Worldy Matters is closed for an indefinite period.

Some partial backups of posts from the past (Feb, 2004)
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Dan Rowden
Posts: 5740
Joined: Sun Sep 09, 2001 8:03 pm

Worldy Matters is closed for an indefinite period.

Post by Dan Rowden »

To everyone,

Genius Forum administration has taken the decision to shut down Worldly Matters for an indefinite period. The possibility of the board in its entirety being closed for a period of 6 months is also currently under consideration. Over the previous 6 months or so the quality of contribution to the board has become such that its purpose and meaning have been significantly diluted. This forum, particularly, has become a distraction from that purpose that was never really intended. Genius Forum is now under a newly instated quality control regime which essentially means that threads ordinarily posted here will not permitted there.* We are narrowing the scope of "discussion" to try and regain the board's focus.

The decision to close Worldly Matters indefinitely is effective immediately. I don't think any of the extant discussions will suffer from this action.

Any correspondence regarding this move should be directed to myself via PM. This announcement is subject to change should I find that I've omitted some information of importance.

* The subtitle of Genius Forum is: "Discussion of the nature of Ultimate Reality and the path to Enlightenment." That states the real and actual purpose of the board. Threads posted in Genius Forum need to be relevant to that purpose. Of course, that's not always a clear cut determination so some leeway will be granted.

Dan Rowden