Political Psychology

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Re: Political Psychology

Post by Imadrongo »

Democracy -> mediocrity.

I don't want to be "equal" and have "equal rights" with everyone else, when I am better than lots of them. ;-)
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Re: Political Psychology

Post by daybrown »

City state systems, that operated outside the hegemony of empire, like the Silk Road towns between China and Persia, had different kinds of government. But the thing is, that competent men could, and did, vote with their feet, taking their talents to those towns which had the lowest cost of government and the most promise of personal freedom and profit.

The transnationals have been engaged in making deals with local communities for investment without much, if any, input from higher levels of government, which is creating a kind of defacto city state system.

More the point really, is to consider whether where you now live is the beneficiary of this trend. Small and midsize towns, of say, under 25,000 are seeing transnational investment. Part of the reason for this, is that when the total number of thugs in town is less than about 300 the local law enforcement learns to recognize the faces and vehicles of every member of the criminal element. When it exceeds that number, its too many for the cops on the beat to deal with. But when a new vehicle shows up in the wrong part of town, they notice.

Urban streetgangs that have tried to open up new drug territories have had their clocks cleaned. They just didnt get it. They didnt enjoy the anonymity they depended on. Investors have noticed the lower crime rates, and thus the lower insurance rates, the way these small town families stay put, so staff turnover is lower.

The successful city states, all the way back thru history, have worked with populations up to about 30,000. Athens, at its peak of democracy was this size. So was Kucha which was run by the Gautamid Queens. Finland, with a population of less than 4 million, was able to resist invasion by the Soviets in WWII despite being outnumbered 20 to 1. How was that possible?

The freedoms enjoyed by the Fins kept and attracted competent men. Same deal in City State Greece when a measly 1500 at Thermapolye stopped Xerxes with 250,000 cold. The men knew each other, knew what each was capable of, and how to organize better. Same deal with Xenophon, with ten thousand Greek Hoplites, left Artaxerxes and a million man army without leave. Its why Alexander, 60 odd years later had the balls to invade the Persian empire, then 25 million, with maybe 30,000 Greeks.... who had all grown up in City States.

Some were democracies, some tyrannies, some republics, some monarchies, but they were all under 30,000 in population. Any competent man, pissed at the way things could run could hop on a boat to the next town. Ditto on the Silk Road; hop on the next camel train. The governments all knew this, and treated these men with the velvet glove.

Today, a competent engineer or programmer can hop on a plane and go anywhere. So many have flown into the Fayetteville AR airport (college town, pop 50,000) to setup new businesses there, or one of the others (pop 7000 to 15,000), that the unemployment rate is 3%. There is no building code. Do whatever you want, no inspectors, no unions, no red tape or bureaucratic asses to kiss at the court house. Just make damn sure you dont pollute one of their trout fishing streams, or they will be all over your ass.

Bring your rifles and shotguns. Deer season is open already, bear, turkey, elk, & wild boar all open at different times in different areas. Hunt clubs all over hellanback. Bring your bass boat; if you dont already have one, there's plenty for sale cheap. You wont make as much money as in Bangalore or Silicon valley, but you'll have a lot more fun.

Point being, that communities can compete on more than just the basis of money. Somebody is thinking about what the kind of men they want moving in want- at the same time they make it difficult for the kind of men they dont want. The politics supports economic conservatives- but not liberals or social conservatives. Which is the way city states have always been.
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Re: Political Psychology

Post by Shahrazad »

Very interesting, daybrown. Too bad that 30k is too small for cities with our current pop. level.

What if a large city was divided into hundreds of 30k county states, with their own government? I guess that would be too difficult to defend. We'd have to build county walls.
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Re: Political Psychology

Post by daybrown »

Polite discourse appreciated Shahrazad. And yes, a transformation would be difficult. However, I think the Israeli wall has been largely successful. Modern surveillance equipment can reveal who is trying to cross where, and when. A wall is feasible; that's not the problem.

Perhaps you recall Gibbon noting that the aristocracy encouraged immigration of cheap labor into Rome from tribes that lacked sound republican traditions. And Machiavelli discussed how they then fund the campaigns of demagogues who pander to ethnicity and religion while making hidden deals to reduce the taxes and increase the profits for the rich.

