In everything I do ....

Discussion of the nature of Ultimate Reality and the path to Enlightenment.
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Re: In everything I do ....

Post by DonaldJ »

Kunga wrote:
DonaldJ wrote: My natural drugs is natural (DMT),it's in everything !!! Your pineal gland must be very clean. (Third Eye) . I've been trying to eliminate toxins from my diet to clean mine up...
I wasn't trying to be critical....just wondering, it's so rare to find people with this naturally.

You are a breath of fresh air around here !

I thinks that the first nice thing anyone has said to me for ten years..
My apologies for taking it wrongly.. Usually people insult me that way because all they know is how to bully and share their mental excrements...

Re: "trying to eliminate toxins from my diet to clean mine up..."

I found many years ago I was deep into working to solve "antimatter technologies".. I had met antimatter's personality facets deep enough to draw a sketch of its personality.. It's extremely complicated.. An hour later I couldn't even begin to understand anything about the drawing, but I know how to make many kinds of antimater, some of which could be used to power all industry, but I might not have it to process thought that deep any more, after the mindless monkey assholes damaged my brain with radiation to punish me for bouncing an evil person's evil right back at him, while he was pretending he was killing me with his infantile shit-class monkey mind... I suppose he felt his evil coming right back at him, and blamed me for being the bully..?

Re: "cleaning up diet".. I went to dinner for a steak, and couldn't process deep thoughts for 48 hours after eating the meat.. That should tell you something... Plus I ingest a bunch of specific vitamins, nutrients, supplements, and amino acids daily, and avoid booze and street drugs, and dangerous pharmacy drugs... But the thing that gets me the most mileage in this thought processing thing is how I treat all the little things in life I meet with all my love and respect, except mosquitoes.. I do not like bloodsucking, nor mind sucking, parasites...

I twice found some of my old multivitamins in old toolboxes.. a couple of the pills had bacteria cultures dug right into the pills.. As I was about to toss the pills in the trash, I thought about the life on them, like it was their whole world.. so I set them under the lilac bush on decaying wet leaves.. Whenever I find an old dirty vitamin pill they get it... Someday I might be lucky enough to met them, after they've evolved a bit.. I hope.. Maybe they will produce a medicine for me, if I ask them..?

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if someone like me tasted some rattlesnake venom from a snake befriended..? I'm bets I gots it to convince a friendly snake or scorpion or spider to release a tiny drop of friendly venom onto a fingertip.. but I not sure if I gots the balls to actually taste it..? Is venom dangerous to taste?..
oops!.. you're trying to "eliminate toxins", and I'm trying to find some fun ones.. silly me...

A monarch butterfly taught me how to use the pineal as a "laser"...

I was stopped at a highway rest-stop in a forest by a river.. A butterfly got lost/stuck in my campfire's smoke.. It couldn't find its way through it nor out.. so I summoned all I could to communicate to it how to get out of the smoke, and suddenly a red beam came from my forehead.. Just before it touched the bug, worried that I might fry it if it touched the beam, I pulled back on the beam, and it paused a few inches from bug.. I drew a red line in font of the bug, then slowly drew the line to a way out of the smoke.. The brat in me made the line go in a small loop, then to a tree, where I turned it off.. The bug touched the line, and followed it, and to my shock it flew the loop, and made it to the tree where I had shut it off, and hovered there facing me as if asking "now what?"..
I spoke to the bug "I would like to meet you, I'm safe you're safe, I can't hurt you, you can't hurt me, I would like to meet you".. I finished getting my loaded coffee-pot on the fire.. I happened to notice a butterfly resting on a rotted log about 50-feet away.. I approached the bug, saying "I would like to meet you".. and heard a strange echo to my words...
I crouched near the log, and reached a hand towards the bug.. It's wings were flat to the log.. I wanted to touch its wings at the lead edges, but coudn't get my fingernails under them to move them, so I searched near my feet for a stick tiny enough to get it under its wings, is when it fluttered its wings a tiny bit, then left them raised a quarter inch above the log.. I gently raised the left wing to straight up, making its legs buckle a bit, and it held the wing there.. I was about to raise its right wing when I noticed its legs firming up its posture, and waited till it had stopped moving its legs, then raised the right wing up to touching the left.. It held them there.. I tried to get a fingernail between the closed wings to open them, but couldn't.. While I was searching for a tiny stick it opened its wings half an inch apart, and I gently set them back to flat on the log.. Suddenly my coffee-pot tipped and spilled into the fire.. I stood, and rushed to repair my fire and coffee-pot..
After which, I glanced at the bug still on the log.. I waved to it, "It's been an honour meeting you your majesty".. The bug took flight, and flew over my head, then away into the forest...

