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New theories on consciousness

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2019 7:48 am
by SkipRusssell
Hi everyone. I haven't posted here in a long time. I'd like to vent some of the new things I've been thinking about.

The last contact I had in connection with this forum was with Laird. We used to chat online after I made my visit to Australia. I hope the QRS, Diebert, Alex, of course Laird and everyone I used to chat with are happy and well. That period of my life was very enriching and important to me. I clarified my philosophical views and felt I was doing exactly what I was supposed to be doing - wandering around the world soul-searching. I'm happy to vent here temporarily again but have no idea how long I might stay for reasons out of my control.

Since my last posts here I became an English teacher (ESL). I taught in many cities of China and also Mexico. I attempted to finish my philosophy degree in Connecticut but failed out for the fourth time. I had sex with twenty women of all different kinds. I visited almost every major city in the USA. I became a farmer, a financial salesman, a dishwasher. A few other things. I'm now totally and completely homeless, writing from a library in a suburb of Los Angeles.

Let's get some juicer stuff off the table right away. Here is my final codified view on the topic of women as it relates to sexual seduction:

1) Have a big dick
2) Have a very attractive body and/or face
3) Have a lot of money

The more you have of each in that order, the easier it is, and that is all.

As for the nature of reality, I have a theory, and comments are welcome. Here we go:

I suspect that sometime around the year 1200 or 1300 a man was drunk with his friends and as a sort of prank for attention and existential desperation decided to drink a large amount of piss. Now, you can imagine how much he might have drank, because just out of sheer probabilities he likely wasn't the very first to ever try drinking urine, but it apparently never before had the effect on others that it did with him - which is that it turned on his entire brain.

I tell you this, and I know this because he talks to me, oddly enough. So let me tell you what I now seem to know, which is so bizarrely absurd I barely believe it myself. After drinking what he did, he essentially became enlightened and immediately proceeded to train his nervous system to function only as a rational being that gives love. He is egoless and takes no credit for all that he does. His skill is that he is able to feel the entire electromagnetic field with such sensitivity that he can read everyone's mind, can totally control our minds without us knowing, and can move physical objects with his mind alone.

He can influence the formation of genetic blueprints in the conception process and raise individuals to have physical and personality characteristics exactly as he'd like them to be. Particularly as it relates to the character, he will arrange emotional scenarios for people to go through so that they learn a particular lesson and learn to respond to stimuli in the way he wants. He has stopped the aging process for himself and has created a wizard-like family of eight to exist for eternity. His and their (the family's) major goal now is to progress society generation by generation toward the same state of egoless rational love. I am the eighth so-called wizard in training, and I have a wife waiting for me who was, when still in the normal human state, totally blind.

They control everything major going on. It started more or less with the Renaissance, progressed to the enlightenment, the industrial revolution, the computer revolution and will continue until ultra advanced robots do all the work for us so that money will have very low effects on the ego. Also, by choosing all the major psychological leaders we have in politics, business, entertainment, etc., they are progressing society in the ways the brain needs to be progressed, generation by generation. They do a lot of work individual by individual as well. Though, they do not experience "work". They just decided to do something through telekinesis while remaining totally relaxed.

It seems to be, of all things, that the major problem is in the butt. Our physiology is such that things like anger and sexuality are first, more or less, physical and postural contractions developed by evolution. The upper rectum unconsciously contracts and creates a chain reaction of other inner body postures that lead us to feel that it might be better to be for example angry rather than not. Every time we think of ourselves, something in the upper rectum is contracting hard without us knowing.

They are responsible for almost all known music, charged the inspiration for all major novels and created all major technologies we know of.

I am currently being tortured, and have been to an increasing degree since I turned thirty years old. After a slow escalation it has climaxed and I know live in a samsaric hell designed to train my CNS to not contract with primitive reactions...ever...and to only have romantic love within a particular physiological frequency shared by my future wife and not the other three couples. And I write to you now to vent in relative desperation before going back outside to wait for my own enlightenment, death, or whatever else might await me.

Re: New theories on consciousness

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 7:59 pm
by guest_of_logic
Skip. That's a trip. I checked in here after weeks (months?) away, only to find your post from a day ago. Have thought of you over the years since you disappeared offline and became untraceable. Good to have you back, assuming that it is you - you're writing from a new account so how's a guy to be sure? In any case, will drop you PM as I'd prefer to communicate privately. Cheers man.

