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religious science

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2019 12:57 am
by waechter418
Occidental science has become the successor of Christian religion, by taking over its genesis with a god called “Big Bang” who creates an autonomous existence in form of matter which he hurls through a linear time/space to disappear in a black hole or nothingness.
A rather short sighted update, considering that the Christian priests (to whom all existence was a bleak hole) left at the end of it at least a space (like heaven & hell) for the emotions of god´s victims (be it because of Christian pity, or because of their need for more room to elevate themselves).
Yet, the priests of science apparently speculate with emotions too, as they nurture (despite their hole- & other finals) the hope for an everlasting life (a contradiction they cover up with DNA- and time/space-twists) and lure with wonders (phenomena that are not experienced by the psyche-soma relativity) and mysterious rites & symbols, claiming, in good old priestly fashion, that their schemes are universal laws and orders, which of course only the priests understand.
For skeptics, they liken them to those of the market-economics (which everyone believes to understand) thus keeping – if their schemes should fail - the opportunity open, to make a career in the temples of god Mammon (money), who is renown to offer meaning and purpose to unsuccessful priests as well.

Re: religious science

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 5:02 am
by Flanker27S
It's true that the power void left by the chasing away of God during the Enlightenment era and Industrial revolution has quickly been filled by religion-like science and capitalism, sadly... And unfortunately enough, the latter seems to be fighting a crusade against its enemies, who don't live for and by money.

Re: religious science

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2020 9:41 pm
by Diebert van Rhijn
Hi Flanker, welcome.

Faith in the power of science and wisdom of markets can indeed behave exactly like a religion: like misunderstood stars in the sky to woo, to worship and to cite, to channel for those dwelling on the surface looking for some light.

But I'd like to ask you, if you don't live for and by money, where do you live for? Where would you die for? And where does your light for seeing come from? And I don't mean in the obvious biological sense.

Re: religious science

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2020 1:12 am
by Flanker27S
Thank you for your welcoming message... and for the interesting questions! I'd like not to live for and by money, and view it as one of several tools I can use to reach my objectives in life. For example, the main thing I live for is to be satisfied of my life; I have a job where I could earn more if I could, but that would cost me precious family time, so I'm trying to maintain a good money-satisfaction ratio, and work as much as I can without sacrificing my family, who brings me happiness; and of course, I'm not spending all of my time with them, lest I would end up without money and on the street.
Now, I would like to make the world a better place, too, but that's sort of a "secondary objective", and I'm not sure I can really do something that matters; or rather, I'm sure I can't do something that matters. Not by myself, at least.