Another time I used this beam to see in the pitch black darkness..
I suppose one might call this thing "pineal beam"..? Is there a scientific term for it?..
I'd teach this, but humans would use it for evil only.. Can't be giving mindless psychotic brats dangerous toys, is why humanity doesn't get anything new these days.. is why I burned 80-thousand pages of scientific notes and all my CD's... When uncle einstein realized the full impact of what psychotic humanoids did with the h-bomb, he mumbled "I boobooed".. I erased my stuff to not booboo like he boobooed, after these insane pig kooks stated tormenting me...

Teach me all about the pineal.. I know how these things work, but I don't know the scientific terminologies and the folklore...

I found that if you establish a triad-vortex of your 3 head glands, and pull it in to your brain-stem, you go invisible... What are the those three upper major glands called..? Tell me about them...


That asshole pig is ringing the v-chip loud in my ear again.. like it has every nearly night for two years.. which can only make my nights sleepless, and eventually cause me a fatal heart attack...
Any ideas why those mindless demonic assholes would be trying to murder me..?
I suppose they are killing me with their sins..? They probably think I'm one of their heroes, that they want to die for their sins.. They are obviously insane as it gets... If you insane psychotic monkeys don't want your Species to survive, you are definitely are doing what will make your mindless insane useless highly destructive hateful delusional Species go extinct by your own hand... You mindless insane godless psychotic nutcases should go flush yourselves down the toilet... I bets you neanderthal creeps go to church every Sunday, where you spew ridiculous prayer poetry to the porcelain statues, with as much enthusiasm and love as it takes one to release the poopoo-squirts.. You monkeys shit liquid.. What's that tell you..? Get Pampers!..
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Re: In everything I do ....

Post by Talking Ass »

Hello, mighty dungeon GF! This is---you'd likely guessed---the point to jump back on. An ass with delicate, translucent wings salutes you!

I think this is [the, a] point to enunciate a glorious word: theopoetics!

Also to broach the subject [√terrifying though it truly is] of The Descent Into Hell...which naturally posits an Ascent Out Of Those Dreary Hells.
  • Spurning every partial or temporary assuagement of illusion and pain, [the only conversation worth having] is that toward the goal of human freedom and redemption. Accordingly, a dialectical way seeks to dissolve or reverse those laws and categories which sanction and uphold an established mode of life.

    Dialectical thinking and vIsIoN not only attempt to negate and tRaNsCeNd an established or given ¶world¶ of consciousness and society; they also attempt to annul or dissolve those polarities and antinomies which AlieNaTe all individual centers of experience.

    ---Thomas Altizer
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Re: In everything I do ....

Post by DonaldJ »

"those laws and categories which sanction and uphold an established mode of life."

those insane demonic Inquisition & Salem-based and style rules which stifle, suppress and parasitize innocent Life by the insane ways of psychotic nipple biters and blood suckers who lead humanity's interests for personal glory, power and money purposes, in devouring life as a perpetual meal, because to them everything on this planet is here for them to feed upon. = "vampires and zombies" = democracy
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Re: In everything I do ....

Post by DonaldJ »

I tried to do it your way dude.. but what hasn't been said must be said and read, or the nail isn't hammered-in to the hilt...
Your complaint is valid, but isn't... this is for a billion people...


You've done your sleeping.. showered.. shaved.. or dusted your pussy, or whatever you does to it..?

combed your hair.. teeth done.. breakfast.. to work.. to home.. to dinner.. Finally your day is over.. You've given your day its life.. and now its time for you get some life in what's left of the day, watching teevee & eating.. till you are exhausted, and it's time for sleep.. and it starts all over again... That ain't living.. it be dying... It be like living death... You didn't give any life into the day.. your life was asleep & dead from the time you woke, till the time you slept... Is what that rock singer meant when he sung "every single one of you is dead inside, dead inside"..


