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"Unwanted Content"

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 6:14 pm
by Ataraxia
This is a shameful turn of events from a so-called socially liberal leaning centre left party.

Apologies for posting a Murdoch newspaper article but the Labor-lemmings at Fairfax press barely seems to give two hoots about this.

It's only just begun I suspect-- some of the early targets for blacklisting are inexplicably sites where Anorexia and Euthenasia are discussed for some reason that totally escapes me. ... rrer=email

Australian web filter to block 10,000 internet sites

AUSTRALIA'S mandatory net filter is being primed to block 10,000 websites as part of a blacklist of unspecified "unwanted content".

Some 1300 websites have already been identified by the Australian Communications and Media Authority.

Communications Minister Senator Conroy revealed details of the Rudd Government's proposed web filter as he called for expressions of interest from internet service providers (ISPs) for a live trial of the technology, the Courier-Mail reports.

ISPs will test ways to filter the web using volunteer subscribers. The trial will start before Christmas and is expected to last six weeks.

What's the best way to control inappropriate web content? Comment below

"The pilot will specifically test filtering against the ACMA blacklist of prohibited content, which is mostly child pornography, as well as filtering of other unwanted content," Senator Conroy told Parliament today.

"While the ACMA blacklist is currently around 1300 URLs, the pilot will test against this list - as well as filtering for a range of URLs to around 10,000 - so that the impacts on network performance of a larger blacklist can be examined."

A spokesman for Mr Conroy later said: ''The pilot will provide an invaluable opportunity for ISPs to inform the Government’s approach.

''The live pilot will provide valuable real-world evidence of the potential impact on internet speeds and costs to industry and will help ensure we implement a filtering solution that is efficient, effective and easy for Australian families to use.''

An ACMA trial of web-filtering technology this year found it could slow internet access by as much as 87 per cent and by at least 2 per cent.

Electronic Frontiers Australia board member Colin Jacobs said his civil liberties group was concerned at what would be deemed "unwanted content".

"It is unclear how ACMA will scale up their blacklist to 10,000 websites and what will go on the list," he said.

"Conroy said the list would contain illegal and unwanted content but we still have to see what would end up on that list.

"Under the current mandate that includes adult material, which would mean most material that could be rated R and, in some circumstances, material rated MA15+."

Re: "Unwanted Content"

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 11:30 pm
by mansman
Hey you never know may turn out a good thing for you! Its like when dad took away the cigarettes and beat you silly and now your lungs are great health and your thanking him. Maybe now your forced to get out of house and make the contacts, even find for you a girlriend or boyfriend, the skies the limit. Look on the bright side, may turn out better for you than your current life is going.

ps Just dont let them try that shit over here!

Re: "Unwanted Content"

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 12:05 am
by Alex Jacob
Yea, me thinka like mans-a-man, maybe no have naughty website for all Australia boys have other effect, like taking nice walks down near the eucalytus forest, commune with the koalas, thingsa like that. Plus, all that wacking the wangdang looking at all the teen pussy sites, maybe energy get-a redirected to other, higher endeavors? Like getting a job...makinga something ofa oneself?

Re: "Unwanted Content"

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 1:38 am
by deathnotewithurname
Yea. Totally saw it coming. This shit just keeps looking worse...and on the left, you'll see book burning followed by author burning.

List of Offensive Words That Should be Avoided
...The following is a checklist of words, many objectionable,
that we must be aware of in order to avoid offending and
perpetuating stereotypes. This guide defines the preferred word
usage and clarifies words that may be used as substitutes.
Derogatory or objectionable terms also are listed and are cross-
referenced to preferred word usage.
Offensive words should be avoided. When their use is unavoidable
--- as in direct quote --- there should be sufficient context so
the reader is never in doubt as to why the language was used.
Many of the words in this list will offend. The list is not
intended to be a guide for the bigot but to alert us that certain
words and phrases are simply unacceptable. The list is but a
starting point. As social attitudes change and definitions are
refined the list must be updated.

Refers to people or language of a continent, not a country. Of or
pertaining to Africa or its people or languages. Do not use as a
synonym for black.

Also used for black. Preferred by some, but not universally
accepted. May be objectionable to those persons preferring black.

Used to characterize women as predators of men. Also refers to
size. Should be avoided.

American Indian:
Interchangeable wit Native American. Ask person to determine
usage if possible. Use proper tribal name if possible. Such words
as "wampum," "warpath," "powwow," "tepee," "brave," "squaw," etc.
can be disparaging and offensive. Avoid them.

