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What a Delusion Is!

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 3:14 am
by mensa-maniac
What a Delusion Is!

A delusion is a visual thought which presents itself to you, but doesn't present that same thought to the outside of your mind, but you think it does, because you are experiencing a delusion. In other words you see a pink elephant over there but nobody else sees that pink elephant.

To Be Continued

Re: What a Delusion Is!

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 1:30 am
by prevs83
All our thoughts are delusions, our thoughts about inanimate and animate objects. Our thoughts are basically things, but the irony is even "nothing" is a delusion.

Edit: I actually meant to say all our thoughts are illusions, a delusion is as mensa describes, a mental illness.

Re: What a Delusion Is!

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 5:10 am
by mensa-maniac
prevs83 wrote:All our thoughts are delusions, our thoughts about inanimate and animate objects. Our thoughts are basically things, but the irony is even "nothing" is a delusion.
Mensa says: I disagree that all our thoughts are delusions, we're not created stupid or mentally ill, we're created undeveloped. Delusions are false beliefs or opinions. Psychiatry defines delusion as a mental illness. Our thoughts considered as being as things, sounds like a false teaching. Our thoughts are invisible to others, until they are created into images through the expression of them, which then brings the thoughts to activation through voluntary process and through more thought. Not all thoughts are voluntarily taken to action which then suppresses the thought. Thoughts need to be expressed not suppressed. Suppressed thoughts will accumulate in the subconscious mind, which if never expressed will cause mental illness--delusions of thoughts.

Mensa says: An invisible thought to others: I want to talk with him
An expressed thought: I want to talk with him
Activation of that thought: I talk with him
A suppressed thought: I want to talk with him but never do

To observe our thoughts as being things is to analyze or reason in more ways than one, in other words to broaden one's scope instead of narrowing their point of view to just one idea, which is to say that to view my thoughts as things, would be to say that first my thoughts are invisible to others until expressed, expression is creation of images of my thoughts, which then makes it visible to others, and can now be considered to be things. Once expressed it becomes voluntary to take that thought and put it into action. But, the thought is always visible to the thinker whether it is a suppressed thought or an expressed thought. But, because the thought is visible to the thinker it is not yet a thing until it is expressed verbally or physically which then becomes visible and a thing.

A suppressed thought is an invisible thought to others, but visible to the thinker but not yet expressed or put into action. Not all suppressed thoughts will cause mental illness, only those the thinker dwells upon without expressing it. The suppressed thought which is constantly thought about but not expressed will accumulate and fester into mental illness, where the brain cannot distinguish between reality and fantasy. So common sense tells me that people can and do create their own mental illness through their own thought process.

Re: What a Delusion Is!

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:12 am
by Kunga
mensa-maniac wrote:A suppressed thought is an invisible thought to others, but visible to the thinker but not yet expressed or put into action.
Yes...all our thoughts are visable to the Universe. But our intensions are everything.