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Re: Psych meds make good people do bad things

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:03 pm
by Shahrazad
All of this should be taken in the general sense rather than as referring specifically to snow bunny, though. He's probably just trolling, which is also a somewhat sociopathic act in some cases, but one of lesser magnitude.
He could just be trolling. He loves to get a reaction out of people. However, I doubt he would be bold enough to make a statement like these in a face-to-face setting.

ETA: I hope you didn't miss his post on threatening a cyber acquaintance with raping and killing his wife and baby. Even as a joke I find it in bad taste.


Re: Home Cooking Tips ... From Me To You

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:26 pm
by Unidian
Yeah, I saw that. It was ugly, but there's no use overreacting. That's probably what he's looking for.

Michael Vick for Governor

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:49 pm
by Tomas
snow bunny - Is Lurker a derogatory term, like Troll, in that context?

Tomas--The gambling side of it is a whole different deal though. The state wants their "take".--

s.b.-- Yeah, but they are overlooking the layman's opinion on that, just like the Bill Clinton thing.

Much like legalized dog racing at the track. They slit a rabbits throat, put it on the pulley. Hit the start, off the dogs go smelling the rabbit.

-snow bunny-
We didn't think it was about perjury, we thought it was about doing Lewinski.

Met him at a garage in Warm Springs, Arkansas. He's a nice guy. He was either Bily Graham's illegitimate son or former governor Winthrop Rockefeller's son.

-snow bunny-
The public outrage on Vick is for abusing dogs, not for gambling.

Other than a few crybabies on this forum, didn't pay it much mind.

-snow bunny-
I'm not sure, maybe the government is going to try to bust him again on the gambling part, on the state charges.

I'm willing to cut him some slack ... prison can't be much of a picnic. He's doing some real soul-searching.

Tomas (the tank)
VietNam veteran - 1971

Re: Home Cooking Tips ... From Me To You

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:54 pm
by Carl G
We end up as crudely practicing psychologists here just fielding the cases that come traipsing over the transom, cruising late night these these cyber-hallways; a demonstration, a cry for attention, an impromptu movie scene; we gawk, improvise together, become part of history.

P.S. What the fuck you on about, Tomas, lying about bunny.

Re: Home Cooking Tips ... From Me To You

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 3:00 pm
by Tomas
Carl G wrote:We end up as crudely practicing psychologists here just fielding the cases that come traipsing over the transom, cruising late night these these cyber-hallways; a demonstration, a cry for attention, an impromptu movie scene; we gawk, improvise together, become part of history.

P.S. What the fuck you on about, Tomas, lying about bunny.
Greetings from planet Neptune, Carl,

I have no idea who snow bunny was earlier on this forum.

Some clown named Sharabad says it was someone

Laird speculated..

Gnat said to beware

Somebody said it is/was bill... (whoever that is

Another said rpl?

Some other freakshow said sandman and I are the same character

It's what i don't like about web anonymous.



Re: Illinois Shooter was treated with Psych meds prior to rampag

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 3:01 pm
by Elizabeth Isabelle
Tomas wrote:.

Illinois shooter was treated with psych meds prior to shooting rampage

Psych meds make good people do bad things


Great logical reasoning Tomas[/sarcasm]

Did it occur to you that people who need to be put on psyc meds might be a bit unstable? On top of that, not only do psyc meds tend to take awhile (like up to 3 months) before they reach their peak effect, the first med they are put on might not work. I knew one person who had to go through 12 different kinds of antidepressants before finding one that worked.

Psychiatry is still in its infancy. A lot of it is still trial and error. That doesn't mean that you kill the baby because it can't drive a car.

Re: snow bunny vs. nurse Elizabeth

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 3:11 pm
by Tomas
Elizabeth Isabelle - No shooting the dog, even with a pellet gun. Even if no one catches you, it will just make him mean.

Shoot the dog dead. Then it don't "make it to the mean."

People should treat all animals with compassion because it is good spiritual training.

Oh Jezuz. Time for the dog and cat food companies to bring all the pets at "humane shelters" to the factories and let them eat the outdated friskies and alpo.

Even food animals should be killed humanely.

Buy a farm and put your money where your mouth is.

I'm not up on the Micheal Vick thing, so I can't comment on it right now.

-tomas- Any searchengin will get you an interview with this fine fellow. Perhaps Hillary will pardon him then he can run for governor.



Re: Psych meds make good people do bad things

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 3:31 pm
by Tomas
Shahrazad - All laughing aside, I'm getting tired of thread name changes too.

