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The continuity of humankind - and other random thoughts

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 9:10 am
by mshao24
I, unlike the rest of the people I interact with on a daily basis, view myself as a colossal thinker. I must be honest; I feel a sense of intellectual superiority over the vast majority of those I connect with. Do not get me wrong….I don’t think I’m better than my fellow humans. I simply believe that I have a cognitive capacity that exceeds the average individual. This method of thinking allows me to interpret whatever criticism I receive as ignorant misunderstanding. Most probably perceive me as a narcissist. I find that to be a limited conclusion that those with lesser psyches come to – those that are unable to comprehend a high degree of critical thinking and analytic thought. It is somewhat funny that I find myself typing these words, in fact - as if there’s no other way to articulate the information that constantly channels through my brain. No, I find it difficult to explain myself through dialogue. Far too often the point at hand gets twisted or shoved aside, left behind due to the inability to understand my ideas. So the written, uninterrupted word becomes my only tool with which I can convey myself. I suppose audio recordings might suffice as well, but I find it easier to organize my thoughts and consciousness when I can literally see the physical manifestation of the concepts I am trying to get across in front of me. It allows me to view my thoughts from a third person perspective, which is fascinating. Days go by after I've written something – and when I return to read what I've come up with, I find myself perceiving it almost as if someone else had written it. It allows me to learn about myself. It’s somewhat of an indescribable sensation, to be able to interpret your actions as others do –rather than from your own, biased first-person perspective. I’ll come back and think: That’s what I sound like? I really am a sociopath. But it serves a great purpose. I can genuinely say that I KNOW myself from the most literal meaning; as if I we’re someone else.

As I write this, I don’t even have a particularly clear reason as to why I’m doing so. This is simply what I am thinking about at this moment in time - the closest tangible representation of the chaos that goes on in my head. I want to discover a way for other people to understand how I think. Because I feel trapped inside a mind that is always misunderstood and misinterpreted. Perhaps that’s what this tirade is about. I honestly don’t know…I just started writing with absolutely no point or topic to guide me. This is merely the written version of my own, inner dialogue. Does that make me crazy? The fact that I can have a conversation with myself without ever having to say a word seems like the telltale characteristics of schizophrenia. And maybe I am a schizophrenic. But that doesn't change things. I am what I am, and there’s nothing I can do to alter that. It seems as if I’m cursed with this constant sense of curiosity and belief that I can accomplish anything I want. I honestly can’t think of words capable enough of describing how confident I really am. I can do ANYTHING I want, because I have control over what I do. I wanted to start a business, so I did. I was told it was a terrible decision to quit my job. But I didn't care. I knew, with every ounce of energy within me, that I had the ability to create something. I never doubted myself. Ever. This is how I think. I honestly believe that I could become a global leader if I put my mind to it, ending violence through logical thought and negotiation - surely the thoughts of a sociopath. And yet, it doesn't faze me. It never has, and it never will. I’m not intimidated by status or societal castes. I view every being on the planet as an individual, no different than you or me. They have precisely the same thoughts, doubts, dreams, and limitations that anyone else has. Those with status have simply been prescribed a certain perception from their surrounding environment. They aren't special - nor am I.

I believe that there is a universal challenge that faces humankind - a challenge in our attempt to become a species that has no ending; no extinction. I honestly think that there is a network of intelligent beings somewhere out there in the far stretches of the universe, and that the only way a civilization can achieve immortality is by colonizing other planets. I believe that any civilization, regardless of the world they inhabit, will eventually become extinct unless they achieve interplanetary (or more specifically, interstellar) travel. This is the trend of evolution at the grandest of scales. The life cycle of a civilization, if you will. There are winners, and there are losers. Some reach a technological breaking point, and through whatever communications they emit, become detected by another intelligent race - launching their species into the next phase in their evolution. This is a concept not unlike one we have already experienced. Just as we look back at Christopher Columbus as a pioneer, our descendants will view us in a similar context. Who will be the one that pioneers our next anthropological step forward? In the future, to our descendants, having a network of other planetary species will be normal - just like we accept different human races today. Before, it was unheard of. Now it’s a simple fact of life.

Humanity will always ridicule those who think ahead of their time. As I write this, I am fully aware of the manner in which it will be perceived. It DOES sound crazy. But it only sounds crazy because we currently think in a particular context. We are faced with our current reality, and cannot help but formulate our opinions and notions of feasibility as a direct result of that reality. In other words, we think inside the box in which we live. It’s always been that way. Mankind must start considering the continuity of our species. We have achieved a technological capability that puts us in control of far too much. We have too much influence over our biological environment, and if we allow ourselves to carry on much longer without the proper checks and balances – it will be too late. This concept of continuity must be addressed if we are to persevere.

An abrupt ending to a chaotically scattered rant.

Re: The continuity of humankind - and other random thoughts

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 7:15 pm
by Cahoot
I view every being on the planet as an individual, no different than you or me. They have precisely the same thoughts, doubts, dreams, and limitations that anyone else has.
What do you view to be the basis of individuality?

Re: The continuity of humankind - and other random thoughts

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 4:52 am
by mshao24
Perspective, internal consciousness, and perception. That's what creates the foundation of individuality.

Re: The continuity of humankind - and other random thoughts

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 10:09 pm
by Cahoot
This brings to mind the above quoted assertion that the defining aspect of individuality is commonality.
What makes ideologies morally different? It’s that they espouse different values. Different religions, however, also espouse different values; therefore, not all religions can be morally equal unless all values are so. This is the notion known as “moral relativism.” But if all values are equal, then ideologies’ espousal of different values is not a moral difference at all. And then no ism can be better than any other ism, no matter what precedes it.
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