Used interchangeably wit white in parts of the country, in others
white is preferred. Always capitalized. No hyphen when the word
that follows os in lowercase, such as Anglomania, Anglophile, or
Anglophobe. Use a hyphen when the word that follows is capitalized:
Anglo-American, Anglo-Catholic, Anglo-Indian, or Anglo-Saxon.

Not interchangeable with Arab-American. Also, Iranians are not

Can be considered offensive when referring to a minority,
particularly a black person, and his or her ability to handle the
English language. The usage suggests the "those people" are not
considered well-educated, articulate, and the like.

The preferred generic term for Americans of Asian descent. Be
specific when referring to particular Asian-American groups, i.e.
Filipino-Americans, Japanese-Americans, and Chinese-Americans.

Not interchangeable with Asian-American. Refers specifically to
things or people from Asia. Some Asians regard "Asiatic" as
offensive when applied to people.

Offensive slang describing a woman. See "Woman."

Ball and chain:
This offensive phrase refers sarcastically to a man's loss of
freedom because of a woman. Do not use. See "Woman."

An offensive term referring to Asian-Americans who allegedly have
abandoned their culture. Objectionable because no person or group
can appropriately attach judgmental terms to others. Just as
objectionable: Coconut for Mexican-Americans and Oreo for black

Use advisedly. A Mexican bandit, but often applied derisively.

A negative generalization of persons without morals and/or
ethical standards of judgment. Many times directed at forceful
women. Do not use.

Do not use. Also do not use illegitimate.

Objectionable when referring to male physical attractiveness.

Bible-beater, -thumper, -whacker:
Unacceptable terms used to describe evangelical Christians.
Acceptable terms are fundamentalist or born-again Christians.

Highly offensive term referring to women. Do not use. See

Term describing a person sexually attracted to members of both
sexes. Use carefully and only when pertinent.

An adjective. Do not use as a noun.

Refers to Americans of African descent. African-American or black
are also being used. Do not use "colored" as a synonym. See
"colored" entry.
Insulting when applied to adult males, especially minorities.

See "American-Indian."

Highly offensive term referring to women. Do not use. See

Derogatory word describing a black or American-Indian male. Do
not use. See "American-Indian" and "Black."

Offensive reference to a woman's chest. Do not use. See "Woman."

A derisive term for Canadians.

Defines a race of people rather than a specific ethnic group or
nationality. For instance, Mexican-Americans are Caucasian. Always

A term popularized in the Vietnam War by U.S. soldiers,
derisively referring to Vietnamese. Objectionable, do not use.

Objectionable when referring to female physical attractiveness.

A term popular in the '60's and '70's to refer to Mexican-
Americans. Could be offensive to older Mexican-Americans.

Flip term referring to a woman. See "Woman."

Offensive when used generically to describe an American Indian.
Should be used only when the title is applicable.

Unacceptable racial epithet for Asian-Americans or Chinese

Unacceptable racial epithet for Asian-Americans or Chinese

An offensive term referring to Mexican-Americans who allegedly
have abandoned their culture. Objectionable because no person or
group can appropriately attach judgmental terms to others. Just as
objectionable: Banana for Asian-Americans and Oreo for black

Offensive reference to a senior citizen. See "Senior Citizen."

In some societies, including the United States, the word is
considered derogatory and should not be used. Exception: when used
as part of a title, as in the National Association for Colored
People. In some African countries, it is used to denote individuals
of mixed racial ancestry. Whenever the word is used, place it in
quotation marks and provide an explanation of its meaning.

Refers specifically to Chinese laborers in the 19th century
United States. Objectionable then, objectionable now.

Highly objectionable reference to black people. Do not use.

Offensive reference to a senior citizen. See "Senior Citizen."

Offensive term used to refer to some whites.

Credit to his/her race:
An objectionable phrase when used with a minority identifier. Do
not use.

Derogatory term for a person who has a physical disability. Do
not use. See "Handicapped/Disabled."

Highly offensive to Italians. Do not use.

Deaf and dumb:
Deaf people are not dumb. Preferred terms are deaf or hearing
impaired and speech impaired.

Objectionable term that describes women as intellectually
inferior. Do not use.

Objectionable term meaning stupid. Do not use.

Avoid as an adjective for women.

Don Juan:
See "Male Myth."

Dragon Lady:
A stereotypical and highly objectionable characterization of
Asian women depicting them as scheming and treacherous.

Dutch treat:
To share the cost, as in a date. Implies that Dutch people are

Offensive term for lesbian. See "Homosexual."

