You wanted examples where I said I was sorry without blaming you.... here are a few recent ones: Why I should I even bother proving this to you? You have access to this information in your own email to seek the truth of your own biases, but instead refuse to look and reflect on what it is you do.
I'd like to say thank you for everything you did last night and the help that you have been providing me.
Thank you.
I'd also like to say sorry, for my spazzing. It sucks and makes me sad, and it's never what I wanted to do or have happen.
To think of how relaxing these days were meant to be for us both and how I made them into living hell for everyone involved, including Teal who came from out of town, makes me want to hate myself a lot, but I'm trying to be productive.
All I can think is, it's February, which means nothing, I know, but it can mean, let it go.
Start new and keep the focus on not being angry and when I want to get angry don't get angry but instead find empathy and compassion and spend the time trying to figure out why I felt anger for myself instead of trying to tell someone else something or prove something else to anyone. I think at this point I need my entire being to concentrate on taking care of myself and monitoring myself until I can reach an understanding or let some things go.
I'm sorry that I have said and done so many horrible things to you. It is true, that you are still trying to be by my side, even if I am having these problems that I am. Thanks for all your hard effort and thanks for remaining calm as much as you do.
Hey Ryan,
Thank you for your patience. I know you were at times and I know that you eventually aren't any longer. I shouldn't require that you continually be patient either and I get that. As I lay there this morning I just kept thinking that it's all transitory. Why do I get so upset? This too shall pass, us arguing, my day at work with no sleep today feeling ill, the night with Ashley all tired, even if you are in a bad mood and not being nice. There are parts of those that will even be enjoyable and even the enjoyable moments like laying there in your arms this morning while thinking about these things, will pass. It kinda really helps with the not getting so upset about things that are upsetting as it changes them to enduring and learning moments instead of dire moments of distress. Also the flip is that you appreciate the more enjoyable moments as well, because they too will be ending.
Thanks for coffee and for talking to me. I'm sorry that I yelled at you so much and called you names. I'm sorry that I bothered you at work again, I should never talk to you before 8pm, unless it's business orientated. I'm sorry that I hurt you. I'm happy that I didn't hurt myself or break anything, but recognize the need for a different outlook on the situation as this isn't something we should do again. I hope what I have thought on this morning will be something that I can think on again when I have these sky is falling moments.
This one was interesting, made me realize how much further I have digressed in thinking due to our combating. (Sept/10)
I honestly don't think I am capable of handling this anymore. This is what I am trying to say by saying I need to get away from you or I'll end up dead. Not because I think that you are the cause of all my problems, but because you bring them out more (because of our dynamic) and aren't supportive (because of our dynamic) even though you are trying.
I tried to convey this to you last night, but often when I try to convey something to you, you miss what it is I'm trying to say and focus on something else (part of our dynamic). Then what I am trying to say gets lost. Often you end up saying something opposite, which then I then take offense to or question my motives as being false. You sometimes now have been saying I've got your point but I am adding (Tim and I would run into this), which means that I don't feel that you are acknowledging my point before adding yours. This may contribute to why I feel like you never hear/listen to me. I often take offense because I feel like instead of really trying to understand what I am saying or see things through my eyes or trying to be me in your head, you are looking for ways in which to prove I shouldn't be/feel like that instead.
This is not supportive for my growth or life. I am trying not to self-loathe but self-view in a non condemning way in order to be able to objectively view myself. It is exceptionally hard when I feel you are condemning me (because of our dynamic and combative stance). So instead of being able to objectively view myself I end up defending myself. I later can talk about my downfalls and self view with Teal or other people, but not with you as we have this poor dynamic. When I do discuss things with you, I find that it gets changed into other things and that we never really address what it is I'm trying to convey. You often then think that I am incapable of seeing my downfalls, but it is more that I am uncomfortable discussing them with you as usually it ends up being misinterpreted and not understood and me frustrated and unheard. (from my viewpoint - which is all I am trying to discuss with you here) **And on the internet misconstrued**
You seem incapable of understanding my view point. I know this will probably end in you saying it not all my fault (which I'm not saying this is your fault). I am trying to say that I am not strong enough to handle this dynamic any longer and I don't think that you are capable of helping me or being supportive (because of your own issues). We seem to compound each others problems.
