A Balanced lifestyle

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Re: A Balanced lifestyle

Post by brokenhead »

Let me guess: the middle path is rejecting duality?
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Dan Rowden
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Re: A Balanced lifestyle

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Re: A Balanced lifestyle

Post by brokenhead »

David Quinn: The middle way represents the intellectual path to enlightenment. One travels down this path by rejecting the idea that a dualistic position can embody the Truth.
Okay, so I paraphrased a bit, genius.
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A Balanced lifestyle: Right Livelihood

Post by DHodges »

maestro wrote: I am more of a applied mathematics and technical person, hence wanted to see how this works in the finance and tech industries.
There are firms that specialize in that sort of thing. See accountemps for example.

As I understand it, the Middle Way is avoiding the two extremes of reification and nihilism. This is more of a question about Right Livelihood
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snow bunny
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Re: A Balanced lifestyle

Post by snow bunny »

How much do you make a year, DHodges? I only ask, so I can know if your advice has any merit to it.
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Re: A Balanced lifestyle

Post by brokenhead »

snow bunny wrote:How much do you make a year, DHodges? I only ask, so I can know if your advice has any merit to it.
You know, snow bunny, you are an asshole, aren't you?
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Re: A Balanced lifestyle

Post by brokenhead »

DH wrote:As I understand it, the Middle Way is avoiding the two extremes of reification and nihilism. This is more of a question about Right Livelihood
My favorite part of that quote:
Also forbidden are several other dishonest means of gaining wealth, such as "[s]cheming, persuading, hinting, belittling, [and] pursuing gain with gain
For some reason, I find "hinting" quite amusing.
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snow bunny
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Re: A Balanced lifestyle

Post by snow bunny »

brokenhead wrote:
snow bunny wrote:How much do you make a year, DHodges? I only ask, so I can know if your advice has any merit to it.
You know, snow bunny, you are an asshole, aren't you?
Sometimes it's funny if you're called an asshole, but sometimes it's just annoying, depends on your mindset. I wouldn't really care if somebody called me "an asshole" online. You'd have to come up with something a little more harsh than that, or it's just a passing comment that doesn't mean anything.
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Re: A Balanced lifestyle

Post by Zarina »

I respect yours researches and much of talkings, fine quotes about the genius. And also I would like to help you in this noble work: to awake in people the thought about our mission in life. I have made a little for this yet, but I hope sometime to create the female site where the American and Russian, the French and Spaniard, the South-American and Jew will write their original opinion on spirit, philosophies, arts and science.
And if you will are interested : here is my understanding of living Nature. I have not found : how to add my writing as a separate file. If you consider this is too long and no useful for people - remove this.
Good bye till better times. Zarina( Western Siberia, Russia)

I think that only nature have real balance, the man in any case must connect with her( the genius also).
I want to share my experience for those who wish to know such complex area,and it is possible for man.

So, about EMPATHY: the ability is deeply sensed the another's emotions, not only the human emotions, but of all living beings. The geniuses of empathy were the Saints: from Francisk of Assisa up to Sergey Radonejskiy, they were able to create a contact with animals and even to influence on them. Many geniuses had deep emotional connection with the nature: Beethoven for hours wandered behind city, scooping inspiration for the masterpieces, and today these abilities are at many simple people, especially at "indigo" children.

The destiny has linked me with a small birch-wood and a pine-grove on surburb of city. In some years I have understood, that trees and grasses, flowers, a berry and even mushrooms( funguses) can tell about much.

THE TREE lives of wise and harmonious life, sedately reflects about laws of the nature, but not as the man - by means of thoughts, no, only by means of COMPREHENSION or UNDERSTANDING. A tree is capable to love the man if this person has proved that could not make the harm. The tree is pleased to a meeting with man-friend, thus a crone begins to shine invisibly to us (but sensitive people can catch this, we see: how the face of the loving us person is lighting up with sympathy at our meeting). If the friend-person, with whom the tree is in emotional connection, has difficulties, the tree can console, sending the silent warm emotion ( but this radiation is with difficult catched by our rough feelings). Also the tree can lead to the decision of any simple vital problem (for complex problem is needed the ability to analyze, it is possible only for the man , and the tree can only feels and understands)..

And as, inner world of a tree is absolute harmony, it reacts on my emotional condition as disharmonious, and I see, at once, where I have made a mistake and how it to correct.

Trees between themselves communicate too, the birch-wood and a pine-grove stand divided by glade for many years , they exchange between themselves of timid, silent sympathy, but also - of experience: how to stand in a frost, storm and a drought. Birches are female beings, a flexible and gentle, and pines are man's, the dark, rough, strong, courageous. The tree likes to patronize, covers from heat, to give the force if the good person touches it . The birch or the pine very sensitively distinguishes the person-wrecker, who overflowing of destructive feelings-energy, but the tree can resist only by an alarm or light antipathy.

THE GRASS especially wise , her century is short, laws of the development which are setting by a creative power of the Universe, she learns better than anybody, she strictly follows them, understanding the plan of development.

