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Psychological attachment

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 7:29 am
by GodsDaughter1
Psychological attachment

My version of psychological attachment may only differ slightly or be presented with a unique perspective in comparison to anyone elses.

Coming from an analytical mind vs. a university educated one, differences can be seen in vocabulary only, however, simplicity has universal understanding over complexity. Simplicity in word structure is important to clarity of message.

Psychological attachment is anything you give yourself, your brain is being sated from receiving it on a regular basis and thus becomes psychologically dependent upon it. These mental dependencies could be as simple as a cup of coffee daily throughout the day, but, since coffee is a drug, it becomes an addiction to your body as well as a psychological dependency.

People who do things routinely everyday is creating psychological attachment to it, and are structurally orientated, where most things in their lives are structured vs. unstructured.

To be continued...