When is the next guest interview due?

Some partial backups of posts from the past (Feb, 2004)
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When is the next guest interview due?

Post by Robert »

Just wondering, its been a while since the last one.

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Re: When is the next guest interview due?

Post by Shahrazad »

I heard Dan say something about sending an email to Chalmers. I hope he got around to it.
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Re: When is the next guest interview due?

Post by David Quinn »

In the new year. We're having a break from it at the moment.

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Dan Rowden
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Re: When is the next guest interview due?

Post by Dan Rowden »

My Internet connection is all over the place anyway due to some sort of earthing problem in the phone line here; I don't expect that to be resolved before Xmas. Indeed it won't be resolved at all unless we get an assurance from our rental agency that the property owner will meet the cost of fixing the issue.
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Re: When is the next guest interview due?

Post by Elizabeth Isabelle »

So, did you guys give up on your project?
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Dan Rowden
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Re: When is the next guest interview due?

Post by Dan Rowden »

Not to my knowledge. I don't know what Dave is up to at the moment but I'm sure we'll get back into it before long. I may even do one by myself in the meantime.
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Re: When is the next guest interview due?

Post by Robert »

That would be interesting to hear you just talking your mind about stuff Dan, maybe referring back to previous podcast interviews and/or highlighting some topics from the forum. Anything really, just an informal chat/update sort of thing...
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I humbly suggest that I may be an interesting guest...

Post by FreedomainRadio »

Hello, my name is Stefan Molyneux, and I'm the host of Freedomain Radio, the largest philosophy show on the Internet, and a top 10 finalist in the 2007 Podcast Awards... I noticed that a year or two ago you were discussing whether or not I would be an interesting guest, and I think I might be - if you are interested, feel free to drop me an e-mail...

I have released all of my books into the public domain, you might want to have a quick browse and see if they are the kind of topics that you are interested in here... http://freedomainradio.com/free

Best wishes!

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Re: When is the next guest interview due?

Post by Dave Toast »

Yep, as I said at the time, Stefan would be an interesting guest, given the right subject.

Having watched his Philosophy 101 podcasts and many others of a philosophical bent, I know this guy is a truth lover and a man of his own logical convictions and integrity - far more in line with many of the principal values here than the likes of Randi for instance.

This would be a good way to kick some life back into this venture again and of mutual benefit in that he has a relatively huge audience of political but also philosophical types to reach out to and I reckon he'd win himself some new audience members here.

Suggested subject: The truly ethical life (disregarding the potential roadblock distractions of Woman and politics in its narrow definition as much as possible). Focussing on what you have in common and the more subtle differences that may be involved would likely make for more productive initial conversation than concentrating on those major differences in personal values IMO.
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Re: When is the next guest interview due?

Post by Kelly Jones »

If Stefan is willing to be interviewed by owners of a forum who are popularly known as misogynists, then perhaps they have more in common than you think, Dave.

This really stumps me as a topic:

"The truly ethical life (disregarding the potential roadblock distractions of Woman and politics in its narrow definition as much as possible)."

How can there be ethics if there is a willingness to lie? Woman is amoral. Woman (and what women are compelled instinctively to do, by and large) want to fit-in, and truth or falsehood never enters the picture.
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Re: When is the next guest interview due?

Post by Nick »

I agree with Kelly, there is no way we can fully discuss a truly ethical, logical, truthful life without scrutinizing the feminine and masculine egos, and their implications. Discussing politics along with ethics ultimately wouldn't really mean much because a person's political philosophy rests upon their greater life philosophy which would make focusing on politics somewhat superfluous.
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Re: When is the next guest interview due?

Post by Dave Toast »

Read more carefully ladies.
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Re: When is the next guest interview due?

Post by Kelly Jones »

To take an example of someone who has been extremely productive (in the number and quality of conversations) by pointing out differences: Christopher Hitchens. He disputes almost everything thrown his way. He even talks over people and bullies them into listening, because he knows what he is saying is more rational. He wrote a book for the "Art of Mentoring" series, called "Letters to a Young Contrarian", about how to be an intelligent dissenter.

I think he was slightly more productive when his debating partners were more intelligent. They still disagreed with Hitchens strongly on many points, but they didn't do so gratuitously, so Hitchens could explain his ideas more fully. Compare Timothy Jackson to Shlumey Boteach, for instance. There's not much one can do with a Boteach except say, "Behold his character committing suicide in public", but that gets boring quickly, so he has to crack a lot of jokes that say essentially the same thing.

