'Renunciation' Buddhist style

Discussion of the nature of Ultimate Reality and the path to Enlightenment.
Bradley West
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'Renunciation' Buddhist style

Post by Bradley West »


‘Renunciation’, Buddhist style.

“To a seeker, ‘Renunciation’ is not an act but strictly a mental factor.
It is not a means to an end but the end itself the renunciation of the
world of abstract concepts, we are in”

‘Renunciation’ in Buddhism is a comedy a masquerade enacted for the ignorant. It is a practice based on the blind belief nurtured by religions the life of a so-called ‘layman/householder’ is not conducive to leading a so-called ‘monastic’ or holy life. This elementary divisiveness is essential for religions and their ‘holy’ men to enact the role of saviors of laymen to profit from their ignorance. However, in the eyes of a seeker, we are all in the same boat with no exceptions. Concepts such as monks, Stream enterers, Once- returners, Nonreturners, Buddhas, gods, angels, etc. are meaningless religious jargon created to deceive the ignorant.
The ‘Dhamma’ the Cosmic law the process of energy reacting on energy is the source of ‘Chitta’ the thought process. Unable to comprehend this empty process for what it is we in our ignorance cling to the same as ‘my Chitta’ creating an elusive ‘self’ where there is absolutely nothing to be defined. However, the unique ‘Way’ of a seeker is for the ‘Renunciation’ of this elusive ‘self’ he is trapped in a very personal experience so to say.
Your stupidity and ignorance are the strength of religions and their holy men.
‘Never overlook the fact the ‘Dhamma’ is a process beyond
space and time and therefore beyond words’.
Pam Seeback
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Re: 'Renunciation' Buddhist style

Post by Pam Seeback »

Bradley West: ‘Renunciation’ in Buddhism is a comedy a masquerade enacted for the ignorant. It is a practice based on the blind belief nurtured by religions the life of a so-called ‘layman/householder’ is not conducive to leading a so-called ‘monastic’ or holy life. This elementary divisiveness is essential for religions and their ‘holy’ men to enact the role of saviors of laymen to profit from their ignorance. However, in the eyes of a seeker, we are all in the same boat with no exceptions. Concepts such as monks, Stream enterers, Once- returners, Nonreturners, Buddhas, gods, angels, etc. are meaningless religious jargon created to deceive the ignorant.
Even the concept 'meaningless' has meaning. I point this out to suggest that perhaps the meaning of religious concepts (or any concepts for that matter) are needed for the period of time they are needed. Once upon a time I assume you believed in Santa Claus.
The ‘Dhamma’ the Cosmic law the process of energy reacting on energy is the source of ‘Chitta’ the thought process. Unable to comprehend this empty process for what it is we in our ignorance cling to the same as ‘my Chitta’ creating an elusive ‘self’ where there is absolutely nothing to be defined.
And yet, you defined religious terms as deceptions. You also defined the Cosmic law as energy reacting on energy.
However, the unique ‘Way’ of a seeker is for the ‘Renunciation’ of this elusive ‘self’ he is trapped in a very personal experience so to say.
Does defining end when liberation is realized?
‘Never overlook the fact the ‘Dhamma’ is a process beyond
space and time and therefore beyond words’.
Without words, the Dhamma is like flower seeds in an unopened packet on the shelf of Home Depot.
Bradley West
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Re: 'Renunciation' Buddhist style

Post by Bradley West »