THE FLOWER is a grass which long time saved a delight and desire of beauty, having expressed all in a flower. The flower adores to like, the energy of admiration from eyes of the person feeds him and gives a charge for the future. But there exists a big difference between a wild flower and garden's flower because the latter communicated with the man, absorbed his caress, this is very developed plant. Trees also have difference between the wild and the garden’s; once I have understood the melancholy of wild apple-tree. She knows that somewhere her sisters live near the people, they fructify not modest of small bitter apples, but true apples, and her dream is sometime to become similar, perfect being.

THE BERRY - most among plants is born to donate. The wild strawberry - improbably generous donator, all her nature is created for this act: “admire me and break me”. But thus is better to thank her , and she will have an additional force for development.

MUSHROOMS (FUNGUSES), on the contrary, for me they are beings a little ominous, they comprise any bad riddle which I yet have not solved. They awake at us unhealthy passion and greed: the man must tensely searched them. They like to take away energy from the person. These are very mysterious beings.

ANIMALS, pets among them are the most developed, especially cats and dogs as they most closely communicate with the man, but....we do not understand them.!!! Once I saw, how the woman walks with small dog and obviously did not feel her (dog's) old, hopeless melancholy: " To me...... a little gi-i-i-i-irl! ", I intentionally write this word, because the feeling which is carried in herself these dog is very gentle and tender, it means not simply a thirst of dog - sexual partner, but a favourite being, her charming and inaccessible image.

Also on one photo in the Internet, I have understood, that a cat, settled down on a chessboard of the owner, is overflowed by the accumulated old sense of disgust: “Smo-o-o-ok!”, he was obviously bothered of the constant smoking of his owners. Cats and dogs actively sensed our emotional difficulties and pleasures, they often help in illnesses and misfortunes, but imperceptibly for us, we are not capable yet to the conscious cooperation, but it is possible in future).

PETS have a rudiment of wit, they can be surprised to the stranger, to study a new skill, but the MOST IMPORTANT, I allocate specially, they can have a presentiment: as will act with them in the future, will throw out, will give to another's hands, or will care till an old age and death, and in advance grieve and are frightened

I shall add : all pets love and able to WORK, there is necessary for them to be useful to the owner(which they take as their high MASTER), they like to serve, instead of simply to be favourite beings . The dog is happy, if has executed her debt of protection of the house or the owner, the cat - if has brought the mouse. And if you want, that your pupils lived a high-grade life is necessary to search for them any occupation, may be not work , but learning something , they will be happy, if have pleased you and have executed any task-lesson.

HORSES - the noblest and cleverest animals, he is the friend and the fearless soldier, to die in fight near to the owner for her is high happiness. He with pleasure would carry weights of work if we would loved and understood her, people is strongly guilty to regard this noblest animal. Alexander Nevzorov (Russian author of movies about horses) – most sensitive person in this area, he feels and understands the horse as nobody

COWS love his shepherd, esteem him as the God, strain honestly their cow-brains for understanding: what the shepherd wants from them when he shouts or clicks a scourge. They consider as the duty to submit him and to not grumble on shout and roughness. Unfortunately, I often saw the shepherds who are not loving his herd, is confused and roughly treated with cows, and those who is well sensed a nature of cows, they easily understand and obey a such shepherd.

BIRDS, the singings are happiest divine creations, the pleasure and delight before a life are their main distinctive traits. They sing because of the surplus of happiness, instead of the utilitarian purposes: to protect and mark the nested territory. Often their song is a hymn to the Nature and..... themselves: " What a wonderful world ! What a fine shining sun! What nice plumelets I have ! How easily and beautifully I can fly! "... etc. infinitely.

There exists especially talented birds, the one in our court yard possesses such powerful energy of beauty that when she have sang a short trill: I rise in the magic reality which is full of wonderful images. And singing birds can communicate between themselves, the one will sing - the other answers her from far end of a grove about a coming predator.

Once I was hearing how one bird sings to other about the nearest stream where is possible to get water in a heat. I try to explain how I understand it. Their song transformed inward me in vague images, not visible but a gleam, barely sensitived, the delicate emotion that her song radiate, have the exact content, reasonable information, of course very special. I instantly see in myself this stream and feel the bird's wish to informate her sister.

WILD ANIMALS - I saw a few of them in this place so close to industrial city: squirrels, fox, snake, elk. Birds of prey: hawks and owl, but the owl has flown far away when I wished to get acquainted, having shown me, that boys threw a stone in her( again I sense in my heart one vague gleam image) , and she does not trust the man any more . The snake also has gone away but I understand the reason : instant one image: how one man tried to kill her by shovel . The elk has gone far from me when had been seen me , I felt his fear to us, to the man

Don Juan of Carlos Castaneda is absolutely right: we haven't friends in our Earth and her Nature, we are too violent and have broken our sane, good relations with our brothers - other living beings. I have decided to not participate in their life because have been understood that I can disturb their habitual world and do much harm ( once this was happened with one squirrel, I have provoked by my admiration , in winter for some day she gracefully sprang on the rose sunset’s snow in front of me, but one hawk has noticed this and then… I don’t want to continue.

Also I shall add the important discovery for me: the Nature can donate the harmony and beauty, but... such special moral quality as conscience, the Man has only.