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Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 12:59 pm
by raykarczewski

dan drowden wrote:

Raymond Karczewski ( wrote:

Wed Jun 21, 2006 11:17 am

dd: > Ray, this is getting tedious beyond my ability to tolerate. Don't you see that you're simply feeding this frenzy of "conspiracy" against you. It seems to be the only thing you want to talk about.

rk: Dan, at this point in the unfolding of events on your forum, it is the ONLY THING THAT MUST BE TALKED ABOUT. It is a shame that your sensitivities do not allow you to face the real problems of the world, and so hide in Intellectual theoretics.

dd: > Please forget that crap and respond to some of the serious questions I and others have asked you.

rk: It can't be done as long as you permit such distraction to go on because you have no capacity to act as tough as you talk.

rk: I came here because of the forgeries that were being posted here in my name. I decided I'd give the forum a try -- just to see what it's like to talk to Truly Intelligence People. Aside from a couple of fellas who had some heart, this forum is no different from any other. Genius forum, my butt!!

dd: If you wish to ignore Chadwick and certain others by all means do so.

rk: IGNORE?? You can't IGNORE THESE GUYS. Just because you personally don't have the cajones to do your job and face a possible ten year disinformation campaign accusing you of impeding FREE SPEECH, you don't have the privilege of telling another to SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM for you by directing another to ignore these disinformation agents.

rk: Hell, Dan, it would appear that you don't even possess the discernment to distinguish responsible free speech from irresponsible abuse of FREE SPEECH.

rk: Some moderator!!

rk: My continued presence on the forum rests in your hands. Dan, lets see what your are really made of?

Dan Rowden


Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 1:24 pm
by Dan Rowden

dan drowden wrote:

Raymond Karczewski ( wrote:

Wed Jun 21, 2006 11:17 am

dd: > Ray, this is getting tedious beyond my ability to tolerate. Don't you see that you're simply feeding this frenzy of "conspiracy" against you. It seems to be the only thing you want to talk about.

rk: Dan, at this point in the unfolding of events on your forum, it is the ONLY THING THAT MUST BE TALKED ABOUT. It is a shame that your sensitivities do not allow you to face the real problems of the world, and so hide in Intellectual theoretics.
I'm not your lap-dog, Ray. I will not ban posters just because you say I should or because you don't like them or because you have some claimed bad history with them. Should I ban them it will be an action taken on my personal criteria for doing so. They haven't met that yet so for now they will stay. Don't accuse of me not facing problems just because you're not getting your way. I won't put up with that kind of rubbish.
dd: > Please forget that crap and respond to some of the serious questions I and others have asked you.

rk: It can't be done as long as you permit such distraction to go on because you have no capacity to act as tough as you talk.
Ray, don't be a putz. It is entirely possible to ignore them. Do you realise the only reason they keep posting is because you reply to them. Where are your priorities?
rk: I came here because of the forgeries that were being posted here in my name. I decided I'd give the forum a try -- just to see what it's like to talk to Truly Intelligence People. Aside from a couple of fellas who had some heart, this forum is no different from any other. Genius forum, my butt!!
Since you have yet to seriously engage anyone, including myself, you have no right to such a judgement.
dd: If you wish to ignore Chadwick and certain others by all means do so.

YES YOU CAN!! It's not rocket science, Ray. Just don't reply to them. Instead respond to my serious questions.
Just because you personally don't have the cajones to do your job and face a possible ten year disinformation campaign accusing you of impeding FREE SPEECH, you don't have the privilege of telling another to SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM for you by directing another to ignore these disinformation agents.
Ok, I'm beginning to see a pattern here. Your perspective is the only one, right? I have no direct knowledge of any such campaign and frankly I'm not interested. The best way to deal with such people is to ignore them. I know this from personal experience. In some sense, perhaps you can't, but on this board you have that ability. You simply chose not to enact it.
rk: Hell, Dan, it would appear that you don't even possess the discernment to distinguish responsible free speech from irresponsible abuse of FREE SPEECH.
No, I've yet to decide if they are engaged in irresponsibility. You're not helping your case by talking to me like this. You decided to get involved in matters to do with law and government. That always attracts attention and distracts from what really matters. It is possible to leave those distractions behind in this place because we don't care about them.
rk: Some moderator!!
Yes, I've probably given you far more of a hearing than is warranted. But that's ok, you can thank me some other time.
rk: My continued presence on the forum rests in your hands. Dan, lets see what your are really made of?
Ray, I have given you more than enough material for a meaningful discussion. If you chose to ignore that because you can't resist the temptation to engage little dogs yapping in the background, that's your problem. If your continued presence here is contingent on my banning posters just because you think I should, you may as well leave now because that isn't going to happen. People get banned from this board on my terms, not anyone else's.