I dont think the power elite in the US wants illegal immigration stopped. We see illegals pack themselves by the score into apartments and homes. They thus lower the per capita cost of living, all sharing the one ride to work. We see the same sort of thing going on in China, India, and much of the undeveloping world, and we saw it again in the robber baron era, with some factories that built bunkhouses or dorms for men or women.

When I was young, in 1960, I lived in just such a bunkhouse at a vegetable agribusiness near Buckeye AZ, with all the other bunkhouses full of Mexicans. They are good workers, were friendly to me, and tried to be helpful. I was born on a farm in Minnesota, but these agrarian methods were different.

But as the middle class gets hammered making the rich richer, ever more of them will be living in bunkhouses. It'll be the only way to get by on average global incomes.

Well, there is one other way. 5 people drove up all the way to my boonies on Sat, concerned about the stability of the economy in view of the disempowerment and impoverishment of the American middle class. They plan to offer me a partnership in a sub Chapter S corporation.

In like manner, there will be some areas where the middle class figures out what is coming down, and takes more active steps to reduce their cost of living closer to the global average while investing in their own businesses so their jobs cant be out sourced.

This kind of thing is more feasible outside the major metro areas where it'd be below the radar of the political lackies of the power elite as well as away from the social predation of the lower classes. There is a kind of self selection too. The more neurotic cant even consider the changes as the dollar declines, commodity prices rise, but their income- if they are lucky- stays where it is. People are like compulsive gambers in the rat race thinking that they will eventually make it big. And like casinos, the power elite rewards some token numbers to keep them all in the game.

When the community is under 30,000, the competent people keeping it going tend to know each other on a face to face personal basis. The usual collection of expensive status symbols dont work. Even if a man drives an expensive car, the local girls all know he's still a jackass. That kind of thing drives down the cost of living. But in an economic crisis, that face to face network is much faster to respond and pull together.

The further a town is from a major metro area, the more effective a local 'well regulated militia' would be in terms of defending their common interest. 3 of the 5 who came to see me on Saturday were X-military. 2 infantry, 1 marine. They can all shoot. Since this is feasible for them, the local resource base is diverse enough, there is money to be made, and land deals to profit from also, it all adds up to alternatives they can consider that fall outside the urban group think.

Some of what I see going on looks like middle class smart money getting out of town. Just the fact that is happening is making it more possible to make money here. For instance, these hills are full of old trashy empty trailers sitting on 5,10,20, or even 40 acres. But come in, haul the trailer away to recycle the aluminum, steel, and copper, rake up the beer cans, and now the *land* is worth 1500 to 2500$/acre. Never mind the timber. Walnut is worth over 20$/bd ft.

Just one 2ft dia walnut with a 16ft log to where it branches out, is worth 7500$. I know of one trashed out arkie house with 2 three foot Walnuts in the yard that are therefore worth 23,000$ in gun stocks. Every obscure location will have ideosyncratic resources like this that urbanites know nothing about. Every major metro is like every other- which is why the transnats can move people around like flashcards to be plugged in no matter where you put them.

Ideosyncratic places are more militarily defensible, and when illegals or whoever shows up, they stand out, and are easily picked up. So yes, a "wall" is feasible in some areas. During WWI, the Kaiser thru 5 German divisions armed with machine guns in the Belllau Woods against a brigade of US marines. But they were, in fact, farm boys who grew up in woods just like this squirrel hunting, and the Germans just didnt get it. Nobody had ever put together an entire brigade of crack shot snipers before. So- there are now former infantry and marines coming up into my neck of Ozark woods who, among other things, get it.

Nobody talks about it, but I think they know how to knock down black helicopters too. Not that I expect it'd ever come to this, but its part of the political psychology leading to investment.
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Re: Political Psychology

Post by DHodges »

daybrown wrote:Nobody talks about it, but I think they know how to knock down black helicopters too.
This morning, riding on the train to work, I was thinking about a lot of the stuff I've been reading lately (about survivalism and about the excesses of government) and wondering if it was making me get a little too paranoid.

And there, outside the window of the train, was a black helicopter. I couldn't see any markings on it. It was just flying around in a circle.
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Re: Political Psychology

Post by hsandman »

DHodges wrote:
daybrown wrote:Nobody talks about it, but I think they know how to knock down black helicopters too.
This morning, riding on the train to work, I was thinking about a lot of the stuff I've been reading lately (about survivalism and about the excesses of government) and wondering if it was making me get a little too paranoid.

