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Men's Rights Radio Show

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 6:40 am
by Elizabeth Isabelle
Starting March 1 at 9 p.m. EST, A Voice for Men Radio brings men's rights issues closer to the mainstream. Paul Elam has put forth a lot of material on his web-magazine and on YouTube, and is far more fair-minded than the New York Times and other feminism-supporting institutions (i.e. male-bashing Kool-Aid drinkers) make him out to be.

It's good to see (and hear) men standing up for their equality.

Re: Men's Rights Radio Show

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 10:10 am
by Animus
Looks like it could be interesting, I'd like to see this show about violent women and the law.

I read in the news today about an organization out of Texas called "The Former Majority Association" whose mission is as follows:

"We have a very simple mission: to fill in the gap in the scholarships offered to prospective students. There are scholarships offered for almost any demographic imaginable. In a country that proclaims equality for all, we provide monetary aid to those that have found the scholarship application process difficult because they do not fit into certain categories or any ethnic group."

In short, the association tries to get scholarship monies for White-Boys who are excluded from federal and state scholarship programs by affirmitive action.

Of course, by making it supported of "White" people it is no less discriminatory than the affirmitive action they are retaliating against. *Sigh* will humanity ever figure it out?

Re: Men's Rights Radio Show

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:28 pm
by Elizabeth Isabelle
Wow - it will be interesting to see how that goes. Yes, by making it for white males only it is just as discriminatory as all of the others, but that's still better than giving special privileges to every group but one.

Re: Men's Rights Radio Show

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 7:08 am
by Animus
I found the following quotation from Herb Goldberg ("Men's Movement") interesting and on target:

"But haven't we already learned about and worked on this through the liberation movements of the last two decades? Yes . . . and no. While some external changes have happened, two major internal flaws have existed in the feminist movement. First, it was fueled by anger at men and thus was actually grounded in TRADITIONAL FEMALE PROCESS, including feelings of victimization, and raging blame. Much of the apparent growth was actually a defensive reaction in women against their own femininity, leaving them "female machos" and in truth further separated from any possibility of connection with men. The male liberation movement that grew out of feminist analysis was also traditional in that the keynote was guilt over their "sexism" and male chauvinism. Both sexes, then, had LIBERATION CONTENT BUT TRADITIONAL PROCESS, making real change close to impossible, and creating more intricately defensive patterns than before.

The second problem of the liberation periods we are now passing through has been to mistake superficial attitude change for real growth. A major illusion of contemporary "liberation" philosophies is the belief that a change in attitudes and an awareness about sexism will somehow create the best of both worlds - the excitement of the old superimposed on the enlightenment of the new. Liberated couples often suffer the most from this fantasy. Their deeper selves, being unconscious, have not really changed, while their conscious, liberated selves are filled with wonderful, attractive ideas about relating. The problem is that attitude change can happen overnight - real growth can't. This kind of attitude change is initially exhilarating and ultimately entrapping while growth is initially scary and painful and ultimately liberating. The result is a form of double-binding more distressing and impossible to untangle than traditional relating." - The Gender Trap
How far we have, and haven't, come
in transcending traditional gender programming