How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

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How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Post by integral »

I was just reading an article entitled Ron Paul and the Empire--I found it to be a chilling read.

"When evaluating his chances, it’s important to accept one fact about contemporary America: This is not a democracy, and certainly not a constitutional republic. America is actually a carefully concealed oligarchy."

What are you guys thoughts' on this article?
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Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Post by Nick »

Unfortunately, if he does get elected he will probably end up like the only other president I know of who made a conscious effort to eliminate and reduce the powers of the ruling elite, John F. Kennedy.
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Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Post by Diebert van Rhijn »

Nick Treklis wrote:Unfortunately, if he does get elected he will probably end up like the only other president I know of who made a conscious effort to eliminate and reduce the powers of the ruling elite, John F. Kennedy.
Kennedy, the guy who "invaded" Vietnam and Cuba, preaching "America's mission in the world"?

He was the elite, only didn't like any competition - just like the neocons. So they wipe it out or get wiped out in the process.
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Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Post by Faust »

Diebert van Rhijn wrote:He was the elite, only didn't like any competition - just like the neocons. So they wipe it out or get wiped out in the process.
i'm confused. so they wiped him out because he was the elite?
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Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Post by Iolaus »

What are you guys thoughts' on this article?
I agree with it. People are thinking about maybe waking up, but the noose is already in place. It remains only to be tightened a little.

Freedom of speech is coming under attack in the most surprising of places. Once you're wise to the tactics, it gets easier to spot. For example, in last week's Time magazine there was this funny article about how we need to get rid of internet anonymity because some mean people are rude! They say things much worse than they would say if they were in the room with you. Why, it's horrible. I know that some of you guys here have pushed to use real names, but the reason I no longer do is not because of y'all. It's because I don't want absolutely anything I say to close friends and fellow philosophers to be easily read by the entire world: parents, children, children's friends, children's teachers, my own hospital patients, my coworkers (coworkers can get you fired just because they don't like you) bosses and potential bosses. Basically, if the internet anonymity goes, so does the internet, except for shopping. But here's something worse- I'm reading up on how the 1995 Federal Building explosion in Oklahoma was like a rehearsal for 9-11, another inside job designed to make Americans accept and pass legislation reducing our constitutional rights.

According to David Icke's research, after Oklahoma "Democrat Charles Schumer, now the Senator for New York State (book written a few years ago) proposed a bill that included five-year prison sentencesfor publicly engaging in 'unseemly speculation' and publishing or transmitting by wire or electronic means 'baseless conspiracy theories regarding the Federal government of the United States.'"

Some of the stuff that has gotten passed they had tried to do for years. When they don't succeed, they just try again, and up the ante on the violence until we're scared enough.

This would put many of us in just the last two weeks here on this forum behind bars. Among things to be on the watch for (they encourage citizens to rat on each other) are "numerous references to the contitution." The bill didn't become law, but they will wear us out with trying.

After 9-11 there was a TV ad aimed at teens which said that while you may think smoking pot isn't so big a deal, that drug deals are a significant source of funding for terrorist organizations (Clinton and Bush would know, according to Icke they are two world class drug dealers, as is the CIA.) and so if you smoke pot, you are supporting terrorism! What they're doing is slowly expanding the net of what can be called terrorism. So like in the Stalinist regime, you got branded a 'counterrevolutionary' and now the term is terrorist. Same game.

Legislation was passed after 9-11 that allows confinement without the usual rights if the reason you are arrested or apprehended is suspicion of terrorism. And they used it, too, but so far only for obvious foriegners of mostly middle eastern descent. But - that could change, couldn't it? It could include the pot smoking teenager. We also have a prison system that is going private. Running prisons for profit, corporately!!! and what will be their motive to let people out of jail when it will be a profitable source of slave labor?

There are other indicators, that they intend to start with laws against 'hate speech' and then increase that to include even scientific disagreements. Don't believe in fluoride? Not sure about all those vaccinations? Worried about cholesterol lowering meds damaging your liver? Want to make your own medical choices? Oh, but that would limit the immense profits of big pharma, who is taking over medicine in this country. Can't have that. You must be anti-science! That is a diagnosable mental disorder. And if you don't take the meds, your insurance will deny your claims.

