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Post by Shardrol »

unwise wrote:Experience and wisdom is a natural consequence of age. Since there is reincarnation, the spiritual age of people differs.
How does that work? Where do new people come from? Do some people never get reincarnated after some point or is the number of people always increasing since new ones keep appearing? I've heard about this idea of 'old souls' & stuff before but never had a chance to ask anybody how it works.

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Post by unwise »

Shardrol said:
How does that work? Where do new people come from? Do some people never get reincarnated after some point or is the number of people always increasing since new ones keep appearing? I've heard about this idea of 'old souls' & stuff before but never had a chance to ask anybody how it works.
Bodies, minds and egos are a part of nature. If we look at nature, we see evolution within species. Some species completely disappear while others suddenly appear - or are discovered. There is dispute whether a species can appear by evolution. i don't think so. At any rate, there is appearance and disappearance - and evolution.

Bodies and brains are constantly undergoing change and evolution. Egos inhabit them. A more advanced or complex system is an 'old spirit.'

There are egos that inhabit body/minds that are more complex and subtle than we find on earth. Gods. Every ego is on a trajectory that will take them into godhood and enlightenment whether they desire it or not. There are certain struggles and seeming efforts along the way - put it is all set in the program.
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Post by Shardrol »

unwise wrote:Bodies, minds and egos are a part of nature. If we look at nature, we see evolution within species. Some species completely disappear while others suddenly appear - or are discovered. There is dispute whether a species can appear by evolution. i don't think so. At any rate, there is appearance and disappearance - and evolution.
I don't think the analogy works. On the one hand you're talking about a whole species, i.e. a collection of individuals. On the other, you're talking about a particular individual consciousness?soul?whatchacallit? over many lifetimes. My question was: where do new ones come from?
Bodies and brains are constantly undergoing change and evolution. Egos inhabit them. A more advanced or complex system is an 'old spirit.'
Okay 'spirit' then. Are you saying then that an 'old spirit' is not necessarily actually 'older' but just more advanced or complex? This is different from what you said before.
There are egos that inhabit body/minds that are more complex and subtle than we find on earth. Gods. Every ego is on a trajectory that will take them into godhood and enlightenment whether they desire it or not. There are certain struggles and seeming efforts along the way - put it is all set in the program.
Who is the programmer?
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Post by unwise »

I don't think I am looking at it the same you are. The ego is nothing to me. Egos don't survive from life to life. New body - new ego. Different bodies, different egos. More complex body, more complex ego.

No ego surviving death. New body, new ego. You don't remember your last life because you didn't have one. Reincarnation means new body. new body, new ego.

The ego is simply a creation of the body.
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Diebert van Rhijn
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Post by Diebert van Rhijn »

unwise wrote:DVR:
First of all: you quoted Christopher Calder. Credit were credit is due
Are you talking to me? I have no idea who Christopher Calder is so how can I quote him?
Like Calder wrote in the link I shared (and it strangely disappeared from that site since I posted it, it's now at rajneesh.info) and you responded to: Rajneesh clearly slowly deteriorated, his IQ lowered, his comprehension ability decreased, his rationality withered away: basic skills like reading and logic, calmness, detachment - all went down the drain; is that what enlightenment is about you think? Do you think it was just karma or some illness? How can self-knowledge be subdued by the process of enlightenment?

There is a warning here for you somewhere, unwise one.
Experience and wisdom is a natural consequence of age.
Actually it isn't, apart from the bag of tricks we collected to deal with mundane routine stuff. Most people's brains lose their ability to adapt and learn new things. Because they hardly use that feature anymore. It's only a natural consequence if wisdom remains the target - which it almost never is in our younger years, let alone the older years.
Since there is reincarnation, the spiritual age of people differs.
What exactly reincarnates? Not the ego, not the body as you wrote elsewhere. No memories. Magic dust? I challenge you to explain it further.
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Post by Shardrol »

unwise wrote:I don't think I am looking at it the same you are. The ego is nothing to me. Egos don't survive from life to life. New body - new ego. Different bodies, different egos. More complex body, more complex ego.

No ego surviving death. New body, new ego. You don't remember your last life because you didn't have one. Reincarnation means new body. new body, new ego.

The ego is simply a creation of the body.
Okay, if ego is a creation of the body, then when you talk about 'old' & 'new' are you referring to bodies or egos or something else?

And what did you mean by
Every ego is on a trajectory that will take them into godhood and enlightenment whether they desire it or not.
Did you mean over the course of life in one body only?

It sounds like now you're saying that 'old' means 'complex' rather than actually old. Is that the case?
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Post by unwise »

Shardrol, these are good questions. Sometimes I talk about reincarnation and sometimes I say there is no such thing. It has to do with what I mean by the word 'ego' and how I am using the term.

I need new terminology. Hummm. There is something like a psyche that is carried over from life to life. In fact, if the world is some type of mental construction or dream stuff (as I say it is), then the psyche is primary to the dream body. Therefore, new lives and new bodies and new worlds are only apparent manifestations inside a dream. -- Similar to the situation at night when you fall asleep. You wouldn't really say you get a new body when you dream, right?

And so, the dreamer or psyche is evolving. This creates new bodies and new worlds. Inside these bodies and worlds an 'ego' is created to play in those worlds. This ego is as fresh and new as the body and world it finds itself in. This ego is born and dies with that body. It has no memory of past worlds or bodies. Yet, the psyche or 'higher self' does indeed continue on in a trajectory toward integration at the highest levels. There is probably no end to this process. There are, probably, many types and levels to 'enlightenment.'

I will call the psyche that evolves and creates new bodies - the 'higher self.' It also is the repository of the subconscious needs, fears and cravings - as it is the Revelator as well. It is home of both karma and inspiration.
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Diebert van Rhijn
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Post by Diebert van Rhijn »

unwise wrote: I need new terminology. Hummm. There is something like a psyche that is carried over from life to life.
You mean, a 'soul' or essence? Using Latin or Greek really doesn't make it sound less religious.
In fact, if the world is some type of mental construction or dream stuff (as I say it is), then the psyche is primary to the dream body.
The world only appears that way to someone still dreaming.
This ego is born and dies with that body. It has no memory of past worlds or bodies. Yet, the psyche or 'higher self' does indeed continue on in a trajectory toward integration at the highest levels.
So does this higher self collects some memories, 'learns' along the way? And how would you know it evolves in any meaningful way? Perhaps it's just dying slowly. How would you trust any 'messages' received from this higher self. Assuming there is some communication possible.
I will call the psyche that evolves and creates new bodies - the 'higher self.' It also is the repository of the subconscious needs, fears and cravings - as it is the Revelator as well. It is home of both karma and inspiration.
Subconscious needs, fears and cravings don't need some mysterious location, since they are just as much part of our bodies as anything else. Their causes are not so very hard to discern.

How would you know that you haven't split the ego in a 'low' part and some 'high' part, and believing in the immortal powers of the 'high' part as a way to keep the whole construct intact? Or do you think the human mind is not cunning enough for such deception? The history of religion shows otherwise.