Offensive term for gay. See "Homosexual."

Highly offensive term for homosexual. Do not use.

Feather brain:
Objectionable reference to women. Should be avoided.

Do not use instead of woman (the noun). Do not use woman as an
adjective in phrases such as a "woman firefighter," use "female
firefighter." Do not identify by gender unless it is pertinent.

Can be objectionable to some women. See "Woman."

A derogatory term of Filipinos or Filipino-Americans. Should be
avoided. Use proper description: Filipino or Filipino-American.

Offensive description of a woman's physical appearance. Avoid.
See "Woman."

Adjective describing a woman's physical attributes. Use carefully
when pertinent.

Fried chicken:
A loaded phrase when used carelessly and as a stereotype
referring to the cuisine of black people. Also applies to

Derisive when carelessly used to sterotype or characterize women,
usually applied to women viewed by men as aloof or distant.

Frito Bandito:
Frito-Lay trademark. Offensive to people of Latin descent. See
Unacceptable term used to describe homosexuals.

A derogatory Spanish term applied to whites.

An exclusionary Japanese term referring to foreigners.

Should never be used to describe women. See "Women."

Refers only to homosexual men. See "Homosexual."

A young Japanese woman trained to provide entertainment,
especially for men. Offensively stereotypical when used as a blank
term or caricature.

Gender enders:
Avoid these. For instance: actress, comedienne, executress,
heroine, poetress, and starlet. Instead use gender-neutral terms
such as actor, comedian, executor, hero, poet, and star.

Avoid use. Has become a stereotype for a poor minority community.

Ghetto blaster:
A large portable stereo popular with all youth. Offensive because
it is culture specific and stereotypical. Use portable stereo or
boom box.

See "Woman."

Unacceptable term for Vietnamese and other Asian-Americans.

A term used in the '50s for those with a specific hairstyle and
dress. Derogatory when applied to Hispanics.

An Italian first name offensive when used to denote membership in
the Mafia. Also used as a description of street punks.

An offensive term meaning to cheat, derived from gypsy.

Because a disabling condition may or may not be handicapping, use
the word disabled rather than handicapped. Refrain from using
disabled as a noun. Do not use crippled, crip, or invalid. Use
"people with disabilities" or check with individual.

Derisive when used to describe a gathering of women.

Offensive reference to persons with cleft palate syndrome.

Heap big:
Stereotypical phrase denoting size. Offensive to American
Indians. See "American Indian."

High yellow:
Objectionable when referring to lighter-colored black persons.
Avoid any description of skin color or degrees of color. Also avoid
mulatto and half-breed.

Offensive term applied to people generally from Appalachia or the
deep South. Do not use.

A term referring generally to those with Latin American or
Spanish roots. Not necessarily interchangeable with Latino,
Mexican-American or other references to specific Hispanic groups.
Ask people or groups which term they prefer.

Holy rollers:
An unacceptable term used to describe evangelical Christians. See

The preferred term for people attracted to members of the same
sex. Gay refers only to homosexual men; lesbian refers only to
homosexual women. Derisive terms such as dyke, fruit, fairy, or
queer are highly objectionable.

Along with dear and sweetie, highly objectionable when used for

Hot-blooded Latin:
A derisive term that stereotypes Latinos as hot-tempered and

Preferred term is homemaker.

See "Male myth."

A derogatory term for those of the Jewish faith. Avoid this and
any other derogatory term for Jews.
Illegal Alien:
Often used to refer to Mexicans and Latin Americans believed to
be in the United States without visas; the preferred term is
undocumented worker or undocumented resident.

A clinical term referring to male sexual dysfunction. Not proper
when used to stereotype or characterize males.

American Indian preferred unless specifically referring to
residents or natives of India. See "American Indian."

Indian giver:
Refers to one who reneges or takes something back once given.
Highly objectionable.

Formerly French Indochina, now divided into Cambodia, Laos, and
Vietnam. Use "Southeast Asia."

A derisive term for American Indian.

An adjective often carelessly applied to Asian-Americans. Avoid
all terms that stereotype entire groups.

See "Handicapped/Disabled."

Derogatory term. Do not use to describe a Japanese person or a

Jewish American Princess, a stereotype-perpetuating acronym for
a young Jewish woman. Do not use.

Refers to people of the Jewish faith. Some people find use of Jew
alone offensive and prefer Jewish person. Not a synonym for stingy.
Always used as a noun, never a verb.

Jew boy:
Highly offensive to male Jews of all ages. Do not use.

