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Poetry from a GENIUS 180 I.Q

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 8:43 am
by teslacoils2006

In love with madness
I loved it when we talked all night
But I never seen the sadness in her heart
what things are seen when there is no light
I never looked for the perfection I thought she found
how could such passion be returned
a doctors medication kept her feet on the ground
one of god's greatest gifts was slipping away
reality was soon to be only a dream
I was hoping to be a beacon for her return one day
but my only anchor was being pulled and a decision was made
Into the chaotic depths I let her go
very painful watching the brightest light fade
One day she will start again like a rocket
when she surfaces with the past behind her
I know I can not exist not even in her locket

Dean Ray

Copyright ©2006 Dean Roger Ray

Tiger's Dream

Into the night the beast will sleep
Even in the spiders web the silk is warm
Creatures of the night start to creep
As sweet as honey nestled within the swarm
Sound as sleep her bed unkept
A full belly but not a prayer for the prey
At night the victims brothers wept
For tonight somebody will die
And with her gentle soft touch
She answers her babies soft cry
Silence your fears chase them away
For the night is young
And we will reign another day

Dean Roger Ray

Copyright ©2006 Dean Roger Ray

Diamond and gold covered streets

He walked alone to the sweltering mine
Toil and dream of gold and diamond streets
Take a meagre wage to see the empires wine
Before it is brought to the master's table
Only if he knew a lover's device
to win her heart and favour
with that shiny piece of ice
A silent war turns up the heat
From a poor nations treasure chest
Stolen so nice and neat
to look is not to see we are at our best
Could it be for love that blood has spilled
In a battle of innocence
To a vision of passion merchants have willed
All that have bought treasures do not remorse
To see they are so poor
Give them your old clothes of course

Dean Roger Ray

Copyright ©2006 Dean Roger Ray

Meaning of my existense
For those before me who never wrote it down
Who are you now where have you been
What have you seen is your name a town
Were you prepared for war were you wise
Did you lay the bricks at the park
Where I watched my first sunrise
I could not see that you were once there
For it is you i do not know
I am only to a story aware
For that tale is mine to tell
Remember my name you never know
To stumble on a rock and see
That it is written that I was there

Dean Roger Ray

Copyright ©2006 Dean Roger Ray

Parade of Individuals
There is no audience in a parade of individuals
Captive crowds performing night and day
Some performances measured in money some in pain
Who is the best who can tell when no one watches
No witness has ever seen angels dance
Too busy are the performers too watch the others show
what would it be worth just to be seen before the curtains close
What stars rise and fall when there is no light
To seek knowledge wisdom to know what is in demand
Who will be remembered as the greatest of all
The one who truly listens will be the most popular of them all

Dean Roger Ray

Copyright ©2006 Dean Roger Ray

The hunt for personality
After a drink she awaits the ammersion of his true self
inhibitions once held now set free
freedom like a gift high apon a shelf
with eyes of fire he tells her of his love
smells of liquid courage permeating the air
what was done to another innocent dove
to be born so hastily out of desire
another un wanted casualty of the hunt
so by a bottle have a drink that is all you require

Dean Roger Ray

Copyright ©2006 Dean Roger Ray

innocent dance in a turbulant world
A lonliness in the company of many
Defensive posture to a non existant enemy
A touch to fire to learn safety
To an illusian when the fire is gone
How brave the hero when danger dies
unneccesary weight when taking flight
for only a few can fly and forget their fire
and a lot will soar underneathe the few
Grounded by a pipe dream and never awakened

Dean Roger Ray

Copyright ©2006 Dean Roger Ray

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 8:46 am
by teslacoils2006
Walking Wounded

They praise the walking wounded here
With words that no-one else will hear
You fight and march to who-knows-where,
But now they wish with so much fear
That you were nowhere even near.
Battle's won by heros tall
And by all of those that fall
Immortal Gods that gave their all,
Not by cripples over there,
Things that give our kids a scare.

They puke, they bleed, they choke, they're sick
Why they "walk" I cannot tell,
They're going nowhere double quick.

No tomb, no stone, no mark at all,
No plinth upon the City Hall,
You're not in heaven so go to Hell,
That's why they praise the wounded here,
'Cos no-one else'll ever care.

By Robert L Thompsett

Message to Fear spin off to message to garcia

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 8:53 am
by teslacoils2006
Message to Fear
I need you, guide me through the dangers
never rule when I am at peace and know I'm safe
Motivate me to work for my meals for I am worthy
Be comfortable with my girlfriend in knowing I provided for her
show me she is happy and know I'm here forever
Guide my children because I'm not always there
challenge me when I want to just give up
Remind me when the bills are to be paid
Don't hide in the dark when I go for walks
And I will respect you when I need you

Dean Ray

Copyright ©2006 Dean Roger Ray

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 8:59 am
by teslacoils2006

From which deigned deity, hast thou stole
A beauty to which words only blight
And to Arcadia didst thou flight?
Vision of you too blessed to know
By mortal man, a hope too slight.

My being awash w'er charming bight:
Cast adrift no compass need
To find her presence, a Phoenician so,
Nor oarsman hauling burley might
For shines the light of her radiant glow
This siren of Sidon, who steals my soul!
Her hair as dark as Hades night,
It's depths of passion as it's coal.
And smile to fathom of my soul
Glistens in her very sight.

By Robert L Thompsett ... vateer.htm

Aaron owns your ass,
But the charm of thy soul
Is owned by the Angels
Who took it from the Eternal Spheres
And shaped it from their very glass.

Aaron owns your ass,
But thy pretty smile
Is owned by those Poets
Who are blessed to see such a vision
This deity, a goddess true and lady lass.

Aaron owns your ass,
But thy graceful gate
Is owned by native nations
Whose land is so blessed by these glorious feet
Foretold by ancient Greeks upon their ancient vase.

By Robert L Thompsett


Eye of azure lake
Set in a field of savannah's sun,
Decried of compassion be
Her soul (in clan of insense,
For Providence and Child, a wife).
Behold delusion of shield divine, a fake!
Forged in iron is her action
In mortal deed, no care to see.
By whose bidding do you offer recompense
In these days of lonely strife,
My spirit roasted on thy sharpest stake?

By Robert L Thompsett