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Pathological thinking is necessary

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 6:15 am
by Diebert van Rhijn
The following article offers an interesting outlook, promoting the deviant mind: Pathological Thinking: A Response Of The Season Of Love To The Current Outrage by Sascha Vongehr.
  • Evolution (biological, social) “made” our brains to perform specific rationalizations. Our minds use primarily thus selected emotions and beliefs in order to cognitively react (“think”). Normal brains are not made to do science or seek honest truth. One of their main tasks is to deceive us! What can be reasonably called some sort of deeper “truth” is not intrinsically difficult. Instead, it is evolutionarily self-destructive, not good for “reproduction”, for (its own) procreation. IQ is insufficient! Insight into deep questions needs pathological brains! What makes me able to walk into those scary, dark issues and entertain “crazy” enough ideas (yet not just irrationally loony ones), is those very character traits that make normal people hate me. We are the high and medium functioning on the autism spectrum. We are those with psychopathic tendencies, those able to think beyond the narrow constraints, the anti-social,the pervert thoughts, the unacceptable ones. If you think we have any desire to change into normal people, let me respond with a big hearty laughter.
Not bad for a theoretical physicist. He should spend some more time on philosophy and improve musings like this one on the "now".

Re: Pathological thinking is necessary

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:42 am
by Pam Seeback
It is my experience that those who desire to delve into the nature of reality as this young man is doing via his blog on his interpretation of Eckhart's semi-enlightened thoughts on "the" now must go through a period in their life where they consciously set themselves apart from "the herd/the norm." This pushing away of "normals" sometimes to the point of hatred and repulsion seems to be a necessary walk on the path to clearing away all association with conditioned thinking. It is my experience that this pushing away of the "herd" causes deep psychological stress which is revealed later to be the effect of the light of truth pushing its way through, the truth that all things, especially herd thinking (oh the irony!), have their purpose in the awakening process. Which of course, until wisdom comes, causes one to feel guilt at feeling such intense and irrational hatred.

I have two nephews who fall into the category of pathological thinkers, neither of which are seeking spiritual or philosophical truth. They are both self proclaimed rebels struggling to cope in a world they believe not only doesn't understand them, but that is determined to keep them down, even to destroy them. They are both young, who knows, the call to seek wisdom may come as it has come to the writer of the article. This may be especially true of the youngest who is keenly attracted to physics: where there is interest in the science of things, there is always the chance of waking up.

Re: Pathological thinking is necessary

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 7:51 am
by Diebert van Rhijn
Sascha Vongehr is not a young blogger!

Anyway, here's another Eckart (Dietrich) to clear the air. Can you understand why this quote might fit here for more than one reason?
  • To be a genius means to use the soul, to strive for the divine, to escape from the mean; and even if this cannot be totally achieved, there will be no space for the opposite of good. It does not prevent the genius to portray also the wretchedness of being in all shapes and colors, being the great artist, that he is; but he does this as an observer, not taking part, "without either bitterness or partiality", his heart remains pure. ... The ideal in this, just like in every respect whatsoever is Christ; his words "You judge by human standards; I pass judgment on no one" show the completely divine freedom from the influence of the senses, the overcoming of the earthly world even without art as an intermediary. At the other end you find Heine and his type ... all they do culminates in ... motive, in subjugating the world, and the less this works, the more hate-filled their work becomes that is to satisfy their motive, the more deceitful and fallacious every try to reach the goal. No trace of true genius, the very opposite of the manliness of genius, and only through its glistening appearance a glaring spectacle.

    -- Ein Vermächtnis (Published and introduced by Alfred Rosenberg 1935), pg 244-245