Or you jumped out of bed for a "gweneth records book" peepee..
put your best music on.. gave yourself an hour and a half to leisurely prep for the day and work.. living every second of it with all I am... Giving each second all my senses and all my attentions on as many thrusters as I have working... giving me all my love.. and mme returns it all with all my love..
because it feels if I don't, it feels like I'm living in your hell..
Being one with my seconds feels like "living in my heaven"...

pick one...


PM me dude, when you've got a real complaint...
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Re: In everything I do ....

Post by DonaldJ »

You pretend “geniuses” grab a chunk of a deceased thinker’s works.. and try with your all to understand it.. You don’t because you can’t, so you push it ahead of you like a flag, pretending that’s how strong your mind is.. but have you ever actually had an original thought on your own..? besides just complex baseless unstructured opinions...

Many have used strong drugs for a time, and managed to momentarily process thought to the next neighbouring dimensions.. as visitors only... But you can’t access it now...
You had a dream.. and now you are living it's fading echo...
You can’t access it, because it doesn’t have a base nor crystalline structure.. is why it can’t be repeated any way by you.. unless you run screaming, to fetch a golden book...
You did it different than I.. I never read books.. I built a solid base, then explored the realms as far as I could reach.. till things started reaching back and touching.. I worked it step by step.. securing each step incorporated in my Being, resolving introspective anomalies as they happened.. while you went for a little stroll in a dream, and turned back when something startled you.. making it your cap on reality...

I could erase the contents of a university's curriculum, and replace it with sciences from a couple thou years from now... I offered it free to humanity.. but you are so too into war and money to notice what you need to strengthen Life, while you are are so involved in killing and feeding frenzies..
I wonders..? Does humanity have a set figure in the books, of required human deaths quantities, before it is satisfied, has got its nuts off, and has finally stopped killing human Innocence in having killed enough..? and has turned its focus and energies to restoring this planet instead of destroying it...

I suppose I must wait till you’ve had all your fun wars, and have cleaned-up, before I can build you these new toys... If I had the lab ten years ago.. today I would be flying my floating car along the whole perimeter of South America, at velocities from zero to 1200 m’s per h... Sometimes hovering in the canopy, tossing and handing monkeys cashews strawberries and bits of fresh banana.. and into the matriarch’s hand, her majesty a nice cool beer with the cap off... And ask her if she wishes to go for a little ride where she has never seen, to strengthen her matriarchal stance in the troop....
Or hover above a friendly panther, whilst lowering a quart of chilled 10% cream down to her majesty, a majestic prime panther, my friend... And maybe take the chance to push it to slowly spilling milk into my cupped hand held steady where she can lap it up from my hand, with her neck in the most optimum comfortable sympathetic position for drinking... pushing it to where we are greeting each other by closing our eyes while we are gently touching forehead to forehead, feeling the very ends of every one of our hairs touching hairs...

I tried to get it to do it with cougars, and with an adult she-griz.. but a bit into to it, the critters made it perfectly clear that it would be too over the line for them, given their lack of intellect within a powerful instinct, with their present prime directive being to eat meat... They indicated that “being that close, I’m meat only”...
But it doesn’t stop me.. I intends to break that barrier.. I still wants to meet a wild panther, and touch heads eyes closed, to 2 x 4 feel the love we are, at panther levels.....

Me thinks if it worked, I’d probably “have an erection that won’t quit for a whole month”...
Who would try to steal it, because they want one too..? Take viagra if the tool is broken...
Is “viagra OD saturation” why you seek pain only..? What does your viagra/coke combo do inside your body..? Is it melting your brain?.. Does coke and viagra soaked make good leaders and fathers, out of parasites..?
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Re: In everything I do ....

Post by DonaldJ »

I was invited to take a spot at a Toronto psychic fare..
I needed a product.. I wrote a booklet, and built 400 sensitive pendulums on chains.. and made $1700 that weekend...

In the middle of the weekend.. I'm strolling around the fare, getting a feel for each spot.. when I sees a delicate warrior lady, stretching and contorting in trying to ease her stiff neck & shoulders... I approaches like I am approaching absolute royalty.. "Your majesty.. I have hands-on healing abilities.. I would give you a shoulder and neck massage in trade for one of your aura-readings"..

Whilst I was massaging and healing her neck and shoulders.. and she's rushing like a waterfalls.. jumps up, swipes everything off her display table.. glints her eyes a diamond-sapphire flash.. and says in Woman's softest voice, "would you please do my back sir".. Rips her bra off from under her blouse, sets her jacket down, and bares her goddess' back...