The noose is definitely in place. One of my son's friends has already moved to Central America. My sister wants to, but can't get her family interested. I don't know if there's anywhere to run. It could be worst here, or it could be better, but the thing is going global. I'm sorta hoping that I can hide out in the country, but who knows. Technology is everywhere.
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Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Post by Dan Rowden »

It can't be much fun living in a virtual dictatorship masquerading as the world's greatest democracy.

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Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Post by Diebert van Rhijn »

Faust13 wrote:
Diebert van Rhijn wrote:He was the elite, only didn't like any competition - just like the neocons. So they wipe it out or get wiped out in the process.
i'm confused. so they wiped him out because he was the elite?
The point is that there's always a struggle between elites, or power brokers. Upsetting the balance of power is not necessarily a benign or selfless thing to do, while one could always sell it as some society serving 'war' of course. But by eliminating other power brokers, ones own power, or that of the selective group one represents, automatically increases.

This is why this talk of 'spreading freedom' or fighting "tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself" should be seen as power grabbing in disguise. This explains the violent blow-back that you witness again and again to such policies. Because it's violence under the guise of peace, wolf ethics under the guise of sheep clothing.

The most scariest thing is that we live now in times that less and less people and especially politicians consciously realize this. The best liars and actors of course have to believe in their fiction to act with a certain degree of believable conviction. The age of Hollywood!
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Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Post by Iolaus »

It can't be much fun living in a virtual dictatorship masquerading as the world's greatest democracy.
It's still fun, but for how much longer? I've been predicting for almost 8 years that Bush may be our last president for a while. I never thought he'd hold another election, but I guess it was easy enough to steal it. I'm waiting with baited breath to see if he declares a state of emergency and nixes the election. Not that it matters much.

From the article:
The executive order violates the First, Fourth and Fifth Amendments of the US Constitution.

According to that bill introduced after the Murrah Federal Building explosion in 1995, one of the things to watch for when ratting on your neighbors for counterrevolutionary, I mean, terrorist activity, is talking too much about 'the constitution.'
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Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Post by Jamesh »

Ronnie boy is doing well on the donation front.
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Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Post by hsandman »

Jamesh wrote:Ronnie boy is doing well on the donation front.
“the conundrum, thus far unanswered, of achieving full employment without inflation” (Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.).
Answer is comming I guess to that one...

Here is another interesting conundrum... : Would the rats still leave a sinking ship, if the rats knew that that ship was in the middle of a ocean? Would I?
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Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Post by Nick »

He has my vote.
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Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Post by daybrown »

"I think I mite like to move to Russia, where they take their tyranny straight up, undiluted with the waters of hypocrisy." A. Lincoln. Ironic, from one of the most, if not the most, tyrannic president. But really, given the irrationality of the Electorate, what else can we expect?

The essence of neurosis is denial. Americans cannot justify why they should receive 5 times their fair share of global resources, and prefer to demonize those who their system exploits. Even if elected, I dont see where Ron Paul addresses the problem. While his Libertarian policy would seem to maximize personal freedom, without the regulation to control the transnationals, what personal freedom remains will be further diminished.

For instance, we have free speech, but whatever we say is drowned out by corporate media hype. Hillary, to judge by her own manipulation of the media, seems to understand this. If the system continues to function despite the corruption and incompetence and she takes over the Oval office, I'd expect her to be given even more tyrannic power than Bush has already garnered to that office. Given how irrational the electorate is, there is no alternative but to vest power in someone who is more rational.

The power elite sold the idea of the Laffer curve, but now we see diminishing returns; you'd think that the rich bastards would've figured out that bankrupting the customer base which creates the profits that have enriched them was stupid. But group think does that to people, even the rich. Still, at this late date, even draconian tyrannic power may not be sufficient to redistribute the wealth of the planet in a more rational way.

I dont see that the American middle class deserves 5 times the per capita share of global resources, but nevertheless their creativity has advanced many technologies that show some promise of coping with the many problems the planet has. If we gave the poor 5 times as much, in a few generations, we'd see 5 times as many poor people. They have doubled and quadrupled with a lot less.