Tomas, you violate every single netiquette standard. You need to be put in cyber jail for a few days.

Why don't you start a thread about snow bunny so - you, Nat, Elizabeth, and brokenhead (and all other troll-alias's) can wring your hands about some damn dogs... go vegetarian.

Let's see, you are trying to lose weight, Elizabeth intentionally gained weight to scare off the men, Nat eats processed food from Day one, and brokenhead attends alcoholics anonymous - but your four have a conniption about some character named snow bunny...

ps- get going on a separate thread about snow bunny (hint hint) or stay on Genius Threads ... lotsa action over there :-)



Re: Illinois Shooter was treated with Psych meds prior to rampag

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 3:38 pm
by Tomas
Elizabeth Isabelle wrote:
Tomas wrote:.

Illinois shooter was treated with psych meds prior to shooting rampage

Psych meds make good people do bad things


Great logical reasoning Tomas[/sarcasm]

Did it occur to you that people who need to be put on psyc meds might be a bit unstable? On top of that, not only do psyc meds tend to take awhile (like up to 3 months) before they reach their peak effect, the first med they are put on might not work. I knew one person who had to go through 12 different kinds of antidepressants before finding one that worked.

Psychiatry is still in its infancy. A lot of it is still trial and error. That doesn't mean that you kill the baby because it can't drive a car.

You, of all the people on this forum (I thought) would have liked the web site "Natural News".

The article deals with the Big Pharma getting children (not adults) on this stuff.

Seems 10-20% of my employees have nothing better to do than pop pills at the water cooler.

Another 10-20% split for their martini power lunch - Then for happy hour trolling for a boy/girl friend.

All the way from Columbine on up to the present were zombie boys numbed out on SSRI's...



Re: Home Cooking Tips ... From Me To You

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 3:39 pm
by Unidian
Also, how do people not notice the critical fact that he *stopped* the meds before the rampage? Gee, here's an idea - maybe he stopped his meds, went nuts because of it, and started shooting.

Nah...... that would make too much sense.

Re: Psych meds make good people do bad things

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 6:46 pm
by hsandman
Carl wrote:

I mean, you're messing with people's minds, I mean, someone comes on this forum and sees a thread about Hawaii and shit, and then goes to eat dinner his wife makes the man some nice pork chops after a hard day's work what's wrong with that, and when he comes back all fixin' to post something he thought of, he can't find the damn thread. That's because Tomas the tank took it upon himself to rename the thread. And he renamed it some weak ass shit like take your meds, boys.
I had tears in my eyes! :-D
I suggest , he eats his damn pork chops faster. :-S lol

bunny wrote: a dog has no thinking mind, so they don't deserve continued life if they injure a human being.

I think dogs have too many rights, and they should be kept away from people, like other animals.

There was that one story where some guy grabbed a dog from another car during a road rage incident and threw it into oncoming traffic, now that was funny!

No, I did actually almost shoot the dog. I wouldn't feel bad about it, but I don't want the confrontation that might occur if who's ever dog it was actually figured out who shot it. I don't need anymore legal problems, since I have put that behind me.

If that dog is ever near me when it is nice and warm out, and I am outside. I will probably attack it in some way. I hate dogs.

All I have is a pellet gun, which I had to get to kill some squirrels that were annoying me.

I have seen, but I shot a fox and a raccoon, but I think I would have to shoot them in the eye to kill them.

If I had a firearm, I'd probably shoot the bunny just to see it explode!

I would only feel guilty about killing a human, and I wouldn't do it unless it was him or me.

I also might shoot the neighbor's dog that keeps coming over onto my property, it's just a little cat sized thing, but it shouldn't be barking at me (I actually almost shot that thing with the pellet gun too, but I thought better of starting a controversy up here.)

So, should I shoot the little yappie dog with a pellet gun, or not?

that seemed unfair that he had to go to jail just for killing some dogs.

Why, don't you care whether or not something is legal? Most people do.

but maybe I would change my mind if I were watching dogs get tortured or somethin'.

Vick hanged some dogs, is that wrong? I, personally, don't think it warrants jail time.

Snoop Dogg is a bad dog, but he's responsible for himself, like all bad dogs should be. Me? I'm a bad dog, but all males are dogs, so we just have to get over it, and move on with our lives.

Doesn't matter if I'm an asshole, just as long as I'm happy.
Where do you live, in Panama? I live in Canada, so I think he should get off.

in Panama somebody wouldnt go to jail for that, and that dog fighting is probably legal there.