Massaging each muscle like I'm pretending each is a living little pet.. she did a weird transformation in her mental-self.. It felt like "the begins of a spiritual-absolute in 2-spirits occupying the same space... As I caressed she created a very weird barely visible shell around us.. I broke my right touch maintaining the left, to reach out 4-feet, to stick my hand through the weird aura-shell I was seeing her wrap us in...

What was she doing..?

What was that..?

Her huge boyfriend stepped-in out from the crowd.. seized the moment for his, after I had wound her up.. Seemed he was ready to fight to the death over her.. All I wanted was my free aura-reading.. Got that.. The rest was gravy, "flavoured with gold and diamond dust as salt and pepper", in having had the extremely rare o life-experience "touching a goddess"... It something that doesn't happen everyday.. "worth a billion dollars in the pocket".. One of Life's greatest gifts, to be permitted to touch Life's best...

Something of it seems it could have gone all the way to us just a going for it right there on the table, in front of a high level audience.. as to be their absolute entertainment-experience.. because I think she was so much into "being there & going for it", that she would have been operating solo in her world and universe... makes me wonder how far would we have been & seen in orgasming together, in having been one in the flesh too..? "at the ceiling", and "purple-planet" would have been left far-behind in our vapour-trail...
The other wonder was, "Does she eat her lovers like black-widows do?".. Or does it get worse & maybe best, the stronger the witch..?
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Re: In everything I do ....

Post by guest_of_logic »

DonaldJ, from my perspective you're welcome here - I was sorry that your GF persona back in late 2010 lasted so briefly. I like that you bring a perspective and facts on reality that would otherwise never get discussed here. I especially like your "respect for all life" philosophy and your recognition of the sacred in even the smallest of insects. For the same reason, I've been vegetarian since 1990; vegan from last year - next I'd like to go fruitarian to avoid harm to plants; another reason is that, as I understand it, the modern mechanised farming of some plant foods, especially grains such as wheat, involves the poisoning of mice and/or the incidental/accidental deaths of small creatures in harvester blades.

Like you and Kunga, I try to guide insects out of my home when I notice them trapped - normally I use a jar but occasionally I can get a wasp to walk onto my outstretched finger without stinging me; I've had no luck trying this with flies though (even if they walk on, they fly off before I get the chance to take them outside). I've also had no experience with animal telepathy as yet, but I'm open to the possibility.

Always interested to hear your stories. Stick around.
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Re: In everything I do ....

Post by Cahoot »

DonaldJ wrote:You pretend “geniuses” grab a chunk of a deceased thinker’s works.. and try with your all to understand it.. You don’t because you can’t, so you push it ahead of you like a flag, pretending that’s how strong your mind is.. but have you ever actually had an original thought on your own..? besides just complex baseless unstructured opinions...
Reminds me of a story.


My reading of his materials showed me that he was tuned in on some of the greatest truths in the world that have ever been enunciated by some of the highest beings. He was experiencing these directly, but he was caught in a feeling that this was happening only to him. In other words, he had taken an ego with him into this other state of consciousness and he was experiencing it as unique to himself. And, therefore, he got into a messy predicament of saying, "I've been given this, and you haven't," you see. As we decided to share time and space, he noted that everything he said on this level I understood, and we could talk at this level together, although the psychiatrist sitting in the room was having a very difficult time dealing with this visitor who was obviously crazier than the patient, you know. And my brother often said to me, "I don't know," he says, "I'm a lawyer, I'm decent citizen, I've got a tie and a jacket, and I go to church, and I'm a good person, and I read the Bible. Me they've got in a metal hospital; you, you walk barefoot, you've got a beard, you've got a funny name, you really wear ... you, you're out, free. How do you explain that?" And I say, "Well, I'll show you how." I said, "Do you think you're Christ? The Christ in pure consciousness?" He says, "Yes." I say, "Well, I think I am too." And he looks at me and he says, "No, you don't understand." I say, "That's why they lock you up," you see. Because the minute you tell somebody else they're not Christ, they lock you up. The minute you say, "I am and you're not," then you gotta go. It's very clear. That's the way the game is played. As far as I'm concerned, we're all God. Here we all are. Now I don't go around forcing you to say "You are God, aren't you?" Because you only come to somebody else when you are caught in an ego drama, when you are caught having to "do" something. I said to him, "If you didn't have to do anything to anybody else, nobody would put you away." The funny play ... the reason they put him away, which was just so cosmically humorous, was that my father, a Republican, conservative, came into my bother's apartment and found him sitting there naked, surrounded by five or six elderly ladies who were worshiping him. And he was sitting there burning his money and his credit cards. In a Jewish middle-class family you can do everything, but you don't burn the money, I'll tell you ... so that anybody could see that he was obviously crazy.