Still, the path to stability and sustainability requires some sacrifice managed in a more rational manner than forclosure and bankruptcy. i dont see a plan from Ron Paul to do that. i like his candor, I know more about how he thinks, but he does not think far enuf out of the box. Nobody knows what Hillary thinks, and we wont til she takes power and tells us by what she does with it.
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Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Post by Jamesh »

Libertarians are all selfish ego-driven fuckwits.

Ron Paul is just using this stance for his own ego's sake - it's a politican tool for him. He mixes good social ideas with ones that would serve those already with lots of weatlh.

One can instantly see this by his inane flat tax crap. Flat taxes make no sense at all in a totally dog-eat-dog capitalist environment - they only make sense in a socialist environment.
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Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Post by daybrown »

I dunno all Libertarians Jamesh. I must admit that while many of their ideas look good, its the devil in the details when more closely examined that makes their positions irrational.

Sometimes, it makes me feel like I'm living on some kind of Matrix, where the other actors are programmed to only think in certain ways. What is so hard about a graduated income tax that is stripped of all the deductions and just has a lower set of rates?

Why is it that nobody can figure out that it takes an economically secure middle class to maintain a republic? Huh? Giving the money to the poor dont work, nor does giving it to the rich.
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Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Post by hsandman »

Ron Paul sounds ok, will be sad to see him go the way JFK went..

If you want to see who really is in power all you have to do, is examine what people hold most dear to them = a dollar bill... a figment of bankers imagination. You know that.

While CIA exists and Electronic voting exists...(that is if there will be any voting at all)... The human race has snowballs chance in hell. Voting is a joke..

Roman Empire did not have technology... The Neros, Caligulas and Stalins that will follow the NWO will have powers that the Pharaohs could only dream about = True GODS on earth... till the end of the time... there will be no one left to appose them.

I really hope that i am wrong, but the logic of it is undeniable... stop kidding your selves.
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Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Post by daybrown »

Regarding Nero... recent forensic work on aristocratic Roman skeletons reveals lead poisoning. But not from the pipes. It was upscale to throw out the pottery they'd always cooked with and use lead pots. Every aristocrats table also had a famous fish sauce, just like we have catsup, only it was in a lead bottle. With the acid in the sauce leaching lead into the diet.

By the time of Augustus, the birth rate of the upper class women had fallen so much that he tried the original "family values" campaign. Which did not work. And if you read Gibbon, and look at the few honest and competent emperors you find that all of them grew up out in the boonies on a farm someplace.

As for the lower classes, the government went in for monoculture, and while wheat is good, you need a lot more than just that to develop maximal mental capacity. Course, the Romans wanted stupid slaves anyway.

I was born on a farm in Minn in 1939. We fed the horses oats cause we wanted strong smart horses. We fed the pigs corn cause we wanted bacon, and nobody wants a smart hog. They fed us kids oats for breakfast. If you look at the Scots, on a per capita basis you see that they are remarkably innovative. Ben Johnson suggests their kids were raised on oats. If what I wanted was stupid kids, I'd raise them on soul food. Or even better, sugar cereals, junkfood, and soda.

There's prolly some here who were raised on that. YMMV, you may grow up to be rational anyway. But when it comes to whole societies, the results are clear: declining academic performance, rising rates for autism, ADD, ADHD, ICD, etc, substance, domestic, & sexual abuse, & profits for transnational pharma. The nationally advertised rate for autism is 1:166; the rate for Amish kids who dont *ever* see sugar cereals, junkfood and soda? 1:15,000.

Ron Paul does not even know this is going on. Hillary, because she said it takes a village to raise a child, mite have a clue, but turning it around in the face of all the corporate interests will take a real bitch.

If you want, I can go into the reasons for this, but most people, who dont want to think about the way they were raised, much less what they've been doing to their own kids, would rather I didnt.

Gibbon said that the moral values must be maintained to keep a republic, and that every effort to restore them once lost, has failed. But now, some of us understand what is going on. We have GW Bush to thank for expanding the power of the presidency to the level where the required tyrannic draconian policy it will take to turn things around will fall into the hands of the next president should she decide to do something.

Something I notice about the emperors, kings, dictators that come to mind is that they are all *guys*. But we have a global economy that is increasingly falling into the hands of women. Might makes Right, but the brave heart, strong right arm, sword in hand... just dont cut it any more. Real power will be in feminine hands with better fine muscle control and a different innate agenda than amassing the largest harems.