And there, outside the window of the train, was a black helicopter. I couldn't see any markings on it. It was just flying around in a circle.
What type? Link please;-)

I carry a camera around.. 4 gigs of 7.1 mgp movie, in the box the size of a wrist watch... Sometimes abyss looks in to me and sometimes I look right back in to it.

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Re: Political Psychology

Post by daybrown »

DHodges wrote:
daybrown wrote:Nobody talks about it, but I think they know how to knock down black helicopters too.
This morning, riding on the train to work, I was thinking about a lot of the stuff I've been reading lately (about survivalism and about the excesses of government) and wondering if it was making me get a little too paranoid.
Given the long history of deceit by all governments, that's not paranoia, just prudence. I dont have the data to predict any serious changes in your way of life, but I can see that because of the Internet and global communications, if the shit does hit the fan, it'll be at supersonic speed. Once it starts to fly, I dont see how any power elite will be able to prevent impact.

I usta post to survivalist forums but gave that up when I realized they were all romantic gun nuts with some kind of asinine vision of a pioneer life in the national forests. The fact that there are so many, so delusional, is also cause for concern. "Survival" is not a long term camping trip.

Equally as plausible as total chaos and anarchy is the dissolution of the Untied States of denial with some states being every bit as bad as they fear, but other states, or parts of states, with more homogeneous populations, pulling together- with the national guard becoming a "well regulated militia", law enforcement still functional, the hospitals, schools, and farms still somewhat operational.

Also equally plausible is the further dissolution of less viable nation states- Pakistan this week maybe adding itself to Darfur, Burma, Sri Lanka, and other regions with ongoing violence. But in the advanced cultures, the trains still run on time. Sure some transnationals will crash, but other new entrepreneurial opportunities will emerge, and with digital communications, could do so very quickly.

For instance, we mite see the big three, indeed all the automakers to shut down. But we'd also see a zillion autoshops open up salvaging small 4cyl drive trains from junkyards to retrofit the gas hog vehicles. Businesses would move out of urban high rises to suburban fringe office parks, and folks would still drive to work- but have short commutes and do it at 55mph.

Folks in the suburban fringe would turn their big lawns into gardens. I pulled all my tomatoes today; I'm putting my greenhouse back up, and expect to have home grown tomatoes for xmas dinner. We'll see a lotta that no matter what else the global economy does. More will telecommute, and work in the garden when not in the home office, but still ready to answer the phone if there's some business that needs to be dealt with quickly. There'll be a lot less time spent on the couch, and folks will get their news off the net so it dont take so long.

They need the exercise, they can get by on lower paychecks, and sell local produce. win/win/win.
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Re: Political Psychology

Post by Jason »

DHodges wrote:And there, outside the window of the train, was a black helicopter. I couldn't see any markings on it. It was just flying around in a circle.
It was making a crop circle no doubt.
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Re: Political Psychology

Post by Imadrongo »

Jason wrote:
DHodges wrote:And there, outside the window of the train, was a black helicopter. I couldn't see any markings on it. It was just flying around in a circle.
It was making a crop circle no doubt.
That or it was communicating via secret encrypted government channels to UFOs conducting brain control experiments in the area.
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Re: Political Psychology

Post by hsandman »

Neil Melnyk wrote:
Jason wrote:
DHodges wrote:And there, outside the window of the train, was a black helicopter. I couldn't see any markings on it. It was just flying around in a circle.
It was making a crop circle no doubt.
That or it was communicating via secret encrypted government channels to UFOs conducting brain control experiments in the area.
No, it was making people stupid while they think they are funny... look around sometimes and ask question ... what's up with all the cloak and dagger shit.

communicating via secret encrypted government channels

to UFOs

conducting brain control experiments in the area
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Re: Political Psychology

Post by Trevor Salyzyn »

The Canadian perception of America, as far as I can tell, is that Canadians are completely annoyed that America, our closest neighbour and powerhouse for the world economy, is filled with hicks who think that "Tim Hortons" is our prime minister. The difference in the education system is total: The American school system teaches long lists of American presidents; Canadians preach multiculturalism and diversity of viewpoints (which is how me, an average Canadian, know about the American school system; whereas the average American would know nothing about ours -- since theirs is the best).

