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Arch Nemesis

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:43 pm
by ForbidenRea
Am I your arch nemesis?

Re: Arch Nemesis

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:44 pm
by Blair
If you're Religion, then yes you are the arch nemesis of the entire fucking universe.

Re: Arch Nemesis

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:12 pm
by ForbidenRea
Black maddess of deeds-deluxe,...For you're information,
Black holes are X-universes. Secondly, I'm not a primitive whore whom is shifting resposiblility to those around [you].
I don't seek destruction. I am wholly defined. And, there isn't a hole in the universe that I'd rather hide in. Blair

Re: Arch Nemesis

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:25 am
by Blair
If you're "wholly defined" you can't possibly be a nemesis to anything then, can you.

Re: Arch Nemesis

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:49 am
by mental vagrant
We trudge along destined space dust, ephemeral existence delivers us from knowing, politics rapes us, sequence of disapointments, we are impressively dull. I'm no better for i haven't a solution.

Re: Arch Nemesis

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:21 am
by ForbidenRea
Blair wrote:If you're "wholly defined" you can't possibly be a nemesis to anything then, can you.
The arch bishop's an arch nemesis to the Pop.
I've seemed to develop an arch nemesis. He doesn't define truth. What is genius..? Blair

Re: Arch Nemesis

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:28 am
by ForbidenRea
He is not a genius.
He is just a fragmented oviolum of batted, tranquilizing, trapezoids.

The hinderances.
The beat downs.

I am withered away by the real-world of half truths.

It is unfortunate that all of this world evolves around a format of dislexia and whoremongers.

Re: Arch Nemesis

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:24 pm
by ForbidenRea
You have an arch nemesis, every-day! So, statedly combined.
You're hair, chonies, good looks, talks-about! What do you think?
The charming books stacks. The seasons/greetings. It's not a matter of sentient-facts. It's the bartered Hollywood stacks and signs that state-or frame of mind. It's the meager good luck. Arch Nemesis. It's where we live in in the world today. Your tooth brush. Your song. Blair,
I am such a appalling greedy bastard that I play with it. I think it's the plea on genius forums as to why we all come on here.
To relax.

Re: Arch Nemesis

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:30 pm
by Blair
And I'll bet dollars to donuts that you're addled on some kind of drug.

Re: Arch Nemesis

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:59 pm
by ForbidenRea
None, for the moment.

I am being played out by katharsisim. I believe it is undertaken.
No. Drugs and me only mix when theirs a reason for it! What? It's the cohesive geniuses. The mind plays a role for it.
I don't believe it's the drugs that are playing us; we, are simply playing the drugs. [like] tag.

If this loser eveer gets the wind down. Blair

Re: Arch Nemesis

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:57 pm
by ForbidenRea
It's a fireball from Hell!!!

Re: Arch Nemesis

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 6:53 am
by Pam Seeback
mental vagrant wrote:We trudge along destined space dust, ephemeral existence delivers us from knowing, politics rapes us, sequence of disapointments, we are impressively dull. I'm no better for i haven't a solution.
The answer precedes the question, so yes you do have an answer. But you have to know what the question is first. 'Tis the right order of things...:-)

Re: Arch Nemesis

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 3:01 am
by mental vagrant
Why are we mostly amoral beings? Why will we won't will when will is willing, is it not?

Re: Arch Nemesis

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 4:34 am
by Pam Seeback
mental vagrant wrote:Why are we mostly amoral beings? Why will we won't will when will is willing, is it not?
Because most of us don't want to take the time and expend the effort to discover why. And for those who do take the time and expend the effort to discover why, most do not take this discovery beyond an intellectual knowing and take the time and effort to allow what they have discovered intellectually to become an experiential knowing. In other words, a living truth.

Re: Arch Nemesis

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:33 pm
by ForbidenRea
A fireball from Hell:

I think I just ended katharssism!

