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Does pro-life have to be about baby Jesus?

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:21 pm
by Gypsy atheist
I find it incredible how the Christian pro-life faction is its own worst enemy.
They protest and picket abortion clinics, holding their signs, Bibles, crucifixes, rosary beads...and yell out scriptures, cry like children, behave like idiots and when given the opportunity to make their argument against abortion...the best they can come up with is...well, Jesus don't like it!!!!
And then they are actually baffled why people do not listen to them and make sport of them :-)
maybe, just maybe...if they were to conduct themselves like civilized human beings and display a degree of intelligence and most importantly leave Jesus at home where he belongs!
People might just listen to what they have to say.
They could start by precious life really is, not because it is a gift from a divine entity, but because it is in fact all we have...and each human life has the potential to accomplish great and wondrous achievements, and that unquestioned and wholesale abortion cheapens our greatest asset and are very existence.
They might also add...the Duplicity of the medical community, on one hand they have specialized fields of medicine to care for the mother and fetus as separate life forms, but on the other hand they have the butchers to cut out the parasite with no questions asked.
They might also address the main reason for abortions, which is economics!
The vast majority of women who have abortions are for economic reasons, they simply cannot afford to have that child or another's not because they are under the evil influence of Lucifer and his minions!!!!!!
if they would only confront the issues and bring something to the table besides their Creator, Savior, Guardian, protector, adviser, very best friend to the end and all around nice guy by the name of Jesus...maybe they might get somewhere :-)

Re: Does pro-life have to be about baby Jesus?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:23 am
by Tomas

-Gypsy atheist-
I find it incredible how the Christian pro-life faction is its own worst enemy.
They protest and picket abortion clinics, holding their signs, Bibles, crucifixes, rosary beads...and yell out scriptures, cry like children, behave like idiots and when given the opportunity to make their argument against abortion...the best they can come up with is...well, Jesus don't like it!!!!
And then they are actually baffled why people do not listen to them and make sport of them :-)

For your information, even Matt Drudge is pro-life and he was raised in the Jewish faith though he flunked his bar mitzva.

-Gypsy atheist-
maybe, just maybe...if they were to conduct themselves like civilized human beings and display a degree of intelligence and most importantly leave Jesus at home where he belongs!
People might just listen to what they have to say.

Hey, for your information Jesus is everywhere. As far as people listening, I'm the first to respond to your long-winded rant.

-Gypsy atheist-
They could start by precious life really is, not because it is a gift from a divine entity, but because it is in fact all we have...and each human life has the potential to accomplish great and wondrous achievements, and that unquestioned and wholesale abortion cheapens our greatest asset and are very existence.

I guess that depends how many protests you've attended as an active participant or even as a passive bystander.

Even the fool understands he/she wouldn't be reading this had they been aborted.

-Gypsy atheist-
They might also add...the Duplicity of the medical community, on one hand they have specialized fields of medicine to care for the mother and fetus as separate life forms, but on the other hand they have the butchers to cut out the parasite with no questions asked.

There are websites where you can buy aborted fetuses. Do what you want with it.

-Gypsy atheist-
They might also address the main reason for abortions, which is economics!
The vast majority of women who have abortions are for economic reasons, they simply cannot afford to have that child or another's not because they are under the evil influence of Lucifer and his minions!!!!!!

With the passage of ObamaCare, you can bet your bottom dollar that forced abortions will be happening in the next few years. Obama being the hardcore Marxist he is, it's but a matter of time...

-Gypsy atheist-
if they would only confront the issues and bring something to the table besides their Creator, Savior, Guardian, protector, adviser, very best friend to the end and all around nice guy by the name of Jesus...maybe they might get somewhere :-)

Then what good is faith without works?

Re: Does pro-life have to be about baby Jesus?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 2:31 pm
by Gypsy atheist
Yes tomas,
for your information...I have attended many demonstrations and will continue to do so in the future.
And I have seen firsthand the absolute disgust women have towards the ranting and raving of the Christian idiots that are out there making a three ring circus called the father son and Holy Spirit.
That's why I prefer to go to the clinics when there isn't any demonstrations, I rise early on my days off from my business and spend the whole day at one of the clinics I would be surprised how cooperative the management and security are at the abortion clinics when there confronted with only one person who is casually dressed and has a calm and cheerful demeanor.
You would also be surprised how receptive the women are when you first say to them...listen, I'm not here to talk about God and to condemn you, and I'm not here to take away your right to choose, I only want to take a few minutes of your time and discuss the alternatives to you having an abortion.
Many of the women will walk away from me, but some stay and talk with me and I will give them info on adoption programs and state run programs to help with medical and financial needs.
Some of the women I talked to go back to their cars and drive away without even entering the abortion clinic, did I really stop them from having an abortion?
I honestly don't know...but at least I know I tried, but I can tell you the reason why I did try...because life is everything!!!!!
Not because the imaginary Sweet baby Jesus gave it to us and that he has this golly Gee wonderful sugar and spice eternity planned out for us...well, I mean those of us who know and say the magic words that will get the ticket to that incredible (unbelievable) never-ending themepark in the sky :-)

Do you seriously mean to tell me...that there are people who are so credulous that they actually need a fairy tale to have reason and motivation?
If so...I really feel sorry for these people because apparently Stone cold reality isn't enough to blow their socks off!
And are you trying to insinuate that a person who is a atheist equates his whole philosophy on Marxism?
And in order to have a moral compass one must adhere to the Judeo-Christian fairy tale?
If so...then you are a simpleton of the first-order!!!
To be perfectly honest...your ridiculous and child minded retort has only served to justified my initial (long-winded) statement.

Now...go run along like a good little Christian child and read your book of fairy tales, I'm sorry "Bible"...and leave the important issues to the adults to discuss :-)

Re: Does pro-life have to be about baby Jesus?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 2:40 pm
by 1456200423
Bill Hicks Debate With a Christian

Re: Does pro-life have to be about baby Jesus?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 6:41 pm
by Blair
Gypsy atheist wrote:Christian pro-life faction is its own worst enemy.
Christians are there own worst enemy.

They just don't often realize it.

My sister became a born again christian, and it ruined her marriage.

Re: Does pro-life have to be about baby Jesus?

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:08 am
by Gypsy atheist
One of the main reasons for their self-destruction is there shameless hypocrisy!
It's totally amazing...they kneel in prayer circles with those goofy and sorrowful expressions on their faces, pleading with their imaginary god to stop the carnage of abortion, but at the same time it's the Christian conservatives in my state that have the biggest voice to stop funding of state run programs that are designed to help needy women have healthy babies!!
And as for Christian charities...the best they can offer is to tell women....give yourself to God, pray, have faith and everything will be fine!
Just don't ask us for any money...that's your responsibility sweetheart.
When it's all said and done...Christians are as worthless and meaningless as the imaginary god they worship and praise!!!

Here's a sample of what I mean

Re: Does pro-life have to be about baby Jesus?

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 4:04 pm
by Unidian
Pro-life can and should be about compassion and the capacity for the fetus to experience suffering during the abortion process. Currently the consensus is that this capacity develops at about 20-24 weeks. For that reason, I oppose abortion after that point. It's very simple, sensible, and ought to be a sound basis for abortion policy - no religious input required.