America no more

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America no more

Post by Foreigner »

The media and others frequently report increasingly alarming stats (their alarmed, not I)-- United States compared to many other nations, various categories, often education and health, America nearer to the bottom every passing year, the worst in this, forth from the worst in that, etc etc...commentators "what is going on? we've got to do something!"'ve all seen it too no doubt on your flat screens, it is interesting to note that the same causes and fixes that were mentioned last time or last year (the causes that were mistaken and the fixes that evidently didnt work) are repeated in the present and no doubt will be proposed in the future. Education, for instance, we'll hear "lets get even better teachers, lets test the teachers, lets improve curriculum, etc etc" always the same tune.

Has anyone heard this one "well since we're punching out retarded children at a rate of 1% well then maybe just maybe there is a problem with.....with......with.....OH I KNOW, a problem with overall health of THE STUDENTS across the board or in general!!"
No, I havent come across this one either.
Another one no one dare suggest is "say didnt we essentially force the elementary boys (and girls ftm) the last 40 years or so to learn from almost exclusively female teachers and feminine/gay/submissive male teachers?"

Oh yeah, the only masculine positions allowed to persist in school are gym teachers perhaps, and men who wax the floors after hours.

"Gee, you wouldnt think this and one-parent homes has anything to do with these piss-poor math scores and such, now do ya?
Na, we just need to improve the schools and teachers-- that'll do it!
Our kids know how to think for themselves just fine!"

Anyway as ive been saying for...shit for 20 years maybe, it's down down down the tubes for this pitiful lot of fools.
When the nation was in the business of nation building last century society tolerated masculine traits in the populace however since that was essentially accomplished some decades ago such personality types have been either sent off to war, imprisoned, gone mad, joined law enforcement, exiled, silenced or otherwise petered out of us little by little to the point where we are no longer able to save and correct our own asses (present company and genuine philosophers excluded).

Whether food, or health, or economy, or environment, or peace or war or love or children or marriage or whatever, we fuck up everything here in america, and we're not done yet fucking up everything, not even close.
Last edited by Foreigner on Wed May 05, 2010 5:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: America no more

Post by Manatron »

Sounds negative. One can always live like a monk.

There are always some intentions if one wants other teachers. Besides, the flow of teachers provides constantly other teachers. If one wants better teachers, then this is also made public. This rate of flow could then be affected. This is one piece of the puzzle. Things don't go wrong because of education alone.
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Joined: Tue Mar 17, 2009 11:52 pm

Re: America no more, due to FEJ

Post by Foreigner »

Some estimates put the number of incarcerated innocents currently in US prisons in the tens of thousands! At least 42,000 (men) in one estimate.

Only several hundred have been shown to be innocent and freed (last 15 years or so due to DNA testing).

Almost all these were a case of mistaken identity- usually some hysterical, vindictive and sometimes actually really raped white woman jumping to conclusions and fingering the first black or white man to look anything like the perpetrator. can this be in a nation thats been spouting conservatively for years that "a person is presumed innocent until proven guilty??

A nation whose judicial and law enforcement employees are often heard repeating "we have the best judicial system in the world!"

A group of united states who believe themselves to be the freest and most liberated lands in the universe??

ha. how things have changed.

Anyone with a little knowledge of how the american system of justice was created should notice that every effort was made to design a system that would sooner let off a guilty person (who not only could be closely watched but more than likely to get himself locked up eventually if genuinely a criminal) rather than mistakenly strip away liberty from a law abiding citizen whose ancestors and countrymen have died to gain that inalienable right for him.

Again we see clearly how feminine errors of judgment (FEJ), if indeed masculinity equates to wisdom, sit at the bottom of yet one more disgraceful contribution to the disintegration of a once great and proud nation.

Stay tuned for the next example of how FEJ, both male and female, has nearly single handily destroyed america in but one generation.

If i can even bother, that is...