Palestine: from the fall of the Ottomans to Today

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Re: Palestine: from the fall of the Ottomans to Today

Post by Unidian »

This is an abominable use of 'reasoning' skills, Dan. Is this only a joke? Like it or not, Jews have been 'a nation' and a people unified by an Idea, for a long, long time.
What is that idea?

It sure ain't Judaism.
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Israel makes meeting another Arab a crime

Post by Tomas »


Israel makes meeting another Arab a crime

"Vague" law used to lock up activists

A vague security offence of "contact with a foreign agent" is being used by Israel's secret police, the Shin Bet,
to lock up Arab political activists in Israel without evidence that a crime has been committed

"Israel wants to make us invisible" >>
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The New Turkey / Russia Axis

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The New Turkey / Russia Axis

The new Ottomans and the new Byzantines are poised for an intercept as the US stumbles in the current Great Game

Whatever the truth lies >>
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Re: Palestine: from the fall of the Ottomans to Today

Post by Leyla Shen »

I DECLARE the Biblical KINGS officially in CHECK.....
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Re: Palestine: from the fall of the Ottomans to Today

Post by Tomas »


The United Nations votes on Palestinian Statehood later this month.

What are the odds considering Turkey, and now, Egypt are going viral...
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Re: Palestine: from the fall of the Ottomans to Today

Post by Leyla Shen »

168 years ago in a pre-WW1 monarchical/imperial Germany (allied in WW1 with the Ottoman Empire) grappling theoretically with the popular momentum of revolution and wars of independence sparked by France and America based on the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, Marx posed the yet unanswered, quintessential political question: does the standpoint of POLITICAL emancipation give the right to demand from the Jew the abolition of Judaism and from man the abolition of religion? (Marx; On the Jewish Question, 1843.)

The popular notion of the secular nation-state represents exactly that: POLITICAL emancipation. It is the idea that the citizen and the civilian can co-exist without contradiction in a single individual. The idea that a man can be freed religiously as a citizen (an atheist in the abstract), a political man, yet remain religious in his every day, real existence as a civilian.


Hence, my answer is, "Yes! The standpoint of POLITICAL emancipation DOES give the right to demand from the Jew the abolition of Judaism and from man the abolition of religion; and with it, the abolition of the nation-state itself!"

So, Tomas, what you are asking me here is this: do I think Christians, Jews and Muslims (the "citizens" of the world) are going to emancipate themselves from their alter-egos any time soon?

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Re: Palestine: from the fall of the Ottomans to Today

Post by Blair »

Bloody Jews! Founder and Destroyer.

Who said the human couldn't be poetic?
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Re: Palestine: from the fall of the Ottomans to Today

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:) Every dog has his day, eh...?
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Re: Palestine: from the fall of the Ottomans to Today

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The world is your oyster, Civilian...
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Re: Palestine: from the fall of the Ottomans to Today

Post by Gremln »

“America’s commitment and my commitment to Israel and Israel’s security is unshakable.”
-Barack Obama

Obama is probably going to send young American males overseas to die in Iran for Israel pretty soon ... even though the Israelis shouldn't be on that land anyway.

This is what Iran looks like.

Iran is a beautiful country where people know the difference between men and women. The Americans need to wake up and demand their money back from the Zionists.

Americans need to learn about women from "third world" countries more. I learn about those countries from this subreddit.

I'm just glad that people from the third world are flooding into Western Civilization from their countries. Western civilization was beautiful back in ancient Athens but it is now a feminist nightmare and only the third world immigrants can save it now.
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Re: Palestine: from the fall of the Ottomans to Today

Post by Unidian »

Here's the truth, guys. Israel is a fake state propped up by the countries who the ZIonists own - and that's pretty much all of them. USA and UK are primary players, but pretty much every first world nation must accept Zionist rule or they simply aren't a first-world nation. It's not PC, but them's the facts. Israel is a fake state awarded to Lord Rothschild in the Balfour Declaration, and ever since the official establishment of the Zionist state, they have behaved as badly as the Nazis who persecuted them. Zionists are guilty of worldwide financial plunder and really have no excuse whatsoever for themselves.

