Presidential candidate Ron Paul being censored by media

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Presidential candidate Ron Paul being censored by media

Post by integral »

This is disgusting. Here's a brief overview of Ron Paul's, a Republican 2008 presidential candidate, record as a congressman:

-He voted against the Patriot Act.
-He voted against regulating the Internet.
-He voted against the Iraq war.
-He has never voted to raise taxes.
-He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.

The corporate backed media must feel threatened by an intelligent candidate.
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Re: Presidential candidate Ron Paul being censored by media

Post by Diebert van Rhijn »

He sounds surprisingly intelligent! Kind of bizarre to hear a politician speak intelligent and knowing his stuff. The only one so far that understands the problem with foreign policy. He looks a bit like too much like a nerd perhaps, not really comfortably in his costume, for the US mass media/porn industry anyway. Image is everything these days.

Threatening to close down the IRS and big government in general might frighten the fifty billion civil servants and their dependents which won't vote for him ever. Even if he would be Jesus Christ himself.
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Re: Presidential candidate Ron Paul being censored by media

Post by Jamesh »

Shit website. Got sick of looking for his policies. anyway I can tell just by his pic, that he is a wanker. All modern day Republicans are.
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Re: Presidential candidate Ron Paul being censored by media

Post by Diebert van Rhijn »

Jamesh wrote:anyway I can tell just by his pic, that he is a wanker. All modern day Republicans are.
That's what I said, he won't attract the pornographic minded and as such fail. Candidate Giuliani is brain damaged but that might just pull him through. G.W. Bush was no 'accident'; it's the new US mass and media ethos: if it sounds like a president on TV, if it walks like a president on TV then it should become our new president (on TV).
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Re: Presidential candidate Ron Paul being censored by media

Post by ExpectantlyIronic »

Ron Paul doesn't really appeal to the base of either major political party in America. That's the main reason he doesn't have much of a chance. Democrats like myself don't like him because he wants to eliminate social security and government spending on what we see as vital infrastructure. Many Republicans don't like him because he's an isolationist and strong supporter of civil liberties. It is unfortunate that everyone doesn't have a fair shake at becoming president, but that's the grim reality of it. That said, I'd be very unhappy if he did actually manage to become president.
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Re: Presidential candidate Ron Paul being censored by media

Post by integral »

Jamesh wrote:Shit website. Got sick of looking for his policies. anyway I can tell just by his pic, that he is a wanker. All modern day Republicans are.
For policies, hit up here Also, there is his official website,

He is definitely no wanker like the typical modern day Republicans. The man knows his economics (unlike the vast majority of politicians). If elected, he would back the U.S. currency with gold and abolish the greatest source of monetary inflation--the fractional reserve banking system.
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Re: Presidential candidate Ron Paul being censored by media

Post by Jamesh »

He must be a fan of G. Edward Griffin
-He voted against regulating the Internet.
I disagree with this, but on the basis that such regulation does not lead to ownership of content by large organisations. I'd regulate Google immediately and I'd limit porn massively by regulation.
-He has never voted to raise taxes.
It depends on what the taxes are used for. If I was a world dictactor I'd raise taxes by about 30% over 5 years. I'd tax people with wealth of over 100 million at 100% on earnings above this amount. Globalised Capitalism needs massive regulation, in much the same way as religion. A lack of regulation is what creates opportunities for cretins like the Bush neo-cons and Murdock's propaganda businesses.
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Re: Presidential candidate Ron Paul being censored by media

Post by sue hindmarsh »

Diebert wrote:'s the new US mass and media ethos: if it sounds like a president on TV, if it walks like a president on TV then it should become our new president (on TV).
Reminds me of the time Ronald Reagan was asked, "How could an actor become president?'

To which he replied, "How can a president not be an actor?"

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Re: Presidential candidate Ron Paul being censored by media

Post by Jamesh »

Sadly I think paglia is rather on the ball here ... =whitelist
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Re: Presidential candidate Ron Paul being censored by media

Post by keenobserver »

I havent been following him so i dont know if he's considering it, but i think Gore may be the demos best shot.
Looking at the elephant crowd, again without knowing very much about many of them just seeing them briefly, my gut feel is they all suck the big one, i mean the're worthless as presidents go.
How discraceful when thousands of finer citizens who could do a far better job shutter at the idea of taking on this disolving beast. Weve got nothing but creeps to choose from in this 2-party dictatorship of ours.
Still I think Gore may be both the best we got (to possibly choose from) as well as the most likely to succeed.
Another 8 years with a warmonger and Iran may take drastic action, we cant risk it. The world cant.

Ultimately I reckon it doesnt matter very much what happens come election day. The world will just keep on acting like animals until such time as there is greater balance of power. Only then will peace have half a chance.
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Re: Presidential candidate Ron Paul being censored by media

Post by Jamesh »

I havent been following him so i dont know if he's considering it, but i think Gore may be the demos best shot.
He may have been, but I've seen him say a few times that he has no intention to run. I doubt he could successfully backtrack. He pretty well said he didn't feel he would find politics of that type emotionally satisfying anymore.
The world will just keep on acting like animals until such time as there is greater balance of power
Yep. Greater balance of power between the rich and poor however, not balances of power between superpowers. Nothing will change without some form of truly cooperative world strategic-government. The UN is a dead duck.
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Re: Presidential candidate Ron Paul being censored by media

Post by Unidian »

Ron Paul is smarter than all the other Repukes, but that's because he is a libertarian. Libertarians are intelligent but self-centered. Ron Paul would dismantle many government services the poor rely on, because libertarians don't care about the poor. Ron Paul talks a good game, but he's a social Darwinist. Libertarians would be a bigger disaster than the Republicans.

Nah, I'm not taken in by Ron Paul fever. I'm going to vote Democrat like I always do.
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Re: Presidential candidate Ron Paul being censored by media

Post by Ataraxia »

If Nietzsche were alive and registered to vote I'd be willing to wager he'd vote for Paul.
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Re: Presidential candidate Ron Paul being censored by media

Post by Carl G »

Who cares about another shitbag politician, when the system itself is corrupt?
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Re: Presidential candidate Ron Paul being censored by media

Post by Unidian »

Well, yes, there's that too.

But for me, it doesn't matter. They may all be "corrupt shitbags," but I see it as my responsibility to support the corrupt shitbag who will do the least harm overall. If the system is screwed, then a corrupt shitbag will win no matter what. Throwing up one's hands and refusing to participate on principle is very fashionable, but ultimately counterproductive. If people of conscience stand on the sidelines doing nothing, the worst of the corrupt shitbags will always win, instead of the least of them. And it does make a difference. The lesser of two evils is still better than the greater of them.
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