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'None so blind as those who can see but don't see'

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 7:56 am
by Bradley West
None so blind as those who can see but don't see'
Man, made god in his form.
Buddhists depicted their Buddha in their monks’ uniform
‘Religion’ is the name of the game of deception
Where billions are made, deceiving the naïve with impunity
Promising a ‘way out of suffering’, a nonentity.
A shameless occupation, ‘holy and noble’ they say
To keep their ignorant followers at bay
Steeped in ignorance, a few are trapped in its net
Treasure hunters all the rest
Lacking the wisdom to see this mockery
You are forever caught up in their drudgery
When will you ever see this deception for what it is?
To seek the one and only ‘Way’ there is
The ‘Middle Way’ Siddhartha revealed
To go beyond mind and matter.

The ‘Word of Siddhartha’ is the bane of ‘holy men’.