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What is Your Destiny...Where are You Aiming?

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 4:28 am
by mensa-maniac
What is Your Destiny...Where are You Aiming

You are the Master of your Destiny, your God consciousness instructs your I consciousness, your I consciousness is both he/she, love/hate,life/death. Your I consciousness decides his/her fate, accidents are unforseen and caused by humanity not God. God didn't create that accident that killed your sister, your sister was in the wrong spot at the wrong time, she followed her I consciousness instead of her God consciousness. God doesn't steer people to their deaths, people do that by following their I consciousness.

Your God consciousness is there residing within you waiting to be accepted, waiting to show you a good direction, the path of righteousness. Your God consciousness will not force his goodness upon you, your God consciousness waits patiently for acknowledgement.

Righteousness means what is right not wrong. Right is good clean living, dirty is wrong and can be cleaned by changing negative to positive. Your decisions decide your outcome-your destiny, whether it is your I consciousness you follow or your God consciousness. Your God consciousness will never lead you astray but your I consciousness will!