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Self Confidence

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:30 am
by mensa-maniac
Self Confidence

Self confidence began as early as a toddler experiencing freedom, freedom to explore life without any limitations or holdbacks for a moment in time enough to feel the exhilaration of my spirit, the willpower within me to continue my adventure in play. To speak from empirical knowledge is to say this statement is absolute, if not inherited or genetic truth.

Freedom to view the big world from a two year olds mind, curiously fascinated by every moving thing, freedom to let roam the great outdoors outside the stiffling yard, with no cares or inhibitions, observing others involved in the liveliness of activity as well.

Through the years the confidence hid behind walls of isolation and solitaire confinement, until the year 2002 when it exploded with new light bringing acknowledgment to itself. Emerging from it's shell from years of hibernation, confidence shines again.

To Be Continued

Re: Self Confidence

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 5:28 am
by mensa-maniac
Self Confidence

Self-confidence is better than education in that one is confident in their own blissful ignorance, and blissful ignorance is sometimes better than being in the know about a particular topic that will present facts you may not want to know, thus blissful ignorance is preferred in this case, but, self-confidence will always be there regardless of ignorance or knowledge.

Knowledge or education can be forgotten or lost through memory, then, you're left with an empty head, but you still have your confidence to rely on. Confidence will boost any mood, it will kick ass into gear to stop the procrastinator of denial.

To be knowledgable of something can be scary, truth isn't always soothing, it can be downright devastating. To be confident is to be self-assured, it takes a positive approach in handling truth because confidence and truth are relative to each other.

Re: Self Confidence

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:21 am
by Kunga
It's a good thing you have self-confidence mensa. But how do you express self-confidence without being arrogant ? Sometime when I see people
trying to intimidate others with their self-confidence it reeks of low self-esteem.