How extraordinarily offensive. I love children, especially little gurls.
Holly"Snow Bunny Droppings"? Sanity check should be given before even admitting people to internet, not just guns. Bunny, Why are you not medicated? or are you?

Think about it, …something is not rigth with you dude! Which is it?:-/

Re: Home Cooking Tips ... From Me To You

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 9:11 pm
by hsandman
Some other freakshow said sandman and I are the same character

Auch! You will be ok though, right? :-)

“llinois shooter was treated with psych meds prior to shooting rampage”

Did it occur to you that people who need to be put on psyc meds might be a bit unstable? On top of that, not only do psyc meds tend to take awhile (like up to 3 months) before they reach their peak effect, the first med they are put on might not work. I knew one person

Also, how do people not notice the critical fact that he *stopped* the meds before the rampage?

Nah...... that would make too much sense.

The old “Egg and the chicken problem”. Right?

Gee, here's an idea - maybe he stopped his meds, went nuts because of it, and started shooting.

Hsandman.. What a lovely idea
…Let’s see What kind of medicine makes you go nuts if you stop using it? Something that you miss so much that it drives you crazy?
What kind of “meds” are you talking about Unidan? Name some?

This latest shooting by 27-year-old Stephen Kazmierczak shares the same three factors. Stephen was considered a "normal, undistressed person," according to press reports. He was considered "an outstanding student" and even received a Dean's Award for outstanding work in sociology.

So what happened to Stephen's brain that caused him to snap and open fire on students in a college classroom?

Psychiatric medications, of course, are well known to cause extremely violent thoughts and behavior in young males.
." What these headlines fail to communicate is the fact that psychiatric drugs cause long-term disruptions in the brain which lead to a strong dissociation with reality. These young, male shooters hardly even know they're in the real world anymore.

They no longer see their fellow classmates as human beings, but rather as lifeless objects to be used for target practice. For those people taking psychiatric medications, there's even a strong dissociation with one's own life, as evidenced by the repeated willingness of these shooters to ultimately turn their guns on themselves.

Modern psychiatric medicine is in the business of taking people who feel depressed and chemically lobotomizing their brains so they feel nothing. Once they feel nothing, there's nothing stopping them from unloading on fellow human beings with firearms. They no longer feel empathy or compassion. Nothing matters anymore. This is strongly characteristic of the well-documented side effects of psychiatric medications.

There is no doubt in my mind that the Illinois shooter's history of taking psychiatric medications was the primary cause of his violent behavior. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that if every single shooter in recent memory was treated with psych meds, and if those same psych meds are well known to cause violent thoughts and suicidal behavior, it's fairly obvious that the chemicals are the most likely cause of the behavioral problems. It's also worth noting that before children were prescribed such medications in America, school shootings were virtually unheard of. It was only after psychiatric medicine started targeting young people with mind-altering medications that we witnessed this explosion in violence.

I thought MK-Ultra found that lsd did not make people kill people?
They said so themselves. But then again… they did stop the experiments right? They said they did. :-S

What these headlines fail to communicate is the fact that psychiatric drugs cause long-term disruptions in the brain which lead to a strong dissociation with reality. These young, male shooters hardly even know they're in the real world anymore. They no longer see their fellow classmates as human beings, but rather as lifeless objects to be used for target practice. For those people taking psychiatric medications, there's even a strong dissociation with one's own life, as evidenced by the repeated willingness of these shooters to ultimately turn their guns on themselves.

I wonder if they do small group placebo tests on the medicine that has passed the trial by

Quoting from above site:

Modernizing the medical product development sciences will create new opportunities to improve product safety by strengthening our postmarketing surveillance of adverse events and employing new fields of science (genomics, proteomics, and related disciplines, as well as bioinformatics) to improve scientific understanding and prevention of safety problems. The agency has entered into a number of partnerships to develop tools that will enhance our efforts in improving drug safety.
Over the past two years, the Board has conducted timely and comprehensive evaluations of drug safety concerns and assisted FDA in ensuring that safe and effective drugs are available for patients by:
In March 2005, FDA issued three final guidance documents to help develop ways and improve methods to assess and monitor the risks associated with drugs and biological products in clinical development and general use.
Conducting nine meetings (5 in 2005, 4 in 2006) to discuss various drug safety issues including actions on the Fentanyl Transdermal Patch and Palladone, as well as discussion of issues related to the safe use of opioids in complex drug delivery systems such as extended release products.
Several DSB meetings have focused on a discussion of the factors when deciding whether to notify the public about an important emerging drug safety concern.
In conjunction with the DSB, the FDA has launched an effort to establish an ongoing evaluation program for risk communication efforts. The agency is in the process of soliciting feedback from physicians, pharmacists and consumers to help define a clear approach moving forward.
Development of Electronic Health Information Architecture
FDA is working to develop data standards and processes that will lead to more efficient and timely sharing of important drug safety information.

