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Fell into some troubles... (requesting insight)

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:21 am
by leftinruins
I looked to philosophy (mostly the contents of this site) to provide answers to questions, and in turn, hope to develop into a better thinker. So, I did the reasonable thing and turned to the "sages" of these forums (hey, it made sense at that time!). I would contemplate all their posts, ask questions, and delve further into deeper contemplation. At first, this seemed to improve my thinking, and so, I would visit this site a few times a day, read over responses, post replies, and above all: think, think, think, ...

Eventually, after many months of this, I became psychotic. Now, I'm currently on 4mgs (and counting) of Risperdal, which is a type of antipsychotic medication.

Important point: I wasn't psychotic before all this.

I've woken up to what seems to be a ruined life. Instead of gaining what I hoped would be a richer life, I find myself looking around at a deserted landscape. And due to fear, little thirst.

So, what do you think happened to me and how do you suppose I get out of this... Hell? (Assuming it's not permanent!)

If you can relate and/or if you know what I'm getting at... Then, please share some much needed insight as to what happened to me (or what happened to you) and about a possible remedy, etc.


Re: Fell into some troubles... (requesting insight)

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 7:04 am
by BMcGilly07
What exactly was it that you couldn't deal with?

Re: Fell into some troubles... (requesting insight)

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 7:14 am
by skipair
When things aren't going right, stop what you're doing and try something else. I LOVE to:

1) Get outside, feel the SUN on my skin!!!
2) Exercise outside!!! (run, weights, sport, etc)

Sometimes we have to wait for the mind to make its own progess, that's natural. You can probably think of things you love to do. I can't recommend exercise and sun enough! Come back to the mind later, and find that it's been rearranged.

Re: Fell into some troubles... (requesting insight)

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 7:23 am
by Shahrazad

If you are who I think you are, may I remind you that Dan Rowden advised you more than once to not think philosophically while you did not have enough control of your mind? He told you to get your brain medically stable, and then do philosophy. It was sound advice from a sage, and did you listen? No.

If you are not that kid who has been banned from this site dozens of times and comes back every time under a new name, then please disregard this post. But I'd bet my bank account that you are.

Re: Fell into some troubles... (requesting insight)

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 8:34 am
by Trevor Salyzyn
Take insanity as the compliment it is. You've obviously got some very abnormal values. Do you find yourself not interested in working or anything you'd get from working?

Re: Fell into some troubles... (requesting insight)

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 10:17 am
by Dan Rowden
To the OP,

If you are under some form of formal psychiatric care that is what is best and appropriate for you right now. Forget philosophy for now. Just chill for a year.

And STOP coming back here. Forget this place.