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Reasoning show

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:30 pm
by ForbidenRea
What can I say? It seems I've come upon an unorthodoxed reasoning show. I am a so-called-playa. I know how and when to seduce a lady-not, that, I've been dealing with a moronicc-as I assume her to be. I've dealt with this scruntiny/time in and time out! It burns my feelings when I see this moron, daily-seducing my actions..
So, I wrote this: What Man Fears the Most,,,
Clearly, a world of blunder doth_say-so!
I am entruiged by the yea-yoo!

What? Can I say? I am abused!
For thoughts
For lurking thoughts.
If It was a socalled War
I am about war!

But, Fear!
Man doth possess.
He possesseth it!
Oh, yeah!
A women named Beth
A child named Norm
I see them daily
But, can't say anything, anyway!

I am a great listener.
I was abused today!
As, I have been for the last-time!

Time everlasting!
Time to smoke a cigarette
And blow the wild-wind eastward!

The best!
A jesture with a cut throat knife!
Uncles, aunts, and family ties:
A beautiful world!


A seldomn dusk of smoke.
A beatiful cut!

Oh! lust oh lust!

The beautiful people!
They seek rest!

Ouch! ouch!

Re: Reasoning show

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:09 am
by ForbidenRea
As my penis is leaking and ready to burst
I am excavated into a time when I was lost
Chances are the poet and the pen will end
Until thee end!

Like' the forthcoming of a new queen
I've been painted by a paint brush
My lyrics run out-
My face runs dry-!

To behold dirt and the Sun
Against the pressing wind

As I type these featured thoughts against^
My mom

This is piety
This is poetry-!
Thank God

Re: Reasoning show

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:20 am
by ForbidenRea
Maybe, GF isnt for me
QRS Ive wept so many tears lately!
When opportunity knocks you're suppose to open it-right¿
This technologic surface is what makes my mind swirl!

Re: Reasoning show

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:10 am
by Tomas
ForbidenRea wrote:Maybe, GF isnt for me
QRS Ive wept so many tears lately!
When opportunity knocks you're suppose to open it-right¿
This technologic surface is what makes my mind swirl!
Oh great. A Dennis clone.

Re: Reasoning show

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:41 pm
by ForbidenRea
Don't get the wrong idea about me, smalls,. The seas and oceans weigh in about 6 hundred and 40 trillion gallons moving at about 4 Billion tons per square inch.
Ta ta

Re: Reasoning show

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:58 pm
by ForbidenRea
The Beast,

Re: Reasoning show

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:58 pm
by ForbidenRea
What if the world were flat?

Re: Reasoning show

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 9:05 pm
by ForbidenRea
As I laying dying in this pit of Hell!
God send me an Angel to undo this spell!!!

I fought my whole life and nothing works!!!
I've been sitting in this cell and it hurts!!!

You know how that I am...eversince I was 6!
You feel my pain! You can see how I am vain!

Please! Show me a sign that you care!
Show me how much love is in the air!
I love you jesus, Amen

Take care of my life and send me an angel messenger!
For I've been breathing havoc for quite some time!
I know you're listning to me! Show me a sign, that, all is well!
Please! Jesus! Give me a sign!

I love you Jesus, Amen!
Show my parents kindness amongst this storm in my life!
I don't breed hate! Only, love but my love is course!

Give me a peace of luck, not, money!
Give me a girl to sing my heart to.

I love you Jesus, Amen
Show me love till thee End!
Hallellujah! Amen.........

The Dennis Show

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:25 am
by Tomas
Are you in the same penal colony as Dennis?
You can be whatever you want - when you're high!
-click full screen-

Re: Reasoning show

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 8:44 am
by ForbidenRea
I don't realize a goddamn thing on this planet. Truly nolen stuff. IDK
It's the realization of the shoe universe underneath my lowely stuff of grammatics/influences/influenza. Life is a formula!
Life is a stupified bumfuck weezle of nun-other consciouss speeches. If you wanted the short story I am a telepathic/morphed out wizz pissed off non-lathargic waste of buddapest time! I've a large penis that's always changing courses. I've got a mother anus. My father is a complex freak from outer/space/engineered to fuck me over.
I got a lot of chances to screw up my messed up life and 'I do" on genius forums-the formulated enigma that causes me to flounder into a pit of consciouness of anus deluxed featured morons from outer space-spinal fucks-with a tad bit of alcoholic influenzas. I'm an ape. Or, fictitious pinoccio: I've one wish, to truly be a boy! My anus brother is a christian and not an athiest. My mother bores me.