Jew down:
The act of negotiating a lower price for services or goods. An
offensive and stereotypical phrase. Do not use.

Derisively applied to black slang or speech.

A term applied to both men and women who participate in sports.
Can be offensive to some.

Men who frequent prostitutes, but not a proper generic term for
men or bathrooms.

A derisive Spanish name for homosexual. Avoid use.

A first name inappropriately applied to an entire group
(Mexicans). Also, Chico and Pancho.

Refers to Kunta Kinte, a character in Alex Haley's book, "Roots."
Derogatory as a blanket characterization of black males.

Avoid using this in place of "woman" unless you intend shadings
of meanings that describe someone who is elegant, "refined", and
conscious of propriety and correct behavior. In most contexts this
word is condescending. It also often serves to trivialize.

Latin lover:
A stereotype referring to Latin sexual prowess. Avoid use.

Refers specifically to those of Latin American ancestry.

Use advisedly, especially when describing non-whites. Can be

Use with caution. Be more specific. Black politician, black
activist, implies person has approval of an entire group of people.

A first name sometimes carelessly used to refer to all black
males. Insulting.

The preferred term for homosexual women. See "Homosexual."

Any characterization of skin color should be avoided. Same with
paleface, redskin.

Descriptive term for homosexual. Avoid any such description.

Little woman:
Offensive reference to a woman. Do not use. See "Woman."

Low riders:
Offensive reference to Hispanics. Do not use.

Mafia, Mafiosi:
A secret society of criminals and its members. Do not use as a
synonym for "organized crime" or the "underworld."

Male myth:
Avoid or use with caution terms or words that contribute toward
exaggerated male sexuality. For instance: stallion, stud, hunk, Don
Juan, womanizer, or lady killer.

An antiquated term from the Old South, referring to older black
women. Highly objectionable.

May be used when both men and women are involved and a more
clearly defined term is not available. Frequently the best choice
is a substitute, such as "humanity," "a person," or "an

Man, The:
A reference to the establishment, mainly white. Could be

A derisive Spanish term for homosexual. Do not use.

Could be offensive as a reference to a senior citizen. See
"Senior Citizen."

From or of Mexico, not a substitute for Mexican-American.

The preferred term for Americans of Mexican origin.

"The Myth":
Avoid any word, description, or phrase that contributes to the
stereotype of black males as strictly athletic, well-proportioned
or having high sexual drives and exaggerated sex organs.

Native American:
Synonym for American Indian, check with subject for preference.
See "American Indian."

An antiquated term for a black woman. Now objectionable.

Archaic. Use black, Black, or African-American. Check for
preferred local usage.

Highly offensive term for black people. Use only in direct quotes
when essential.

A derogatory term for a Japanese or Japanese-American person.

Derogatory slang for whites.

Old buzzard:
Derogatory term applied to senior citizens. Do not use. See
"Senior Citizens."

Old maid:
Archaic term referring to an unmarried woman. Stereotypical, do
not use.

Old Timer:
Objective term for senior citizens. Avoid use. See "Senior

An offensive term referring to a black person who has allegedly
abandoned his/her culture. See "Black."

Unacceptable to some Asian-Americans. Use Asian-American or
Asian(s), the specific term.

Objectionable term generally used when whites are described by
American Indians. Do not use. See "American Indian."

A first name inappropriately applied to an entire group,
Mexicans. Also Julio or Chico.

Peg leg:
Use prosthesis or artificial. Also avoid hook.

A Latin American peasant, sometimes derisively applied to entire
groups of Hispanics or others. Avoid.

An adjective describing a female characteristic. Avoid usage. See

Reference to a woman's body size. Can be offensive, use
carefully. See "Woman."

Unacceptable, offensive term for black child.

As a stereotype or characterization of black men, highly

Offensive when used as a reference to a senior citizen. See
"Senior Citizen."

See "American Indian."

An acronym for Puerto Rican. Do not use.

As in public housing project, has come to denote race. Use public
housing development or subsidized housing.

Proper names:
Do not make word plays on people's given names. See "Ivan,"
"Johns," "Pancho," "Chico," and "Julio."

Qualified minorities:
Do not use in reference to affirmative action. Unnecessary
description that indicates that minorities are generally

Highly offensive term when used to describe a homosexual person.
See "Homosexual."

Offensive term describing some white people. Do not use.

Objectionable description of an American Indian. Avoid any
reference to skin color or shade. See "American Indian."

Do not use for people who are already settled in the United
States and no longer have refugee status. Use this term to describe
people who flee to find refuge from oppression or persecution while
they have refugee status.