Oh, men will bitch; but if they become troublesome enuf, they wont be shot, but simply put on meds and sent home to their mommas. Anyone who's seen "Girls Gone Wild" knows that young women have new sexual values, and all that is required now is for that to be organized. Kings draft men into armies. The Gautamid Queen of Kucha drafted the Kuchi into brothels, and with the brothels, got all the men with Longswords to sign up for her cause that she wanted. When the Kuchi coo, they came running. And after sexual services, they paid with the curious perforated Kuchan coin, like washers, that was known as "cash".

Along with the iron fist and the velvet glove, powerful women have also had silk sheets that were used to get compliance with their agendas. I dunno if Hillary is any good in bed, you mite ask Vince Foster, but I dont have any doubt that she will find more women like Valerie Plame to help her manage things. What's coming guys, whether we like it or not, are the Uberwench. You wont have any power, may not even vote, but you will get laid. And trying to bitch about it to all the other guys getting laid is going to get you on meds.
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Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Post by Toban »

daybrown: could you keep the posts shorter and on-topic? After reading through your last rambling I forgot what the thread was about!
Jamesh wrote:He mixes good social ideas with ones that would serve those already with lots of weatlh.
James, can you back this up? I'd be very surprised if Ron Paul was a puppet.
From everything I've learned about Ron Paul, it sounds like he's the greatest threat to the wealthy power elite. He wants to return the country to a republic, cast off the ruling elite and give the power to the people, which is what the founding fathers did in 1776. By going straight for the heart of their power (the FED) he could do significant damage; to the direct benefit of the middle class and poor.
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Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Post by daybrown »

I dont doubt Ron Paul's motivation. Its the actual effect of his policy, unintended consequences that he seems unware of that is the problem. So far he does not stand a chance against the Hillary media machine.

My other posts deal with why that is so.
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Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Post by hsandman »

[quote="Toban"]daybrown: could you keep the posts shorter and on-topic? After reading through your last rambling I forgot what the thread was about!


He was talking about some of the reasons behind why people have poor cognitive abilities... such as bad memory. = Oats are good for you, trust him.

Watch this cartoon . Fable of the Ducks & Hens 1
Fable of the Ducks & Hens 2

Daybrown: Sounds something similar to what Nicola Tesla was saying about the future... Global Matriarchal society... Damn he was smart :(

Fits in well with the observations so far... Now I start to understand more fully what is meant by : "You can't fight the progress" and what word "Progress" truly means.

Meds sound like good idea about now... I have been trying alcohol... but it's not working too well.
This all sounds so nuts... Maybe we are all going coo-coo? That would be nice :(
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Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Post by daybrown »

Polite discourse appreciated Hsandman.

JR Lowell:"He who is firmly seated in authority, soon comes to think that security, and not progress, is the highest lesson of statecraft." In the case of Bush the reason is obvious; he has not had any idea of what progress is. And if Unity 08 is going to find anyone to beat Hillary, it will have to find someone who understands progress. To do *that*, they must be able to consider positions outside the framework of the partisan group think now in place.

Most of what passes for debate, both in the postings and the media, is not intended to persuade, but to motivate greater zeal on the part of already persuaded partisans. There is no effort to look for new positions in the common ground, only new weapons to defend the intellectual turf already claimed. You cant run a republic that way, but its always worked pretty well for tyrannies.

Dr. Freud noted that neurosis cannot tolerate ambiguity; thus the partisan debates are carried on as if no promoted policy has a downside. Dr. Freud noted that because neurotics cannot tolerate ambiguity, there is a rush to judgment, rather than the patient collection of more facts. We see this in the 911 threads, where the commission felt the pressure get a report out quickly to the public, but failed to deal with all the questions that some people had, and failed to carefully examine witnesses, testimony, and evidence. The result is the ongoing controversy, which none of the current candidates will discuss. Dr. Freud noted how neurotics, after having jumped to a conclusion will show remarkable innovation in explaining to themselves why their faith in delusion continues.

