Genius Academy

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Re: Genius Academy

Post by clyde »


Yes, it is a "politician's answer".

We both know that you will not actually create a Genius Academy as you described, so what will you do to Propagate Wisdom?

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Re: Genius Academy

Post by hsandman »

It's just a ride.
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Re: Genius Academy

Post by Laird »

clyde wrote:Yes, it is a "politician's answer".
Clyde, your response is as shallow and devoid of a deeper perspective on causality and the logical proofs incumbent upon a sage as I predicted. Were I still subject to the delusional realms of emotion I would be somewhat disappointed at your failure to grasp the subtleties of the arguments presented to you.
clyde wrote:We both know that you will not actually create a Genius Academy as you described, so what will you do to Propagate Wisdom?
First and foremost let me advance the thesis that you have failed comprehensively (i.e. wholly lacking in the manner of a Fully Enlightened Buddha) to grasp the subtle distinction between satire and straightforwardness (I will grant a certain degree of play-acting, but this is beyond the appropriateness required of your station). Nevertheless, I will grant you a glance into the manifestation of real-world wisdom: equally as important as the Propagation of Wisdom is the Demolishing of Foolishness. To this end is the Suffering of the Spiritually Progressive (read: the voluntary efforts of those endowed with enormous government pensions) contorted. You will notice that the near entirety of this forum is devoted to such a task, and that it is out of such seeds that truly Spiritual Endeavours blossom.

I foreshadowed earlier a later announcement of further *P*QRS*T* propagational endeavours: when the time was "ripe". I can now advise you that due to your consistent urgings the time has indeed ripened. I can now reveal to you that in conjunction with the initiative known as "Genius Academy" will be released a full-frontal, bestselling novel: "Ultimate Wisdom: A Fictional Account of the Non-Fictional Achievements of the Five Enlightened Beings". This work will be an encyclopaedic collection of the current written wisdom of the QRS, alongside further biographical accounts of the five current world-leading sages (*P*QRS*T*): Philosophaster, David Quinn, Dan Rowden, Kevin Solway and Laird Totality. These non-fictional expositions of Ultimate Wisdom will be tied together with the biographical accounts in a poignant fictional saga the likes of which the author of The Celestine Prophecy could only dream. Truly this will be a comprehensive tool in the destruction of the (deludedly) joyous parts of man.

Clyde, I have gone as far as the Tao will allow. Should you still be dissatisfied, I urge you to consult the remainder of your illusionary ego: what, exactly, is it that you hope for as the end result of the Propagation of Wisdom?
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Re: Genius Academy

Post by clyde »


Perhaps in your enthusiam you overlooked this, the Propagation of Widsom is Compassion.

Do no harm,
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Re: Genius Academy

Post by Laird »

clyde wrote:Perhaps in your enthusiam you overlooked this, the Propagation of Widsom is Compassion.
Clyde, I am sorry if it seemed thus to you. Really, I agree almost completely with your "do no harm" philosophy as expressed on your website. Personally I am a vegetarian anti-abortionist and anti-capital-punishment-practitioner, and have been since I entered my second year of high school. Basically for the reasons stated: ' believe that the first and most basic moral law is, "Do no harm."' Rest assured, clyde, that your cause does not languish in my eyes (if indeed you ever were under that misapprehension).
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Re: Genius Academy

Post by clyde »


Thank you. I did not really believe that you had abandoned compassion. And it seems that you may be a better role-model than I am for "do no harm".