An adjective meaning slow or backward in mental or emotional
development. Refer to specific medical condition. Do not use
retard, stupid, or ignorant.

Rubbing noses:
Allegedly and Eskimo kiss. However, Eskimos don't rub noses and
object to the characterization. Do not use.

Soviet is preferred. The term Russian should refer only to those
who are from the Soviet Republic of Russia or the language spoken
in that region.

As a term or caricature, can be offensively stereotypical. Avoid
unless referring specifically to the historical Japanese warrior

Offensive when carelessly applied to American Indians or other
native cultures. Also avoid heathen when used in the same context.
See "American Indian."

Use carefully, can be offensive to senior citizens if used as a
generalization. Applies only to the mental and/or physical
deteriorization of old age. See "Senior Citizens."

Senior Citizens:
Do not use for anyone under 65. In general, avoid ageism by
giving ages where relevant. Do not describe people as elderly,
senile, matronly, or well-preserved. Also, do not identify people
as grandparents unless it is relevant. Do not use dirty old man,
codger, coot, geezer, silver fox, old-timers, Pop, old buzzard.
Blue-haired is objectionable when used to characterize older

As a description for blacks, highly offensive.

An objectionable reference to a black person. Do not use.

Often applied derogatorily to women who compete with men in the
workplace or with behavior seen as nagging or nasty. Do not use.
See "Woman."

A Latin tradition of a midday nap. Use advisedly, do not use to
denote laziness.

Silver fox:
Objectionable term referring to senior citizens. See "Senior

Offensive slang referring to a woman or a girl. See "Woman."
Some of my best friends:
A hackneyed phrase used usually by someone just accused of racial
bias. As in, "Some of my best friends are Hispanic."

Can be an objectionable adjective when applied strictly to
blacks. Another potentially objectionable adjective: articulate.

A garden tool or card suit. Be careful of usage. Highly insulting
when referring to blacks, a popular pejorative years ago.

A language, or something or someone, from Spain. Not
interchangeable with Mexican, Latino, or Hispanic.

Avoid as an adjective when describing those with muscular
dysfunction, tics, or jerky physical movements. Also unacceptable:

Sped eds or Spec eds:
Offensive language for children in special education classes. Do
not use.

Unacceptable term for Hispanic. Use correct nationality.

Offensive term for an American Indian woman. See "American

See "Male myth."

Can be an offensive reference to a woman's posture and composure.
See "Woman."

See "Male myth."

Avoid physical descriptions. See "Woman."

Refers to darkened skin color. Avoid all unnecessary reference to
skin color, such as yellow. Other objectionable terms are paleface,
redskin, and lily-white.

Sweet young thing:
A highly objectionable phrase. Do not use any term that reduces
women to sex objects.

Objectionable term of endearment. Do not use. See "Honey."

See "American Indian."

"Those people":
A phrase used by one group to refer to an outside group.
Objectionable. See "You people."

Timber nigger:
Highly offensive language used by sporting enthusiasts and those
in the tourist industry to describe American Indians involved in
the fishing/hunting rights debate. See "American Indian."

Use advisedly. Refers to someone hired solely because of race,
ethnicity, or gender. Implies that the person was not qualified for
the job.

The Lone Ranger's loyal companion. An unacceptable
characterization of American Indians.

A guttural sound used to mimic some American Indian speech.
Highly offensive. See "American Indian."

Uncle Tom:
Refers to a black person who allegedly has abandoned his/her
culture. Objectionable because no person or group can appropriately
attach judgmental terms to others. Just as objectionable: Banana
when referring to Asian-Americans who have allegedly abandoned
their culture, Coconut for Mexican-Americans, and Oreo for black

Never use as a noun to describe someone in a comatose state or a
person incapable of caring for himself/herself. See

See "American Indian."

Refers to those who mimic a style or behavior of another group or
want to be a member of another group. Use advisedly. For instance,
a person dressed in red or blue isn't necessarily a wannabe Blood
or Crip member. Nor is the person necessarily a gang member. Also
use the term gang member advisedly for the same reasons.

An acronym for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. May be offensive to
some. See "Anglo."
See "American Indian."

See "Fried Chicken."

An offensive phrase applied to senior citizens. Avoid usage. See
"Senior Citizens."

A derogatory term for a woman. See "Woman."

A derisive term for undocumented workers, specifically Hispanic.

Preferred term is "uses a wheelchair." Do not use wheelchair-
bound or confined to a wheelchair.

