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Genetics Revisited:

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 10:41 am
by Ryan Rudolph

What I know:

There are two types of genes: Hox genes and other genes. Hox genes regulate the development of the fetus and growth of the child into adulthood.

Other genes regulate the production of required proteins/enzymes necessary for healthy cellular function/metabolic function.

There are still mysteries of how the RNA interfaces with the DNA to produce proteins/enzymes. RNA seems to have an awareness of what the cell needs, which is communicated to the DNA, which causes a chain reaction, where the DNA unravels, and begins production of what the cell needs. So if RNA was a key, DNA would be a lock, a lock that once unlocked, produces some predetermined outcome such as protein synthesis.

Does this sound about right? Any comments? Anyone want to take this in a different direction? or expand on the existing direction?