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Are Whites inferior To Jews?

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 7:01 am
by zarathustra
In America alone Jews have earned 27% of the Nobel Prizes awarded to Americans, 25% of ACM Turing Awards, and 26% of the Fields Medals. They account for more than half the world chess champions. Jews, 2 percent of the US population, make up 30% of elite-college faculty, 30% of Supreme Court law clerks, and 27% of Ivy Leaguers...


Re: Are Whites inferior To Jews?

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 7:40 am
by Ryan Rudolph
A higher percentage of Jews seem to have the social skills and intellectual talents necessary to succeed financially, and there have been a few Jewish spiritual geniuses such as Jesus and Weininger. They also have a very high percentage of atheists, Therefore, they’re genetic stock is fairly decent. Although, historically, they have been hated and envied by other ethnic groups based on their ability to network into positions of power, and stay there.

Historically, in Britain, I believe Jews were banned from owning land due to the excessive rate they were able to financially usurp British landowners out of their estates. Correct me if I’m wrong, but after this step by the government, I believe the Jews turned to money lending, and the rest is history.

It seems to me that the jewish race as a whole seems to have abnormal high rates of ambition, combined with a higher IQ, which has both its pros and its cons. Their efforts in the progress of science is definitely commendable. However, overall they remind me of worker ants on steroids.

Re: Are Whites inferior To Jews?

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 7:51 am
by Philosophaster
zarathustra wrote:In America alone Jews have earned 27% of the Nobel Prizes awarded to Americans, 25% of ACM Turing Awards, and 26% of the Fields Medals. They account for more than half the world chess champions. Jews, 2 percent of the US population, make up 30% of elite-college faculty, 30% of Supreme Court law clerks, and 27% of Ivy Leaguers...
What's your measure of "inferiority?" If you're talking about IQ and scientific achievement, then the answer is, "Yes, generally."

Re: Are Whites inferior To Jews?

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 8:05 am
by Unidian
A higher percentage of Jews seem to have the social skills and intellectual talents necessary to succeed financially, and there have been a few Jewish spiritual geniuses such as Jesus and Weininger.
Jesus and Weininger in the same sentence? You gotta be kidding me. Jesus didn't off himself at 23, you know. And he didn't believe men could impregnate women by mere proximity.

But yeah, in terms of IQ, the Jews rule (Ashkenazi Jews in particular). And their culture also tends to place heavy emphasis on financial achievement, so they also do quite well there as a rule. I can tell you from firsthand experience that it is very rare to find either a Jew or an Asian in a homeless shelter.

Naturally, since I have rather different values, I'm not a huge fan of Jewish culture. But their achievements in science and the arts cannot be denied.

Re: Are Whites inferior To Jews?

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 8:52 am
by Nick
zarathustra wrote:In America alone Jews have earned 27% of the Nobel Prizes awarded to Americans, 25% of ACM Turing Awards, and 26% of the Fields Medals. They account for more than half the world chess champions. Jews, 2 percent of the US population, make up 30% of elite-college faculty, 30% of Supreme Court law clerks, and 27% of Ivy Leaguers...

No wonder Jesus and Weininger had such a strong distaste for them.

Re: Are Whites inferior To Jews?

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 10:03 am
by Dan Rowden
Oh, for fuck's sake. Isn't there enough threads about this shit already? Stop creating knew threads when there are extant ones of the same subject matters!

This is the last thread I will permit on the issue of Jewry. Enough already.

Re: Are Whites inferior To Jews?

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 11:05 am
by David Quinn
Unidian wrote:
A higher percentage of Jews seem to have the social skills and intellectual talents necessary to succeed financially, and there have been a few Jewish spiritual geniuses such as Jesus and Weininger.
Jesus and Weininger in the same sentence? You gotta be kidding me. Jesus didn't off himself at 23, you know.

No, he did it at 33.

And he didn't believe men could impregnate women by mere proximity.
Are you sure you understand what he meant by "impregnate"?


Re: Are Whites inferior To Jews?

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 11:08 am
by Unidian
Jesus did not commit suicide. He allowed himself to be executed, which is not equivalent.


Re: Are Whites inferior To Jews?