Often, as I've said before, there isn't really room for me to be open. If someone is feeling helpless/hopeless or hesitant to bring something up. I don't usually interrupt whatever it is you are saying and often if I do (in the past) you have accused me of being to self focused. I'm not going to interrupt your rant about TYT or Poker to say by the way I'm feeling a lot of despair right now. It's not easy to say no matter what, although Teal and I managed to chuckle about life and how it can be so disparaging at times. It is reinforced by the fact that I know usually it ends up with me not being heard and feeling more disparaged and hopeless. The person I am co-existing with is unable to see anything from my point of view and seems dismiss a lot of things when I am emotional and you assume it to be nonsense.
I think of last September and how I wanted to die then, but never conveyed that to you really. Here I am a year later, still in the same boat. I still feel like we have this huge wall. I feel despair that I am unable to communicate any of my inner or vulnerable side as in the past you have said, I shouldn't need your support or love to be able to get through it. No I shouldn't, you are right, but now I don't believe you care because any time I conveyed that I needed some support over the first 10 months, you told me that I don't need it and denied me it in hopes that it would make me self grow or something. Maybe you just recently developed feelings for me, or whatever the case may be, I do notice you are now telling me you care a lot more. Instead I just feel uncomfortable talking about these things with you and also that you don't care (or incapable of being truly empathetic to me). Now you tell me you love me and that you want to be there for me, but then when I try to tell you difficult things like explaining our dynamic when I cave to you instead of being strong/sure that I have checked my motives and that it is indeed your ego at play, I still will take the blame if pushed enough. Instead of acknowledging my point and seeing what it is I'm trying to say, you add, or I could be wrong about you. See how this seem that you aren't really trying to understand what I am saying but instead trying to defend yourself. I know I can be a bitch and I know that you have reasons when you are upset, even if they aren't fully rational and I can even empathize with that as I can not be fully rational either. I am trying to explain to you why I want to leave and instead of really trying to get in my head space for yourself like you do for pedophiles and others, you just want to add that I could be wrong. Yes, valid (and not unacknowledged)......supportive and empathetic, no.
You talked last night about the dynamic between men and women and how often women end up feeling used as they expect something different after sleeping together. You also mentioned that you had no real intentions for a future with her and that she was an opportunity, someone around, so you were using her. So she did indeed have reason to feel that way, not just your lack of interest in her. I can say I have felt the same, that I have been an opportunity. A lot of your sexual exploits have been. If we hadn't moved in together, this wouldn't have happened. I'm not the love of your life, or someone you would have sought out. I was someone that you had mentally entertained in that way and then lived it out when the opportunity was there. I had protested that we shouldn't do it for those reasons. I was only interested if there was something more. You assured me there was but then set up all these rules, like I can only have sex with you so often and I can't really cuddle or kiss you and stuff and it ruined a lot of the dynamic between us and made me uncomfortable to just act normal around you. Things are getting better now, I feel more comfortable around you at times, but we are also a year later and one tired soul later.
I also feel like me sharing with you that bitchy email with Teal might have been what started the combat dynamics between us. I was really upset with you because of all these rules and regulations you put on me all in the name of being free, instead of just letting it develop and making me uncomfortable to just be me and see if you liked it or not. I really try not to bitch to Teal and I try to be fair in my bitching most of the time and I shared that with you as a gesture of openness and honesty so you could see that side of me existed. Instead you assumed I always do/did this and that that was the way I was and think and started defending yourself to Teal. I think this was where this combat dynamic took hold and when I started to feel I can't be open with you.
Here are some of the things that I have read lately.. have a look over and see why I might be concerned about the dynamic between us and be ready to admit my parts and failings in order to accept responsibility and hopefully move on. I have emotionally, physically and verbally abused you, but I in no way think this is one way. Nor can I solve anything by myself other than by just leaving. There are 2 when tangoing.
What is Emotional Abuse?
Abuse is any behavior that is designed to control and subjugate another human being through the use of fear, humiliation, intimidation, guilt, coercion, manipulation etc. Emotional abuse is any kind of abuse that is emotional rather than physical in nature. It can include anything from verbal abuse and constant criticism to more subtle tactics, such as repeated disapproval or even the refusal to ever be pleased.