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Re: In everything I do ....

Post by DonaldJ »

There's a lot in the two above posts, that I needs to respond to.. and I will, at may leisure...

For now I feel the need to mention that I WAS NOT GIVEN ANYTHING!.. Take those caps as a loud "yell"...
When I was 3-months old I was molested by a nutcase catholic priest.. I download the contents of his mind in defending myself from evil.. I tossed him across the room, into slamming into a bookshelf, and falling to the floor in the rubble... When I was 16 I severed my spinal cord between the shoulders, and managed to do the required mind to get my severed spinal cord reattached, but 15-deportees rotated at the breaksite.. I walked into a hospital on a whim, and tapped on a door, where a researcher was doing illegitimate radioactive isotope research.. He welcomed me into his lab, and hummed and hah'ed a little, then says "I don't know how you managed to find me, but since you are here now, and I am here now, and I am see something great in you that I can't even begin to fathom nor explain, I have no option but to teach you my trade.. He taught me about nuclear physics... I walked into the university of UWO, and straight into the office of the dean of chemistry, with a list of chemicals I needed.. In a month he gave me a letter that opened chemistry department chemical stores for me for anything I asked for... He introduced me to the resident glass-blower, who made every bit of glass apparatus I asked for, and taught me glass-blowing... I moved onto the lapidary labs, and the same happened... I walked around the chemistry building poking my nose into every lab.. They all took me under their wings to teach me what they knew, and to answer all my questions.. I started studying the forth year experiments, and offered suggestions to help them through problems.. and then I was 17...
I sees the next three evolutions of sister periodic tables of the new elements I knows how to create...

Point is.. I was never ever "given" anything.. I went for it, getting it all on my own... I did me, nothing else did me... I am me only.. I am Don only... All these thoughts I've relayed originated from my own mind... I am solo in the universe.. I'm bored of this world's pettiness and mindlessness.. I'm here seeking minds who have a slight grasp of some reality, to find a few good people with whom I can have a little conversation with, without them trying to feed on me, and destroy me...

I will assemble a little series of vile posts I got from the last ah who vomited upon me in a computer forum, for you to see the psychotic reaction I get in trying to help humanity out of its precious hell... I have everything for you.. Seems you have nothing for me that I need... I'm hoping that be different here, but I doubt it...
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Re: In everything I do ....

Post by guest_of_logic »

I don't know how good the grasp on reality of us collectively at GF is, but I at least have no desire to feed on you and destroy you, and might even be able to manage some conversation. Your saying that you have "everything" offers hope: we need planetary solutions right now, to our energy and climate crises, and to the problems of poverty, warfare and starvation, and that's just for a start. I'm not sure what it is that you need that you suspect we can't provide you with, but perhaps you'll find it here. Just beware that the founding philosophy of this forum (I don't subscribe to that philosophy myself) is in many ways unreceptive to your philosophy and world-view, so you might experience some difficulties. Hopefully that doesn't drive you off.
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Re: In everything I do ....

Post by DonaldJ »

It's all posted in the places I posted all over the Internet.. I did that done.. I wasted ten years doing it for humanity.. I wasted my whole life on this mindless extinct species, trying to wake them up to a little reality...
That god-damned pig is making this chip ring in my ear to torture me to prevent me from helping humanity.. Me thinks Hell has a claw into my life, and/or "sucker-tube, in vampiricly feeding off my essence before I can employ it to build all these new high-tech toys for humanity, to have all humanity living the life of avarice, in perfect balance and symbiosis with the planet and with all life... Maybe he fears new and change so much that he feels the need to murder one who hosts a little angel, believing "if he pull the ceiling down he will touch it and own it".. being humanity's greatest sin, its greatest insanity... I wish that crazy pig would go to hell today...

