Wisdom's Way

Discussion of the nature of Ultimate Reality and the path to Enlightenment.
Pam Seeback
Posts: 2619
Joined: Mon Oct 08, 2007 10:40 pm

Wisdom's Way

Post by Pam Seeback »

There is no part of the release of the relative self and its imaginings of what God is into the truth of Spirit or Absolute Realization that is not guided by the spirit principle of Wisdom of the Single Eye.
Wisdom's realization that there is and always has been only One who sees and knows is not realized completely until all traces of duality are absorbed into the truth of One. Until then, Wisdom guides by way of individuation into two, the relative subject loving its imagined relative object, often called Cosmic or Unity or Bliss Consciousness.
What causes Wisdom's breakthrough so that even this subtle duality of belief in two minds or souls loving one other in light and love collapses into the truth of The Absolute One? The final cause is Wisdom's stretching of the tension of this subtle duality to its breaking point. Jesus experienced this bursting through to Spirit Knowing on the cross of the relative self when he cried out "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me" and then, as the tension of contradiction was swallowed permanently of Life, Jesus uttered Wisdom's words of final release - "it is finished."
Even though the relative self may be unaware of the invisible current of Wisdom's Way believing itself in control of its visions of truth or God, it is always Wisdom of Absolute Spirit at the helm. Even the suffering of the relative self as it undergoes its walk to death is Wisdom's Way of striving to transcend the suffering of having a split subjective-objective mind, a striving purposed to build momentum and strength of Spirit for its progressive upward climb out of the darkness of two into the light and sight of One.