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MY dialog with some guy in chopra forum member.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:00 pm
by unknown
This happened may long time ago....

Cristofer Seven

I was going through my computer looking for something I had written a long time ago, and I stumbled across a discussion I had with the poster who calls himself by many names, but at this point it was just unknown... this is from msn messenger... looking back I found it interesting... perhaps U will as well...

Never give out your pa*sword or credit card number in an instant message conversation.

Cristofer Seven says:

Hey I actually did want to talk to you yesterday...

unknnown says:


unknnown says:

for what?

Cristofer Seven says:

why do U say what U say? What inspired U? Will U share?

unknnown says:


unknnown says:

The question you ask itself a wrong one

Cristofer Seven says:

I am curious about U... U find wrong in my questions... does that mean U will not answer?

unknnown says:

Humans always asks about outside things

unknnown says:

It is human need for answers

unknnown says:

That is the killer

unknnown says:

It is not a*suming there is no answer or there is answer

Cristofer Seven says:

if U are talking about life... I hear U, but (besides the shtick) U were born with parents and the influences therin... what promted U to ask the questions U do?

unknnown says:

You are failing again

unknnown says:

unknnown says:

That is why humans are dumb.

unknnown says:

It is your curiosity is the villain and the hero

unknnown says:

You are here asking because of curiosity

unknnown says:

The questions you ask is the villain because it is only job is keep you where you are.

unknnown says:

It is the belief behind that question that keep you down

Cristofer Seven says:

Do U think I ask to dismiss?

unknnown says:

When you do not have belief , There is no need for question

unknnown says:

Power comes from control

unknnown says:

Control come from emotionally evasive (insensitive)

unknnown says:

emotion -- dependency on beliefs

unknnown says:

You ask questions as though i know something

unknnown says:


Cristofer Seven says:

I like the words U say... some of them have caused me to see them in a different way... I want to know the origins, but I know U will keep your mystery....

Cristofer Seven says:

so what kind of conversations do U have with those who see U face to face?

unknnown says:

It is not the origin important

unknnown says:

lets play here

unknnown says:

Why you need origin?

Cristofer Seven says:

need no....

unknnown says:

what you are going to do with my answer?

Cristofer Seven says:


Cristofer Seven says:

I do with all info

Cristofer Seven says:

think about it

unknnown says:

You only know

unknnown says:

Cristofer Seven says:

U do love your mystery, and that is one thing I can pin on U with confidence...

unknnown says:

It is not in the mystery

unknnown says:

it is just junk crap

unknnown says:

it is you fail to see

unknnown says:

that is where my mystery is

Cristofer Seven says:

that is one way to see it...

unknnown says:

You can see 1000 ways

unknnown says:

that is what you want to do with it

Cristofer Seven says:

but if a child asks for cereal... I suppose I could respond with...

Cristofer Seven says:

That is the problem with the world... our wants dictate our behavior... we must keep our wants in check....

Cristofer Seven says:

or I could prepare a bowl and go on with my life...

unknnown says:

There is something makes human want for more

unknnown says:

that is what keep humans alive

unknnown says:

Tell me if god comes infront of you

unknnown says:

he gave all you ever wanted

unknnown says:

what you will do next?

Cristofer Seven says:

Well I suppose I will have to imagine this god U speak of and if he granted wishes like a dime store genie... I would ask for weath and heath and get on with my life...

unknnown says:

for what?

unknnown says:

why the need to get on life?

unknnown says:

what you need further?\

unknnown says:

Why waste time, ask that also to god?

Cristofer Seven says:

I am getting on with my life now... If there was a mythical creature granting wishes... I will get stuff and continue to get on with my life as I am now...

unknnown says:

for what?

Cristofer Seven says:


unknnown says:


unknnown says:

u r not honest

unknnown says:

Until you know what you need, do not ask any question

unknnown says:

Cristofer Seven says:

These are not your answers....

Cristofer Seven says:

they are mine

Cristofer Seven says:

what do U know of my honesty

unknnown says:

Either you do not able to think clearly

unknnown says:

or just immersed in illusion

Cristofer Seven says:

and if U knew me, U would know... that is all I would ask of a wish giver

unknnown says:

Think of yourself

unknnown says:

Forget about him

unknnown says:

Just ask what you need.

unknnown says:

My question is , will you be satisfied after that?

unknnown says:

God gave you 10000000000000 life , all the wealth , all the wife , all the pleasure , no enemies

unknnown says:

will you be satisfied with that?