The truth is...I've become a beacon for poetry. And, openning statements are enlarged for public use to harrass my genius ASS! I've got one wish. To re-enter the universe in my consciouss self. Forget about the duality/prizmatism that I've been hiding since the age of two and shoot up bricks in my anus and nose and call out to Jesus whom swore me in at the age of 9 whence I got the baptism of the Holy Ghost and don't give a fuck what ppl think. I am all around good person whose chances of survival (as you can clearly see) are slim. I knew that I'd be combatitive on GF. But, simply the mere fact is I a hallucinative geek with a withered alter ego.
I've past the part of bordomn and an Anus George. I've had it with the particular parties that insinuate that you belong. Fuck them all! People can go to Hell for all I care. I'm bad luck Thomas. No.

Re: Reasoning show

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 8:51 am
by ForbidenRea
Ride this;

I hate stuff that's boring!
Bordomn is the reason for philosophy!
Bordomn kills people: No people kill people!

So, I've a enlarged prostate. I borderline crazy.
But, truth, can be told. I've suffered yet.

My g--is g-0 or the other way around.

Suck dick fish!

Commonly, known fishers are surfacing the universe and I am the one discovering black holes. Not my hole. I am a sophiticated ASss. Hate is the reason why people don't get along. And, there isn't a Hole in it that I would hide in. So, there..
Enuendum, or pseudo, I 'd like to hide in some solar dynamic solar panel and work my way through an engineer degree. Id' like to be a so-called runner in Olympics. I I I IIIII I I . Genius I. Gosh!!!!!

Re: Reasoning show

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 8:54 am
by ForbidenRea
Thee to be truly nolen!

Ever degree of what face
The lost spaces of our world;
Are dying like the green oak tree

My suffering is causing tears:
Great-I fear nothing

Of poetry and blissfulness
A sound mind is needed

Calling on God, but he won't listen to us!

Re: Reasoning show

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 8:58 am
by ForbidenRea

Re: Reasoning show

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 9:16 am
by ForbidenRea
I'm a soggy miss-fit.

I entered this world.

I have no future but calamity survives.

I am stupified. Selfish.

I don't deserve to die.

My causation was death.

My influences are all dead.

My karma was raped by a bonified ape-human.

I cannot predict the future-

But, my will is to live!




A sonnet: by Ruben

Re: Reasoning show

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:48 pm
by mental vagrant
You're insane? Is that it, did i win a prize?


Re: Reasoning show

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:03 pm
by ForbidenRea
How to say the least!


Am I on face book?

No. GF. What dumb fuckin insane creature would be able to define itself on GF? Numb-nutts.

Re: Reasoning show

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:41 pm
by sue hindmarsh
People who write poetry do so because they don't take their own mind seriously enough to write prose.

Re: Reasoning show

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:18 am
by mental vagrant
ForbidenRea wrote:How to say the least!


Am I on face book?

No. GF. What dumb fuckin insane creature would be able to define itself on GF? Numb-nutts.
I didn't suggest you defined yourself in the third person, i stated your behaviour seems insane. You write to yourself more than you know.

Re: Reasoning show

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:20 am
by mental vagrant
Sue Hindmarsh wrote:People who write poetry do so because they don't take their own mind seriously enough to write prose.
I disagree, prose has it's place, but poetry can often offer somthing prose cannot; storms.

Re: Reasoning show

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:37 am
by Alex Jacob
[A Public Service Announcement from a Charming and Erudite Mad Hatter]

Hi Sue, haven't seen you 'round here for a long time. I've often wondered what you people *do* when you aren't spouting off nonsense and shovelling bullshit...

While I neither 'support' yet certainly do not condemn ForbiddenRea's poetical musings, there ARE myriads of ways to communicate.

Sue, you do not have the slightest idea what poetry is or can be nor what role it has served or serves now. You are 100% ignorant of the ways that meaning and value can come to a person and your whole base in *knowledge* is highly questionable. You are---please permit me to be direct and honest---a fully ignorant woman, an essentially uneducated peasant woman from the hinterlands of Australia who has gotten herself caught up in a crypto-evangelical 'religion' whose seat is---supposedly---'reason' and 'reasoning', but whose chief activity is a kind of obscurantism. Or perhaps it is more precise to label you-all 'psuedo-philosophers' or 'pseudo-intellectuals' (or perhaps 'pseudo-mystics'?)

No wait I have it: Mystifying, Vegemite-stuffed, semi-obscurantist, psuedo-philosophical logorrheics!

And with all this, or perhaps especially in this, you are a drooling ignoramus, associating with other drooling ignoramuses who, quite erroneously, fancy themselves to be 'geniuses', prop each other up, declaim the *wisdom* of one and the other in a marvellous ego-charade that has NO LIMITS. In actual point of fact and on nearly all counts and in all areas you-plural do a terrible disservice to knowledge. Your essential achievement is to hollow things out, like some tragic stomping cavemen or troglodyte, and to parade your *wisdom* in the most pathetic and unaccomplished prose imaginable.