When I die, I shake you all off of me.. I don't want crazies with me.. it would spoil the ride, covered in your shit..
Everything hum,ans touch they turn into shit...
If you don't wake up to absolute love you go to hell.. end of story! GET IT &/or fuckoff!..


I have 75 extremely ugly evil posts that were posted to me.. I'd like to show you what it's like dealing with the general masses... Is there a place in this forum where I can post their excrement, where it doesn't stink up the rest of the forum..? And we'll study it, and determine the steps required down into their hell, so they can easily walk out of hell.. if I survive these pigs trying to murder me slowly, legally... The asshole just made the chip ring very loud.. I sense the slow increasing volumn.. and the accompanying migraine.. I sees him jerking his dick in his chair, giggling with glee, in torturing his favourite victim... I thinks that evil pig-guy is a real "devil".. as real as it gets... I wonders how many people he has hurt, and how many lives and families he has destroyed, in getting his rocks off causing pain, because he believes his job is to cause pain... Humanity's second worst sin & insanity... He's using me to pull him out of hell at my expense... Isn't that illegal..? I'm gonna enjoy watching his spirit approach heaven one day, and touch hell, and burst into a flash and sparks... He wastes his life doing evil.. He wastes his spirit doing evil.. He is trying to pull others down with him, in demanding help oink of his own delusion... He doesn't have the balls to say, "help me".. He steals everything he needs...


I hopes everyone here can handle that post, without feeling the need to shit in my face... You need to learn that the teacher is not your toilet!.. Humanity seriously needs "4-D potty training"... And if you wash your hands after every poopoo, you won't be eating it and smearing it all over the public domain like you do.. but there are those who enjoy spreading their shit around, like the old guy I watched touching and rubbing every lettuce in the grocery store's lettuce rack.. He was smearing the shit on his hands onto every lettuce, and rubbing it into the leaves, about 5-seconds per lettuce... Why?, I don't know.. I didn't want to get that close to him to see his why.. Me thinks being that close to him would be like "swimming in a rural sewage pond"...

I posted two previews, and now the asshole has the chip ringing loudly, making my teeth sting, my nose feel bleeding, and a strong migraine, and both ears ringing.. Is this torture legal in your world..? Would someone please contact the Hage on my behalf... Those asshole cops are murdering me... These chips cause cancer...
This is like "sadam and his fun electric-prisons"... It feels like it's hell pulling me down, and eating me... Those kooks should see shrinks.. and the world should disband its police forces, to quell the evil that is tormenting humanity, and dragging humanity down into their demon-hell house of pain & pian...
Seems their jobs make them need to be bullies to enforce this insane democracy's bs life-stifling love-stifling parasitic laws designed to make everyone be the same, all packed into the same fucking sardine can.. but now a few of the psychotics believe that their job is to cause pain only, in implementing and enforcing their own personal new laws, to force us to live like they do in hell... "robots".. humanity's third worst mental disease...


I have 75 extremely ugly evil posts that were posted to me.. I'd like to show you what it's like dealing with the general masses... Is there a place in this forum where I can post their excrement, where it doesn't stink up the rest of the forum..? Call it "The Toilet" or "The CessPool" or "The chalice of life"... LOL! oh wheres that large laughing smilie when I needs it..?
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Re: In everything I do ....

Post by David Quinn »

guest_of_logic wrote: Just beware that the founding philosophy of this forum (I don't subscribe to that philosophy myself) is in many ways unreceptive to your philosophy and world-view, so you might experience some difficulties. Hopefully that doesn't drive you off.
To me, he sounds like someone trapped in hell. Perhaps one has to be trapped in hell oneself to appreciate him. As for me, I get nothing out of him.

If he does leave this place, it will be his own demons that will be driving him.

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Re: In everything I do ....

Post by DonaldJ »

Actually it be your mass hell I'm trying to make you aware of, given that you are born into it, and don't know any different, in having been born into Slavery... You are a food source, and don't even know it.. You even defend being a food source, all the ways you have been conditioned to defend the mass global insanities...
If you could see the hell you are mired-in, you would cry, and maybe even suicide if you saw what's feeding on you... You are like "a great global soup"... mindless-ones are like "the frog that fell into the soup, and just barely made it to the rim, to slip and fall back into the scalding stew"...

