Another great anti-feminist site

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Re: Another great anti-feminist site

Post by Boyan »

daybrown wrote: If all a woman wants is a relationship, get a small dog or become a faghag. Let the men who are fully functional entertain those women who can enjoy the entire spectrum of his talents. Or leave him be to entertain himself without having to waste mental energy on repressing sexual response. If all you need is his advice, make a phone call o
r email. He'll be able to respond dispassionately in a more rational manner. Is that not what you want?
Well put.
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Re: Another great anti-feminist site

Post by Elizabeth Isabelle »

daybrown wrote:But we still expect the men to not make passes, and nobody objects if the women do.
There is a difference between making a pass and being vile. Women (in general) do not make a pass unless they think the man could be interested. The gentle hook-up happens when they both get the feeling they were responding to the other person's pass. Going in like a cat in heat doesn't work on human women.
daybrown wrote:If all a woman wants is a relationship, get a small dog or become a faghag. Let the men who are fully functional entertain those women who can enjoy the entire spectrum of his talents.
And what of the entire spectrum of her talents? I'm not going into this circular argument with you. I will, on this occasion, repeat myself: "you wouldn't understand in the condition you're in."

Rant on if you like; I'm done.
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Re: Another great anti-feminist site

Post by Carl G »

The full spectrum of daybrown's talents are that he is a walking meathead dildo. According to him. What more do you want? Enuf said, right, bro? High five!
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Re: Another great anti-feminist site

Post by brokenhead »

Shahrahzad wrote:
Let's clear things up: I don't do one-night stands, I don't want one-night stands, and I don't need one-night stands. I don't go to bars or parties and I do absolutely nothing at all to meet new people; in fact, I get out of my way to avoid it.
Hey I don't know you - you brought up one night stands in your post.
If you actually took it personally, then I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Sexual frustrations? What sexual frustrations? Why, I had sex just last - wait, what century is this...?
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Re: Another great anti-feminist site

Post by brokenhead »

Exactly, but why do you mention relationships? Men do not want relationships; they want sex. Duh.
I guess you haven't found the right guy? The ones who didn't stick around are losers anyway. You don't have to give anyone anything you don't want to, am I right? Then don't. The only way to get what you want is to give the right thing to the right person.

I'm not as big an asshole as I sounded on that other post. But geez... when I hear that "all men want is one thing" I want to go Columbine. My personal experience has been that...shhhh...women really like sex too.

And if you think the guys you find are losers, get rid of them. Get rid of them before you get them, even. But I see from your post that you are doing that already.
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Re: Another great anti-feminist site

Post by Jason »

Boyan wrote:I thought so, but I didn't think it was that bad. We could just be honest for once, for a change, like Russell Crowe in 'Beatiful mind' when he said to that girl: I am sitting here talking to you, but the main thing I want is to have a sexual intercourse with you as soon as possible.
I've tried it and so far zero success. No arrests yet though, which is good. Maybe if I looked like Russel Crowe....

This famous experiment, Gender Differences in Receptivity to Sexual Offers carried out some more widescale tests:
According to cultural stereotypes, men are more eager for sex than are women; women are more likely to set limits on such activity. In this paper, we review the work of theorists who have argued in favor of this proposition and review the interview and correlational data which support this contention. Finally, we report two experimental tests of ihis hypothesis. In these experiments, conducted in 1978 and 1982, male and female confederates of average attractiveness approached potential partners with one of three requests: "Would you go out tonight?" "Will you come over to my apartment?" or "Would you go to bed with me?" The great majority of men were willing to have a sexual liaison with the women who approached them. Women were not. Not one woman agreed to a sexual liaison.
Here's some inspirational pick up lines for you. Some of my favourites:
"Let's bypass all the bullshit and just get naked."

"Excuse me. Do you want to fuck or should I apologize?"

"M: Wanna fuck?
W: No!
M: Nice shoes. Wanna fuck now?"

"Are you gay? (No.) Wow, me neither, let's have sex."

"I wanna put my thingy into your thingy."

"Chick do now."
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Re: Another great anti-feminist site

Post by Shahrazad »

Carl said,
The full spectrum of daybrown's talents are that he is a walking meathead dildo. According to him. What more do you want?
At 68, if his dildo actually works, he's doing great.
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Re: Another great anti-feminist site

Post by Shahrazad »


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And if you think the guys you find are losers, get rid of them. Get rid of them before you get them, even. But I see from your post that you are doing that already.
Right, but you seem to want to make this whole thing about me. My posts were not about me -- they were about men in general.

