RZoo: I would go beyond acceptance of the necessity and say that we can embrace our suffering as equally valuable - if not more so - as our joys, and secretly hope to preserve or strengthen it. Perhaps our greatest fear should be that we will not suffer enough, that we find comfort too soon and fail to reach our full potential.
Acceptance of suffering includes our joys, for to be in joy is to suffer not being in joy. Every emotion a man or woman feels exists in suffering's acceptance.
Our suffering is not always within our control (asceticism may be the answer to that?). One thing that is definitely within our control is the suffering and challenges that we can bless and torment our chosen beneficiaries with.
Since the human mind by default is the distinction maker it has no control over its dual "sight". This is why consciousness suffers. Where control comes in is in having the wisdom of the mind's default dual view.
"But wait, wait - reach what potential? You've got it all wrong; for the rest of us, the only thing that matters in life is happiness and that we don't suffer, at the expense of all else. What does intelligence, knowledge, consciousness, or anything else matter? If those require suffering then we will gladly give them up!"
A fine and fashionable counter-argument from the masses (who are stupid, inconsistent, and generally don't matter that much), but not from geniuses. Geniuses must reconcile their values of intelligence and consciousness with their conflicting hatred of suffering and value of bliss, joy or happiness.
Your thoughts above are perfect examples of the mind's natural urge to divide and conquer taken to suffering's peak, that is, into the expression of hatred. Do you envision a consciousness beyond hatred that integrates its necessity to reject but no longer requires this necessity? And if so, do you accept or reject this vision?