Recently revised regulations require drug makers to submit to FDA prescribing and product information (i.e., the package insert or label) in a structured product labeling (SPL) format. (Like Barcode?)
Using embedded computer tags, the prescribing and product information in the SPL format can be electronically managed,
allowing a user to search for specific information on a drug label including product names, indications, dosage and administration, warnings, description of drug product, active and inactive ingredients.
With this information, physicians will be able to quickly search and access specific information they need before prescribing a treatment, resulting in fewer prescribing errors and better informed decision making.

Slipstreeming :-S

Guess no. RFID. Hope it works out for them though. (With the new regulation etc. :-}| )

Unidian, did you actually read the article?

The article deals with the Big Pharma getting children (not adults) on this stuff.

Seems 10-20% of my employees have nothing better to do than pop pills at the water cooler.

Another 10-20% split for their martini power lunch - Then for happy hour trolling for a boy/girl friend.

Article continues..

All the way from Columbine on up to the present were zombie boys numbed out on SSRI's...
Tet me finish this story with yet another prediction: You will never see a shooting rampage conducted by a raw foods advocate who practices green living, who eats no animal products, who uses no drugs and who takes no pharmaceuticals. Those people are the most emotionally balanced, compassionate and healthy individuals you'll ever find. The chances of a green living person ever "snapping" and going on a shooting rampage are zero. Search all the news archives you want: You'll never find a single case of someone on a plant-based diet with no chemicals in their bodies going off and killing people.

Wonder where they get the idea to shoot up the schools? Didn’t the aphorism “Going Postal” refer to Shooting up the Post office?

"if every single shooter in recent memory was treated with psych meds, and if those same psych meds are well known to cause violent thoughts and suicidal behavior"

There are always exceptions I guess.

The FBI, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms, and FEMA all got involved. This federal involvement, very quickly on the scene, is common to most of these random-rage mass-slaying stories.
Another commonality is that these shooters are almost ALWAYS under some kind of psychiatric care or will have been mentally ‘treated’ at some point. Despite this, their shrinks are NEVER interviewed, even though they are best placed to provide a plausible motive, which ALWAYS remains a mystery in any case. In cases where the shooter is captured alive, even they can’t explain what happened:
Wayne Lo, 18, Simon’s Rock College, Great Barrington, Massachusetts, 12-16-92; 2 dead, 4 wounded
– “At the time I thought I did the right thing,” he said recently. “But as I look back at it over time, more and more it doesn’t make sense to me. And more and more I ask myself, Why? Why did I do it? I mean, Why?”
Barry Loukaitus, 14, Moses Lake, WA, Frontier Jr H.S., 2-2-96, 3 dead, 1 wounded
“There are things in life we’re never going to understand, and this case is one of those…”–His Attorney
“Barry never articulated a reason why he did what he did.” –John Knodel, Grant County prosecutor who handled the case.
Jillian Robbins, 19, Penn State U, State College, PA, 9-17-96, 1 dead, 1 wounded
–when she was arrested, she answered repeatedly, “I don’t know.” when asked why she brought school violence back to PSU.
Luke Woodham, 16, and Grant Boyette, 19, Pearl, MS, Pearl H.S., 10-1-97 2 dead, 7 wounded
…(I) fought with myself because I didn’t want to do any of it.”
Michael Carneal, Paducah, KY, Heath H.S., 12-1-97, 3 dead, 5 wounded
Carneal’s home room teacher reported that Carneal did not seem to recognize what he had done.”
–When ask why he did it, he said he didn’t know.
Mitchel Johnson, 13, and Andrew Golden, 11, Jonesboro, AS, Westside Middle School, 3-24-98, 5 dead
–”Since that day, when the boys have been asked the same question(why did they shoot), they appeared not to be able to give an answer.” Johnson: “I really thought that no one would actually be hurt.”
Andrew Wurst 14, Edinborough, PA, 4-24-98 Parker Middle School(at off-campus school dance); 1 dead, 3 wounded
–”Why did he do it? Andrew doesn’t know, …saying he had no reason of kill the teacher.” “…no one…that evening could recall anything that might explain what happened. Andrew himself has no explanation.”
Kip Kinkel, Springfield, OR, Thurston High School, 5-22-98, 1 dead, 7 seriously wounded
–In police interview he repeated “over and over” that “I had no choice.”
Q: Why did you go to school and start shooting people?
A: I had to. I had no other choice. I couldn’t do anything else.
Todd Cameron Smith, Taber, Alberta 4-27-99 W.R. Myers HS, 1 dead, 1 wounded
In a signed police statement, the boy later said: “I have no particular reason for shooting the boys that I did. I don’t know who any of them were.”
T.J. Solomon, 15, Conyers, GA, 5-20-99 Heritage High, 6 wounded-
–Upon handing the gun over(a teacher had convinced T.J. not to kill himself–the barrel was in his mouth)he started crying hysterically and said repeatedly “I don’t know why I did this.”
Seth Trickey, 13, Fort Gibson, OK, 12-6-99, 4 wounded
–”He said ‘I don’t know’ when asked why he did it.”
Charles ‘Andy’ Williams, Santana HS, March 2001, San Diego County (2 dead, 13 wounded)
Williams was interrogated by detectives for about an hour after his arrest, and while prosecutor Anton declined to detail what he said, she indicated the statements may not explain why he opened fire.
10-9-06 Memorial Middle School, Joplin, MO
A 13-year-old student walked into the east side of Memorial Middle School, shooting wth a rifle…. (boy’s attorney Chuck)Lonardo said the boy’s motives and intentions remain unclear even to him after sitting in on juvenile authorities’ interview of the boy after the shooting. “That’s just it,” Lonardo said. “We still don’t know.
2-12-07 Suleiman Talovic, 18, SLC Trolley Square massacre, Salt Lake City, UT 5 dead, 4 wounded
Salt Lake City police have finished their exhaustive investigation into the shooting rampage at Trolley Square, finding no real motive for 18-year-old Sulejman Talovic’s killing spree. “I think it may have died with him,” Salt Lake City Police Chief Chris Burbank said in an interview Sunday with the Deseret Morning News.
**btw, the “MK” in MK-Ultra is sought to stand for “Mind Kontrol” or, more likely, “Mind-controlled Killer”