How much of this difference in outlook is due to the way these two countries approached the role of Britain in the nation's future?
My perception of sane people is that I am annoyed that sane people, the closest thing to me and my much stronger half...

dig it?

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It's just a damn helicopter, sheesh

Post by DHodges »

hsandman wrote:What type? Link please;-)
It looked like a police helicopter, like this or this, skids on the bottom instead of wheels, gloss black, but no markings that I could see. (I admit my eyesight isn't the greatest.)

Jason wrote:It was making a crop circle no doubt.
Unlikely, since it was flying over northern Philadelphia. It may possibly have been focusing on some one's indoor crops. I've heard that they can detect large banks of grow lights by infrared.

Neil wrote:That or it was communicating via secret encrypted government channels to UFOs conducting brain control experiments in the area.
I'm pretty sure that they don't need helicopters for that.
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Re: Political Psychology

Post by DHodges »

daybrown wrote:I usta post to survivalist forums but gave that up when I realized they were all romantic gun nuts with some kind of asinine vision of a pioneer life in the national forests. The fact that there are so many, so delusional, is also cause for concern. "Survival" is not a long term camping trip.
Yes, there are a lot of people who seem to be preparing only for a Zombie Apocalypse.
Equally as plausible as total chaos and anarchy is the dissolution of the Untied States of denial with some states being every bit as bad as they fear, but other states, or parts of states, with more homogeneous populations, pulling together- with the national guard becoming a "well regulated militia", law enforcement still functional, the hospitals, schools, and farms still somewhat operational.
This has occurred to me, and it seems like a good argument for re-locating to perhaps Vermont or New Hampshire, which seem to have a strong tradition of independance. (Pennsylvania is not too much of a police state yet, but New Jersey is, and California.)

Also equally plausible is the further dissolution of less viable nation states- Pakistan this week maybe adding itself to Darfur, Burma, Sri Lanka, and other regions with ongoing violence.
The Pakistan situation is very troubling, maybe more of an immediate concern than Iran. Being a lawyer in Pakistan must be a completely different deal than being a lawyer in the U.S. -
CNN wrote:About 3,000 Pakistani lawyers, rounded up since Saturday, sit in jails across the country with no courts operating to which they can seek release. Pakistan has an estimated 12,000 lawyers.

Police earned cash bonuses for beating and arresting hundreds of lawyers Monday who had gathered outside of Lahore's courthouse, police sources said.
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Re: It's just a damn helicopter, sheesh

Post by hsandman »

DHodges wrote:
It looked like a police helicopter, like this or this, skids on the bottom instead of wheels, gloss black, but no markings that I could see. (I admit my eyesight isn't the greatest.)

Well, (sorry if it's obvious, but) the 1st pic one is a electronic information gathering chopper (see the round radar thing above the blades) and the second (pic) is your run of the mill police chopper. The black matt paint is for the night covert operations. The absence of clearly visible markings is for the same reason = covert operations chopper.
The skids donate that it was not a military chopper, but a city slicker. I will do some digging on this tomorrow. Might make for interesting timewaster project.
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Re: Political Psychology

Post by Faust »

I'm surprised no one has mentioned Anarchism. Political anarchy is I think the best thing. Anarchy not as in chaos as what most people would consider, but anarchy as in mutual and consensual agreements in between small groups and in between individuals.


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Re: Political Psychology

Post by vicdan »

Ah yes... Anasrchy...

BTW, the ironic thing is that, AFAIK, the only instance of anarchy being successfully implemented on any sort of scale is the israeli institution of kibbutzim, the anarcho-syndicalist farming communes; and they are able to exist because they exist within the context of a regular state which ensures their security.

Even here, in anarchism, jews are taking over!
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Re: Political Psychology

Post by Faust »

vicdan wrote:BTW, the ironic thing is that, AFAIK, the only instance of anarchy being successfully implemented on any sort of scale is the israeli institution of kibbutzim, the anarcho-syndicalist farming communes; and they are able to exist because they exist within the context of a regular state which ensures their security.

Even here, in anarchism, jews are taking over!
that comic is retarded, as if written by pseudo-intellectual academic nerds, or teenagers who don't have a real idea of what Anarchism is. That comic doesn't disprove Anarchism whatsoever.