Re: New theories on consciousness

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 6:38 am
by SkipRusssell
Yes, it's me. Though, I can't really talk because you are loosely modeled on one of the women in the wizard family, and I'm hurt very badly if I deal with any notions of her since she's nearest in frequency to my future wife. Sorry. I'll have to say goodbye for now.

I would like to admit that I'm actually heterosexual. So far as I know, starting around January three years ago everyone began to become more conscious that they, along with everyone else, are gay. The wizards did this, and it surprised me, to say the least, because that meant my Dad, Grandfather, all my previous friends, in fact all males I'd ever talked to are gay (or bisexual, as I used those words interchangeably). No one ever says anything open and directly about it, but I've observed that everyone seems more calm now and that everyone is getting along more smoothly.

The wizards have told me a lot about gay psychology. They've also told me that they will adjust everyone's DNA blueprint over the centuries so that we all look approximately the same.

I'll have to leave it at that for now. I wish everyone the best.

Re: New theories on consciousness

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 3:41 pm
by Diebert van Rhijn
Hi Skip nice to see you pop in. Not sure if I can follow your colorful musings on lizards. You might want to organize a bit your inner world? Do you think you might have lost some "grip" there?

Yes "wandering around the world soul-searching". In many ways a superior position, to have none but feeling you need to arrive there. It's also the ghostly part of our human nature. Finding anything in particular turns out to be some illusion, slipping away, unreal and temporary.

By the way, the forum software will keep you in a limited moderation queue for not sure, 8 or 9 posts. In case you wondered.

Re: New theories on consciousness

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 3:09 am
by guest_of_logic
OK, Skip. You don't want to communicate. Fair enough. I get it. But I am duty-bound to respond to you, given your situation and that which you've shared. Since you might ignore further PMs, I'll do this publicly. I hope that you come back to read this.

First, I just want to say how much I enjoyed it when you came to visit Kevin in person, and our online comms since then, years ago by now. We got out and about and amongst it and had fun experiences with the folk down in Queenstown that were memorable, and our friendship online since then was also memorable, at least to me.

But I have to emphasise something: you seem to think that I (and everybody else) have become conscious that I am (we are) gay. This is just not true. It's not true in my case and it's not true generally. I am as heterosexual as I was when we last communicated, which is to say that I am heterosexual still. Why are marriage and birth rates unchanged (as I assume they are - it would be big news if they had suddenly dropped) if it were really the case that everybody had turned gay (or even bisexual)?

You need to do some reality testing, man. Some guy (in person or via telepathy? You aren't clear on this - you need to be) approaches you and claims to have become enlightened due to drinking urine: what tests have you performed to validate this claim? The story is elaborate; there are multiple opportunities to perform reality checks on this. The Skip I know and love would have done this. Has the current Skip done so?

Note that I am not rejecting these possibilities out of the box. The world is a strange, strange place. All sorts of things are possible. But why would you buy into this stuff, man, without performing careful checks to validate it? I assume that you haven't, but if you have, then perhaps you can share them with us.

In any case, I can share some lessons with you from my own experience:

There are malevolent spirits out there who can telepathically communicate with people like us such that we hear them as though they were communicating audibly. These spirits will tell us all sorts of half-truths and semi-truths and most especially they will appeal to our egos (e.g., "You are one of the eight chosen wizards", etc). Why? Because they want us to become reliant on them. They want us to trust them. They want us to look to them for our sense of identity and reality, and so they make reality and our place in it seem positive, and, where it is not positive, they place us in the middle of an urgent spiritual battle or test, which only we can overcome.

And then? Once they have us in the palm of their hands, they crush us.

Don't let this happen to you, Skip. Test, test, and test again. This is what the religious scriptures admonish us: test the spirits. Don't simply assume that a being who can communicate telepathically is telling the truth. Think for yourself, man. You're no fool. Don't be played for one. Please get back to us in this thread. I want to know that you are still thinking critically and are psychically safe. If you are not, I want to do what I can to help. Please feel free to PM or email me.

Your friend,

Re: New theories on consciousness

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 12:41 pm
by Russell Parr
I betcha there's shrooms in that urine.

