Genius Podcasting

Some partial backups of posts from the past (Feb, 2004)
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Kelly Jones
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Post by Kelly Jones »

What's your time frame looking like for the podcasts, David? And do you envisage making them for several years?

I could be a good guest, after i've eliminated a psychic thought-habit. But it will take much more effort and time than i'm currently capable of giving.


Some ideas.







Last edited by Kelly Jones on Sat Jan 20, 2007 11:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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David Quinn
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Post by David Quinn »

Alyosha wrote:
I once worked with a company called Beyond Belief Media and I was supposed to help develop podcasts. I came up with an idea for a podcast but it was never developed. It might be too grandiose or out of your subject range but I will pitch it anyway. It's called Test your Faith, and essentially it's a more structured version of Politically Incorrect but dealing with belief systems as opposed to politics. It consists of several different representatives from varying belief systems, say an Atheist, a Buddhist, a Jew, a Muslim, a Taoist, a multi-spiritualist, a Darwinist, Agnostic, a, or whatever. And if you wanted a more specific topic by a highly regarded rep. you could use someone from this category who has recently published a book (and they would probably want to be on your show to promote the book). But anyway, each podcast features a different belief system or aspect of that belief system, so lets say that the first podcast features a liberal Christian who just wrote a book called “I pick and choose the things I like out of the Bible and base all of my beliefs on them for some reason” and so that liberal Christian has say 10 min. to lay forth his belief system to the other panelists, then each panelist has an opportunity to ask him a question (in an attempt to show the fallacies of that belief system) and the liberal Christian answers them, this is followed by an open panel discussion (like politically incorrect) and is concluded by a brief end statement by each panelist leaving the featured panelist with the last word. What do you think?
It's not a bad idea, but I'm not sure that I would want the show to be rigid and formal like that. I'd prefer it to be spontaneous, unpredictable, breaking the rules, etc. People can easily become comfortable in a formal settling. It is too easy for them to play by the rules and evade detection.

Still, your idea could make for an interesting show if was done right.

No likey? If you no likey my idea I can recommend some guests.

Richard Carrier
Brian Flemming
Richard Dawkins
(who I can put you in touch with)

I would like to hear from Eckharte Tolle just because I heard he was good with open discussions

Oh I think I might be able to help with Sam Harris as well.

I helped Brian Flemming in the past (He made a documentary called The God Who Wasn't There) and he interviewed Robert Price, Sam Harris, Richard Carrier, Earl Doherty, and The Raving Atheist. I'm sure he knows how to get in touch with them.

He also interviewed Richard Dawkins.
That would certainly be a help if you can do that. I'll pm you privately about it.

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David Quinn
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Post by David Quinn »

Katy wrote:
How about Victor Danilchenko? One of the smartest people I know so far as retaining facts.
I think Victor would make an ideal guest. But Dan Rowden tells me that he has a thick Russian accent, which might be a problem. Can anyone who has spoken to him confirm or deny this?

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Aaron Mathis
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Post by Aaron Mathis »

V.S. Ramachandran

Diana Alstad and Joel Kramer

Stephen Batchelor

Susan Blackmore

Andrew Newberg

Huston Smith

Rodney Brooks

I don't think the great VS Ramachandran needs introduction for most of you. If you don't know him, you will soon.

There are a large handful of thinkers to draw from on this site, and some of you may be pleased to discover that there are videos there to download/watch, videos of lectures followed by some intelligent questioning, angry outburts, feebly joyous opposing assertions, deflating replys, along with some highly intelligent comentary in general.
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Post by Katy »

David Quinn wrote: I think Victor would make an ideal guest. But Dan Rowden tells me that he has a thick Russian accent, which might be a problem. Can anyone who has spoken to him confirm or deny this?

I've never heard his voice but he's been in the states for at least 10 years, and I assume he makes himself understood around here...
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Matt Gregory
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Post by Matt Gregory »

Have you ever seen the Don Imus show on MSNBC (I think), David? Maybe that would be a better format rather than focusing exclusively on interviewing guests.
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Cory Duchesne
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Post by Cory Duchesne »

David, have you or Kevin ever tried to get in contact with Cecilia Green? She would be an interesting guest.
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David Quinn
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Post by David Quinn »

She might be getting a bit old now. It's worth a try, I suppose.

Never head of the Don Imus show, Matt. What format does it use?

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Post by Katy »

Naturyl said he'd volunteer.
I nominate Robert Larkin.
There's a girl on EZboard involved in the human genome project - it could be interesting to talk to women who are involved in science/philosophy/math/etc.
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Matt Gregory
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Post by Matt Gregory »

I'm sorry, it's called "Imus in the Morning". I've only seen it a couple of times, but it's one of those televised radio shows, like Howard Stern. They usually have 3 or 4 guys sitting around bullshitting about current events, and that goes on for like 4 or 5 hours, it's a really long show, but they'll have pundits and news celebrities come in or call on the phone and they'll bullshit with them.

I was just trying to think of something beyond the 2 host and a guest format of the Hour of Judgment, not that there was anything wrong with it, and I don't know how casual you really want to make the podcasts, but I think you might want to loosen it up quite a bit and be more hodge-podge about it, like your typical grassroots internet thing. Maybe you should just let people from Genius Forum submit their own podcasts and if they're good enough you can post them on Google Video under the "Genius Show" or whatever you want to call it.

The thing is, I think you would have to build up some interest in the show before anyone will participate in it. I'm not really sure how you'll accomplish that since your idea of relaxed pondering is pretty white-knuckled for most people, but I'm just thinking out loud.
Elizabeth Isabelle
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Post by Elizabeth Isabelle »

Katy wrote:I nominate Robert Larkin.
There's a girl on EZboard involved in the human genome project - it could be interesting to talk to women who are involved in science/philosophy/math/etc.
Has Robert come back?