If they were not neurotic in the first place, but more willing to let their judgment wait until they had more facts, then we would not now be living in the Untied States of Denial with the entire future of the economy and union in the balance. But they are as they are. We've seen the consistent slide in academic performance in the schools; why would we not expect this to be reflected in the lack of judgment now in the electorate?

Or- in the failure of leadership to understand what progress is? For instance- progress would be the installation of fertility clinics outside every military base so that soldiers can deposit eggs and sperm before risking their lives in the service of the nation. We know there are civilian women who would gladly go to these clinics to receive DNA from the fallen, and thereby provide the mothers of the soldiers, not only with a flag, but *grandchildren*. Who would receive full VA benefits given to the women who give birth to them.

Why didnt Ron Paul think of this? because he is smart, but lacks the imagination. If anyone can find a candidate who can come forth with innovative proposals like this, then he can beat Hillary in 08. If not, then not. And if she comes forth with real innovative solutions like this, she will be defacto queen.
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Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Post by hsandman »

daybrown wrote:Polite discourse appreciated Hsandman.
Yes... i hate rudness.
Or- in the failure of leadership to understand what progress is? For instance- progress would be the installation of fertility clinics outside every military base so that soldiers can deposit eggs and sperm before risking their lives in the service of the nation. We know there are civilian women who would gladly go to these clinics to receive DNA from the fallen, and thereby provide the mothers of the soldiers, not only with a flag, but *grandchildren*. Who would receive full VA benefits given to the women who give birth to them.

Why didnt Ron Paul think of this? because he is smart, but lacks the imagination. If anyone can find a candidate who can come forth with innovative proposals like this, then he can beat Hillary in 08. If not, then not. And if she comes forth with real innovative solutions like this, she will be defacto queen

So you are saying he should have done what they do in politics? Flip-flopped on his policies in office?
wishfull thinking ;( CFR's would have cought on to that real quick.

You scare me :P Nice one. Hope there is one at least, who has thought of that...very doubtful though.

Ron Paul is a sitting duck.. If he even gets the chance to sit...

If anyone can find a candidate who can come forth with innovative proposals like this, then he can beat Hillary in 08. If not, then not. And if she comes forth with real innovative solutions like this, she will be defacto queen
The money can buy 100 Nicola(s) Tesla(s) to come up with ideas like that... she only has to be queen.
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Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Post by daybrown »

I am not saying Ron Paul should have flip flopped. the military base fertility clinics has nothing to do with any of his previous positions. But if one does indeed care about the troops, saving the DNA so that their mothers mite still hope for grandchildren seems like a no brainer.

Bringing the troops home from Iraq still leaves some dying in Afghanistan. And troops may well be called on to deal with some other problem in some other area. If Ron Paul wants to bring them all home, from Korea, Europe, the mid East or wherever, and position them to finally seal off the Mexican border, I dont have a problem with it. But he should say so. And even if he does, some will get killed by drug lords, and their mothers would appreciate more than just the flag.

Moreover, think like Machiavelli, which neither Ron Paul, nor any other candidate is able to do. Lotsa mothers would love to get the lazy oaf out of the house, and if he gets killed in iraq, but she still gets to have grandchildren raised on his VA benefits, these moms will be dragging their sons down to the recruiting offices.

I mite also point out that the economic system has evolved some since the Libertarian principles were first outlined. There are lotsa problems with Ayn Rand's economic model that have to do with the manipulation of the American economy by transnationals that are not even based here, and dont have a drop of patriotic duty in the ink used to calculate their bottom lines.

The lassaiz faire policy of letting them sell children sugar cereals, junkfood, candy and soda has resulted in a generation of morons with high rates of autism, ADD, ADHD, ICD, and sexual deviance. The upshot of that, as they begin voting in greater numbers is a 'benevolent' looking dictatorship. I'm sure Hillary will follow Gibbon's advice to retain all the outward forms of republican institutions while she guts them. She will no doubt also have the sychophantic media slander the reputations of all senators who rise to speak against her, and even have the slander lead to the impeachment of members of the courts, including the SCOTUS, so that she can name all the judges.

While you mite be rational enough to appreciate Ron Paul's policies, the vast majority is too neurotic to consider them and will go along with whatever the TV media tells them, giving Hillary an unprecidented landslide, like the high 90's we all remember dictators always got.