And you still don't get my point. If all a man wants with a particular woman is sex, then the honest thing to do would be to tell her that's all he wants. Daybrown was chided for doing just that. I'm on daybrown's side. That does not make me a loser.

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Re: Another great anti-feminist site

Post by brokenhead »

And you still don't get my point. If all a man wants with a particular woman is sex, then the honest thing to do would be to tell her that's all he wants. Daybrown was chided for doing just that. I'm on daybrown's side. That does not make me a loser.
Shahrahzad - Who said either of you were losers? I didn't! I said the attitude of "All men want is sex" is the attitude of a loser. I'm not even saying "If the shoe fits..." I am saying that if this is your attitude, you can do better. Excuse me, I thought you were making a complaint. If I said "All women care about is how much you have and not who you are," would I sound more like a winner or a loser? Either way, it would come across as a complaint.

And I do get your point. My head feels like it wants to explode. I wouldn't know about men who only want to jump a girl's bones because I'm not one of them and never have been. And yes, they are out there in force.
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Re: Another great anti-feminist site

Post by Shahrazad »

Excuse me, I thought you were making a complaint.
But I thought I was just describing things the way I see them.
If I said "All women care about is how much you have and not who you are," would I sound more like a winner or a loser? Either way, it would come across as a complaint.
I wouldn't take it as a complaint. I'd probably even agree, as a generalization. It may also depend on what part of the world you live in.

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Re: Another great anti-feminist site

Post by brokenhead »

Again, maybe you are a better person than I am, and I'm not being facetious. I like to see the highest qualities I can in other people. Which is why I don't think all women are golddiggers because I have been lucky enough to know many who are not. So when I hear a base generalization about "all men," it sounds whiny to me. But then again, I didn't actually hear you say it. What I heard is the cacaphony of the other hundred million times I heard the same statement. So, ya got me. And my own posts about it sound just as whiny about now...
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Re: Another great anti-feminist site

Post by daybrown »

Shahrazad wrote:Carl said,
The full spectrum of daybrown's talents are that he is a walking meathead dildo. According to him. What more do you want?
At 68, if his dildo actually works, he's doing great.
IT works, but I dont remember the last time there was a call for the service. I am led to believe that there's lotsa women my age who'd like to have me around. But think about what they want me around for. For one, their ideas are almost entirely 20th century, most often Christian.

I have not been a Christian since I actually read the Bible cover to cover over 40 years ago. Women my age would not like to think about what I think, and those who are most interested are young faghags. So- they dont spend time with men they expect to ever have sex with either. Its confusing.

The Pagans and the Christians, by Robin Lane Fox is a long, but very worthy book on the last time we were here, where cosmology and moral values were changing, and then, as now, families were upset with different generations having different fundamental beliefs. The young wiccan women are conflicted, intuitive enuf to see the distress, and growing in power, but not yet at a point where they can really do much about it. Nobody asked them if corporate downsizing and outsourcing- which has destroyed so many of the careers men relied on, if that was a good idea.

The number of male loosers has been dramatically increased, and as women move up the corporate ladders, the number of men who make enuf money has dramatically decreased. The young women make more money now. There aint no free lunch, and now that they are bringing home the bacon, priorities are shifting. Nobody quite knows what to think.

I see young women moving in together, and this fits with what I know of hominid evolution, where they rely, not on an alpha male mate, but the community to help meet their emotional, sexual, and physical needs. I have an open invitation to move into such a setting, but evolution never equipped us to deal with physically active sexually functional men my age. Men used to, on average, be dead by 30, and the 'three score and ten' was heard of, but only cited because it was the expected upper limit. Socrates was glad to drink the poison on 70; he knew he'd never get laid again. And he himself expressed gratitude that he no longer had a libido. Course, nobody was selling Viagra, and the diet I was raised on promoted maximal development.

For a lotta men now, its like being the whorehouse piano player; young women dress like sluts even if they dont have lotsa fuck buddies, and this makes it appear to the dudes that they are the only ones not getting laid. Hominids have an instinctive need for attention, and for females this is best acquired with sexy clothes. Why would I want to be around people who advertise that they have something they generously give, but will never give it to me? I'm not that masochistic, and am really grateful that I dont havta drive to work every day to be constantly exposed to it.

I awta buy a new copy of Cosmopolitan to see if things have changed since 2005. There's only slightly less skin than in Hustler, but the content, or lack thereof, in the articles is instructive. Hot new sex tricks, 50 ways to be a better girlfriend, drivel on media stars, more tricks on how to manipulate men, or manage & improve mated sex life. One article on wrongly convicted prisoners. And Hustler? 1/3 the pages, but still room for raps on Sen Larry Craig, contaminated food, The Chinese economy, US concentration camps, Election fraud, the neocon agenda.