The Kibbutz was not and isn't Anarchist, it began Socialist with no property rights, equal income regardless of productivity, and other things. And that's why it's been a failure. Kibbutz systems were rapidly degenerating in the past decades, and only recently have they been revived because its socialist policies have been reformed. There's not much Anarchistic about them though. http://volokh.com/posts/1189140572.shtml

And, being the malignant sow that you are, there have been better examples of somewhat successful anarchist communities, the ones in the Spanish Civil War is a good one. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarchist_Catalonia

Jews are taking over what are you talking about? Like how Rothschilds took over with worthless fractional reserve banking, then taking over entire countries' currencies up to the present day? Or when they lied to Britain about losing Waterloo, in order to buy all bonds at cheap prices, then when everyone realized they had one Waterloo, Rothschild had taken over most of the market? That's honest labour all right.
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Re: Political Psychology

Post by vicdan »

Faust13 wrote:that comic is retarded, as if written by pseudo-intellectual academic nerds, or teenagers who don't have a real idea of what Anarchism is. That comic doesn't disprove Anarchism whatsoever.
No, it merely condenses a coherent ridicule of anarchism into one page. :)

The problem with voluntary agreement, dude, is that anyone who doesn't agree can use force on others to get them to obey. This is why real anarchism never lasts. Bat'ko Makhno in Ukraine also carved out an anarchist republic during the soviet civil war which lasted for three years or so, but he was not able to resist the organized Red Army.
The Kibbutz was not and isn't Anarchist, it began Socialist with no property rights
it began as anarcho-socialist, AKA anarcho-syndicalist -- exactly the same model spanish anarcho-socialists used in the Civil War.

The founding kibbutzniks are often described as 'socialists', but they were socialists of the anarchist variety -- they didn't believe in a socialist state, dictatorship of the proletariat, and all that shit. They believed in socialism as free, voluntary emergent order arising from cooperation of the individuals involved.

Of course they were greedy selfish corrupt jews, so it was doomed -- which is why kibbutzim have only survived for three years, unlike the long-standing successful anarchist societies of Catalonia and Ukraine.
And, being the malignant sow that you are, there have been better examples of somewhat successful anarchist communities, the ones in the Spanish Civil War is a good one. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarchist_Catalonia
Where are they now? Nowhere to be found? Then they weren't successful, were they? Any idea can be made to succeed for a short time; the test is whether it survives for years, decades, even centuries. The test is whether it survives the initial burst of enthusiasm, whether it becomes a sustainable society.

You, kiddo, are pathetic.
Jews are taking over what are you talking about? Like how Rothschilds took over with worthless fractional reserve banking, then taking over entire countries' currencies up to the present day? Or when they lied to Britain about losing Waterloo, in order to buy all bonds at cheap prices, then when everyone realized they had one Waterloo, Rothschild had taken over most of the market? That's honest labour all right.
You be careful, young man! The Elders will send Zionist Ninjas after you! You don't want to piss off the Zionist Ninjas. The things they can do with their swords! They will make you extra-extra-jewish, kiddo! :D
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Re: Political Psychology

Post by Philosophaster »

vicdan wrote:You be careful, young man! The Elders will send Zionist Ninjas after you! You don't want to piss off the Zionist Ninjas. The things they can do with their swords! They will make you extra-extra-jewish, kiddo! :D
LOL. Attack of the Jews!
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Re: Political Psychology

Post by DHodges »

Philosophaster wrote:LOL. Attack of the Jews!
Never heard of Krav Maga?
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Re: Political Psychology

Post by Imadrongo »

We are already living in anarchy. You are free to do whatever you can Faust, but the government will try to hold you responsible for your actions.

This anarchy fad is basically summed up by that cartoon -- people who want some authority to grant them lack of any authority. These people should really look into libertarianism, that is where they belong.
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Re: Political Psychology

Post by Boyan »

Neil Melnyk wrote:We are already living in anarchy. You are free to do whatever you can Faust, but the government will try to hold you responsible for your actions.
It is posts like these that make Vic's day.
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Re: Political Psychology

Post by Imadrongo »

Boyan wrote:It is posts like these that make Vic's day.
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Re: Political Psychology

Post by Boyan »

Neil Melnyk wrote:We are already living in anarchy. You are free to do whatever you can Faust,
You equaled anarchy with free will here.
but the government will try to hold you responsible for your actions.
If we were living in an anarchy this is precisely what wouldn't happen, as there would be no government.