hello I am teslacoils2006 180 IQ

Some partial backups of posts from the past (Feb, 2004)

Post by teslacoils2006 »

I think socrates was a impiracist. Same enemy back then and they rely on impirical illusions....hmmmm
you genius like pumping words into adversaries mouths for quick games with yourself.

Stalkers/terrorist break down:
Ordinary people have legitimate family, friends that can account for their existance.
Stalkers live on false legends, and have many other stalkers back up their claim to live an ordinary existence
Strength: is anyone can be decieved due to the fact that we tend to believe references.
weakness:Deeper investigation would show the phony legends and references these people depend on.
Conclusion: The stalkers would have to avoid deep investigations. Stalkers will leave a trail of victims as careers are seldom left to one target.
Targeting victims Jobs
Ordinary citizens are motivated to do the job in trade for money
Stalkers have to be able to do the job plus harm the target and seam motivated for the money. This is made easier under phony investigations. The stalkers can approach the target's work with an official police badge and ask the company for assistance. The company will decide to terminate the employee at the earliest convenience.
Strength: The stalkers can create competition against the target. Companies can be enticed to hire someone of more experience. Stalkers can inform companies of false investigations.
Weakness: Victims can inform the Companies of the truth and reveal the deception if the job is snafued anyway. If the Stalkers are exposed the trail will light up instantly as the events will probably be remembered by the employer. Especially if he sees the target on television telling the truth.
Conclusion: Eventually there should be an adequate pattern to follow that a deep investigation could uncover. Police involvement in the investigations could implicate the players involve working within the R.C.M.P.
Street Theatre
Ordinary Citizens behave in a manner they wish to be treated themselves
Stalkers do not care and have only one agenda, to disrupt the targets everyday schedual.
Strength: The stalkers can create a feelling of hopelessness, create hardships as more and more stalkers become involved. Create uncertainty that would make the victim disoriented and phocused on minor things.
weakness: Pictures and recordings can expose the harrassment and pave the way to a deeper investigation.
Conclusion : Exposure tell family and friends show the recordings, sell them the truth gently. Ask them to storm the police station and demand a deep investigation. upload to the net all evidense so if anything did happen it could not be covered up.
Noisy neighbours
Ordinary neighbours can be nasty depending on who lives beside you. Partiers can keep you up all night and that might be perfectly normal.
Stalkers often never get caught when you call the police. Stalkers know when to be noisy and when to deny you proof. When the ceiling seems like the person is going to stomp right through and you call the authorities. Just before police arrive the place goes silent this is a definate yes that they are Stalkers. When the stalkers surround a target they tend to take up space. Possibly many innocent neighbours are targeted so they can get close to you. Notify neighbours with a letter about multistalking and try not to reveal you are the source unless absolutely neccesary.
Strength: Sleep deprivation is a powerful tool. Stalkers can break the target much easier if the target is not coherent.
Weakness: The property can be linked to somebody that can be investigated. Deeper investigation would either reveal a false name or a stalker that has stalked before. Stalkers have to have an excuse why they are home all day, try to find out what the excuse is. If you know the name of the stalker do a internet background check. Look up case files and see if they show up stalking other Targets and were taken to court.
Conclusion: Always be able to tell the difference between noisy neighbours and stalkers. If you falsely accuse you help the stalkers prove you are incompetant.
Internet resources to search for:
Deep investigations would require the aquivalent of a murder investigation. Suicides are self explanatory and do not require scrutiny. This is why the stalkers stalk but have good restraint to avoid hurting the target To break the target, and even ask them to give up is just a tip of the iceburg of methods used.
You are the total sum thoughts you think everyday which means if everyday you live in fear of the stalkers you become the rabbit that they mock and chase easily. Reading can empower you and bring you to a level of understanding how the stalking works.

