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Sheer Stupidity

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 2:17 pm
by Elizabeth Isabelle
Imagine a free public service that relieves the aching feet of tourists, gives kids a safe ride home from the movies at night or keeps someone who might have had one too many drinks at the local pub off the roads — and is environmentally-friendly, too. Then imagine government regulations shutting the service down.

It happened in Santa Barbara, California.
And New York put a cap on how many there could be (didn't find a link for this one). The mayor vetoed the bill because his goal was to have a more environmentally friendly city, but the counsel overrode his veto. There's too much wrong out there in the world. Too much corruption. Too much illogic. I can't blame the kids for going mad. "And the children shall lead..." The world is insane. I stuck my head in the sand for a few years, and the contrast is intense. It's already Armageddon out there.

Funny - I had to retype that last sentence. The power the power blinked out just as I hit the period. I don't understand - there's no lightning, no wind - not even a breeze that I can tell. Perhaps there's a tornado somewhere on the power grid. It's only a tropical storm. Gads, but it feels like my head is on fire.