It's not the topic that was the problem, it was Shlumey's attachments to the God of Israel.
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Re: When is the next guest interview due?

Post by Leyla Shen »

Dave Toast wrote:Read more carefully ladies.
I hear ya, Dave. It's as though you never provided the qualifier "in its narrow definition" . . .
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Re: When is the next guest interview due?

Post by Kelly Jones »

DaveT wrote:"The truly ethical life (disregarding the potential roadblock distractions of Woman and politics in its narrow definition as much as possible)."
Dave's style is usually very precise with grammar.

I read his sentence without a comma after Woman, since he says "distractions" and then "its".

In other words, Dave means that "Woman" is a potential roadblock distraction, and "politics in its narrow definition" is also a potential roadblock distraction.

But just in case he slipped up for once, I don't think I've defined Woman narrowly, but only truthfully, according to my definition of Woman - meaning, the strong tendency to unreason that's expressed by most people, but more more deeply embedded in the brains and psychology of biological females.
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Re: When is the next guest interview due?

Post by Leyla Shen »

In my view, and given the context, there's nothing necessarily wrong with the grammar.

What is the difference between "roadblock distractions of Woman, and politics in its narrow definition" and "roadblock distractions of Woman-and-politics [as a singularity, that is] and its narrow distractions"?

Do you really think Woman and politics comprise a valid dichotomy?
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Re: When is the next guest interview due?

Post by Kelly Jones »

I think you may be upset, Leyla.

Are your questions genuine, or are they reinforcing the ego?
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Re: When is the next guest interview due?

Post by Leyla Shen »

[laughs] Well, that's just a truly divine conclusion.

How on earth did you reach it?

I'll let you figure that out on your own, I think.
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Dave Toast
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Re: When is the next guest interview due?

Post by Dave Toast »

Why's everything got to be an argument ffs?
Kelly Jones wrote:In other words, Dave means that "Woman" is a potential roadblock distraction, and "politics in its narrow definition" is also a potential roadblock distraction.
That's exactly what I meant Kelly, except there was additional context i.e. the rest of what was written in the post.

For the sake of clarity:
Kelly Jones wrote:If Stefan is willing to be interviewed by owners of a forum who are popularly known as misogynists, then perhaps they have more in common than you think, Dave.
If you read the original post again Kelly, you'll see that I know full well that they have much in common, being as I'm familiar with both sides. Misogyny, however, is not one of those things, being as none of them are misogynists. If Stefan is aware of their superficially deserved reputation in that regard, I doubt he's aware that, under a thoroughgoing analysis, it is ill-deserved. His willingness to be interviewed is likely not because of said reputation but despite of it, being as a truth lover has nothing to be afraid of and relishes testing their convictions against others of similar disposition.
How can there be ethics if there is a willingness to lie?
Again, if you read the original post you'll see that there's no suggestion that is or should be the case. Rather, the suggestion is an initial avoidance of particular pet subjects which may prove a potential impediment to more engaging and edifying discussion, instead encouraging the same old misconceived argumentation we see over and over again, misconceptions which require no little time and understanding to mitigate. Personally, I would rather hear them discuss their views on the likes of epistemology, logic, empricism, rationality, evolution, meaning, universality, causation, etc. with regard to a truly ethical life, and the suggestions were to that affect. See there's plenty to talk about besides, Kelly, and whilst active and passive dimensions of mind might well come into it, the misconceptions and concomitant potential distraction involved in couching it in terms of Woman and women, need not.
Woman is amoral.
As an aside, where's the beef here then? If you were talking immoral, then I might see the applicability, but amoral? Would it also be pertinent to discuss the amorality of Cat and Dog? Perhaps in passing only.
Nick Treklis wrote:Discussing politics along with ethics ultimately wouldn't really mean much because a person's political philosophy rests upon their greater life philosophy which would make focusing on politics somewhat superfluous.
Well, at least Nick recognised there were two sides to this point on potential roadblocks. Knowing what I do of him, I seriously doubt that Stefan would agree with you Nick, if you're saying that Politics (with a capital P) is superfluous to a discussion of a truly ethical life. But then that's precisely one of the distractions I was hoping could be ignored, initially.
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Re: When is the next guest interview due?

Post by Kelly Jones »

Dave wrote:which may prove a potential impediment to more engaging and edifying discussion,
It may also prove to be the stumbling block that needs to be stumbled over, in order for edifying discourse to happen.

instead encouraging the same old misconceived argumentation we see over and over again, misconceptions which require no little time and understanding to mitigate.
Doesn't it strike you as interesting that people are so attached to a certain understanding and usage of the term "woman"?