Emotional abuse is like brain washing in that it systematically wears away at the victim's self-confidence, sense of self-worth, trust in their own perceptions, and self-concept. Whether it is done by constant berating and belittling, by intimidation, or under the guise of "guidance," "teaching", or "advice," the results are similar. Eventually, the recipient of the abuse loses all sense of self and remnants of personal value. Emotional abuse cuts to the very core of a person, creating scars that may be far deeper and more lasting that physical ones. In fact there is research to this effect. With emotional abuse, the insults, insinuations, criticism and accusations slowly eat away at the victim's self-esteem until she is incapable of judging the situation realistically. She has become so beaten down emotionally that she blames herself for the abuse. Her self-esteem is so low that she clings to the abuser.
Emotional abuse victims can become so convinced that they are worthless that they believe that no one else could want them. They stay in abusive situations because they believe they have nowhere else to go. Their ultimate fear is being all alone."
Please skim through the site, it seems good: (urls removed as per site request)
This is why I said to you that I think we are both involved in this and both abusers and abused. I think the only way to stop this dynamic is to really start looking at what we are doing and being responsible for our own actions. That is what I was trying to talk to you about and it seemed as though you wouldn't even contemplate that as being part of our dynamic coming from you. I fell into utter despair realizing that you weren't willing to accept what was going on and I scratched you somehow when I broke your cigarette. Then you said about me scratching you, so now I am inadvertently physically abusing you and you said I attacked you the other morning too when I didn't which added to my frustration with this. Also recognizing that although I hadn't "attacked" you as many times as you claim, that I still had a few times, which is disparaging in itself as to what it says about my mental state. I then grabbed the kitchen knife and decided if I can't stop hurting you even when I don't mean to and you aren't willing to accept its even happening instead you just still want to blame me, which means that we will never break the cycle. I wanted it to end. I didn't want to hurt you, I just wanted all the pain I felt to go away and for me to go away because I am part of problem. I came close to dying there and instead of it having the effect I thought it might, an appreciation for life, I find I still just feel like shit and dying when I am left alone and start thinking most of the time. Occasionally I have a few minutes of appreciation mixed in there though.
I know I treat myself badly. This doesn't mean that I want you to do the same and it doesn't give anyone the right to treat me unfairly either. I think that part of my problem with you stems from this as well. The cliche, I don't love myself so I don't experience the love of others correctly. I am unable to fully give and receive love, which means that I am always thinking you don't love me. I can see it objectively, most of the time, but often don't feel it or have to remind myself that it's there by thinking about it objectively and dismissing all the thoughts that are contrary. Now that might mean that you don't love me and I have to rationalize that you do as well, but I think this has to do with my self-loathing. Maybe I'm wrong though.
I have thought several times to myself that I "knew" that you loved me before you moved in because of the way you have acted towards me at times. Objectively it looked like that (objectively through my lenses). In reality, I was probably perceiving the behaviours the way I wanted, as love. Not the reality that you were subconsciously controlled by your desire for sex, started casting me and then eventually got comfortable with the idea and moved in and took the opportunity. I know you probably didn't mean any ill intent and that you thought there was a good possibility for us to be alright or something, but you certainly didn't love me and I did you. This may be why I feel more invested. This may be why we had such a harsh beginning. I thought you loved me, you didn't but cared a lot, I could sense the unbalance, I question you on it, you get defensive and think that I am doing the classical girl thing, but not maybe appreciating that I already did love you before we slept together. I just didn't ever really entertain the idea of us being together, at least not for a long time. This rift would probably cause mistrust maybe how we got started on this dynamic. Really just me theorizing about things I saw and from my view point how things seem. You can't change the way you feel either, so I'm not trying to blame you. I do believe you love me now anyways, I just think I although you claim otherwise that we did still have a bunch of delusions at the beginning. I think we had a short honey moon phase, but I think it still happened.
I really think I am codependent (url removed as per site request) with BLP (url removed as per site request)but think that DBT (url removed as per site request) would probably help as you pointed out before and skimming it really reminds me of that book I wanted to get (url removed as per site request). Along with continuing to read and expand my viewpoints I think I might be alright, but it's hard when our dynamic comes across combative for me not to fall into emotional distress. It's not your fault, it's just how unfortunately we have been interacting.
