracy theorists were all regarded as delusional. Which may be. But as Socrates showed, sometimes its the nut case that sees the emperor has no clothes. But as time went on, the number of supporters of the official 911 report has gradually declined, and now only diehard Bush supporters try to rebut. And do so most often with ad hominum rather than links to actual data.
On the contrary. It is those who disbelieve the official story whose numbers are declining. It is like the Kennedy Assassination in that respect; the farther we get from it, the more it recedes into the murky past beyond sight, mind, and the ability and will to shine any light into.
We have not had a functional democracy since the day JFK was assassinated by the CIA for LBJ. Ever since, everyone in DC understood that the CIA could take out anyone who threatened their power structure. If you recall, JFK was snowed by the CIA over the Bay of Pigs, not that different from what has led to the "intelligence failures" regarding Saddam. Only JFK had plans to clean house cause the CIA damn near produced nuclear war with the USSR.
Arguably the democracy's dysfunction can be traced further back, to Franklin Roosevelt and the Bay of Pearl Harbor, or even to the founding of the country during the supposed Revolution. Were we ever a democracy? It's debatable.
And if you remember the way the media distorted what Goldwater had to say, you get it how Bush was put in office. I mean, you know, we usta wink and nod at how the USSR was continually led by former leaders of the KGB.

The CIA is the Praetorian guard of the American empire, and it is arguable that they have only done what was necessary to promote the economic benefit of the New World Order. But as Gibbon shows, they eventually reached too far, and were replaced by kingmakers in the Legions.
Apparently the NSA are more powerful than the CIA. But they, of course, are also controlled by higher ups, and I don't mean the President. The President is a puppet, too.
i dunno how much further we can push the historical lessons. The fact that the brave heart, strong right arm, sword in hand no longer cut it... is such a fundamental change in the application of power.
The sword has become an atom bomb, which indeed still "cuts it." The strong right arm has become the finger upon that bomb, and the 'brave' heart -- was it ever brave, or merely pathological -- still beats in the maniac willing to risk life on earth with the button. And, in the mercenaries still anxious to kill civilians with machete or guided missile for paycheck or patriarchy.
Bush, in keeping with his alpha male instincts, has created tyrannical power,
Bush has created nothing. He lacks the ability or the license to do so. He is a puppet.
but I dont see how he can prevent Hillary from taking that from him, and what she will do with it is a damn moot point.
He cannot, and indeed it is moot, seeing how he and she are controlled by the same operators.
The day came when an emperor took power, but took it outside of Rome. There was no strategic reason to keep it there. She could likewise, with the kind of communications we have now, take power out of DC and operate like so many emperors did, on the road, seeing for herself what needed to be attended to in the provinces, and showing herself engaged in ways no president has by doing that...
Fantasy; as though she would be allowed to do what she wished. In fact, this may or may not be part of the plan, or the appearance the controllers wish to give the public. But, why fantasize? Why believe these imbecilic spokespeople have any autonomy?
an being therefore a moving target, impossible for the CIA to make a hit on.
The CIA lacks the ability to track people? Anyway, it would be an inside job. Ultimately all under one roof, you know. One big happy.
Common. There's a reason the JFK hit was in Dallas. What's more, what does she, or any other future president, need the CIA for? Are there not several other sources of information that are not even more reliable? If there is economic crisis, such a loss of control over Persian Gulf Oil, she will need a scapegoat, and the CIA will do nicely. And by the time she takes office, a lot more boomers will have retired, and be able to come forward to testify in congressional hearings.
Again, fantasy. You're believing old fashioned fairy tales like, The President Calls the Shots, and, People Think.
Ergo, Silverstein and the boys on Wall Street, that so cleaned with put calls after 911, will have to bite the bullet, take the hit on the banking stocks to keep the American middle class in their homes despite no mortgage payments, and transfer trillions back from the corporate elite to the middle class. Otherwise, all those boomer retirees, whose real estate investments have gone to shit, will be lining up to testify about 911.
Only if the bigger boys, the true Alphas, decree. The fucking boomers do not enter the equation, except as collateral.
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Re: Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko on WTC 1, 2, and 7

Post by daybrown »

<Only if the bigger boys, the true Alphas, decree. The fucking boomers do not enter the equation, except as collateral.>
After economic crisis? Really? What are they going to pay the CIA or army with? Nice lithographs of dead presidents?

Carl, there aint no Caesar with all the tons of gold & silver from looting Gaul to motivate men to follow his decree.

All I got to go by is what is presented to me, which is different from what you see. Make of my report whatever you like. If you think its all fantasy, I dont have a problem with it. I take a more immediate interest in specific examples, like the call I got today from a vet, also an x-cop, who'll be coming to stay with me while he gets his place in the boonies fixed up. He in not at all interested in what any of the "true Alphas" decree.