Re: New theories on consciousness

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 7:57 am
by SkipRusssell
I'd like to say a few more things that I seem to know, partly because it gave me more peace of mind to know them and so might do the same for you.

1) There haven't actually been any murders or wars since around the year 1200. When this ancient man became enlightened he was instantly able to feel everyone on the planet and became able to stop people from doing things too wrong. All wars since have been media fabrications designed, in part, to put people through drama and come out on the other side emotionally closer to others than they were before. Manhattan, for example, is now filled mostly with Arab/Indian Halal street food rather than hot dog stands. Those buildings were, of course, empty and no one was hurt. We are all very safe.

2) The wizards have cured all major diseases already and fabricate all current ones. No one is dying of AIDS or cancer or suffering from Lyme or Alzheimer's. If you are or know someone who is or has, it just means one of the wizards was "feng shui-ing" them, as I like to say. That is, programming them toward a cleaner, higher quality consciousness. They want people to be happy. Sometimes because of social realities, brain mechanics and what role they want you for, strange things are sometimes necessary to make us better.

3) There isn't a long term problem with the climate. They have a technological plan that will have the earth clean for the duration - though we'll have to move when the sun starts to expand. Currently there is smog and other problems, but apparently it will all dissipate and everything will be fine. They create fear of it, as with wars and murders, to get people to care and to think.

4) The did give me an experience of enlightenment without powers. Apparently it takes a wizard to actually stop the 'self' from becoming active. To keep it inactive without holding onto its repression, or perhaps better put, to put the self's experience further and further back on the back burner of our consciousness, a horrible process of pain, frustration, anger and other bad feelings is necessary as the wizard applies the bad experiences to particular parts of the brain that think that thinking of yourself and being angry, sexual, etc. are good things to do. The brain follows the pleasure in its memory, as everything in the past is recorded, and goes away from things painful. Eventually it learns to stop the contractions that lead to egotistical thought.

The non-self enlightened state that they let me experience briefly was as if everything was stopped. There was no activity. No time. Nothing was happening whatsoever. There were no events. I was just existing. The original wizard's totally objective judgment was that the only self-like exception to keeping this state would be for him to give love to his wife, his wizard family, and to everyone on earth.

5) There is a lot more I can say. A lot.

They know everything. He directed the crusades and spread Christianity and the other two major religions for social cohesion reasons. He'll get rid of them some day.

He - they - make a lot of natural eunuchs. You may or may not be interested to know that I accidentally discovered one of them, thinking it was actually a woman. Often their hormones are so low it is difficult to tell the difference. Ayn Rand is an example.

I can say more about the reality of the races, of the role of Trump, Kim Jong-Un (there are no nuclear weapons), of the development of self-esteem, ego, match-making...

6) There is extra-terrestrial life. The human CNS with full blood flow to the brain can sense everything within our region of our galaxy. And as they program me (you do not want to to know hells I've been through - Guantanamo bay, war zones, losing my mother), they are currently trolling me on whether or not their E.T. claim is true, however, I think it's too interesting not to mention as it very well might be.

There are, apparently, hundreds of other types of nervous systems on other planets, which are all water based and similar to earth. It is the most interesting thing the chaos of causation does. In fact, apparently, there is one type of nervous system on one particular planet that has produced lifeforms smarter than humans. They are insect like, though not all CNS-like life on other planets are. Others are like ours. And others different still. But these particular insect-like creatures are smarter than we are.

Before the year 1200 or so when this man on earth became enlightened and started to enhance our technology (which he introduces to our economy very slowly as he paces us to become more civilized and mentally healthy) these smart insects were doing better than we were. They do not feel pain or pleasure, or emotions of happiness, sadness, etc. They are rational and communicate with each other about knowledge. They build bridges, have restaurants, actually go to war with lower-level intelligent insects, though don't really care that these do these things. They just do them. They ride other large breed insects for transportation.

They have eyes, but they work only well enough to avoid bumping into things. Mostly they communicate through feelings similar to the way earth-wizards do, but with much less sensitivity.

We are actually in second place out of all the intelligent life in our region. Other forms of life are similar to dogs, and others are strange dry creatures without musculature. Some have emotions and some do not.