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 11:25 am
by zarathustra
All races have levels of 'propensity' for certain things...but these levels can be inhibited by socio-economic conditions, which allows them the 'freedom' to pursue higher education or do not make that freedom available. Many working families in Australia, America, Africa and elsewhere lack access to higher education ( many don't even have enough to eat and are struggling to pay the mortgage ) regardless of whether their children show 'promise' in certain areas of higher learning, while the upper classes, whose children may not show a particularly propensity for anything, go on to tertiary education (George Bush). All children should have access to higher education, regardless of their socio-economic status, and this access should be based on ability and potential not on daddy or mummy's bank account.

The reason many western Jews and an upper class minority of whites seem to dominate in areas of higher education/professions is because they get first choice when it comes to education, while Mr and Mrs average Black or White's kid - who may have been a wizz at physics in secondary school - is sent off to Irak, has to work in a menial job for the rest of their lives, or waste away on social security or drugs. I think you'd find, if working people were given the same opportunities, things would be different.

No one race or people are inferior or superior to anyone, its all a matter of opportunity, or lack of....


Re: Are Whites inferior To Jews?

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 1:47 pm
by Jason
Unidian wrote:Jesus didn't off himself at 23, you know. And he didn't believe men could impregnate women by mere proximity.
Hang on, wasn't he himself the end result of impregnation by mere proximity? I suppose there could have been penetration, these omnipotent types can be sneaky. The virgin....impregnation is beginning to remind me of Ghostbusters, that might also explain ectoplasm...

Re: Are Whites inferior To Jews?

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 1:53 pm
by Trevor Salyzyn
Jason: if the old yarns be true.

Re: Are Whites inferior To Jews?

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 1:56 pm
by Trevor Salyzyn
Even with your edit, my answer stands.

Re: Are Whites inferior To Jews?

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 2:20 pm
by hsandman
" Yes, generally."
In America alone Jews have earned 27% of the Nobel Prizes awarded to Americans,
Henry Kissinger-peace prize
"Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries"

Henry Kissinger


Re: Are Whites inferior To Jews?

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 2:44 pm
by Unidian
Kissinger won the Nobel Peace Prize?

Oh well, unfortunately for Al Gore and Jimmy Carter, the credibility of that prize just went down the toilet in my eyes. Kissinger is a neo-con tool. The only interest he has in "peace" involves exterminating most people on Earth.

Re: Are Whites inferior To Jews?

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 3:19 pm
by hsandman
Unidian wrote:Kissinger won the Nobel Peace Prize?

Oh well, unfortunately for Al Gore and Jimmy Carter, the credibility of that prize just went down the toilet in my eyes. Kissinger is a neo-con tool. The only interest he has in "peace" involves exterminating most people on Earth.
You are not alone there. :-) Connecting the dots
According to the Austrian countess Bertha von Suttner, Alfred Nobel, as early as their first meeting in Paris in 1876, had expressed his wish to produce material or a machine which would have such a devastating effect that war from then on, would be impossible. (Source)
Nuclear bomb,biological weapons and Teslas star wars weapon is such a war machine. Very logical, but he did not take in account the impact of psychopaths rising to the top, in world that is ruled by corporations/business.

Re: Are Whites inferior To Jews?

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 5:16 pm
by Jason
Trevor Salyzyn wrote:Even with your edit, my answer stands.
Even after my edit, the fact that it was a rhetorical question stands. ;)

Re: Are Whites inferior To Jews?

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 10:02 pm
by vicdan
zarathustra wrote:The reason many western Jews and an upper class minority of whites seem to dominate in areas of higher education/professions is because they get first choice when it comes to education, while Mr and Mrs average Black or White's kid - who may have been a wizz at physics in secondary school - is sent off to Irak, has to work in a menial job for the rest of their lives, or waste away on social security or drugs. I think you'd find, if working people were given the same opportunities, things would be different.
This is a non-explanations. When the massive wave of jewish immigration into USA came, the jews coming in were largely poor working ones from the eastern Europe. They didn't start out with silver spoons in their mouths.
No one race or people are inferior or superior to anyone,
The terms 'inferior' and 'superior', applied thusly, are meaningless. it is possible -- in fact quite likely -- that some groups would be inherently predisposed towards some things more than others. Short people have a natural advantage in gymnastics for example, due to the basic physics of human anatomy, while tall people have an advantage at basketball. Since there are differences in average height, your thesis is proven wrong from the get-go.