White bread:
A term denoting blandness. Could have a racial connotation.

White trash:
A derogatory term directed at whites, especially poor whites.

Derogatory, along with trollop, tart, loose woman, and hussy.

Wild Indian:
Denoting unruly behavior. Offensive to American Indians.

Derogatory term. Can refer to either a man or a woman. Offensive.

Without rhythm:
A stereotype about whites. Implies others have rhythm, also a

The preferred term for a female adult. Girl is appropriate for
those 17 years old and under. Avoid gal and lady. Also avoid
derogatory terms for women, such as skirt, broad, chick, bimbo,
bumbo, babe, ball and chain, little woman, featherhead, and feather
brain. Also, avoid adjectives describing female physical attributes
or mannerisms such as pert, petite, foxy, buxom, fragile, feminine,
stunning, gorgeous, statuesque, or full-figured.

Highly offensive to Italians. Do not use.

Spanish reference to North Americans. Also, gringo.

Offensive term when referring to skin color. Also, derogatory
slang meaning coward. Avoid usage.

Yellow peril:
A term used in the 19th century and early 20th century United
States to elicit fear of Chinese or Asian immigration.

"You people":
Along with "those people," this phrase is used by one group to
refer to an outside group. Objectionable. Do not use.

--- from September & October 1991 issues of
Campus Report from Accuracy in Academia.

Re: "Unwanted Content"

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 2:45 am
by Jason
Internet censorship pilot to go ahead
It is the first time that detail is being provided about the plan, with confirmation of a "two-tiered" approach. The first tier will use a compulsory URL blacklist (currently containing around 1300 URLs), of sites said to contain "child sex abuse material". Importantly, this does not involve rules based algorithms, and the pilot is expected to test both URL blocking and IP based blocking of sites on this list.

The list currently operates on a complaints based mechanism, meaning that it only contains sites that have been submitted as prohibited content under the Broadcasting Services Act. However, ACMA intends to augment the list with sites collected by UK and US based organisations.


But the pilot is only about technical implementation, and will not address concerns over what might be added to blacklists in the future. With some fringes of politics seeking to use the censorship infrastructure to block a broader range of material such as overseas gambling or euthanasia sites, even a successful pilot would do nothing to reduce fears that this is "the thin edge of the wedge" towards Chinese-style government control of Internet content.

Senator Conroy did not shy away from the opportunity for future expansion of the blacklist when speaking to the ABC. "So in terms of what some of the senators want to claim should be included on the blacklist, I'm sure that when we get to the debates down the track, if it proves to be technically feasible, there'll be a whole range of people with a whole range of demands about what should be on the blacklist", he said.

Re: "Unwanted Content"

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:07 am
by Alex Jacob
*Sigh* Lamentably, because of First Ammendment considerations, I would have to condemn any sort of internet access restrictions. How is it, I ask, that Australia even has such a movement to limit/control access, and why is there not a constitutional sector of opposition? Do y'all have a constitution? Do you have freedom of speech and such?

Re: "Unwanted Content"

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:23 am
by Jason
Australian constitutional law: No Bill of Rights
The Constitution contains nothing like the comprehensive guarantees of civil and political rights found in the United States Bill of Rights together with the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, or the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Factors sometimes cited for this include faith in the common law's protection of rights and a belief that a powerful Senate would effectively resist overzealous governments.
The constitutional guarantee of freedom of political communication is, prima facie, far more restricted than the generalized guarantee of freedom of speech and of the press in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. But it remains to be seen whether a suitable expansion of the notion of "political communication" may not lead, in time, to a similar result. In the migration-bias case, some of the Justices, while being careful to quarantine "commercial speech without political content", seemed to imply that the scope of "political speech" may nevertheless be very broad indeed.

Re: "Unwanted Content"

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:52 am
by brokenhead
ps Just dont let them try that shit over here!
Hey mansman - just out of curiosity, where exactly is "here"?

Re: "Unwanted Content"

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 4:43 am
by brokenhead
A few observations DNWUN's 1991 PC glossary:
Highly offensive term referring to women. Do not use. See
Most women I know do not consider this offensive at all. In fact, they kind of like it as it makes them feel sexy like Rita Hayworth. Women will think you're a pussy if you worry too much about things like this. Now the word cunt is a different story...
Offensive reference to a woman's chest. Do not use. See "Woman."
Ditto. "Buxom" is a bit archaic, but arguably a classier term than "stacked," and preferable to "chesty" or "top-heavy."
Offensive term for gay. See "Homosexual."

