Hilarious exchange

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Hilarious exchange

Post by Sage »

Here is a really funny "debate" I (kulza23) had with someone on youtube on a Naomi Klein video:

duhCider (3 hours ago) Show Hide 0 Reply | Spam
All forms of economy and government represent the failure of human beings to act selflessly and lovingly towards each other. Thus, they are doomed to failure. If we love and respect each other, we have no need for economy or government. True freedom lies in love and respect. Anything else is a compromise to fear and the imposition of systems and governments.
kulza23 (3 hours ago) Show Hide 0 Reply | Spam
I agree that selflessness and love are great virtues. But how do you get everyone to voluntarily subscribe to them? This would entail the resolution of all conflicts in the world, which is a near impossible task. Quite honestly, I think your position is hopelessly naive.
duhCider (2 hours ago) Show Hide 0 Reply | Spam
It is not naiveté, it is what will be, if we survive all this fear. If you look at my estimation of what is, I think it is horribly accurate. The only solution to the ugliness of this world is love, with its inherent forgiveness, selflessness and tolerance. The answers will never be political or economic; the answers are spiritual and psychological.
kulza23 (2 hours ago) Show Hide 0 Reply | Spam
See my post above on defining the terms. You say all forms of economy are doomed to failure. Economy is defined as: the structure or conditions of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services in a country, area or period. Basically it means "trade". It is absurd to think trade represents the "failure of human beings" to act virtuously. Trade is what allows humans to live in societies and exist above the level of animal. So not only are you naive, but delusional as well!
duhCider (1 hour ago) Show Hide 0 Reply | Spam
"Trade" means, "Here's what I'm offering, what are you willing to pay/exchange?" Love simply asks, "What do you need?", then acts to provide. Economic systems, at best, ask for fair exchange and, at worst, become authoritarian weapons. Love merely looks with compassion at those in need and acts to provide. The naive and delusional are those who would favor a cold world of exchange for a loving, giving society.
nickodemo1 (56 minutes ago) Show Hide 0 Reply | Spam
wow you can read
but you don t think
you really need spend lot more time at school
then internet
so by the time you ll say something
you won t look like an idiot (wich is the case right now)have a nice day
kulza23 (7 minutes ago) Show Hide 0 Reply | Spam
I concur.

Just a little nugget of gold I felt had to be shared. People sure are funny.
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Ryan Rudolph
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Re: Hilarious exchange

Post by Ryan Rudolph »

"Trade" means, "Here's what I'm offering, what are you willing to pay/exchange?" Love simply asks, "What do you need?", then acts to provide. Economic systems, at best, ask for fair exchange and, at worst, become authoritarian weapons. Love merely looks with compassion at those in need and acts to provide. The naive and delusional are those who would favor a cold world of exchange for a loving, giving society

You’re correct sage, DuhCider is terribly naïve. Many spiritual seekers idealize love as some selfless and generous state, but all humans are essentially selfish. DuhCider vital flaw is that he rejects trying to fully comprehend the complexity and injustice of the present economy in favor of an idealized oversimplified fantasy that gives a warm fuzzy feeling. Moreover we need to be selfish as it guarantees our survival. Generous people are usually motivated by some future reward, or they derive a psychological high for their deeds, which is still selfish, and delusional anyway.

Essentially, a functioning economic system with a currency is absolutely necessary at this stage of our present evolution, things could change, who knows, but at the moment, goods and services require a huge amount of labor to obtain, and therefore a monetary system, a government, regulations and all the rest of it are absolutely necessary to make sure people are properly compensated for their plight of labor.
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Re: Hilarious exchange

Post by Perishable »

I know this will not justify, but I agree on both aspects/opinions/beliefs...
Whatever is your chosen will.

It is hilarious to me that two people with stubborn (<-- no offense) point of views would try to explain their thoughts, when one anothers is extremely contradictive.

I'm simply open to all opinions...
So I found this bicker of most interest! :D
He was a Genius...