I love you lots, but I think you will probably read this and you will get mad by something I worded poorly so you think it is unfair and miss my blood and guts spewed out for you here. I'm not telling you this to blame you. I'm telling you this so you can understand me and I'm not yelling and what not. I really would like us to accept what is going on and start a new dynamic immediately or for us to part ways. I don't want to hurt you anymore and I don't want to hurt anymore. I understand I will and you will but not to this extent. This is unhealthy and very disruptive to both of our paths.
Please just put yourself in my head, don't condemn yourself or me. I'm trying not to. I just wanted to spill it all out there and not live in fear anymore. Because fear is the mind killer :)
-btw, he got stuck up on the emotional abuse links and spent the entire time discrediting that source instead of understanding what I was trying to say. It made it clear to me then he was incapable of seeing/hearing me and to what extent. I just keep wanting to believe him, so I do, and then I get all upset when we start down this road again. I get angrier and angrier each time I trust and then have it broken, but I should know better by now. How much pain do I need before I grow? It's obvious I identify too much with him and it is causing us both a world of trouble. If I didn't then I wouldn't be so shattered when he appears to be so delusional and lashing out, I just go, well look at that. Interesting. It's him and his problem, I need not make it mine. Sorry Ryan for doing so. I have enough problems I don't need to react to yours.
I didn't respond because:
5 “If your brother or sister[a] sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. 16 But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’[c] 17 If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector."
I figured at this point these forums are as close to a church community as he has. So I will leave him in your hands as he might listen to you.
He clearly isn't capable of seeing or listening to me, so I am leaving him in your hands. As I said, he doesn't listen to what I say, but just keeps attacking my character and deflecting.
I finally came to the point where logically, it was either your ego or you were insane or like it usually is, a blend of both. You were on Genius Forum saying stuff in such a skewed way that they were hardly recognizable. You adding motives and thought processes and some things that just didn't happen. A lot of it projections and when confronted upheld, it is me not you, and continue on with the projections and bashing. So I told him as much...either it's your ego or you are a psychopath or incapable of seeing reality (I understand some differences in view is natural, but his are fairly substantial.) I've also toyed with Aspergers like injury, as he fits a lot of those criteria, but not in a binding way, just a way to understand how to be empathetic and not see him as attacking when he is just struggling. I tried to talk to him about it, but ego got in the way. When confronted with what I was saying he said, it was his ego, he was mad and blowing things out of proportion and negatively skewing things. So I asked him to apologize for his slander. He said something about my stuff being slander too. I really tried to stay out of the defending things and slander. I erased over half of my responses that were purely ego based. If we did this with your responses we wouldn't have much content left. I again erased large portions after writing as they were just defense.
Yes you did apologize and I accepted it even though I still felt not addressed and unheard. Even though you continued to just discredit me as a person instead of see what I was saying, I took the apology as sincere. I accepted that at least you were willing to admit that you were skewing things, that's progress. I questioned the wording as you know full well complimenting someone on being a "wonderful woman" on this forum is actually more of an insult, so I asked. You said you were genuine and I accepted that.
Then Thomas takes a few pokes at you and it reminds your ego to get upset. I apologized when I looked you in the eye and apologized I recognized my downfalls and asked you to encourage/remind me in a loving way when I start to raise my voice so that I can get out of the habit of yelling at you and then we can work on not escalating things together. I was pretty reserved and calm with my dealings last weekend, trying to move pass this as you seemed to indicate it was what you desired as well.
Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears. ~Marcus Aurelius
as copy and pasted from you Ryan.
Then, Thomas, takes a few jabs. What happens, you go back to bashing me and your brother and complaining I didn't apologize because now you feel hurt again. Ego lashing about in a destructive manner. You say I am worse than you for pot, your brother knows nothing because he wacks off and plays video games, much like you did for the majority of your life. I'm sorry that I shared with you your brother's problem with masturbating. Clearly you can't keep a secret either. If you were truly empathetic for people you wouldn't take something shared with you in private and use it to make a point or discredit your brother on-line (where he is not going to be defending himself) when hurt. Where is your empathy for your brother's situation? You know full well, it used to be yours. Why would I share my downfalls, you keep coming on here and using them as weapons when you are angry? That is why I say you are not truly empathetic. You get hurt and the gloves come off and you throw very hurtful assumptions around with no regard for others. I shouldn't be associated with someone who takes other's problems and my feelings so blatantly disrespectful. This is why your brother and sister are not speaking with you right now.