Highly offensive term for homosexual. Do not use.
Wait - "fairy" is highly offensive, and "faggot" is merely offensive...? It doesn't look like any homos worked on this list.
Offensive description of a woman's physical appearance. Avoid.
See "Woman."
It's only offensive to a woman when she hears you use it in reference to another woman, not because she objects to the word - although this might be the reason she gives for being offended - but because she is jealous that you are applying it to someone else and not her.
Fried chicken:
A loaded phrase when used carelessly and as a stereotype
referring to the cuisine of black people. Also applies to
I've never known a black person to be so small-minded as to be bothered by mentioning fried chicken as a stereotype. Black people know that black people like soul food. Black people are far more bothered by false stereotypes and institutional racism.
Refers only to homosexual men. See "Homosexual."
Nonsense. Lesbian refers only to homosexual women, who often consider themselves as part of the gay community. This is almost reverse stereotyping.
American Indian preferred unless specifically referring to
residents or natives of India. See "American Indian."
To avoid confusion when speaking of natives of India, follow the term "Indian" with "dot - not feather."
Highly offensive term for black people. Use only in direct quotes
when essential.
When essential? Like when a black guy cuts you off on the highway? It really isn't ever essential, is it?
Reference to a woman's body size. Can be offensive, use
carefully. See "Woman."
All references to a woman's body size should be "used carefully," "petite" maybe less than most, at least compared to terms like "Tubby," "Ginormous,"...
The preferred term for a female adult. Girl is appropriate for
those 17 years old and under. Avoid gal and lady. Also avoid
derogatory terms for women, such as skirt, broad, chick, bimbo,
bumbo, babe, ball and chain, little woman, featherhead, and feather
brain. Also, avoid adjectives describing female physical attributes
or mannerisms such as pert, petite, foxy, buxom, fragile, feminine,
stunning, gorgeous, statuesque, or full-figured.
Why don't I just avoid people altogether?

This is all so... last century.

"Loves mah niggas but where's mah bitches...?"

Re: "Unwanted Content"

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 11:13 am
by Ataraxia
Alex Jacob wrote:Yea, me thinka like mans-a-man, maybe no have naughty website for all Australia boys have other effect, like taking nice walks down near the eucalytus forest, commune with the koalas, thingsa like that. Plus, all that wacking the wangdang looking at all the teen pussy sites, maybe energy get-a redirected to other, higher endeavors? Like getting a job...makinga something ofa oneself?
'Tis only the first week and you've become the perfect Obama-wife already.

Re: "Unwanted Content"

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 12:07 am
by Alex Jacob
Ataraxia, I was really into Obama---last week. But with some of the crap he's pulled recently I think he should be impeached. (Is it politically correct and even legal to say that?!?) Palin's lookin' better and better with each passing moment. How could we have not seen her?

Re: "Unwanted Content"

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 1:16 am
by Diebert van Rhijn

      • The Obamanation that causes desolation ...
      • [Gospel of Matthew 24:15, Book of Daniel 9:27 ]

Re: "Unwanted Content"

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 4:11 am
by DHodges
The Constitution contains nothing like the comprehensive guarantees of civil and political rights found in the United States Bill of Rights together with the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, or the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Factors sometimes cited for this include faith in the common law's protection of rights and a belief that a powerful Senate would effectively resist overzealous governments.
I guess in Australia the Senate isn't considered part of the government? And the courts?

Re: "Unwanted Content"

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 4:28 am
by brokenhead
DHodges wrote:
The Constitution contains nothing like the comprehensive guarantees of civil and political rights found in the United States Bill of Rights together with the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, or the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Factors sometimes cited for this include faith in the common law's protection of rights and a belief that a powerful Senate would effectively resist overzealous governments.
I guess in Australia the Senate isn't considered part of the government? And the courts?
I think the point was based on an assumed Separation of Powers type of arrangement, in which a Senate or a Parliament is supposed to represent the governed in the seat of power. It's almost considering each administration as "the" government, which in the USA, it seems to be. Eight years of Bush made it clear enough how an executive branch can fashion a judicial branch in its own image, then run roughshod over a legislative branch.

Re: "Unwanted Content"

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 4:48 am
by DHodges
brokenhead wrote:Eight years of Bush made it clear enough how an executive branch can fashion a judicial branch in its own image, then run roughshod over a legislative branch.
Yeah, it seems like the Australians have some faith in their government not to screw them over. I don't understand where that faith comes from. In the rest of the world, governments have proven how corruptable they are time and time again.