I made a tiny piece of "heaven" here on this street, but too quickly it turned out to be surrounded by "hell"...
one minute last year, I drove up my driveway, but caught a strange deep warning of a present danger, so I parked near the road, and dove into the 4th & 5th, and looked around my home with a strong scan.. As I was checking out the crawlspace under the house I noticed movement, of an absolute black figure, like a small man, but all absolute black, located directly under my computer desk chair, trying to hide from my scan by crouching down as small as it could make itself be, like a spider trying to hide from danger... Immediately I employed a mental-hand to seize the thing, and with another hand I ripped its breastbone out.. It splashed a sudden barrage of varied shaped black spheres of a black liquid tinged with about 5 to 10% red in each droplet... Probably our blood that it was feeding upon... I'm bets that each house in this neighbourhood has one or more of those vile black bloodsucking demon parasites in its basement.. My house is clean now..
The elderlies who used to live in these houses, all died way too early, and way too horribly.. Probably one of the occupants in one of the houses on this street is a vampire, or zombie, or worse.. probably some kind of life-essence eater demon..? I'm trapped in your hell... It's all around, and everywhere.. Can't you see how government is dismantling our quality of LIfe, and is selling it back to us in tiny bits, because the bigshot parasites have run out of product..?

Everything most of you critters do, you turn goodness and life into excrement.. a kind of a generalization to the mindless masses who are carelessly blindly destroying this planet's life support systems faster than it can heal... If you take it in anyway personal, then it's you as much as you take it personal...
Ask yourself: What do you do for the planet..?
What do you do to help Life..?
What is it that you are doing the hurts Life..? Don't tell me.. I really don't want to know.. keep it to yourself.. I just ate, and don't want it involuntarily coming back up...
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Re: In everything I do ....

Post by Kunga »

DonaldJ wrote:I just ate
What did you eat ?
I'm a foodie :)
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Re: In everything I do ....

Post by guest_of_logic »

David Quinn wrote:To me, he sounds like someone trapped in hell. Perhaps one has to be trapped in hell oneself to appreciate him. As for me, I get nothing out of him.
It could also be because you are so concerned with ultimate abstractions that you forget the relevance of specifics. Specifics like the spiritual (by that word's usual definition) condition and capacities of the human being, and its susceptibility to undesirable influences, are, to me, vastly more relevant than abstractions like "A=A" and "every thing is caused".

Perhaps, though, I appreciate Donald more because I've had some similar experiences, so I can attest to the reality of the sorts of things he speaks about. A little reading has shown me that some other people also experience these things, and that some of them even have conceptual maps of this territory.


I'm not sure where you could post those negative posts. David or Dan would be the ones to ask about that as they are the active admins here. I know it can get cruel in online forums, though, especially towards someone who says unusual things. You can take heart that David has indicated that he doesn't plan on asking you to leave here.
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Re: In everything I do ....

Post by DonaldJ »

"I'm not sure where you could post those negative posts. David or Dan would be the ones to ask about that as they are the active admins here. I know it can get cruel in online forums, though, especially towards someone who says unusual things." and too much truth for the mindless to handle, who just can't handle the truth...


