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Hear ye! Hear ye! Kierkegaard books for FREE!

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 7:30 pm
by jupiviv
I'm probably speaking to an empty forum now, but for anyone interested you can download many of the Hong & Hong editions of Kierkegaard's works - including most of his journal compilations - from this site:

In fact there is a good chance you can find most Genius-forum-approved authors' books over there. I can confirm that Hakuin and Weininger books are available, and obviously Nietzsche too. In case anyone's wondering,[EDIT:IGNORE THIS; SEE BELOW] it's all legal[/EDIT], but you'll need a torrent client to download the files, and then add the appropriate extension to what will seem like a dummy file with a randomised name. For example, the downloaded file might be "09adfe435g", and if the download page calls it a pdf you have to rename it to "09adfe435g.pdf" to open it.

Have fun, and hope to see you all around the time of the next Alexian mating cycle!

Re: Hear ye! Hear ye! Kierkegaard books for FREE!

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 4:23 am
by Diebert van Rhijn
Well, hmm, what to say. Emptiness is where the heart is?

First, you're just posting a proxy to a known search engine (Library Genesis) which links to material of which some is copyrighted and still illegal to download or share. But the link is not working for me and might be blocked for others too, depending on ISP.

For those not having the funds to buy or borrow any good books try a list of other proxies to this library.

Note that using these links or downloading this material is at your own risk and determining the copyright status of what you download remains your own responsibility. This thread has been moved as well being a murky worldly kind of thing, all in all.

Re: Hear ye! Hear ye! Kierkegaard books for FREE!

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 7:38 pm
by jupiviv
@Diebert, I found the website only a few hours before posting it here via recommendation so I admit the legality issue wasn't entirely clear to me. I thought it was like Gutenberg or Archive, but it turns out they just find books available for download elsewhere and post them there. Yes, on reconsideration, downloading the books may be illegal; the same legal conditions apply as when downloading any publicly available pdf with copyright restrictions elsewhere on the web. So I retract my earlier statement about legality.

The Kierkegaard books are all recent and downloading them will most likely violate copyright. For anyone who has downloaded any after reading my post and are worried: delete the files and send an email to Princeton Uni telling them you have done so and are also deeply sorry for your illegal yet criminally negligently misinformed actions. Then have a sex change.

Anyway, my opinion is that books containing wisdom should be available to everyone, and should be read even if doing so happens to be explicitly/implicitly illegal in some way.

Re: Hear ye! Hear ye! Kierkegaard books for FREE!

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 9:54 pm
by Diebert van Rhijn
Or perhaps even better, all wisdom should be buried in some underground hall with a completely mystifying construct on top which will puzzle humanity for ages but somehow making everyone too afraid to remove the construct and dig underneath.

Preventing life exterminating itself with the fallout of premature reason but providing opportunities for endless sex change.