Sorry Pam, your playing with words obviously would take you nowhere. A scientist was once asked ‘what is an atom’ to which he promptly answered in the only way he could “atom is made of atoms”. Do I need to say more?
‘Words’ are limited to our understanding of the universe. They are no more than concepts. However, the ‘Dhamma’ the process of Dependent Origination is way beyond our comprehension. Further, we as a product of this dualistic process beyond space and time have absolutely no control over our creator. But it can be experienced within every moment by being mindful to neutralize it.
Hopefully, the following article on the subject of ‘Buddhist Renunciation’ would serve as an eye-opener to those who have been misled into believing Buddhism is the ‘Word of Siddhartha’.
‘Buddhist Renunciation’ from the horse’s mouth. By Paul Hess
According to Buddhism ‘Renunciation’ is leaving one's home, family and possessions to live a life of a ‘mendicant monk’ a practice in keeping with all Indian religions. It is obviously a deliberate act of deception by the so-called ‘monastic’ to enjoy the generosity of the so-called ‘householder’.
The following interpretation of ‘Renunciation’ by an eminent Sri Lankan Buddhist monk says it all.
“A den of strife is household life filled with toil and need
But free and high as the open sky, is the life the homeless lead”

The ‘toil & need’ of their lives discreetly passed on to the unassuming ‘householder’, the monks succeeded in winning their battle for survival their ultimate goal. The unfortunate ‘householder’ already heavily burdened with his own responsibilities is now left to “toil” even harder to satisfy the ‘needs’ of the monks who have supposedly dedicated their lives to achieving the bliss of ‘Nibbana’. For this act of generosity a ‘meritorious’ deed, so it is said, the householder is assured of an afterlife of abundance. The monks thus freed from all encumbrances can now fly “free and high’ enjoying the bliss of emancipation.

It is a shame you swallowed these yarns of the Buddhist monks lock, stock and barrel for 2600 years as the ‘Word of Siddhartha’. No wonder professor Suzuki an authority on ‘Zen’ commented: ‘Siddhartha could not have conveyed what he experienced within to a world that has lost its bearings’. All that he revealed was only the method for everyone to seek his unique ‘Middle Process’ to renunciate his world of duality the end of all formations.

‘To a seeker ‘Renunciation’ is strictly a Mental Factor’
Pam Seeback
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Re: 'Renunciation' Buddhist style

Post by Pam Seeback »

Bradley West: ‘Words’ are limited to our understanding of the universe. They are no more than concepts. However, the ‘Dhamma’ the process of Dependent Origination is way beyond our comprehension. Further, we as a product of this dualistic process beyond space and time have absolutely no control over our creator. But it can be experienced within every moment by being mindful to neutralize it.
At no time was I suggesting that we have objective knowledge of dhamma, instead, what we have is our subjective meaning or understanding of words. Which is why I suggested that the concepts used in the Buddhism religion hold meaning for those who accept them, just as your rejection of these same concepts holds meaning for you.
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Dan Rowden
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Re: 'Renunciation' Buddhist style

Post by Dan Rowden »

Bradley West wrote: Fri Dec 27, 2019 8:38 am Sorry Pam, your playing with words obviously would take you nowhere. A scientist was once asked ‘what is an atom’ to which he promptly answered in the only way he could “atom is made of atoms”. Do I need to say more?
What scientist was that? I don't believe that scientist actually exists. From what source are you quoting this tedious nonsense?
Bradley West
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Re: 'Renunciation' Buddhist style

Post by Bradley West »

Rowden, you are entitled to your opinion.
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Dan Rowden
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Re: 'Renunciation' Buddhist style

Post by Dan Rowden »

Bradley West wrote: Sat Dec 28, 2019 6:44 pm Rowden, you are entitled to your opinion.
West, please answer the question.
Bradley West
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Re: 'Renunciation' Buddhist style

Post by Bradley West »

What a question to ask? To the subscriber what matters is not the name of the scientist but the veracity of the so-called ‘tedious nonsense’ quoted. Correct this ‘nonsense’ if it is wrong for the good of all. I am not a scientist, maybe I too can learn from you.
For your info, there are thousands of scientists whose quotes we encounter daily but do not bother to remember their names.
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Dan Rowden
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Re: 'Renunciation' Buddhist style

Post by Dan Rowden »

The veracity of the so-called 'tedious nonsense' is exactly what I'm challenging. At this moment I don't believe any scientist actually said that. Did you just make this up or are you quoting someone? It matters because the 'point' you seem to be making rather depends on it.