Dan Rowden

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 2:20 pm
by Chadwick Stone
dd: > Please forget that crap and respond to some of the serious questions I and others have asked you.

rk: It can't be done as long as you permit such distraction to go on because you have no capacity to act as tough as you talk.
Since you undoubtedly include me in your appeal for banning, please explain how I distract you from dialog with others; please explain how I interfere with your (or anyone else's) posting ability?
dd: If you wish to ignore Chadwick and certain others by all means do so.
That is exactly the same advice I have given many others.
rk: IGNORE?? You can't IGNORE THESE GUYS. Just because you personally don't have the cajones to do your job and face a possible ten year disinformation campaign accusing you of impeding FREE SPEECH, you don't have the privilege of telling another to SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM for you by directing another to ignore these disinformation agents.
Okay, here we go, you want a serious dialog instead of "disinformation" - whatever you mean by that: How about a discussion of how one can advocate free speech while simultaneously calling to silence those with whom you disagree. Isn't that a self-contradicting position?
rk: Hell, Dan, it would appear that you don't even possess the discernment to distinguish responsible free speech from irresponsible abuse of FREE SPEECH.
How do you define "responsible speech" and "irresponsible speech." Perhaps we could be have a dialog if you gave me the key to how you want to be engaged.


Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 2:37 pm
by teslacoils2006
There are a lot of heroes who love democracy. I first spotted ray karczewski fighting usenet gangs I hoped this man was still battling for freedom. He fights for you for all of us. You have to fight for your group respecting Chadwick Stone will not solve your problems. His agenda will lead everyone to a suicide cult. Chadwick bosses
are linked alt.slack. ray karczewski is right you do have an iluminati infestation.

drowden wrote:

dan drowden wrote:

Raymond Karczewski ( wrote:

Wed Jun 21, 2006 11:17 am

dd: > Ray, this is getting tedious beyond my ability to tolerate. Don't you see that you're simply feeding this frenzy of "conspiracy" against you. It seems to be the only thing you want to talk about.

rk: Dan, at this point in the unfolding of events on your forum, it is the ONLY THING THAT MUST BE TALKED ABOUT. It is a shame that your sensitivities do not allow you to face the real problems of the world, and so hide in Intellectual theoretics.
I'm not your lap-dog, Ray. I will not ban posters just because you say I should or because you don't like them or because you have some claimed bad history with them. Should I ban them it will be an action taken on my personal criteria for doing so. They haven't met that yet so for now they will stay. Don't accuse of me not facing problems just because you're not getting your way. I won't put up with that kind of rubbish.
dd: > Please forget that crap and respond to some of the serious questions I and others have asked you.

rk: It can't be done as long as you permit such distraction to go on because you have no capacity to act as tough as you talk.
Ray, don't be a putz. It is entirely possible to ignore them. Do you realise the only reason they keep posting is because you reply to them. Where are your priorities?
rk: I came here because of the forgeries that were being posted here in my name. I decided I'd give the forum a try -- just to see what it's like to talk to Truly Intelligence People. Aside from a couple of fellas who had some heart, this forum is no different from any other. Genius forum, my butt!!
Since you have yet to seriously engage anyone, including myself, you have no right to such a judgement.
dd: If you wish to ignore Chadwick and certain others by all means do so.

YES YOU CAN!! It's not rocket science, Ray. Just don't reply to them. Instead respond to my serious questions.
Just because you personally don't have the cajones to do your job and face a possible ten year disinformation campaign accusing you of impeding FREE SPEECH, you don't have the privilege of telling another to SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM for you by directing another to ignore these disinformation agents.
Ok, I'm beginning to see a pattern here. Your perspective is the only one, right? I have no direct knowledge of any such campaign and frankly I'm not interested. The best way to deal with such people is to ignore them. I know this from personal experience. In some sense, perhaps you can't, but on this board you have that ability. You simply chose not to enact it.
rk: Hell, Dan, it would appear that you don't even possess the discernment to distinguish responsible free speech from irresponsible abuse of FREE SPEECH.
No, I've yet to decide if they are engaged in irresponsibility. You're not helping your case by talking to me like this. You decided to get involved in matters to do with law and government. That always attracts attention and distracts from what really matters. It is possible to leave those distractions behind in this place because we don't care about them.
rk: Some moderator!!
Yes, I've probably given you far more of a hearing than is warranted. But that's ok, you can thank me some other time.
rk: My continued presence on the forum rests in your hands. Dan, lets see what your are really made of?
Ray, I have given you more than enough material for a meaningful discussion. If you chose to ignore that because you can't resist the temptation to engage little dogs yapping in the background, that's your problem. If your continued presence here is contingent on my banning posters just because you think I should, you may as well leave now because that isn't going to happen. People get banned from this board on my terms, not anyone else's.