The *ONLY* shot at defeating that juggernaut is for some leader to step forward who does not have a partisan record. That's the only way he would be able to offer new ideas without being characterized as a 'flip-flop'. Look at Janis's studies on group think. Groups routinely accept asinine ideas in order to expand their bases. Liberals, Conservatives, Greens, Libertarianis... etc it does not matter. You can always find some whackos that the party supported that you can use to destroy the leader's credibility.
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Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Post by hsandman »

daybrown wrote:I am not saying Ron Paul should have flip flopped. the military base fertility clinics have nothing to do with any of his previous positions. But if one does indeed care about the troops, saving the DNA so that their mothers mite still hope for grandchildren seems like a no brainer.
Sound similar imo to Nazi Euthanasia project.. Which while logical is very heartless and can/could be solved in other ways.

I think stopping people and troops from dieing by stopping the war(s) is a much better solution than "fertility clinics"
which Bringing the troops home from Iraq still leaves some dying in Afghanistan. And troops may well be called on to deal with some other problem in some other area. If Ron Paul wants to bring them all home, from Korea, Europe, the mid East or wherever, and position them to finally seal off the Mexican border, I don’t have a problem with it. But he should say so. And even if he does, some will get killed by drug lords, and their mothers would appreciate more than just the flag.
I bet they would appreciate that. I think you right about that.
Moreover, think like Machiavelli, which neither Ron Paul, nor any other candidate is able to do. Lotsa mothers would love to get the lazy oaf out of the house, and if he gets killed in iraq, but she still gets to have grandchildren raised on his VA benefits, these moms will be dragging their sons down to the recruiting offices.
I am sure Machiavelli is a compulsory read in bed before sleep for all of them, Hillary will have chanced to demonstrate what she has learned don't you worry.

I mite also point out that the economic system has evolved some since the Libertarian principles were first outlined. There are lotsa problems with Ayn Rand's economic model that have to do with the manipulation of the American economy by transnationals that are not even based here, and don’t have a drop of patriotic duty in the ink used to calculate their bottom lines.
Who cares if they are MF out of the town or locals... The fact that economy is a figment of Federal reserve Bank and is at the whim of small group of people (Zionists/freemasons) that is the main and only important problem. This is not a case in america alone. Australia etc. has simmilar banking set up where federal reserve that is privetely owned has rights to print imagenery money as much as they want.

The lassaiz faire policy of letting them sell children sugar cereals, junkfood, candy and soda has resulted in a generation of morons with high rates of autism, ADD, ADHD, ICD, and sexual deviance. The upshot of that, as they begin voting in greater numbers is a 'benevolent' looking dictatorship. I'm sure Hillary will follow Gibbon's advice to retain all the outward forms of republican institutions while she guts them. She will no doubt also have the sychophantic media slander the reputations of all senators who rise to speak against her, and even have the slander lead to the impeachment of members of the courts, including the SCOTUS, so that she can name all the judges.

It has been happening for a while now.. search for Edward Griffin interviews on youtube.. ()
While you mite be rational enough to appreciate Ron Paul's policies, the vast majority is too neurotic to consider them and will go along with whatever the TV media tells them, giving Hillary an unprecidented landslide, like the high 90's we all remember dictators always got.
Again I agree, Ron Paul won't get a chance.

The *ONLY* shot at defeating that juggernaut is for some leader to step forward who does not have a partisan record. That's the only way he would be able to offer new ideas without being characterized as a 'flip-flop'.
Like I said... would be nice, but very unlikely.

Look at Janis's studies on group think. Groups routinely accept asinine ideas in order to expand their bases. Liberals, Conservatives, Greens, Libertarianis... etc it does not matter. You can always find some whackos that the party supported that you can use to destroy the leader's credibility.
That should be obvious...

danbrown: I think you are well read, but I also suspect that you are missing the big picture, there is something some thing more going on behind all this insanity.

911 was brutal acts that was completely reckless and woke up a lot of otherwise confused people(not many but enough to be serious nuisance).
That is very strange, the elite knew that it would do, and they would dig and dig until they would expose the lot of the machinations these parasites have been up to.