This collection of vile flaming-posts clearly indicate the bottom barrel mentality of the general masses, who by the way have the vote.. I sometimes wonder if they aren't the product of "egg and sperm", but "spore and egg"..?
Simply start another subforum, add the posts, chat about it till we get on the same track, then delete (flush-out) the crap posts, given that we've all seen and felt this kind of cruelty on the Net.. Every time I post in my occultrush blog, there's one mindless asshole who PM's me, mostly complaining about my spelling, and more... There's a lot to be determined from assessing those posts.. maybe even a cure to humanity's insanity..? I would label the subforum "The Chalice (or toilet) of Life".. "Chalice" for the fact that the culture's mass-insanity has the masses born into slavery, and conditioned in a little "godly cup", full of nothing but guided delusion...
Someone made a forum based on such posts..
I suspect the forum owner is "Michael Blake Reed & and his talking evergreen trees".. "varoooP!".. (you had to be there)...
Checkout "flamewarriors" and some of my old posts as "cosmicbrat" & "CB".. Seems I was too much for them.. They asked for flame..
I gave them more fire than they could handle.. They all went running screaming and sobbing to their mummies... I do so enjoy a good flamewar.. I never lose... Two or three opponents actually suicided, from our silly flamewars.. I have the proverbial "sword"... I wish I could figure how to use it to slice a tank in-two... I figured out a way to capture an attacking bully's mental point, and convert it into a sword, and deflect it back at them to direct their evil to them as they would do to me... I suspect that those who are abusing and torturing me are doing it from orders of one who attacked me with his diaper-class mind in believing he was killing with his mind.. I sent his evil right back at him, with a branding tethering to his proverbial hell.. It will be enjoyable to watch his spirit try to touch heaven a couple seconds after he expires... I sometimes hear freshly displaced spirits calling out into the universe for their gods to help them.. Sometimes I get there fast enough to watch them burn and disintegrate... I've seen displaced spirits.. They look like two pyramids connected base to base, and expanding at a rate of about 10% per second.. till they are nothing... I gently captured one when it was about 7-feet across, ten feet from me.. It was a fantastic learning experience...
I saw a six foot intact one hiding beside a bush near an Alberta highway... It wasn't expanding.. I supposed it was a "ghost"..?
When I see them close-up, my tear ducts empty, and dry heave.. Not fun!... I don't know why my tear ducts empty then..? It's the most horrid feeling a man can experience, akin to having ones nuts dry heave... I can sense displaced spirits from about half a mile away.. Why, I don't know..? I sometimes see people as skeletons minutes before they are to die.. I once saw a muscle car screaming down the highway at about 150 m's per h, with four animate skeletons in it.. A minute later I heard the crash around the bend.. A witness said "the car and truck were so into each other that you couldn't tell it was a car or truck, just a big blob of twisted metal".. I remember the sudden sounds of ripping screeching scraping metal, from a mile or two away, and something else that I still can't even begin to define...
Two years ago, I caught drift that a very conscious rancher saw me as a skeleton.. He was so freaked that he jiggled his pickup on the highway into the gravel a bit, and hurriedly U-turned to get behind me to see the show.. Just before the highway intersection, I pulled over onto the gravel, and parked.. He passed me slowly.. Just then a car came shooting through the stop sign at 60 m's per h, missing him by about a foot.. missing me by 150-feet... Being conscious and alert is the ego keeping me alive... Christianity teaches to "destroy the ego"... What's that tell you..?
Last edited by DonaldJ on Fri Mar 16, 2012 10:55 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: In everything I do ....

Post by DonaldJ »

"What did you eat ?
I'm a foodie :)"


I'm not sure about "foodle".. A chef might slice it into thin slices, and fry it in plum sauce with chopped onion, and a hint of garlic, pepper, and salt..? Set some foodle down on a lawn in this neighborhood, and I bets it wouldn't be there in the morning.. The drooling life-sucking blood-sucking demon monsters on this street would have likely devoured it raw and kicking at the stroke of midnight...
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Dan Rowden
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Re: In everything I do ....

Post by Dan Rowden »

Out of curiosity, Donald, how old are you? Sometimes you seem quite young, other times like you've been around quite a while...
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Re: In everything I do ....

Post by DonaldJ »

65 going on 18..

May I brag a bit..?
I don't look my age, nor feel it.. I loves it when 18 year old babes hit on me uptown.. Me thinks it's my tight little arian butt..?
If a babe comments on my ass, I turns to aim it at her, and pulls my belt out, saying "seeing is just seeing, butt touching is fun, touch if you wish, your majesty.. I have only had two takers who stuck her hand in to squeeze my butt.. They act like they are doing something extremely illegal and immoral.. I wish there were more, but this insane culture's laws stifle and prevent honest happy life...
There is such a thing as "young spirit".. You can maintain your youth to a hundred with it.. Just ask the Okinawans...
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David Quinn
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Re: In everything I do ....

Post by David Quinn »

guest_of_logic wrote:
David Quinn wrote:To me, he sounds like someone trapped in hell. Perhaps one has to be trapped in hell oneself to appreciate him. As for me, I get nothing out of him.
It could also be because you are so concerned with ultimate abstractions that you forget the relevance of specifics.

Or perhaps you get too lost in the specifics ....

Specifics like the spiritual (by that word's usual definition) condition and capacities of the human being, and its susceptibility to undesirable influences, are, to me, vastly more relevant than abstractions like "A=A" and "every thing is caused".
There is nothing abstract about what those abstractions point to!

Moreover, the things that Donald and you fight seem like mirages to me.