Now, in the eyes of the world, these statements will obviously make me "anti-Semitic." I could have said 1/10 of that and still gotten plastered with the dreaded label. Anti-Semetic is uncool! But how can I be "anti-Semitic" when I know that most modern people who identify as Jewish are not even of actual Semetic origin? (Google it) And even if they were, how could it be "insulting" to assert that they are the most successful people in the world (at least according to worldly materialistic standards)? I'm not entirely sure who gets "insulted" by being told they have the highest average IQs and dominate every field of business, media, government, and finance. They are our owners (literally, through the Fed), and we are the United States of Israel.

Come on, if you haven't already, get it off your chest. We all hate Zionism and the apartheid state of Israel, at least if we're paying attention.
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Re: Palestine: from the fall of the Ottomans to Today

Post by Unidian »

Fact is, other than Israelites, nobody likes Zionism or Israel (other than the rich elites who profit from it).

Pretty much everybody who is non-Zionist is wise to the wicked ways of that apatheid state, including some Jews:

And there are many more. Maximum number of links allowed here is 3, and I could probably produce 20. I haven't even mentioned the True Torah Jews yet.

Israel is yet another colonialist disaster, much like the USA, which was also founded on stolen land and genocide. No wonder we love Israel so much.
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Re: Palestine: from the fall of the Ottomans to Today

Post by Unidian »

Also, I just want to agree with thosed who have pointed out that Judaism is a religion, not a "race." I'm really sick of being called "racist" for criticizing Israel and/or Zionism, although at the same time, I'm also pretty used to it by now. Happens just about every time. "Nat's a racist!!!!" Apparently our (Zionist) media has suceeded in convincing us that (allegedly) Jewish descent is a "race," and that those who criticize Israel or Zionism are "racists."

ALL this while Americans continue to operate one of the most racist states in the world, subjecting the aboriginal people to living conditions that are worse than third-world, while we pat ourserlves on the back for our progressive anti-racism. I think the situation may be similar in Austrailia.
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Re: Palestine: from the fall of the Ottomans to Today

Post by Dan Rowden »

The situation is probably worse here. The problem really lies in what to do with a culture that has been usurped and can't really survive in its original state. Even the indigenous themselves can't agree on solutions.
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Re: Palestine: from the fall of the Ottomans to Today

Post by Unidian »

Yeah, sometimes once you spill the milk, it doesn't go back in the bucket. Our indigenous also seem to have a hard time agreeing on what should be done to improve their conditions.
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Re: Palestine: from the fall of the Ottomans to Today

Post by Leyla Shen »

That’s the problem stated as an object of contemporary political economy, Dan. They weren’t usurped; they were superseded by a society which subjected the greater mass of its constituents to autonomic units of labour where, rather than being the practical bond between them, anything “cultural” became a matter of private interest and practice within the greater productive whole; a society which offered a much more efficient human breeding program encompassing general improvements in everything from material ownership to medical science.

Some years earlier, I found Nietzsche to be too poetic, too “prophetic” to have given him any more than a cursory glance. He wasn’t what I was looking for, so to speak. And then, after engaging with the hearts and minds of many people identifying as socialist and/or communist (and some who didn’t identify as such, but qualified by definition and in practice), I came across a few quotes from Nietzsche and lo and behold! Suddenly, Nietzsche held a whole new, concrete meaning. He really was a true prophet—a materialist one.

Man is yet indeed a herd animal. And if Nietzsche is the philosopher, then Marx is the man who, committing his life activity to it, tried to put him into practice.
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Re: Palestine: from the fall of the Ottomans to Today

Post by Diebert van Rhijn »

The Gatekeepers is a recent documentary that tells the story of the Israeli Shin Bet by extensively interviewing six former heads of Israel’s internal security service.