That being said, it's quite possible -- and I would like to believe -- that the observed IQ differences are largely cultural. There is certainly no sound reason to believe otherwise regarding the black/white IQ difference. However, we won't understand nearly well enough how intelligence works. Furthermore, the 'the differences are all due to nurture' model does seem to be wrong in at least one case, that being Ashkenazim, who were subjected to very harsh selective pressure for centuries, and who, along with a full deviation's worth of higher IQ, also carry genes for some pretty nasty neural diseases along for the ride, probably the result of too-rapid selection.

Re: Are Whites inferior To Jews?

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 11:22 pm
by Philosophaster
Years ago, while doing research on education and IQ, I happened to be in the principal's office at a black school in Cincinnati, as he was preparing to open a large brown envelope containing the results of IQ tests that his students had taken. Before he opened the envelope, I offered to bet him that a large majority of the students with IQs over 110 would be girls.

He was too smart to take the bet. Studies had shown that females predominated among high-IQ blacks. One study of blacks whose IQs were 140 and up found that there were more than five times as many females as males at these levels. [!] This is hard to explain by either heredity or environment, as those terms are usually defined, since black males and black females have the same ancestors and grow up in the same homes. Meanwhile, white males and white females have the same average IQs, with slightly more males at both the highest and lowest IQs.

- Thomas Sowell, Race and IQ
Seems to point pretty strongly to a cultural cause in the black / white case.

Re: Are Whites inferior To Jews?

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 12:29 am
by Shahrazad
Cultural causes for alleged high IQ seem to be more likely than genetic causes in the case of Jews. If we are to believe that the Bible is right in its history, Jews are all descendants of Isaac while Arabs are descendants of Ishmael, both sons of Abraham. So Jews and Arabs only separated as ethnic branches quite recently (certainly in terms of evolution, 3000 or so years is not much).

Re: Are Whites inferior To Jews?

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 12:42 am
by Philosophaster
Well, it seems quite possible to eliminate many of the less intelligent members of a group inside of a few thousand years through heavy persecution. One explanation I have heard for Ashkenazi IQ is that many Jews in Europe were limited to high-IQ occupations like finance. The ones who succeeded in those jobs passed down their genes in greater numbers.

Re: Are Whites inferior To Jews?

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:18 am
by vicdan
Shahrazad wrote:Cultural causes for alleged high IQ seem to be more likely than genetic causes in the case of Jews. If we are to believe that the Bible is right in its history, Jews are all descendants of Isaac while Arabs are descendants of Ishmael, both sons of Abraham. So Jews and Arabs only separated as ethnic branches quite recently (certainly in terms of evolution, 3000 or so years is not much).
Philo is right. Very harsh selection pressure can account for very rapid change in allele frequencies. The ashkenazim were indeed restricted to 'high-IQ' occupations -- merchants, bankers, some crafts -- and, coupled with medieval persecution of jews in Europe, this could account for the IQ difference. Notice that spharadim, who were subject to a different environment (the muslim world expected them to be craftsmen and laborers, not merchants) don't evidence the same IQ blow-out.

As I mentioned, the genetic hypothesis is lent credence by the high prevalence of genetic neural diseases among ashkenazim, such as Tay-Sachs. Such significant genomic defects generally don't appear for no reason.

Re: Are Whites inferior To Jews?

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 4:51 am
by skipair
All the jews I know are white.

Re: Are Whites inferior To Jews?

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:22 am
by Trevor Salyzyn
All the people I know who stiff me for change are jews.

Re: Are Whites inferior To Jews?

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:47 am
by Jamesh
Philo is right. Very harsh selection pressure can account for very rapid change in allele frequencies. The ashkenazim were indeed restricted to 'high-IQ' occupations -- merchants, bankers, some crafts -- and, coupled with medieval persecution of jews in Europe, this could account for the IQ difference. Notice that spharadim, who were subject to a different environment (the muslim world expected them to be craftsmen and laborers, not merchants) don't evidence the same IQ blow-out.
So more less intelligent Jews got into situtations where they were killed, or starved, or the kids died from diseases. OK, imo guessopinion that would account for some but not all of the IQ difference. I still reckon human intelligence in the last 15000 years evolved as much from Lamarckian style evolution.

Re: Are Whites inferior To Jews?

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:28 pm
by Philosophaster
I was thinking about something in regard to this topic today. It seems like Jews are overrepresented in classical music performance, but not in composition of classical or any other kind of music (as far as I know). They also seem slightly overrepresented in fiction and other "creative" literature, I think, but not nearly to the degree that they are in math or sciences. I wonder why that might be, especially given that they are high above the norm in verbal IQ.