Cristofer Seven says:

I am not a cartoon... satifation is not some stagnate place... no human emotion is... I don't understand your point...

unknnown says:

HUmans can't be satisfied with anything even if he is a god!

Cristofer Seven says:

emotions come and go...

unknnown says:

When you know the end point , you have a chance to control your emotion

Cristofer Seven says:

there is no "knowing" the end point. Unless U can do a Jesus, and I don't think he even came back... from the end... do U speak of death?

unknnown says:


unknnown says:

Humans are dumb *****s

unknnown says:

always was

unknnown says:

always will be

unknnown says:

it is everything to do with thought process

unknnown says:

not with belief

unknnown says:

death is a belief

unknnown says:

any thing you know is a belief

Cristofer Seven says:

so say what U mean by end point... at least be clear with the words U choose to use...

unknnown says:


unknnown says:

there is nothin clear

Cristofer Seven says:

tell me about it...

unknnown says:

clear means something based on a belief

unknnown says:

when you are ready to kill anything and everything about human

unknnown says:

includes all logical thought , rational mind

unknnown says:

all are based on belief

unknnown says:

when you give up all and be helpless

unknnown says:

you will see what i say

Cristofer Seven says:

When I ask U the simplest question... I feel like I am conversing with a fortune cookie....

unknnown says:

unknnown says:

no one can show you

unknnown says:

how to be helpless

Cristofer Seven says:

how do U know what I have given up... I can tell U have had this converstion a lot of times... your responses have little to do with what I am actually saying...

unknnown says:

that is why it can't be said in words

Cristofer Seven says:

so what is your name?

unknnown says:


unknnown says:

unknnown says:

u r dumb

Cristofer Seven says:

I KNEW IT!!!!!

unknnown says:

unknnown says:

youare still caught up with names and beliefs and reasons

Cristofer Seven says:

I was just seeing what U would say... I knew it wouldn't be your name...

unknnown says:

You will draw a point in belief graph

unknnown says:

and go back to your old whoring ways

Cristofer Seven says:

so U hold back your name out of concern for my whoring ways?

Cristofer Seven says:

that's funny....

Cristofer Seven says:

what if it is that U just enjoy playing... the game is over when I attach the name you are called in the world.

unknnown says:

do u remember the question u asked last time

Cristofer Seven says:


unknnown says:

same questions

Cristofer Seven says:


unknnown says:

u r just a curious monkey

Cristofer Seven says:

well U have the right to your image, you privacy.. your mystery..

unknnown says:

that is all

unknnown says:

i do not exist

Cristofer Seven says:

but U do

unknnown says:

that is what u r afraid to see

Cristofer Seven says:

I am not afraid

unknnown says:

THat is what you are conditioned to see

Cristofer Seven says:

who are U talking to...

Cristofer Seven says:

U say that stuff to everybody

unknnown says:

I say nothing

unknnown says:

Ask questions

unknnown says:

Never agree or disagree

unknnown says:

rest all fillers to distract humans

unknnown says:

just illusions to hide the message

Cristofer Seven says:

the message being....

unknnown says:

It is each human has to see on his own

unknnown says:

when you can separate illusion from you

Cristofer Seven says:

and all of this because I asked what your name was... U could have just told me with half as many words...

Cristofer Seven says:

I hear U pal... illusion... message... deep stuff...

unknnown says:

how do you know what i say is true?

unknnown says:

why do you want to believe or not believe in what i say?

Cristofer Seven says:

truth doen't matter... just the words U choose to answer me...

unknnown says:

for what?

unknnown says:

what you are going to gain?

Cristofer Seven says:


unknnown says:


Cristofer Seven says:

conversation between two people... U facinate me... most people do actually...

unknnown says:


unknnown says:

that is a lie

unknnown says:

no one moves arm without try to rub an itch

unknnown says:


unknnown says:


unknnown says:

Curiosity is a *itch

Cristofer Seven says:

U look too much into it...

unknnown says:

I say nothing

unknnown says:

Until you see that

unknnown says:

you are going nowhere except babble

Cristofer Seven says:

no matter what I say... U have something that U want to express... and U will direct all converstion in that direction.. U are like a ghost and the web is your haunted house... the times or the people don't matter...

unknnown says:

Humans are monkeys

unknnown says:

a weak slaves

unknnown says:

obsessed with what they see , hear , smell or...

unknnown says:

They have no power

unknnown says:

To stop time

Cristofer Seven says:

who wants to stop time... we down have the power of flight either, but I don't consider it a shortcoming...

unknnown says:

you don't have power for anything

unknnown says:

you are a slave to belief

Cristofer Seven says:

what's your point?