Re: "Unwanted Content"

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 9:25 am
by guest_of_logic
DHodges wrote:Yeah, it seems like the Australians have some faith in their government not to screw them over.
Hmm, perhaps a little bit of faith. Generally, though, Australians are pretty cynical of politicians and their government.

Personally I think that we should have a bill of rights in our constitution - it might have helped with the issue under discussion in this thread. I also think that we should be a republic rather than a constitutional monarchy, but I'm pretty sure that that will happen in due course. Ideally, both things would occur together.
Ataraxia wrote:This is a shameful turn of events from a so-called socially liberal leaning centre left party.
Agreed 100%. As Nat might have said, it's appalling. I wrote an email to the minister after Jason directed me to a few relevant links, but that's just a drop in the ocean. I didn't have the patience to follow any of the discussions on the Facebook group that Jason directed me to, although I did at least join it.

Re: "Unwanted Content"

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 12:37 pm
by brad walker

Re: "Unwanted Content"

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 6:07 am
by Alex Jacob

Re: "Unwanted Content"

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 11:25 pm
by Jason

Re: "Unwanted Content"

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 1:31 am
by Alex Jacob
That was funny, man! So many uptight people in this world!

Listen to these uptight bitches!

Kids and Porn

About Industry Regulation, OSHA, etc.

Re: "Unwanted Content"

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 2:29 am
by Jason

Re: "Unwanted Content"

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 11:05 pm
by BGen
Ataraxia wrote:This is a shameful turn of events from a so-called socially liberal leaning centre left party.

Apologies for posting a Murdoch newspaper article but the Labor-lemmings at Fairfax press barely seems to give two hoots about this.

It's only just begun I suspect-- some of the early targets for blacklisting are inexplicably sites where Anorexia and Euthenasia are discussed for some reason that totally escapes me. ... rrer=email

Australian web filter to block 10,000 internet sites

AUSTRALIA'S mandatory net filter is being primed to block 10,000 websites as part of a blacklist of unspecified "unwanted content".

Some 1300 websites have already been identified by the Australian Communications and Media Authority.

Communications Minister Senator Conroy revealed details of the Rudd Government's proposed web filter as he called for expressions of interest from internet service providers (ISPs) for a live trial of the technology, the Courier-Mail reports.

ISPs will test ways to filter the web using volunteer subscribers. The trial will start before Christmas and is expected to last six weeks.

What's the best way to control inappropriate web content? Comment below

"The pilot will specifically test filtering against the ACMA blacklist of prohibited content, which is mostly child pornography, as well as filtering of other unwanted content," Senator Conroy told Parliament today.

"While the ACMA blacklist is currently around 1300 URLs, the pilot will test against this list - as well as filtering for a range of URLs to around 10,000 - so that the impacts on network performance of a larger blacklist can be examined."

A spokesman for Mr Conroy later said: ''The pilot will provide an invaluable opportunity for ISPs to inform the Government’s approach.

''The live pilot will provide valuable real-world evidence of the potential impact on internet speeds and costs to industry and will help ensure we implement a filtering solution that is efficient, effective and easy for Australian families to use.''

An ACMA trial of web-filtering technology this year found it could slow internet access by as much as 87 per cent and by at least 2 per cent.

Electronic Frontiers Australia board member Colin Jacobs said his civil liberties group was concerned at what would be deemed "unwanted content".

"It is unclear how ACMA will scale up their blacklist to 10,000 websites and what will go on the list," he said.

"Conroy said the list would contain illegal and unwanted content but we still have to see what would end up on that list.

"Under the current mandate that includes adult material, which would mean most material that could be rated R and, in some circumstances, material rated MA15+."
It is another one of those points of history where restriction is thought to be better than education. This is a sad state of affairs for Australia. Have a look at the comments by the Australian Internet Users themselves at

Re: "Unwanted Content"

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:33 pm
by BGen
Update to isp filtering in Australia:

"On 11 February 2009, the Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Senator Stephen Conroy, announced the first phase of the pilot would begin with an initial six ISPs. See more details in the Minister's media release: Pilot to assess technical feasibility of ISP filtering."

Re: "Unwanted Content"

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:11 pm
by Dan Rowden
You, stupid, cunt-faced mothercuntsucjkerbloodsuckers!

Re: "Unwanted Content"

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 8:18 pm
by brokenhead
Dan Rowden wrote:You, stupid, cunt-faced mothercuntsucjkerbloodsuckers!
You are going to have to learn how to express your emotions, Daniel. It's not good keeping things all bottled up.