I've also had another infantry and a marine up here, none of whom are interested in more bullshit from the power elite. They all feel like the VA has not, under the Bush administration, kept up to the terms of the contract. I dunno; I didnt make the deal, but I see their discontent, justified or not. And it aint like the old days when weapons had to be wielded by strong young men. The power elites will either pony up the money to keep the middle class lifestyle going as people expect, or, if not, 911 or some other pretext will be opened up to provide the justification to start dragging the bastards out to be shot.

Machiavelli, and history since, suggests that the power elite will try to do it on the cheap.
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Re: Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko on WTC 1, 2, and 7

Post by Carl G »

daybrown wrote:Carl, there aint no Caesar with all the tons of gold & silver from looting Gaul to motivate men to follow his decree.
How would you know?
All I got to go by is what is presented to me,
which is different from what you see.
Evidently so.
Make of my report whatever you like.
I always do. Why mention it?
If you think its all fantasy, I dont have a problem with it.
I've noticed that. I've also noticed you are like an automaton, cranking out your opinions regardless of other people's points. You are a blogger, not a discusser.
I take a more immediate interest in specific examples,
I've noticed, which is why you tend to have a micro, rather than macro, view on world affairs.
like the call I got today from a vet, also an x-cop, who'll be coming to stay with me while he gets his place in the boonies fixed up. He in not at all interested in what any of the "true Alphas" decree.
No, but he does their bidding, and that is the point.
I've also had another infantry and a marine up here, none of whom are interested in more bullshit from the power elite. They all feel like the VA has not, under the Bush administration, kept up to the terms of the contract.
Military personnel given the shaft, who are now disgruntled. What else is new? What did they expect from Big Brother?
I dunno; I didnt make the deal, but I see their discontent, justified or not.
Discontent is cheap, and won't change the system.
And it aint like the old days when weapons had to be wielded by strong young men.
Sure it ain't. I mean iz. It takes muscles to carry some of that advanced weaponry gear, and, durn tootin', you know it.
The power elites will either pony up the money to keep the middle class lifestyle going as people expect, or, if not, 911 or some other pretext will be opened up to provide the justification to start dragging the bastards out to be shot.

Machiavelli, and history since, suggests that the power elite will try to do it on the cheap.
Blog on, cousin!
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Re: Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko on WTC 1, 2, and 7

Post by daybrown »

<Carl, there aint no Caesar with all the tons of gold & silver from looting Gaul to motivate men to follow his decree.
How would you know?>
Simple logistics. digital money is gonzo easier to move around than gold. Nobody has tried to pay the troops in real gold in over a century. They dunno how to do that any more. And in the standard SHTF scenario, nobody will really know what gold or silver will be worth. They've all been so socialized to the use of paper.

Besides, like in the Phillipines the other day, a buncha dudes with guns thot they could trigger a revolution. they were wrong about that, but dudes like that wont be so wrong nearly so often if TSHTF; dudes with the guns and the organization wont bother with some rich jackass offering them gold. What do they need with gold? With enuf ammo and weapons they can get all the pussy, beer, and drugs they want. They will be in business for themselves; why would they want to go to work for someone else. would you?
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Re: Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko on WTC 1, 2, and 7

Post by Carl G »

Din't realize you wuz talkin' real bullion. Yep, usta be that way, and now it's digital. Who cares; the power structures be the same. You sayin' they's no real Caesar? I reckon they iz, and I ain't just meanin' salad.
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Re: Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko on WTC 1, 2, and 7

Post by Tomas »

Carl G wrote:Din't realize you wuz talkin' real bullion. Yep, usta be that way, and now it's digital. Who cares; the power structures be the same. You sayin' they's no real Caesar? I reckon they iz, and I ain't just meanin' salad.

What happened, Carl?

You used to be one of the more interesting reads (cast of characters) here... :-|
My take is a few of the "cast" have faded away. Unwise, Elizabeth, (obviously) Trevor, Marsha, Katy

But Daybrown, Vic & Sandman are a few of the "bright lights" in these parts, make it worthwhile to see what's happening...

But, you know, winter is here in North America and Australia, it Springtime!

PS - Really - you're never gonna migrate, now and then, to Daybrown's blog and see what he's got cookin'?

Just might be a bowl of oatmeal with cream and a sprinkle of brown sugar in it for ya :-)


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Re: Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko on WTC 1, 2, and 7

Post by integral »

Supposedly some people thought that Jowenko retracted his statement on WTC 7. But here is an mp3 where he confirms that he did no such thing:
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Re: Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko on WTC 1, 2, and 7

Post by daybrown »

integral wrote:Supposedly some people thought that Jowenko retracted his statement on WTC 7. But here is an mp3 where he confirms that he did no such thing:
This is yet another drop of information that just keep eroding away the official 911 report. How much longer can it go on til 911 breaks thru the silence of the mass media?
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Ex-Italian President: Intel Agencies Know 9/11 An Inside Job

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Ex-Italian President: Intel Agencies Know 9/11 An Inside Job

http://infowars.com/articles/sept11/cos ... de_job.htm

Man who blew the whistle on Operation Gladio tells Italy's largest newspaper attacks were run by CIA, Mossad (photo)

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Re: Ex-Italian President: Intel Agencies Know 9/11 An Inside Job

Post by daybrown »

Tomas wrote:.