Cristofer Seven says:

unknnown says:


unknnown says:

if there is a point , it has to be based on a belief

unknnown says:

that means something is true

Cristofer Seven says:

holy christ... all right pal... well I am going to go...

Cristofer Seven says:


unknnown says:


unknnown says:

< )

Humans has n't changed , never will be....He will always seeking things at wrong direction. Actually every direction he will fail.

As long as he asks questions , he will have answer , as long as he have the answer , he will never come out of his illusion.



Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:19 pm
by sevens
Hey unknown,

Ask yourself a question. What really prompted you to post that? And don't disregard your answer - and don't deceive yourself. Or, maybe you are deceiving yourself, and you don't even know it? You need confidence in your thinking - not delusion.

You need confidence in yourself, first.

(Yeah, the mind is magic. There are many planes to explore. Your elitist attitude ranks you as a typical monkey, though).

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 2:14 pm
by unknown
You will always find reasons because you all are bitches for belief.

You make your illusions and blame every one for it. THINK.


Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 2:22 pm
by sevens
I believe in my thought.

Your childish exclamations reflect your childish state of mind. I could yell, too. But, hey, what good would that do? You lack insight, into your mind - and in return, mine. It's all out in the open. Believe it, or not.

I don't know what sweeping model of humanity you have engrained into your mind - but, you should probably question it - in order to see clearly.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 2:25 pm
by unknown
Lets play devil here....

Find why i posted that?

Every one will have some reasons....what is the exact reason i posted?

You can only find it with your own reasoning based on your own conditioning.

When you understand "i do not exists" , you will see it in different perspective...until then you create your own reasons and be slave to it.

That is why HUMANS ARE BABBLING BELIEF WHORES. Can't escape the conditioning....

You all like Raped victims made to like it. Your MAster is human society...



Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 2:50 pm
by sevens
Do you 'know' anybody? Yourself?

These 'conditionings' that you speak of - don't exist. I'm not 'conditioned' by society.

U: But, how is that possible?

S: I don't 'live in it.' I learn from my own mind.

U: But, that mind was a product of social conditioning.

S: Yes. But, I meditate with every breath - and have eliminated prejudice and convention.

U: What good does that do?

S: It reveals Truth.

U: What is Truth?

S: Pure perception - Reality.

(You should really play devil with yourself, and dive into Buddhism).

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 10:47 am
by unknown

When you are ready , you will not react. You will question.

You are trying to answer than asking questions.

You have a belief that what i say is TRUTH OR SCAM. You react.

I am telling you again 100000 time...hope your dumb brain get it.


Your illusion interpret my words according to your illusion.

That is why every one react differently to my words. WHen you know i do not exists , you will not react. BECAUSE you will only see your own belief puked back with your words.

You will hate to see your BABBLING PUKE.

You will start to smile.....when time comes....



Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 12:09 pm
by sevens
Okay, I dub thee 'Skeptic.'

I took your puke and let it sit. Then, I saw it for what it was - puke.


Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:43 pm
by unknown
Thats what your brain made to see. My words do not exists. FOOL!.


Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:58 pm
by sevens
Keep babbling, kid.

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 11:07 am
by unknown
You like to repeat? don't you?. That is become your only defense.

There is nothing to defend.


Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 2:21 pm
by sevens
Your insight is a marvel to behold.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 3:43 pm
by unknown

Stop babbling to yourself. You manifests me and everything around you.

You may not even exists until you manifest yourself with your collective beliefs.

Ask questions, Ignore the answers



Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 3:53 pm
by sevens
Are you a member of the bumper sticker fan club?

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 4:35 pm
by unknown
You interpret my words accroding to your own belief collctions.

The problem is that you all visualise unknown. I do not exists.

You can't come to any conclusion with "HUMAN BODY" as a reference.

That is the downfall of humans. Humans are going in a wrong path.

Well , when time comes no one to exist to validate that. HAHAHAHA....

I am another illusion of yourself.

You become me when you realize "I do not exists".

When you do not exist , there is no need to babble, discuss , argue....

All this frigging prophets ...blah blah is human creation and need for answers.

Actually humans have the answers , it is just that they don't like them because they have to abandon what they are. The mere thought of it kills them.