Excellent Books to read:
"BiBle" study it thourough and you will have faith and enlightenment in these troubled times.
"How to win friends and influence people" by andrew Carnagy this book will allow you to build a stronghold of friends and allow you more power to tell the difference between friend and foe.
"criminology" can be found in the library it is good to study how the laws are made and manipulated.
"university of success" by og mandino learn to become a salesman this will help you sell your story to the public and help look for work.
"road less traveled" by scott peck this book can reveal the real issues behind your reactions
"psycocybernetics" this books helps to discover how the self esteem works and can give you a shield against stalkers.
"thinking big" this book will train you to look at the big picture instead of swimming in the small details that can hold you down.
"48 laws of power" by Robert Greene This book will show you what true ruthlessness is and make you more aware of the stalkers way of thinking.
"Art of war" by suntzu Learn how to create decoys tell them one thing and do another. Know your enemy, research your objectives never reveal your true plans.
Sometimes stalkers can be spotted in several ways:
Familiar face in the crowd always there just as you head around the corner. In public places if someone goes to the bathrooms looks in and then walks in view to count heads then sits back in the shadows. These are trained watchers. They most likely will not interact but most likely the stalkers are nearby and ready for their performance.
After a street performance take pictures of every car in the lot even if you are in the biggest mall in your town. These pictures will allow an investigator to help find the perpetrators and maybe weed out some of the silent players that are more valuable to know about than the stalkers. The stalkers are most likely just individuals who are approached and want to work for cash or the fantasy of being james bond.
Handy tools for fighting back
computer note book
Digital recorder capable of recording up to seven hours
digital camera
upload everything to a stalker website set up by you, try not to jeapardize other sites when revealing names and places. My personal favorite is msn groups
There just might be an enemy of the stalkers out there and providing this information would help expose their network and make them very nervous. Applying the pressure back at them, creating the uncertainty that they desire you to have.
Yours Truly
Dean Ray

Post by teslacoils2006 »

you read plato, wow too bad you dozed off in between words. Your not argueing the wikipedia entry you're arguing with me. I have read socrates and I have thrown down the law of the jungle, law of reason. Law of the jungle is a simple aggreement so we can co exist and not cancle each other out. We can introduce better laws and even be more comfortable. Starting with socrates reasonable suggestion to govern arguments.
I should know, because I think I am arguing with the characterization in the Wikpedia entry, and you seem to keep defending this one point in it that the dialectic has to happen between two people for moral reasons.

Dialectic reasoning is a choice in life without it you suffer dillusional world of narcississtic self infactuation.

Post by suergaz »

teslacoils:just a trap to turn you into a slave
however in honest hands could still be used as a tool for barter....
That's its real story? The story of all money?

If all you're after is the destruction of the oligarchy, then I can only say it occurs naturally, just as its overall occurrence is entirely natural also. Inevitability.

If my life, as you've said, is in danger, that I am sentenced to death by babylonians, and yourself also, then what's to lose in telling the real story of the dollar bill?

teslacoils: The oligarchy demise is natural. I feel it needs a bit of a push since the oligarchy pushed me...

When it is personal the reality is different than jyst pondering life from a peaceful perspective.
Aren't you making it personal for me also? If literal attempts on my life begin, do you want me to tell you you were right? Will I have a chance? Hadn't you better tell me who the illuminati are? Who the freemasons are? Is Chadwick here one?

Chadwick, are you a freemason?

Post by suergaz »

I have read socrates and I have thrown down the law of the jungle, law of reason. Law of the jungle is a simple aggreement so we can co exist and not cancle each other out. We can introduce better laws and even be more comfortable. Starting with socrates reasonable suggestion to govern arguments.

Post by teslacoils2006 »

I've never formally studied philosophy but it sounds like you are promoting conceptual understanding e.g. If a person knows how to perform addition, then that person can successfully complete any addition problem

not a true assumption

there things man can not count or calculate and I have seen these things used as a weapon in this forum. Try using these arguments on me and I will mention socrates but long before socrates or wikipedia it was law of the jungle or a simple cooperation of ideas to better mankind. That is why Chadwick Stone loves this forum.

Post by suergaz »

I've never formally studied philosophy but it sounds like you are promoting conceptual understanding e.g. If a person knows how to perform addition, then that person can successfully complete any addition problem

not a true assumption
I think I agree. But can you give me a further example upon this example?

there things man can not count or calculate and I have seen these things used as a weapon in this forum. Try using these arguments on me and I will mention socrates but long before socrates or wikipedia it was law of the jungle or a simple cooperation of ideas to better mankind. That is why Chadwick Stone loves this forum.
To engage me you must be clearer. It is my fault, not yours, as far as I can tell. I do not understand the law of the jungle to be a synonym for moral playing-field.

your right should not involve you

Post by teslacoils2006 »

oh your so right I have been a very selfish narcississtic individual. I have no respect for the peaceful existance of the illuminati, freemason, Catholic Church. I have endangered life with assassins. You should be not scared quaking in your boots. What right do I have....

no one has the right lets all submit ourselves to the oligarchy who want 80% reduction in population. The jewish people showed such dignity when they headed for the showers. The Germans had the courtesy to supply good opera music to make the event more peaceful. Then the poison drops and you can not breathe. Too late to fight all you have to do is spaz out till you die.