Ex-Italian President: Intel Agencies Know 9/11 An Inside Job

http://infowars.com/articles/sept11/cos ... de_job.htm

Man who blew the whistle on Operation Gladio tells Italy's largest newspaper attacks were run by CIA, Mossad (photo)
Another drop in the bucket. Seems like the bucket is getting big enuf, and full enuf, to drown out all those who formerly called you a whacko for doubting the official 911 report. One of these days, the mortgage crisis, bankruptcy rate, job losses, etc, will add up to enuf force to knock the bucket over and spill it all over the corporate media that has been trying to keep a lid on 911. Makes me feel like part of some elite, to know something the sheeple are not yet being told.

I wouldnt be surprised to see someone running for president, thinking he needs to do something dramatic because of low poll numbers, will decide to step up and spill the beans, tying the 911 lie to the struggles of the middle class.
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Re: Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko on WTC 1, 2, and 7

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I, for one, believe the buildings came down by controlled demolition.
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Re: Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko on WTC 1, 2, and 7

Post by Dan Rowden »

Nah, it was thermite termites. Pesky little critters.
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Re: Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko on WTC 1, 2, and 7

Post by Kevin Solway »

Carl G wrote:I, for one, believe the buildings came down by controlled demolition.
I personally reckon that the so-called "three thousand dead" were actually only about 100, Jewish suicide bombers, who positioned themselves strategically throughout the building, using secret explosives that would leave no residue, break no windows, nor leave any evidence of having existed. The "three thousand" is a myth. :-)
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Re: Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko on WTC 1, 2, and 7

Post by daybrown »

Its really curious.
If explosives were used, tiny droplets of molten steel, 10-100 microns in diameter, would have blown out the windows with the other debris like little shotgun pellets to then land in sidewalk cracks, window sills, niches on architecture, etc all over the area.

So, still today, anyone could go down to the WTC neighborhood with a Jeweler's loup, a magnet, and dental or ice pick, pluck out some dirt that has lain their all these years, and see what, if anything, sticks to the magnet.

Yet, out of all the conspiracy whackos in New York, none of them have thot of this, even tho they all say explosives were used, and none have gotten off their fat asses to go down there to have a look.

What do you make of that?
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Re: Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko on WTC 1, 2, and 7

Post by daybrown »

Thanx Dan; these "microspheres" look like smoking gun kinds of evidence. I've not yet seen, among the presentations any video of these samples being collected, nor the credentials of who collected them. From the above website:"Explosives residue signatures in micro-spheres of iron-rich particles from millimeter size down to micron size found in multiple dust samples from around the site…"

I'd be grateful to see such video posted, preferably if done on live local NYC TV. It'd also be interesting to know if high pressure washers have been used in the area since 9/11/01.

In any case, I've seen enuf reports from enuf different sources posted on the net to see that an official investigation and court proceeding where witnesses can present their credentials and testify under oath and penalty of perjury... is warranted. but, its not upta me. I'm kinda surprised that nobody in the "911 for truth" movement has been able to organize such a legal proceeding. That alone looks like some kind of conspiracy.

In this, as in so many other issues, the partisans do not actually want a procedure to settle the question, but want it to go on so that they can milk it for attention, and possible continued financial support.

This is, however, an opportune time to organize a live video presentation now that the TV writers are on strike, and new media will be in short supply. The sheeple may tire of reruns. Is there anything to prevent the inhabitants of the WTC area from bringing a civil lawsuit for damages against Silverstein?

There's an equally great mystery on how the power elite is able to keep a lid on all this, that is fairly well answered by suggesting that we not viewing the behavior of sentient beings, but some kind of programmed avatar or android.
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Re: Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko on WTC 1, 2, and 7

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Re: Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko on WTC 1, 2, and 7

Post by daybrown »

Alex Jacob wrote:Our own dog turned on us!
yeah, well so what? Where is the legal proceeding where real *evidence* can be presented? This is all just pissing in the wind until time, jail time, money, real money, get involved.
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Re: Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko on WTC 1, 2, and 7

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It is a long 'interview', I actually watched it straight through, and his contention is that by pressing forward, by continuing to advertise the issue, there is no way to suppress the evidence, and no way to stop the thing from opening up. I only became interested in the 9/11 stuff this summer, but from the look of it there is no way to suppress it, and it seems very likely that it will turn into a major affair. Intuitively, it seems there will have to be one event, one major confession or whistle-blowing---something---and the whole thing will rip open. Then the fun can begin. So, in answer to your question of 'so what?', the answer is that it's exactly the activities of people like him, and those who listen, that will eventually snowball until the point it blows up. And if more people like him with Washington connections, in suits with ties, are thinking these things, it is just one step closer to a critical point. (The line 'our own dog turned on us' was his).
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