The female from the human genome project is very... feminine. Also, English is not her primary language, so I don't know what kind of accent she has.
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Post by Katy »

Elizabeth Isabelle wrote: Has Robert come back?

The female from the human genome project is very... feminine. Also, English is not her primary language, so I don't know what kind of accent she has.
No, Robert is offline for a while. I suggested him mainly as a joke, anyway. I'd bet a lot that he wouldn't do it.

I forgot about the language thing with d though.
Elizabeth Isabelle
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Post by Elizabeth Isabelle »

Katy wrote:No, Robert is offline for a while. I suggested him mainly as a joke, anyway. I'd bet a lot that he wouldn't do it.
He probably would if he can get these offline priorities taken care of, and he would be good, too.
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Post by Jamesh »

Robert Larkin.

I thought Wade Morris was him.

perhaps Same Same, but different!
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Post by Katy »

Elizabeth Isabelle wrote: He probably would if he can get these offline priorities taken care of, and he would be good, too.
I don't think he'd be willing to take on more than one of the QRS at a time. And he won't take them on in their own turf. He has "done his duty in combatting QRS by debating Quinn" quite some time ago.

Edit: I don't think Robert and Wade are the same person at all. Their writing style is different.
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Post by Katy »

The girl mentioned in the previous post's spoken English is very good.
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Post by Tim »

Here's a place that does internet radio. They'd probably be happy to help you get your veture off the ground, especially since you're working to save truths like Weininger wrote.
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Matt Gregory
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Post by Matt Gregory »

Yeah, right. I must admit that made me laugh, though.
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Dan Rowden
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Post by Dan Rowden »

Dave Sim is a must.
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Dan Rowden
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Post by Dan Rowden »

Matt Gregory wrote:The thing is, I think you would have to build up some interest in the show before anyone will participate in it.
Agreed. We've considered that which is why for a start we'll be talking with people we're certain will be interested from the get go. Naturyl, for example, has expressed interest. I'm sure someone like Dave Sim would appreciate the extra publicity. One we have some casts up we can then start looking at those people who, as you suggest, will want to see an established format first. We also need a name for the concept which may prove to be the hardest part of all!
I'm not really sure how you'll accomplish that since your idea of relaxed pondering is pretty white-knuckled for most people, but I'm just thinking out loud.
Surely we're not that scary!?
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Matt Gregory
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Post by Matt Gregory »

Dan Rowden wrote:
Matt Gregory wrote:The thing is, I think you would have to build up some interest in the show before anyone will participate in it.
Agreed. We've considered that which is why for a start we'll be talking with people we're certain will be interested from the get go. Naturyl, for example, has expressed interest. I'm sure someone like Dave Sim would appreciate the extra publicity.
Yeah, Dave Sim would be perfect. Just make sure he doesn't take over the whole show!

One we have some casts up we can then start looking at those people who, as you suggest, will want to see an established format first.
I think it's going to be tough because you don't have doctorate degrees and you're not part of the academic scene, so you're not well hooked up as far as networking and knowing people. Well, maybe you are and I don't know it or something.

We also need a name for the concept which may prove to be the hardest part of all!
How about something edifying like, The Practice of Reason? Or how about some wordplay, Against The Gray. Or maybe something catchy like Thinking Hurts So Good, Baby! Or how about Mind Over Mama. Okay, I'll stop now.

I'm not really sure how you'll accomplish that since your idea of relaxed pondering is pretty white-knuckled for most people, but I'm just thinking out loud.
Surely we're not that scary!?
I don't know, I don't think you are, but some people really don't like you guys. They call you "QRS" and stuff.
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Matt Gregory
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Post by Matt Gregory »

Maybe you guys could post propositions for discussions, like specific topics and a brief outline of the position you are going to take in the discussion. Maybe it will inspire guests to participate if the subject interests them and will allow them to think about it a bit beforehand.
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Post by Katy »

Dan Rowden wrote: Agreed. We've considered that which is why for a start we'll be talking with people we're certain will be interested from the get go.
My mother has said she'll talk to you as well. She is writing her phD thesis on gender and math in elementry school students.
Surely we're not that scary!?
Speaking as the new guy in town - you guys can be pretty intimidating.
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Dan Rowden
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Post by Dan Rowden »

Katy wrote:
Dan Rowden wrote: Agreed. We've considered that which is why for a start we'll be talking with people we're certain will be interested from the get go.
My mother has said she'll talk to you as well. She is writing her phD thesis on gender and math in elementry school students.
I wouldn't be interested in that unless she's prepared to broaden the discussion into consciousness-gender per se and had a position on it she could sensibly articulate. Nor would I be interested in a discussion (mentioned previously) of the genome project. It's just not on my radar though Dave and Kevin may have a different perspective on that.
Surely we're not that scary!?
Speaking as the new guy in town - you guys can be pretty intimidating.
It's people's own egos that intimidate them, not us.
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Post by Jamesh »

Quintessential Rows in the Helios Den

helious = ancient god of the sun; drove his chariot across the sky each day; identified with Roman Sol. Sol-way is thus the way across the heavens. "Heavens" is a word for reality. Kevin thus shows the way to reality :)

What a funny coincidence, or is it. His love of truth may be geneticly induced. One of his ancestors was given the name Solway for a particular reason.

Even Quintessential = Representing the perfect example of a class or quality. This is how David views himself as a enlightened being, at least next to his teacher, his god, Solway.

Rowden - was it Dan that originally created the old forum or Genius news? - both places of argument, dens of rows.