Re: Home Cooking Tips ... From Me To You

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 2:42 pm
by Elizabeth Isabelle
Tomas wrote: You, of all the people on this forum (I thought) would have liked the web site "Natural News".
Actually I do. I've been reading there for months. He has lots of good stuff to say, but that doesn't mean he's always right.

Re: Home Cooking Tips ... From Me To You

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 7:54 pm
by xerox

Libertarianism: Left or Right?

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 2:09 pm
by Tomas

Libertarianism: Left or Right?

(Proudhon is also famous for saying, "Property is theft," but the full context of his work makes clear that he meant absentee ownership resulting from state privilege, for he also wrote, in Theory of Property, "Where shall we find a power capable of counterbalancing this formidable might of the State? There is no other except property.... The absolute right of the State is in conflict with the absolute right of the property owner. Property is the greatest revolutionary force which exists.")


Willie Nelson: "Impeach Bush, Throw The Bastards Out"

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 3:05 pm
by Tomas

Willie Nelson: "Impeach Bush, Throw The Bastards Out"

"We went through a couple of elections now and we didn't do anything, we thought we did but come to find out that the voting machines are crooked, everything's stacked against us, the politicians that we vote for won't stay and fight and they won't count the votes."


Cannibal cult mother (many photos)

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:06 pm
by Tomas

Cannibal cult mother who skinned son and made him eat his own flesh gets 9 years in jail


A court in Brno in Czech Republic heard how relatives partially skinned Ondrej and forced him to eat his own flesh.

All three of them had been part of the Grail Movement cult which claims to have hundreds of followers in Britain as well as tens of thousands of others world wide. (many photos)

-Click URL for complete article- ... -jail.html


Re: Home Cooking Tips ... From Me To You

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 4:10 pm
by Relo
I looked up at the sky recently, it seemed to help

Re: Home Cookin' Tips

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 4:36 am
by baulz owt
hsandman wrote:Tomas
“llinois shooter was treated with psych meds prior to shooting rampage”

Did it occur to you that people who need to be put on psyc meds might be a bit unstable? On top of that, not only do psyc meds tend to take awhile (like up to 3 months) before they reach their peak effect, the first med they are put on might not work. I knew one person

Also, how do people not notice the critical fact that he *stopped* the meds before the rampage?

Nah...... that would make too much sense.
The psych meds bring you to the bottom, either way. He would've done the massacre either way because he was not strong enough to handle any understanding of ultimate reality.