He started yelling at me in the car for not apologizing, yelling about his brother. He later called his brother and yelled at him too. Interestingly enough though, most of his rant was verbatim his responses to Thomas, which probably means, he was covert malicing for awhile and then unloaded when he saw me. He was also discussing it with a co-worker when I showed up to pick him up from work. Then he called his brother and unloaded as I guess the forum wasn't enough. I didn't have to react, I didn't at first, but I lost sight of the big picture. Instead I got stuck in, I believed you were actually sorry, I believed we were moving on, I was looking forward to not fighting. IE, stuck in my own ego and expectations of things going okay for a few days. Instead of accepting that yep, this is what is happening. I did some yelling and screaming and punched him in the back of the head, punched his car a few times and threw the coffee table. All while saying, I can't believe you would do this, I can't believe you are doing this. I lost sight of the fact that I knew what was going on, someone insulted him on the forum and he was taking it out on me. Someone picked a scab and the wrath of Ryan was released.
I tried to tell him his brother didn't call him a psychopath or that other's don't refer to him that way, that is the impression he got from our conversation at 6 am while I was drunk and I said other's think you are psycho kind of off the cuff, it was a generalization. Others think he has some problems and are empathetic towards them, but he refuses to see it or accept it. His brother said that he was always concerned for his lack of genuine remorse in situations for his actions. That is all he said. He often also said, but don't take what I am saying as finite truth, as I am clearly biased, I want you two to break up and I am not currently talking to my brother. He also often said, I can see what Ryan is saying when he complains that you do that because I've been there. Hence actually solidifying that you were someone accurate in conveying a behavior of mine. All you think is that we sat around and talked about how psycho you are and your brother sucked my ass because he is pussy whipped. I've tried several times to tell you different. You won't accept, now you have flamed him and yelled/text fought with him again.
Where is your empathy for this man? Your brother? Whom you are now living in his house, sleeping with his one and only ex-girlfriend and calling him, yelling at him, texting him and verbally bashing him on-line. Do you realize how hard it would be for him to even be objective at all? It must have taken his entirety to not just say, yeah he's a fuck head, stay clear. That's why I cried out of my empathy for him, when I saw how you weren't willing to give him any benefit of the doubt in return and not even willing to take correction when I point out that is not what happened or is not the case. Now look at you on here saying the things you are about him, no wonder he doesn't trust to share things like his masturbation problem with you. If you know you are delusional like you say, how come you can't accept when someone clearly states several times that your assumption is not the case.
"Abulia, Apathy and damage to the Caudate Nucleus, or the Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex and/or the tissues connecting it to the limbic system"
If you are so open about your faults, then how come when challenged you keep going through your cycle. Read through the thread, and look at yourself. Look at how you responded. If this is your problem that you think you have, how come you've never discussed that with me? I've never heard you use those terms or say those things before and I live with you. If you are as easy to admit dellusion as you say, how come you never did throughout all of the challenges placed on you here? How come you say things like "But of course, she is innocent. I am far smarter, and I know enough to figure all this out. That itself secures the beastly influence in its place." Indeed, statements like that do secure the beastly influence in it's place (ego). You are here because you think you are fundementally deluded, just nobody point it out, kk?
I wanted you guys to challenge him, it's okay if he lashes back at home. I shouldn't have trusted that he could do/be different then where he is currently at. He keeps doing it again and again. It's actually kind of sad, but I can also come back and read this when I start to get roped in by my ego and start to forget the reality of my situation. It is what it is, I'm done fighting it and you, Ryan. I'm sorry we can't relate. I'm sorry that I start to believe we can and fall into that trap and then get utterly disappointed and hurt when we don't. All these people that you think are bashing you are not. They actually lovingly just say that you are what you are and it doesn't seem to fit with me very well as evidenced by my freaking out and being angry smashing things. I don't hide from them what I do, you just think I do, maybe because you do.
Even now you think I am trying to write your brother and bitch about you instead of responding to you. We're having a good ole private laugh about you, right? If you were truly sorry, you wouldn't have reverted back to slandering me or your brother when your ego was offended. Your apologies are empty because you keep doing them as you are apologizing. It appears you only apologized because you wanted one back. If that was not the case you probably wouldn't have reverted back, when it didn't happen.
Peace my friends, I will refrain from responding again. Enjoy your forums, I will no longer use them for my personal battles. May the truth set you free, because freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose. ... re=related