George Bush grandfather did business with hitler. Madam blavatsky was part of the occult created by iluminati. Blavatsky shaped hitler and put him under her spell. George bush family did business with osama bin ladens family They even had shares together in the carlyle group. Chadwick Stone is protected online by the carlyle group. I posted many links including my site...

If you want to die in peace do not rent fahreinheit 911 or read what I am saying because they are ready to kill us all and that fool Chadwick too.
suergaz wrote:
teslacoils:just a trap to turn you into a slave
however in honest hands could still be used as a tool for barter....
That's its real story? The story of all money?

If all you're after is the destruction of the oligarchy, then I can only say it occurs naturally, just as its overall occurrence is entirely natural also. Inevitability.

If my life, as you've said, is in danger, that I am sentenced to death by babylonians, and yourself also, then what's to lose in telling the real story of the dollar bill?

teslacoils: The oligarchy demise is natural. I feel it needs a bit of a push since the oligarchy pushed me...

When it is personal the reality is different than jyst pondering life from a peaceful perspective.
Aren't you making it personal for me also? If literal attempts on my life begin, do you want me to tell you you were right? Will I have a chance? Hadn't you better tell me who the illuminati are? Who the freemasons are? Is Chadwick here one?

Chadwick, are you a freemason?

Post by teslacoils2006 »


everything you want to know about freemason.

boom bust cycles

Post by teslacoils2006 »

civil war was created by freemasons. It started when freemason bought up the cotton and stopped the flow then the banks called in allmoney making a depression.

through haliburton and british petroleum and saudi arabia, iraq and soon iran..

They will be able to cut off fuel then the central bank will call in money. only freemason companies will be able to barter. Only job avilable will be the war machine. If your not invited to the battlefield watch the millions of chinese invade your front lawn.

prime minister paul martin owns Canada Steamship lines he is also iluminati. Check out the internet he moved his business to china ,ibm sold out to china and most freemason corps investing in india. Most freemason companies run on a budget of money made from thin air. Russia has joined canadian military in joint ventures. Torpedoes running on water as fuel hunt down american subs small and just harrass underneath the oceans away from your prying eyes...

teslacoils2006 wrote:http://groups.msn.com/psycologicalwarfare

everything you want to know about freemason.

cold fusion

Post by teslacoils2006 »


triads own china

Post by teslacoils2006 »

http://groups.msn.com/psycologicalwarfa ... dugly.msnw

triads own china

ever wonder why cuba has never been taken over.

because it is the perfect staging area for invasion

Post by teslacoils2006 »

To engage me you must be clearer. It is my fault, not yours, as far as I can tell. I do not understand the law of the jungle to be a synonym for moral playing-field.

even the most evil of men bargain for survival because they know they fight they both lose. This logic is law of the jungle. honor among thieves,never shit where you eat.

socrates knew without a moral foundation for argument both sides lose. When two people argue with no judge they both claim victory and just play childish games. Socrates used the most basic law , the law of the jungle to provide a foundation of reason...

If you follow socrates reasoning you win.

if any part of your argument contradicts the statement you are making you lose the argument without the rules information is lost.

more links

Post by teslacoils2006 »



Post by teslacoils2006 »

Chadwick Stone
Posts: 80
Joined: Fri Jun 16, 2006 5:25 pm

Post by Chadwick Stone »

suergaz wrote:Aren't you making it personal for me also? If literal attempts on my life begin, do you want me to tell you you were right? Will I have a chance? Hadn't you better tell me who the illuminati are?
An undefined secretive group that apparently has a goal of world domination, or already has dominated the world, depending upon which crank you ask. The question I ask is if this group is so secretive, why have I heard of it? Why didn't they change their name after being "outed?" I find it interesting when kooks are able to offer an abundance of information about such a secret group, if these kooks are offering such dangerous revelations, why aren't they simply killed?
Who the freemasons are?
A fraternal social club similar to Knights of Columbus, Oddfellows, etc. They perform a lot of charity work which also makes them a bit like the Lions. The Shriners are probably the most visible group of freemasons due to their hospitals and burn treatment units.
Chadwick, are you a freemason?
No, although I have several friends and neighbors who are. They find these theories that they are conspiring to take over the world (or that they already have) to be tiresome but funny. They have difficulty organizing barbeques and pot luck dinners, even deciding what kind of light bulbs to order for their buildings.