I daresay that in mixed conversation, the subscribers to Huslter will have more to say that the others would be interested in hearing about than those who get Cosmopolitan. No wonder people think young sexy women are airheads. The TV & movies are full of them and their idiotic personal lives giving the girls growing up now that you dont need brains as long as you've got bod. But the young wiccans I've met, while they do read books full of drivel by new age authors, at least they're not wasting time with media magazines.

As for more mature women's talents; like those I know in real estate or the local political power structures, while I admire that ability to manipulate the system, which they have done for my benefit as well, I dont really care to hear them discuss it. I'm not up on the nomenclature, not going to be a real estate agent, run an office, or hassle with state agencies. Their talent is in dealing with the power structure as it is, whereas my study has been on what it anciently was, and the ways in which we are returning to that. Which the younger women, who are not yet fixed in their careers, take a greater interest in.

But in any case, we can all just get along. i dont really expect women to understand where I'm coming from, and they dont mind that much if I stay away from them. Most of those few I see most often, a few times a month, are still raising kids, and that's on their front burners. As it should be, and I'd rather watch hogs being butchered than watch them struggle with that.
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Re: Another great anti-feminist site

Post by Shahrazad »

Daybrown, you may end up with a young girl, then. Or one in her 40s, whose children are not so little.
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Re: Another great anti-feminist site

Post by daybrown »

Shahrazad wrote:Daybrown, you may end up with a young girl, then. Or one in her 40s, whose children are not so little.
I appreciate the concern, but dont worry about it. My case manager, a Cherokee witch, sends people up to check on me. I could move in with her tribe, but I have ongoing herbal operations here. Being here also made me aware of another land opportunity which they are arranging for.

I'm part of a loose network of relationships and investments at several locations in the southern Ozarks, with different resources and relationships at each place. If the proverbial SHTF, we can decide when the time comes, which places will be most secure and most meet immediate needs. But til then, I have the herbs and strawberries here, The Smith brothers 1/4 mile away in the canyon have blueberries and the saw mill, their sister at Bee Branch has a powerful solar power system now being installed, the Hector group has the proximity to do truck farming for the Russelleville market, with family connections in trucking there to get it on the interstate... and so on.

Being alone permits me to focus more intently on my research and writing, and soon as I finish this post, I'll get back to posting more work at ... then if its not raining, back into the garden. I need the exercise.

I was born and raised back in the day when boys knew where the woodshed was and were taught to control their emotions. I have not lost that power, and having studied stoicism, have learned to apply it more effectively. If young women are to take the power they aspire to, they will need that same self control. So- as you say, there may yet be some young woman who finds it furthers her own agenda to explore my sexual responsiveness. Back when the matriarchs ran things, they expected girls to perform sexual services, and even use them for spiritual enlightenment.

But my kharma has always been that these changes didnt happen til after I didnt need them any more.
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Re: Another great anti-feminist site

Post by Shahrazad »

I have similar kharma, and I'm ok with it.
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Re: Another great anti-feminist site

Post by Boyan »

Jason wrote:
Boyan wrote:I thought so, but I didn't think it was that bad. We could just be honest for once, for a change, like Russell Crowe in 'Beatiful mind' when he said to that girl: I am sitting here talking to you, but the main thing I want is to have a sexual intercourse with you as soon as possible.
I've tried it and so far zero success. No arrests yet though, which is good. Maybe if I looked like Russel Crowe....

This famous experiment, Gender Differences in Receptivity to Sexual Offers carried out some more widescale tests:
According to cultural stereotypes, men are more eager for sex than are women; women are more likely to set limits on such activity. In this paper, we review the work of theorists who have argued in favor of this proposition and review the interview and correlational data which support this contention. Finally, we report two experimental tests of ihis hypothesis. In these experiments, conducted in 1978 and 1982, male and female confederates of average attractiveness approached potential partners with one of three requests: "Would you go out tonight?" "Will you come over to my apartment?" or "Would you go to bed with me?" The great majority of men were willing to have a sexual liaison with the women who approached them. Women were not. Not one woman agreed to a sexual liaison.
Here's some inspirational pick up lines for you. Some of my favourites:
"Let's bypass all the bullshit and just get naked."

"Excuse me. Do you want to fuck or should I apologize?"

"M: Wanna fuck?
W: No!
M: Nice shoes. Wanna fuck now?"

"Are you gay? (No.) Wow, me neither, let's have sex."

"I wanna put my thingy into your thingy."

