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The Birth of Siddhartha.

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 8:16 am
by Bradley West
Is Buddhism the 'Word of Siddhartha'?

The Birth of ‘Siddhartha’.

The birth of Siddhartha
Ended the reign of religions, gods and holy men
Man, until then a mere pawn of these powers
Was to know, he is the creator of his ‘world’
And the master of his destiny
Suddenly for us, there is no past, present or future
For space and time do not exist in the ‘Way’ of a seeker.
Life is but an empty process the Dependent Origination
Where there is nothing to be defined.
When will you ever experience this emptiness?
To go beyond ‘Mind and Matter’, the end of all formations.

‘Religion is like a magic show. The more they fool you
the more you want them’.