I have been told, and have no reason to disbelieve, that they study the esoteric meaning of their rituals, which although supposedly being secret, all of which are available on the Internet, in books sold by amazon.com, and other venues. They do help each other out in times of need but their cronyism is no more nefarious than that of college frat brothers and members of other fraternities.

yes comfort

Post by teslacoils2006 »


I can see by your writing you are comfortable no worries plenty of time to play. When people are comfortable they have no reaso to respect socrates reasoning. I have read the agendas in these forums. They have a obsession against women . Most ancient occult babylon religions have unexplainable religions. I suppose that is why you have to poke fun at the scientists. When everyone is comfortable that is when law of the jungle is broken and we fall into the dark ages.

suergaz wrote:
I have read socrates and I have thrown down the law of the jungle, law of reason. Law of the jungle is a simple aggreement so we can co exist and not cancle each other out. We can introduce better laws and even be more comfortable. Starting with socrates reasonable suggestion to govern arguments.


Post by teslacoils2006 »

Chadwick wrote:

An undefined secretive group that apparently has a goal of world domination, or already has dominated the world, depending upon which crank you ask.

Are you trying to say world domination does not exist. This crank says they have already dominated for 6000 years. But the secret orders are well defined Chadwick even your connection to them through insurgents.org. How would you define a non kook?

You call me a kook so it is logical the opposite is non kook? Do you aggree that the nonkooks are the people who aggree with you.

Post by teslacoils2006 »

An undefined secretive group that apparently has a goal of world domination, or already has dominated the world, depending upon which crank you ask. The question I ask is if this group is so secretive, why have I heard of it?

Plenty freemason websites that do explain they are a secret order. I guess the real secret is how they function together including the religion backing this group. Chadwick ask them why they claim to be a secret order yet advertise for recruits sounds pretty kooky to me too.

Why didn't they change their name after being "outed?" I find it interesting when kooks are able to offer an abundance of information about such a secret group, if these kooks are offering such dangerous revelations, why aren't they simply killed?

Most have been killed or worse mind controled. Ezra pound was hospitalized in a catholic institution because he discovered Money was controlled by freemason. I mentioned Pontius Fabius Maximus he was nick named delayer. He harrassed his adversaries. Why kill me if you can slip a phone call to my boss and keep me worried about money. Why kill me if you can get a freemason police officer to flash a badge and tell my neighbours I am under suspicion. Why kill me if you can cause so much stress my heart goes out naturally.

Chadwick Stone wrote:
suergaz wrote:Aren't you making it personal for me also? If literal attempts on my life begin, do you want me to tell you you were right? Will I have a chance? Hadn't you better tell me who the illuminati are?
An undefined secretive group that apparently has a goal of world domination, or already has dominated the world, depending upon which crank you ask. The question I ask is if this group is so secretive, why have I heard of it? Why didn't they change their name after being "outed?" I find it interesting when kooks are able to offer an abundance of information about such a secret group, if these kooks are offering such dangerous revelations, why aren't they simply killed?
Who the freemasons are?
A fraternal social club similar to Knights of Columbus, Oddfellows, etc. They perform a lot of charity work which also makes them a bit like the Lions. The Shriners are probably the most visible group of freemasons due to their hospitals and burn treatment units.
Chadwick, are you a freemason?
No, although I have several friends and neighbors who are. They find these theories that they are conspiring to take over the world (or that they already have) to be tiresome but funny. They have difficulty organizing barbeques and pot luck dinners, even deciding what kind of light bulbs to order for their buildings.

I have been told, and have no reason to disbelieve, that they study the esoteric meaning of their rituals, which although supposedly being secret, all of which are available on the Internet, in books sold by amazon.com, and other venues. They do help each other out in times of need but their cronyism is no more nefarious than that of college frat brothers and members of other fraternities.

Post by teslacoils2006 »


Chadwick asked why don't they kill you read the link above for the answer.

An undefined secretive group that apparently has a goal of world domination, or already has dominated the world, depending upon which crank you ask. The question I ask is if this group is so secretive, why have I heard of it?

Plenty freemason websites that do explain they are a secret order. I guess the real secret is how they function together including the religion backing this group. Chadwick ask them why they claim to be a secret order yet advertise for recruits sounds pretty kooky to me too.

Why didn't they change their name after being "outed?" I find it interesting when kooks are able to offer an abundance of information about such a secret group, if these kooks are offering such dangerous revelations, why aren't they simply killed?