Topics of interest are among others "collateral damage, the efficacy of torture, and the morality of targeted assassination". The documentary might form an interesting document in a story were facts are sometimes hard to agree on in the media. It has ruffled quite some feathers so far! The interesting element is the clear desire with all six former heads for negotiation with there former foes and they share the worry of last chances slipping away and that the course of their nation is taking a turn for the worst by continuing failing policies. It's a rare glimpse inside the heads of some of the actors who were briefly part of the very center of this continuing drama.
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Re: Palestine: from the fall of the Ottomans to Today

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I will check it out. Sounds interesting!
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Re: Palestine: from the fall of the Ottomans to Today

Post by guest_of_logic »

Leyla Shen wrote:They weren’t usurped; they were superseded by a society which subjected the greater mass of its constituents to autonomic units of labour where, rather than being the practical bond between them, anything “cultural” became a matter of private interest and practice within the greater productive whole; a society which offered a much more efficient human breeding program encompassing general improvements in everything from material ownership to medical science.
Forgive my dullness, Leyla, but I can't work out whether you're representing this "superseding" as beneficial, as the word itself implies, or as detrimental, as might be understood from your description of the superseding society.

From my perspective, it's an ongoing injustice, tragedy and shame. Animal rights aside, it is, I believe, the most pressing moral issue in our country.
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Re: Palestine: from the fall of the Ottomans to Today

Post by Leyla Shen »

That’s a broad question, and the reply very much depends on the contextual parameters, of course.

Nevertheless, in the rather general context in which I made the statement, it’s both.

For every solution, another new problem (or set of problems) is created. This constitutes my definition of “progress”.

Marx’s idea of internal, systemic “contradictions”—thesis-antithesis-synthesis dialectics.

“It” only becomes a problem when “it” no longer meets the needs of society; when it begins to be destructive in the most practical sense.
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Re: Palestine: from the fall of the Ottomans to Today

Post by guest_of_logic »

Thanks, Leyla, for your answer.
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Re: Palestine: from the fall of the Ottomans to Today

Post by Diebert van Rhijn »

The last of the Semites is an interesting opinion piece with a solid historical basis which shows how the antisemitic can be defined as actively applying or supporting policies to uproot Semites from their homelands because of a belief that they would belong somewhere else. A tragic irony!
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Re: Palestine: from the fall of the Ottomans to Today

Post by Leyla Shen »

Indeed. They LOVE anything with fucked up thinking (A=A and its correlates? What's that...):
Along with the concept of belonging to the Zionist project to colonize Palestine by virtue of some biological imperative also came the insistence that a “good Jew,” a “good Zionist,” should live in Israel, or at least support the Zionist project from other countries, if necessary. In the minimum, this could be accomplished by Jewish children everywhere dropping coins into JNF blue boxes to contribute to the colonization effort.

In the legal dimension, Israel’s World Zionist Organization–Jewish Agency (Status) Law (1952), whose importance is discussed below, specifies that Israel is the state of the “Jewish people” and provides:

"The mission of gathering in the exiles, which is the central task of the State of Israel and the Zionist Movement in our days, requires constant efforts by the Jewish people in the Diaspora; the State of Israel, therefore, expects the cooperation of all Jews, as individuals and groups, in building up the State and assisting the immigration to it of the masses of the people, and regards the unity of all sections of Jewry as necessary for this purpose."
The Consequences of Conflating Religion, Race, Nationality and Citizenship
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Re: Palestine: from the fall of the Ottomans to Today

Post by Tomas »

Diebert van Rhijn wrote:The last of the Semites is an interesting opinion piece with a solid historical basis which shows how the antisemitic can be defined as actively applying or supporting policies to uproot Semites from their homelands because of a belief that they would belong somewhere else. A tragic irony!
AL Jazeera removed the article.

Did you make a copy?
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Re: Palestine: from the fall of the Ottomans to Today

Post by Diebert van Rhijn »

Tomas, if you'd have clicked, you should have arrived at the Editor's blog and noticed it was re-instated here.