That attaching any negative meanings to said word, triggers a great quantity and period of argumentation?

That the 'misconception' takes so long to correct?

Does this not tell you that there is something philosophically interesting about this word?

Yet people redefine and use abusively the word "man" all the time, without anyone blinking so much as an eyelid. What's so special about "woman" that no one is permitted to touch it?
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Re: When is the next guest interview due?

Post by Animus »

Aha! Stefan Molypoo, we meet again!

Listen, this guy banned me from his website because I didn't call Child Services on a friend of mine. It was something I put to his wife "Ask a Therapist" and I got the weirdest most dogmatic idiocy back from them I've ever heard. "That family is EVIL", "You need to call child services, stop associating with that family and get therapy for yourself!".

Ahahaha, Its my life Stefan, not yours. FYI the police were on site and they contacted child services, all this was dealt with. The question to you was about the child's psychology! I didn't ask you to tell me what to do, I asked for your opinion.

Here's what I think, I think anyone who bans someone from a "Freedomain" discussion because they didn't take your instructions over their personal life is a cult leader!
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Re: When is the next guest interview due?

Post by Foreigner »

Animus wrote:Aha! Stefan Molypoo, we meet again!

Listen, this guy banned me from his website because I didn't call Child Services on a friend of mine. It was something I put to his wife "Ask a Therapist" and I got the weirdest most dogmatic idiocy back from them I've ever heard. "That family is EVIL", "You need to call child services, stop associating with that family and get therapy for yourself!".

Ahahaha, Its my life Stefan, not yours. FYI the police were on site and they contacted child services, all this was dealt with. The question to you was about the child's psychology! I didn't ask you to tell me what to do, I asked for your opinion.

Here's what I think, I think anyone who bans someone from a "Freedomain" discussion because they didn't take your instructions over their personal life is a cult leader!
Wow-wee. Wish I were there.
Say, is it possible not Stef but the wife responded, and banned you, or at least called for it? Is it possible Stef's program is distinct from his wife's?
Did you ask him whether it was (also) his opinion that you deserved the boot?
You never know, she may have the power to ban independent of hubby.

You may wish to post her/his explanation why you were banned.
Are the going-ons there something special, not to be missed?
I have no idea.

And one last thought, or possibility, there is always as a last resort-- threatening to withhold affection-- what mortal man can say NO to that!
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Re: When is the next guest interview due?

Post by Animus »

Stefan Molyneaux ordered me directly to call Child Services, or else to be banned from freedomainradio.com

Stefan Molyneux:
For the love of all that is holy and decent man, stop philosophizing about computers and make the call to save those kids!
If the mother is just naive, and lacks knowledge, she can get someone in to help her with her kids, they won't be taken away.

It's not your decision to make. Those kids need to be evaluated by a professional.

Please stop posting on my board until you get those kids the help and protection they need.
Stefan and his wife made a podcast about it: http://www.freedomainradio.com/Traffic_ ... Crisis.mp3

Initially the conversation was respectful, but Stefan and his wife quickly resorted to gross generalizations, demonstrating a total lack of understanding. Then they told me either to follow their morally and philosophically rigid instructions or, as was the case, be permanently banned from freedomainradio.com

The entire discussion is here: http://freedomainradio.com/board/forums ... ageIndex=1
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Re: When is the next guest interview due?

Post by Animus »

As a follow-up to that conversation: The suspected individual who abused the child was taken into police custody and is extremely mentally ill. Child Services were contacted by the Police themselves.

No further incidences of abuse have occured, the child and parents have been seeing consellors.

The children are not "being openly handed over to predators" and the family is not "Satanic".

The fact was, I never asked Stefan or his wife to get litigious with this issue, I asked them for counselling advice. The facts about the suspect, the police involvement and child services were not known to me at the time, because they were not matters of my involvement. They were matters taken care of long before I even heard about the incident. Matters, which I didn't know about until after Stefan banned me.

Regardless, a cult is defined as "followers of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices".

Stefan tried to impose his moral beliefs and practices on me and excommunicated me as a result of my disobedience to his instruction. He could have let it go, but instead he took the moral highground and thought he'd stand up for what he believes is Truth. But he was sadly mistaken and refused to hear about it.
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Re: When is the next guest interview due?

Post by sue hindmarsh »

You two finished having your little tea party?


The PM function is there for your gossiping.