Dan Rowden

genius who fight for freedom will be remembered

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 2:52 pm
by teslacoils2006


Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 3:02 pm
by Dan Rowden
teslacoils2006 wrote:There are a lot of heroes who love democracy.
Democracy is nonsense. Mob rule. Always will be nonsense whilst ignorance and delusion are the norm.
I first spotted ray karczewski fighting usenet gangs I hoped this man was still battling for freedom.
Are you knitting Ray a cape as we speak?
He fights for you for all of us.
Ah, no, he neither fights nor speaks for me. I fight my own battles.
You have to fight for your group respecting Chadwick Stone will not solve your problems. His agenda will lead everyone to a suicide cult.
I have to admit, I am feeling a tad suicidal of late, bit I'm not sure it's to do with Chadwick necessarily....

Anyway, Genius Forum already is a suicide cult! I can't believe you haven't figured that out yet. The big day is July 7. It'll be quite a bash! Balloons and everything! We just don't mention that the gas we use to inflate them is toxic and when people get drunk and start popping them..............well, you know how that story ends....
Chadwick bosses are linked alt.slack.
I've been aware of the Church of the SubGenius for years now. Quasi entertaining satire - Bobdammit!
ray karczewski is right you do have an iluminati infestation.
Man, I hate it when that happens. Worse than getting crabs. You have to spray all these chemicals around and stay out of the house for 24 hours. Thank God the pub is open.

Dan Rowden

Re: genius who fight for freedom will be remembered

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 3:05 pm
by Dan Rowden
teslacoils2006 wrote:<snip url>
What exactly was the point of that link?


Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 8:03 pm
by Chadwick Stone
drowden wrote:
teslacoils2006 wrote:There are a lot of heroes who love democracy.
Democracy is nonsense. Mob rule. Always will be nonsense whilst ignorance and delusion are the norm.
Brings to mind a quote: "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjamin Franklin

too bad you believe what your saying

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 9:44 am
by teslacoils2006
Brings to mind a quote: "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjamin Franklin'

Democracy is natural rules. mobs do not rule sure never worked in russia. If you create an environment everybody likes that is fair to all it is universally accepted. No armies can be built out of mob rule. All you have is abunch of 50 -75 I.Q people inconveniencing everyone. Chadwick will not mention might not even know that all the people collected out of society willing to play along like Alt.slack will be casualties of war. This is called Eugenics advertised heavily by freemason. Would you clean out the smart working folk or the dumb welfare recipients. Join then tell me I am wrong and good riddance to people who are not enlightened.

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 1:22 pm
by MKFaizi
I am real stupid and everything but damned if I can understand the attention given to Ray and Teslaballs. I would if I could but I can't.

Must be an enlightened thing.

Note to self: Keep struggling. You don't get it.


Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 1:30 pm
by MKFaizi
I have to admit, I am feeling a tad suicidal of late, but I'm not sure it's to do with Chadwick necessarily....
All right, then. You have smashed the cracker and it is time to discuss the crumbs.

Exactly why are you feeling a tad suicidal lately? I am not looking for an explicit answer. But I know better than to discount that feeling.

I don't feel suicidal. I just know I am going to get killed.


Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 1:35 pm
by Tomas
Sure, seems ... like they all showed up at the same time. Like it was some sort of "bums rush."

Dan gives some of these yokels a bit too much rope to hang themselves. Maybe it'll be a 'group hanging' Dan has planned for them :-)

Or, he likes Americans :-(

In any event, I'll give the horse a good slap on the hind. Won't even wear a hood.

PS - tough keepin' up with all these threads they spammin' Dan's way...

Tomas (the tank)
VietNam veteran - 1971