Now why would they do that? Oil,Money,Power.. etc.. They all had that and more for countless decades, why now? What is the real goal? Complete world control?...But they have that now! Something must have made them accelerate the plan... The control over the Global warminginfo dissemination,(which is maybe the opposite ...

we are entering the ice age, (I am still unclear on the reason behind the global warming hush-up if its a ice age :S ) the illuminati going to Antarctica to "Pray for the world peace"...All this stuff coming out, and people are not as skeptical to that information as they once were (before 911=JFK assasination etc.) The UFO's being for realis not a big leap of imagination for me now. The FoxNews is a propaganda machine (fact search for foxnews+propoganda) so that gives me the ufo's are not (lol) new stratosphere fauna. The Mayan calendar (listen closely at mark 2.40-2.55! )is the keyI think. Still working on that though.

In the world of lies and half truths... you only need to dig deeper and think harder to find the half that is true.

Analyze the whole situation with Mel Gibson and his last movie. <-clue
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Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Post by daybrown »

It is a chaotic confusing reality. Ron Paul may be able to win an election with only rational voters at the polls. But- that's not all who will show up. I was a poll watcher in 1998. I'll never do that again. Its too depressing. Considering who will actually vote, Ron Paul dont have a chance.

Griffin says we are headed for a one party system. Bingo. Now. if we are to avoid that, we need really innovative policy proposals that the handlers have not yet prepared their candidates for. The Internet could do that. But even then, I have my doubts. Look at all the insane rants. Look at the decline in academic performance, look at the man on the street interviews. Griffin does not seem to want the secret elite to run things. Very well. Do we then want this vast mass if ignorant, neurotic, lazy, and stupid people to try?

No, no. Dont bother them. Let the games go on, let them root for their heros. I remember one historian, who noted that if you into the halls of the academy, and listen to the students between classes, do they speak of philosophy, history, mathematics? No. Its all about teams, racers, fighters. Cicero had good reason to be worried about the future of the republic.

I'm not talking of what I think should happen, but what will, whether we like it or not. Certainly there are some intellectual cartels that wield great power; I dont worry about that so much as to whether they are any more rational despite being academically gifted. They were raised on the same sugar cereals, candy, junkfood, and soda as everyone else. Many are like idiot savants, truly gifted at dealing with numbers, but utterly blindsided to other aspects of reality that are not so easily enumerated.

Now, we hear all this BS about the troops. Very well. If they are indeed so concerned about the troops, then why didnt they come up with the fertility clinic services so that widows and mothers of those who sacrificed their lives may yet hope for children from the lines which these politicians say are so brave? Does that make any sense? We all know that bravery inherently means to risk life, and in doing so, quite often sacrifices it. And here, we now have the technology to at least preserved the genetic endowment that contributed to that bravery, and the candidates are utterly clueless about it.

Likewise, spreading on the net are the means of herbal abortion. The abortion debate is over. It dont matter what the legal system says. They dont have the *power* to control it. There are likewise scientific double blind studies that show the therapeutic value of scores of other herbs that would dramatically cut the cost of health care. The major parties, Ron Paul, and the other candidates have no clue.

Capital punishment? Again science has weighed in, revealing biochemical and neurological structural pathology behind violence. Its not a matter of "sin" any more, but sanity. This blows Christian dogma out the window, but no candidate dares to go near it. We dont need capital punishment, but we mite consider euthanasia because so many of these 'criminals' pose such a danger to other prisoners and guards, risking their lives, that you need to keep these cases in solitary or under sedation. Which is no way to live. I would put a dog or a horse in this condition out of its misery.

I could go on, and often have. Watching the Sunday morning new shows, its all but over, Hillary will be the next president. Either figure out how to present these out of the box ideas to enuf people, and find a candidate who can enunciate them, or get over it. The standard partisan positions will not change anything. She knows how to manipulate the mass media with well rehearsed responses to all of them.
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Re: How Ron Paul's campaign will be sabotaged

Post by Carl G »

daybrown wrote,
Watching the Sunday morning new shows, its all but over, Hillary will be the next president.
Really? At this early date it's predictable?

As for Ron Paul, no sense discussing him. Might as well flap our lips about Donald Duck for Prez. Fuck the American public and the issues; Paul's a non-starter because he hasn't been selected on the inside.
Good Citizen Carl