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How to dispel notions of Buddhist Christianism

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 2:06 pm
by deceit
Hi there,

I've noticed that on this "path" of discovery, folly and wisdom I have reached a point where whilst I have no rigid belief system of any kind. Although when acting I tend to fall back on this Enlightened/Delusional Buddhist Christian moral complex.

In my learning It has come to my knowledge that a true Seer literally has no moral field. He does what he needs to do. He does only what is right for him, acts on principle, which is in turn the right choice for all involved.

There is a lot of babble between laymen here, about their idea's held loftily in their head. When out in the play-field, away from they're books and computer screens, they are often shy, reserved or inhibited by a self realising belief system that holds them back. What is your smoke screen?

How does one dispel hidden belief system's. I tend to find that those that are unintelligible when it comes
to matters of the mind act Boldly whilst those concerned with their illuminating thoughts act doubtfully and with caution and never with Brevity.

Thanks ahead

Re: How to dispel notions of Buddhist Christianism

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 2:34 pm
by Dennis Mahar
holier than thou.

deceitful, conceited, whatever.

Spiv with a Shiv.

Re: How to dispel notions of Buddhist Christianism

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 5:39 pm
by Cahoot
Methods vary according to capacity. Based on the attitude and tendencies indicated by the phrasing and word selection of your inquiry, you may want to try consciously shifting attention away from attempting to make others smaller in order to make yourself larger.

For you, try shifting attention to contemplation on the logical outcome of practicing deceit, an outcome that obscures recognition of reality for the practitioner of deceit, a karmic ripening which you’ll be able to overcome with logic in the early stages in order to maintain a grip on reality, but eventually will obscure even the simple truths of events from your awareness.

You’re welcome.

Re: How to dispel notions of Buddhist Christianism

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 11:05 pm
by deceit
Sorry, wish I didn't mean to come off like that ;)

I just like writing like Nietzche :)

Maybe therein lies the problem heh

Re: How to dispel notions of Buddhist Christianism

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 8:13 am
by Dan Rowden
If you want to write like Nietzsche the first thing you should do is stop using possessive apostrophes for plural's. Better to want to think as well as Nietzsche than to write as well as he.

Re: How to dispel notions of Buddhist Christianism

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:11 pm
by Tenver-
Can you reformulate the question? I don't understand it for now, and I'd be interested in reading it in another way even if it couldn't produce an answer.

Re: How to dispel notions of Buddhist Christianism

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 11:11 pm
by deceit
In my journey of becoming free, unattached and Enlightenment I have adopted a lot of Buddhist and Christian morale.

All these teachings seek you to act through noble virtues.

However I find that a lot of these noble virtues lean to a submissive attitude. I, myself, have become placate or passive in the knowledge that I think that what I'm doing is Good. When in reality it could be a hinderance.

How does one come to the conclusion that anything is Evil or Good? Surely these are externals. Seeing as if I were to engage in something beneficial to my life I would see it as good. Whereas evil is almost an external attribute. Much like selective reading its alike to a Selective Belief System.

Also, I'd like to see how people here view power and it's place in your life. Is Power good or evil? I know power alone as a force is neutral however in the hands of humans it takes a life of it's own. It's certainly in abundance in today's society and apparently inherent in all relationships.

I suppose a much easier way is to ask how does one recondition themselves from their own conditioning.

Re: How to dispel notions of Buddhist Christianism

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 11:42 pm
by deceit
Dan wrote:Haven't you seen my Youtube video on this subject? I seem to recall you saying you had. Enlightenment is simply the absence of all delusion regarding the nature of ultimately reality, of self/other. The meat of that is more complex to talk about because it involves uncovering the various ways in which we are in fact delusional. We have, of course, been doing that for 15 years, in case you hadn't noticed.
I have asserted---alluded is a word I am also fine with---that the erroneousness of the predicates produced, right at the very beginning, a dysfunctional outlook and relationship to life---to being alive. The first discordant note is one of hubris: a particularly virulent species of 'arrogance' that displays, in certain ways and at certain moment, attitudes which contain or express something that might be called 'delusions of grandeur'. I refer to the scholarly definition of hubris, and also to the undertones that underlie the sense of the word (a distortion of eroticism? a 'loss of contact with reality? But I think we must note the idea at least of 'infliction of punishment' at the very least, a kind of 'sadism')

At this level, and looked at in this way, the issue becomes one of a very strange form of 'spiritual ailment'. But we now make a full circle to the notion of 'delusion' and, if you wish, of 'samsara' or, as I would rather say, 'perdition'. (But not strictly in a Christian sense since, in truth, it is almost impossible to understand or to state what Christians mean by 'perdition'. However, 'perdition' functions as a term of discourse far better than 'samsara' which, as we all know or should know, is nearly completely wedded to a convoluted Eastern, Hinduesque metaphysic).
I'd also like to ask if anyone has any idea's or could point me in the direction of any books and methods at reductively reducing any delusional beliefs. I have become lost in a purple sea of doubt of philosophical ideologies that induce egotism rather than nullify it

Once i've saved enough, I'm going into the wilderness, to accomplish this. I figure ironing out any discrepancies of thought through meditative thinking. Along with honing my ability to Concentrate. Although life in the fast lane doesn't allow you to do this and I find my thinking has begun erosion. Relearning how to think. I would appreciate any tips or to point me in a direction.

Re: How to dispel notions of Buddhist Christianism

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 11:08 am
by SeekerOfWisdom
deceit wrote:
I'd also like to ask if anyone has any idea's or could point me in the direction of any books and methods at reductively reducing any delusional beliefs. I have become lost in a purple sea of doubt of philosophical ideologies that induce egotism rather than nullify it ... te-v3.html

There are a lot of different translations/interpretations, some more accurate in exact wording rather than an interpretation. ... -ebook.pdf ... index.html

Read those three if you are serious, 1st is tao te ching, second is ashtavakra gita, third is Buddhist Sutta's.

Re: How to dispel notions of Buddhist Christianism

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 10:49 pm
by Beingof1

Re: How to dispel notions of Buddhist Christianism

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 6:57 am
by Metis
If you want a permanent solution, I have one that will give you entire rationality, and rid you of the blind morality most people seem so eager to follow.

The placebo effect works every second of our lives; we reach the outcome we expect whenever it is in our subconscious or conscious control. Some tiny part of you wants to be the morality guy, the one with whom all the girls fall in love. Do not be ashamed, this is almost entirely out of your control by way of thought, and will remain the same until you make your subconscious believe that you do not, in any way, want to be that person, that you are, without a doubt, not that person, do not have the option to become that person.

So my suggestion is to become a psychopath, because wether you know it or not, that is what the result will be of you succeed by any means.
1. Tell yourself that the people who blindly follow moral codes are sheep, and those who create the codes are herders, and control the sheep to forget the fact they themselves will never produce wool.
2. Think about the emotions of everyone with whom you speak and anyone you see, and imagine yourself in their situation, with that posture, saying those words, looking in that direction, making that face, and figure out exactly the way you would have to feel and the things that you would have to think to act as they are now.
3. My last suggestion, find someone making life difficult for someone you believe to be productive, reasonable, and overall a benefit to society, and hurt them; put yourself into their shoes and imagine exactly what it is that their spirit holds closest, because people don't hold things close unless it is fragile, or who they think they are depends on its existence the value they assign it, and then destroy it.

Your conscience will not go back, because if it does, it will kill itself out of empathy, morality, and regret. None of which you want or need to be at your best. Good luck.