Humans are weak. They are just an insect in millions of insects.

If you need answer , you have to question it. When you question yourself, you will only see beliefs. NO Absolutes.

You all are building beliefs one top of another and move along...

YOU all humans does n't have control. It is pathetic but again you all are helpless.

The key is your ability to ask question without accepting beliefs as answers.


Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 5:16 pm
by sasakura
unknown, i agree with you in almost every aspect, but no matter what you say, you still exist, you exist at least as a perception in my mind, as in other's

and based on that last post, i feel it is safe to assume you do not believe in god

its hard living in such an ugly, currupt world, so people reach out, believing dramatic fantasies because it makes living easier, without the answers, the questions can never be asked. if one knows not the answer, they have no incentive to ask, for fear of a currupt answer. you must first have a corrupt answer to ask a question in search of a better one, one that makes things easier to understand in the apperent weakness in the human mind to realize the truth over the lies that are made to ease things up...THE END (i had no other way to stop)

and, unknown, whats your msn mess adress, i wish to talk to you about things

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 6:00 pm
by unknown
There is no good solution. The only way to survive is LIVING.

You all are ticking because you hope something out there and save your arse...or keep you alive ...or just babbling as you go along because you all have no control.

FIRST and foremost, Stop trying to find a reasons for your actions. Because there is no end to it.

Your thoughts exist because you have an illusion about you. When your illusion disappear thoughts based on that illusion disappear.

The more you try to find answer , the more you find some belief to stop thinking.

When you remove your existance all you see from other frigging humans is a belief masturbation.

Ask questions , Ignore the answers.

You need to change by the second as long as you exists.

No need to change as long as you don't exists.

You may ask if you do not exists , "who is typing this?" , you may ask?.

Well you see this because you believe you do exists. You manifest anything and everything to validate your existance. Like a child growing wants everything...more references...



Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 12:05 am
by sevens
A myriad of reasons for your actions may present itself to you, but over time, through self-reliance - self-knowledge quickly becomes.

And, in Reality, a myriad is a wonderful gift, for it signifies the potential for gathering ripe wisdom.

Always remember: Unity is ever-present.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:15 am
by LooF
for you have also stopped there i do not praise you

there is more to it than what you are not

the Reason of Omnipotence does have a mind

look through, my friend.

do not stop!

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 3:22 pm
by unknown
Keep asking questions.....

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 3:35 pm
by BrianT
Why do I see words "posted" "under" a "name" "called" "unknown?"

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 5:24 pm
by David Quinn
Oh no, you've done it now. You've reacted. Be prepared for a torrent of words coming your way!

They'll all be useless, of course. So .... no harm done.


Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 5:39 am
by BrianT
Meh. Maybe I'm too curious. ???

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:29 pm
by unknown
Curious? May be it is the gift of humans.

Without that you won't poke your nose something you do not know. And want to what is that.

Emptiness is state of mind.

It can't happen with babbling with words. I can't simulate it for you.

Emptiness is not the answer you all seek. Yet it will show who you really are.

You have been stuffed and conditioned and controlled by this human society from childhood with numerous theories by second.

Not even one can stand at the test of time.

All are just another state in this journey towards death.

You make something positive to live and make something glorious and positive about your future to keep living.

Why ?

Death scares you.

You know the end.

it is coming whether you all like it or not.

Where everything cease to exist including you and your babble.

Experience it before you really cease to exist.

Can't tell you how and why. But asking questions .. why ..why ...why are you behaving like the way you are?

How many times you asked yourself that question?


If you ask yourself questions , you no longer give attention to outside world.

The reason you all are babbling is you want more references for your own belief. Make you feel something. Make you feel something you found.

You are nothing. You all are.

Aware of nothingness bring you a persepective (state of mind) will make you ....

Is n't "Nothingness" , "emptiness" is n't a belief in itself?.

Well here is the issue.

To get out of the belief loop, you have to break the foundation of the belief. THAT IS YOU!.

Your existance is the creation of belief.

How can you "Non exist"?

Ask questions to yourself.....That is a start.. not for faint hearted with strong belief....and not for who thinks glorious future awaits for them....

Ok , you may ask " ok we all are going to die" , why do you worry all your life about the death and mess up your life existance?.

There are questions , You have the answers.....

Answers will dry up and so is questions when you cease to exist. SO is any theories...atom...blah blah...


Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 10:38 pm
by BrianT
That's nice, but I was asking why I see words under "unknown" if "unknown" is an illusion.