"Chick do now."
This one's a killer :)

''Goup to a girl at a bar or a dance and ask her: do you want a fuck(wait for a second gauging her reaction) drink?²''
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Re: Another great anti-feminist site

Post by Dan Rowden »

brokenhead wrote:
Dan Rowden wrote:
brokenhead wrote:It's retarded to downplay companionship, friendship, love, teamwork, family relations, and all the other possible flavors of relations between a man and a woman.
Why would one need any of these things - other than to perhaps achieve some practical goal?
Because they make life richer. More pleasant. Isn't that practical enough?
I think you'll find upon deeper analysis that egotistical benefit is insufficient justification for things. At least in the sense that unless you come up with something else you'll have to drop a load of things into that category that I doubt you'd consider appropriate.
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Re: Another great anti-feminist site

Post by Dan Rowden »

Boyan wrote:This one's a killer :)

''Goup to a girl at a bar or a dance and ask her: do you want a fuck(wait for a second gauging her reaction) drink?²''
Actually, the manipulative bullshit of it aside, this might work if done well because a sense of humour is important to women, generally. However, I would have a problem with any man that calculating. But, I'm not a woman, and women like men who'll calculate - i.e. make an effort - to impress.
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Re: Another great anti-feminist site

Post by Jason »

Boyan wrote:This one's a killer :)

''Goup to a girl at a bar or a dance and ask her: do you want a fuck(wait for a second gauging her reaction) drink?²''
There's more here.

"(Walk over to her)Ok, you can stand next to me, as long as you don't talk about it."

"Do you think I could borrow that dress/bustier sometime?"

"Inheriting eighty million bucks doesn't mean much when you have a weak heart."

"Hello, Susie. Your mom couldn't make it this afternoon, she asked me to pick you up and take you home. My, what a pretty dress."

"Want to see my stamp collection?"
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Re: Another great anti-feminist site

Post by Dan Rowden »

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Re: Another great anti-feminist site

Post by daybrown »

Shahrazad wrote:I have similar kharma, and I'm ok with it.
Well ya, me too. Ya know; get over it. Obsessing, or doing anything else only makes it worse. I've yet to see any clue that anything you do can make it better. I see the hand of Fate in Murphy's law way too often to disregard it, but yet to see the point in the chronic frustration of goals.

Like Fate has pointed me out using Her middle finger, but I dont understand why She should fucking care.
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Re: Another great anti-feminist site

Post by Shahrazad »

Dan said,
Actually, the manipulative bullshit of it aside, this might work if done well because a sense of humour is important to women, generally.
However, I would have a problem with any man that calculating. But, I'm not a woman, and women like men who'll calculate - i.e. make an effort - to impress.
Yes indeed. The woman will take into account that a man who can recite a line like that and not look like a total fool has something going for him. OTOH, if he looks like a fool, and was willing to look like a fool just on the off-chance that the woman might say yes, is somehow flattering and will get a girl's attention.

A friend asked me out once and I said no because he was younger than me. He walked me to my car and he fell on his knees after I opened the door and got in. He kept asking me out. He did win a lot of brownie points with me for that one. I figured a man who can keep his cool on his knees asking a woman out cannot be all that bad.

Boyan, you ought to try that one with someone you really like, if you don't find it humiliating. But if you're not particularly cool around women, you may want to practice with a friend or family before you go for it.

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Re: Another great anti-feminist site

Post by Shahrazad »

I've yet to see any clue that anything you do can make it better. I see the hand of Fate in Murphy's law way too often to disregard it, but yet to see the point in the chronic frustration of goals.
I don't think you can usually make it better or worse either, except for obvious goof-ups.

I eventually found out that kharma is only against me in finding a compatible mate. Haven't you ever heard it said that those who are lucky with love are unlucky with games of chance, and viceversa? I don't like gambling, but I'm pretty lucky in attracting money and property, without much of an effort. Sure, wealth is no substitute for affection, but I've learned to see it as a consolation price, and it sure comes in handy when someone in your family or yourself needs medical care.

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Re: Another great anti-feminist site

Post by Boyan »

Shahrazad wrote:
Boyan, you ought to try that one with someone you really like, if you don't find it humiliating. But if you're not particularly cool around women, you may want to practice with a friend or family before you go for it.

It's untranslatable so I'd have to do it in english, which is not the official language where I am at, but, girls I know speak english so it could work.

I'd do it just to see the reaction.
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Re: Another great anti-feminist site

Post by Shahrazad »

It doesn't have to be in English. The person who did it to me did it in Spanish, though he speaks very fluent English.

Why don't you want to try it in your own language? I was talking about the kneeling down thing I described, not the "do you wanna fuck" line. But that one is good also.