Re: Arch Nemesis

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:47 pm
by ForbidenRea

It's a matter of materialism. Whether, or, not, the world is filled with vampires. I remember a time when I was young. I was entrigued by the startling facts of how the world-is-run. It, very well, still run by katharsissisms, envy, and strife. The world is a kitty-kat clawing at your senseless usless self, still. The very surface we walk upon was once treaded by others, Jesus, Buddah, Mohammad, etc. These days, living dead is worth more and the etiquette of it is lying.
I think when I came upon telepathy.! I was astonished. It moved me like a million tons of emotions. It was a scene of psychics that used telepathic voices to undo a lot of stuff in the world. Yet, those days made me the man I am today!
If I can follow in anyones foot steps-it'd be jesus. Yet, the world takes small steps to encounter-heavenly places. I not going through Hell. I'm in a spiritual battle. Right Now! I claim to have know Him. I'm a geniunely forsaken psychic. I am telepathic.
What you say and do makes no difference. The latter reign is women. Women's touch. Women. They are so beautifully structured in this sane world. I owe a lot to the cycles of life. Who knows the outcome of the future. Jesus for Christ sake said he was coming again to reign on earth. The is imagery of biblical terminology. The essence of it is that many " Shall see and behold Him."
I can see into the future. I guess.

Re: Arch Nemesis

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 8:44 am
by uncledote
ForbidenRea wrote:MovingAlways,

It's a matter of materialism. Whether, or, not, the world is filled with vampires. I remember a time when I was young. I was entrigued by the startling facts of how the world-is-run. It, very well, still run by katharsissisms, envy, and strife. The world is a kitty-kat clawing at your senseless usless self, still. The very surface we walk upon was once treaded by others, Jesus, Buddah, Mohammad, etc. These days, living dead is worth more and the etiquette of it is lying.
I think when I came upon telepathy.! I was astonished. It moved me like a million tons of emotions. It was a scene of psychics that used telepathic voices to undo a lot of stuff in the world. Yet, those days made me the man I am today!
If I can follow in anyones foot steps-it'd be jesus. Yet, the world takes small steps to encounter-heavenly places. I not going through Hell. I'm in a spiritual battle. Right Now! I claim to have know Him. I'm a geniunely forsaken psychic. I am telepathic.
What you say and do makes no difference. The latter reign is women. Women's touch. Women. They are so beautifully structured in this sane world. I owe a lot to the cycles of life. Who knows the outcome of the future. Jesus for Christ sake said he was coming again to reign on earth. The is imagery of biblical terminology. The essence of it is that many " Shall see and behold Him."
I can see into the future. I guess.

What is the range of your self-proclaimed telepathy? What am I thinking right now?

Re: Arch Nemesis

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 9:47 am
by ForbidenRea
What is your attire?

You're thinking about the colors: green and blue.?

To go further.

At the time when you wrote this post. You were thinking's hard to say.

Yoda, and the starships.
Or, Luke skywalker. I am impressed.
Usually, I'll have to be present at the time. You're thinking about the.." I'm going to sleep!"

I heard, " Archemetis."

Re: Arch Nemesis

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 9:54 am
by ForbidenRea
That's your dogs name.
"Bimbo" is the name of your cat.

Re: Arch Nemesis

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 10:53 am
by uncledote
ForbidenRea wrote:That's your dogs name.
"Bimbo" is the name of your cat.
Totally wrong on all counts. Don't give up the day job.

Re: Arch Nemesis

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 6:26 am
by ForbidenRea
The apple is the center of the earth' Ttyl

Re: Arch Nemesis

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 2:59 am
by mental vagrant
By that metaphor we are doomed to conclude nothing, ever.

Re: Arch Nemesis

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:19 pm
by ForbidenRea
The universe is the arch nemesis'-back of everything else in existence, already-anyway, including the kosmos in existences; all of the Evolutions of our past happened to be just that; an equinox of all of this blast-from the past-and nothing more! The hung throat God of the universe plans on destroying everything anyway, if not reshaping it.

If not, he is the cut throat builder of all existences which makes him entitled to the existences of our past! Christianity has grown so far, in between the norms and the blankets of spaces inbetween-our world and the next- I wouldn't be surprised if 'Our Maker' wouldn't hang shit on it's shelves.

It wasn't a metaphor I was imploring but a phrase.

Re: Arch Nemesis

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:19 pm
by ForbidenRea
I meant "apple" seader.

Re: Arch Nemesis

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:42 pm
by ForbidenRea
Life is evil because " as soon as want and suffering permit rest to a man, ennui is at once so near that he necessarily requires diversion," i.e. more suffering.
