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Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 10:51 am
by Bob Michael
As soon as Jesus emerged from the water (his baptism) He went into the desert. From the multitude to solitude! Until then He had lived among the waters and the fields of Galilee and in the green meadows along the Jordan. Now He went up on the rocky mountains whence no springs arise, where no seed sprouts, where the only living creatures are snakes. Until then He had lived among the working men of Nazareth, among John's pentitents; now He goes up on the solitary mountains where no human face is seen, where no human voice is heard. The New Man puts the desert between himself and humanity.

The person who says "woe to the solitary!" only gives the measure of his own cowardice. Society is a sacrifice, meritorious in proportion to its hardness. For those rich in soul, solitude is a prize and not an expiation, a period of sure value, a time when inner beauty is created, a reconciliation with the absent. Only in solitude do we live with our peers, with those solitary souls who think the great-hearted thoughts which console us in the absence of other consolations.

The people who cannot endure solitude are the mediocre and the mean. They have nothing to offer, they are afraid of themselves, of their own emptyness. They are condemned to the eternal solitude of their own minds, a desolate inner desert where the poisonous plants of waste lands are the only things to grow. They are restless, unquiet, dejected when they cannot forget themselves in others, deafen themselves with the words of others. They delude themselves with the factitious life of others who are in turn deluded by it. They cannot live without mingling, a passing atom, in the streams which overflow every morning from the sewers of the cities.

Jesus lived among men and He was to return among men because He loved them. But in the years to come He often hid himself, to be alone, far even from His disciples. To love men, you need from time to time to depart from them: far from them, we draw near to them. The small soul remembers only the evil they have done him. His night is restless with bitterness and his mouth poisoned with anger. The great soul remembers benefits alone, and thankful for a few good deeds, forgets the great evils he has endured. Even those which were not pardoned at the moment are blotted out from his heart, and having renewed his original love for his brothers, he goes back to men.

(From 'Life Of Christ' by Giovanni Papini - 1923)


Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 5:21 pm
by Gurrb
so...he loved men you say? makes you wonder about christianity and its stand on homosexuality. one is no greater than any other, but simply different. society dictates the rest, unfortunately.


Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 2:45 am
by Tomas
Gurrb wrote:so...he loved men you say? makes you wonder about christianity and its stand on homosexuality. one is no greater than any other, but simply different. society dictates the rest, unfortunately.
No doubt, the Roman Catholic Church is the largest pedophile organization in the 'civilized' world. A survey was taken (couple years back) by a newspaper controlled by the former prime minister Silvio Berlosconi (himself liking underage girls), that indicated 95% of the priests who worked in Rome (essentially the Vatican itself) were gay.

The Pashtun tribal "men" in Afghanistan take a boy as their consort (comfort) about age 11-12 for a couple years.

Ditto the Tibetian (think Dalai Lama, too) priests sniff out a boy for sexual gratification. Mothers bring boys to them, considered an honor to be 'slept with' a priest and many of the boys becomes a man priest themself and the cycle continues.......

In the Old Testament bible there is an occasion where the gay men were rampaging through a town and came to the one godly house where they demanded to take the boy. The father offered their daughter but the gays demanded the boy.

Remember George H.W. Bush's 'thousand points of light' - well, the college stuff going on at Penn state, Jerry Sandusky's 'The Second Mile' organization was one of those 'thousand points' of light.

Old George H.W. was a pedophile/homo himself .. there was this fellow named the 'Larry King of Omaha' (not the talk show dude) who in the 1980s fronted for the elite of Washington, DC etc. Teen boys, teen girls were trafficked. Bush got caught up where he was nabbed in 1984 at a party in Chicago. Power, influence and 'the affair' melted away in (through) the hands of time, mysterious bullets in the back of the head, car accidents you know the deal.

Obama's church that he attended in Chicago for some 20 years, the pastor Wright was running an escort service for up-and-comers (no pun intended) whereby he's set up safe houses for men to do their thing with each other. Three of the church's leading men (one was the choir director) were found murdered within 70 days of Obama announcing his run for president in 2007. Obama also belonged to 'Man's Country', as did Rahm Emanuel the present mayor of Chicago. A place where men could go to what was billed as a 'fantasy room' etc. Obama liked older white men. A decent search engine will tell you all that needs to be known about that. Former senator Bill Fritz and he were a twosome (Fritz was the catcher).

As a side note, the city where I grew up in (1960s) North Dakota had a "gay" priest who also, besides adult men, liked the altar boys (think 12-year-olds) he was run out of town when the family raised a stink. Unknown how many boys he banged.

You'd think a blow-up man doll would suffice and with the technology an up-to-date mannequin with several added holes for an extra-kinky affair would suffice but uh-uh.

TOMAS NOTE: Edited twice for spelling errors and a bit more sentence cohesion.


Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 3:28 pm
by uncledote
Bob Michael wrote:
The person who says "woe to the solitary!" only gives the measure of his own cowardice. Society is a sacrifice, meritorious in proportion to its hardness. For those rich in soul, solitude is a prize and not an expiation, a period of sure value, a time when inner beauty is created, a reconciliation with the absent. Only in solitude do we live with our peers, with those solitary souls who think the great-hearted thoughts which console us in the absence of other consolations.

Can one not also learn about the self and others, and achieve personal growth and transformation 'in relationship' with others? Why fetishise solitude?

Solitude and solidarity both have their place, no?


Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 3:47 pm
by uncledote
Tomas wrote:
You'd think a blow-up man doll would suffice and with the technology an up-to-date mannequin with several added holes for an extra-kinky affair would suffice but uh-uh.
I would imagine there is no feeling of power/dominance to be had from pumping away at keyholes in silicone simulacra.