As you well know I consider it my role that when one of you comes out with such bold-faced and ridiculously stupid statements such as the above, I am duty bound to belt you right in the kisser, to dislocate your jaw, to watch the saliva and the blood and the broken bits of teeth ooze down your front while I merrily laugh.

And then quote some fine poetry... ;-) I'm not saying it is anything *sun-stopping* yet it has many interesting layers:
  • A fire of birds sweeps down
    The haunted wind
    And gods of light walk through
    This green wood

    ---Lazy Pam Parmalee, quoted in It Was A Bomby Evening by Kenneth Patchen
Reaffirming my original statement: You have no idea at all what you are talking about. Silence is the wise choice until you do.

Re: Reasoning show

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 2:38 am
by jupiviv
Using words to sweetly rhyme,
Is really just a waste of time.
A poem is but a wisp of air,
Meaning does not lie in there.
Foolish men want rhythm and form,
Thinking it is Nature's norm.
The wise are lazy, they seek nothing,
And yet are privy to the highest Meaning.

Re: Reasoning show

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:20 am
by Alexis Jacobi
Jupi! My Weininger-drenched, Hindustani virgin! When I think of you (I don't know why really) I think of a little mechanism with exactly three moving parts. Click-clack-click. Or clack-click-clack. You remind me of an exhaust pipe held with baling wire banging against the underchassis of a motorized rickshaw on a road trip through an endless Thar Desert...

Would you pull over a sec, I've got to pee...

While stopped, may I quote a little Wallace Stevens from his posthumous work The Sail of Ulysses? [Clears throat...]
  • V

    A longer, deeper breath sustains
    The eloquence of right, since knowing
    And being are one: the right to know
    And the right to be are one. We come
    To knowledge when we come to life.
    Yet always there is another life.
    A life beyond this present knowing,
    A life lighter than this pleasant splendor,
    Brighter, perfected and distant away,
    Not to be reached but to be known,
    Not an attainment of the will
    But something illogically received,
    A divination, a letting down
    From loftiness, misgivings dazzlingly
    Resolved in dazzling discovery.
    There is no map of paradise.
    The great Omnium descends upon us
    As a free race. We know it, one
    By one, in the right of all. Each man
    Is an approach to the vigilance
    In which the litter of truths becomes
    A whole, the day on which the last star
    Has been counted, the genealogy
    Of gods and men destroyed, the right
    To know established as the right to be.
    The ancient symbols will be nothing then.
    We shall have gone behind the symbols
    To that which they symbolized, away
    From the rumors of the speech-full domes,
    To the chatter that is the true legend,
    Like a glitter ascended into fire.
I have no idea what it means or what it refers to, I just like the letters with which it is composed. 'Glitter ascend[ing] into fire', I can sort of relate to that because I've seen it, but, oh, I just don't get it. It is just an aesthetic flourish after all! So, I have to take your side:
  • Using words to sweetly rhyme,
    Is really just a waste of time.

Re: Reasoning show

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 6:20 am
by mental vagrant
mental vagrant wrote:
ForbidenRea wrote:How to say the least!


Am I on face book?

No. GF. What dumb fuckin insane creature would be able to define itself on GF? Numb-nutts.
I didn't suggest you defined yourself in the third person, i stated your behaviour seems insane. You write to yourself more than you know.
Did you miss the smiley? A little abuse is good for the immune system :)

Re: Reasoning show

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 10:09 am
by sue hindmarsh
Sue wrote:
People who write poetry do so because they don't take their own mind seriously enough to write prose.
mental vagrant wrote:
I disagree, prose has it's place, but poetry can often offer somthing prose cannot; storms.
Poetry offers dreams, prose offers, at its best, insights into reality. Thinking truth and writing truth is always plain and simple. Lies and falsehoods are always presented in a tangle of knots.

Re: Reasoning show

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 10:33 am
by sue hindmarsh
jupiviv wrote:
Using words to sweetly rhyme,
Is really just a waste of time.
A poem is but a wisp of air,
Meaning does not lie in there.
Foolish men want rhythm and form,
Thinking it is Nature's norm.
The wise are lazy, they seek nothing,
And yet are privy to the highest Meaning.
Rhymes written for children are always light to the touch and often straight to the point. The mind of the child is not wasteful. It arrows in upon a focus - albeit, for a short time.

jupiviv's rhyme is only as useful as its meaning. As far as it goes, it is fine. Without doubt, jupiviv could have as easily said the same thing without the rhyme.