Most have been killed or worse mind controled. Ezra pound was hospitalized in a catholic institution because he discovered Money was controlled by freemason. I mentioned Pontius Fabius Maximus he was nick named delayer. He harrassed his adversaries. Why kill me if you can slip a phone call to my boss and keep me worried about money. Why kill me if you can get a freemason police officer to flash a badge and tell my neighbours I am under suspicion. Why kill me if you can cause so much stress my heart goes out naturally.
Chadwick Stone
Posts: 80
Joined: Fri Jun 16, 2006 5:25 pm

Post by Chadwick Stone »

Dammit, Teslacoils, properly and consistently attribute the text to which you are replying and organize your reply to a particular individual's context in one post. Assembling your responses is like trying to work a jigsaw puzzle in the dark. Thank you.
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Dan Rowden
Posts: 5740
Joined: Sun Sep 09, 2001 8:03 pm

Post by Dan Rowden »

No, the solution is much simpler as it has become obvious that your request will not be heeded even when articulated by myself. That solution? Ignore Dean completely. I mean, damn, he can't even work out the "edit" button with that 180 IQ or that he is repeating material in posts.

Dan Rowden

Post by suergaz »

Teslacoils, what have the freemasons done to you personally?
Why can you not directly name the film "From Hell"?

Are you religious?

I have no self respect .....here is the real story

Post by teslacoils2006 »

A fraternal social club similar to Knights of Columbus, Oddfellows, etc. They perform a lot of charity work which also makes them a bit like the Lions. The Shriners are probably the most visible group of freemasons due to their hospitals and burn treatment units.

I have no self respect .....here comes your enlightenment

http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/ha ... yindex.htm

In order for a person to become a Shriner, he must not only go through all the degrees of Masonry, make all those blood-curdling oaths, worship gods who are not gods except they are of Satan, but he must make a blood both of allegiance to Allah as his god and Mohammed as his prophet. The Shriner is then given a red fez with an Islamic sword and crescent jeweled on the front of it. This originates from 7th century Arabia when the Moslems, under the leadership of Mohammed, slaughtered all Christians who would not bow down to Allah. Allah, by the way, was not another (generic) name given to God by Mohammed; Allah is the tribal deity --the moon god-- of Mohammed; it was the name of the god in the tribe that Mohammed was born into. That is why every mosque today has a crescent moon on the top of its spire.

Now when Mohammed's army of men, out to slaughter all the 'infidels', came to the city of Fez, in Morocco, they found a community of Christians. After killing all the Christians there with their Islamic-style swords, they took their hats (called a fez) and dipped them in the blood of the Christians, and wore the fezzes throughout the land glorying in their victory over Christianity. Today Shriner's put on red fezzes (representing the hats dipped in the blood of Christians) with the Islamic sword and crescent showing their allegiance to Allah and Mohammed (and the defeat of Christianity). Men in Obscene Red Fezzes!

In one of the Royal Institute of International Affairs top secret papers, the scenario is laid out as follows (in part): "...having been failed by Christianity, and with unemployment on every hand, those who have been without jobs for five years or more will turn away from the church and seek solace in drugs. That is when full control of the drug trade must be completed in order that the governments of all countries who are under our jurisdiction will have a MONOPOLY which we will control through supply.... Drug bars will take care of the unruly and the discontent, would be revolutionaries will be turned into harmless addicts with no will of their own...." There is ample evidence that the CIA and British intelligence, specially M16, have already spent at least a decade working toward this goal. (John Coleman's Committee of 300)

" Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity -- an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect ... it is necessary to establish the existence of these two separate and yet interdependent orders, the one visible and the other invisible. The visible society is a splendid camaraderie of 'free and accepted' men enjoined to devote themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic, and humanitarian concerns. The invisible society is a secret and most August [defined as 'of majestic dignity, grandeur'] fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of a mysterious arcannum arcandrum [defined as 'a secret, a mystery']." [Hall, Lectures on Ancient Philosophy, p. 433]

"When a Mason learns the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy." [The Lost Keys To Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall, published by the Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, Inc., Richmond, Virginia, 1976, p. 48; Emphasis added]

We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries." Still Don't Believe In The New World Order?

Post by teslacoils2006 »

Chadwick Stone wrote:Dammit, Teslacoils, properly and consistently attribute the text to which you are replying and organize your reply to a particular individual's context in one post. Assembling your responses is like trying to work a jigsaw puzzle in the dark. Thank you.
http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/ha ... yindex.htm

interestin article on the carlyle group I posted it in alt.freemasonry

your bosses ar quite the scum bags

Post by teslacoils2006 »

suergaz wrote:Teslacoils, what have the freemasons done to you personally?
Why can you not directly name the film "From Hell"?

Are you religious?

there is a list of victims or what they call targeted individuals my name is there

Dean Roger Ray from edmonton Alberta Canada