The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Discussion of the nature of Ultimate Reality and the path to Enlightenment.
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by jupiviv »

guest_of_logic wrote:What I'm saying (and I won't speak for Alex) is more like: "two people can see the same thing and conceptualise it, model it, interpret it and respond to it in two different ways".

You can't conceptualise a thing in two different ways, because then you'd be talking about two different things. The experience of a thing must be one and the same in two different persons(who use different language, are situated in different places, etc.) for them to see the same thing.
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Dennis Mahar »

If Alex and Laird are going to be brought forth to the authentic experience.
They are going to have to be taken back to the most basic understanding there is in the GF canon.
That understanding is Deduction.

They have comprehensively failed to draw the distinction between the World of Deduction and the World of Induction.

The World of deduction gets one facing brutal facts and like Sherlock, brings you inexorably to the Absolute and the aha!

Alex and Laird sit squarely inside the inductive World of the hermeneutical circle of interpretation.

Where exists possibilities of interpretation.
Both boys comb the web and libraries for interpretations by meaning-makers that look good to them.

It's like they are in a restaurant looking at a menu of interpretations, drooling over each item and then selecting their preferences.

They are allowing existence to be interpreted for them.

So bizarre is this practice, they now think GF is 'interpretation'.
call it 'poor' interpretation and offer up 'better' interpretation.

until they are able to draw the distinction,
how could they possibly understand the difference between interpreting and knowing?
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by David Quinn »

It's up to them to change their priorities and develop some spiritual hunger. That's the bottom line. Until that hunger exists it is pretty pointless to reason with them on any level. You might as well reason with chickens and pigs.

If a person is resolutely determined to remain stuck in the realm of uncertainty, then no amount of philosophical reasoning or spiritual guidance can help him. "Deduction" will always remain "induction" in his eyes.

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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Bob Michael »

David Quinn wrote:It's up to them to change their priorities and develop some spiritual hunger. That's the bottom line. Until that hunger exists it is pretty pointless to reason with them on any level. You might as well reason with chickens and pigs.

If a person is resolutely determined to remain stuck in the realm of uncertainty, then no amount of philosophical reasoning or spiritual guidance can help him. "Deduction" will always remain "induction" in his eyes. -
Wake up David. People have no choice in this matter of enlightenment. One must first be predestined for the experience, the radical transformation. Making prodding or ridiculing others who are stuck in comparative reason and analogies a thing of discompassionate vanity.
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by David Quinn »

My poking and prodding could well form part of their "predestination". So could your actions. We are all part of the mix of predestination.

Even if a person is genetically predisposed towards awakening into wisdom, it mightn't be enough. Often, an extra spark is needed. A chance encounter with a wise teaching could be all it takes. It could be the difference between this person expanding into a great buddha or receding back into ordinariness.

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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Bob Michael »

David Quinn wrote:My poking and prodding could well form part of their "predestination". So could your actions. We are all part of the mix of predestination.

Even if a person is genetically predisposed towards awakening into wisdom, it mightn't be enough. Often, an extra spark is needed. A chance encounter with a wise teaching could be all it takes. It could be the difference between this person expanding into a great buddha or receding back into ordinariness. -
You seem, like so many enlightened beings, to fail to realize that enlightenment simply is in not in the cards for most people. Most people are not "genetically predisposed" for it. And surely for those who are capable of enlightenment a spark is most definitely needed, as you say. And especially due to the near-total spiritual and moral bankrupsy of the world. However, it must be the right kind of spark. Which I've come to finally realize is the sharing of one's own personal experiences, changes, and sufferings in his own journey of hearing and following the 'call' to enlightenment. Which too must take place in a person to person setting. And surely there's no real edifying and enduring spark in the sort of dialogue that goes on in here and virtually all internet discussion forums.
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Alexis Jacobi
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Alexis Jacobi »

Despite appearances, ever so often, as if struck by bolts of lightening (that come one after the other), I momentarily regain my innocent, childlike modesty, and so this morning, well well within that mood, I think I need to take a moment to offer heartfelt thanks both to David and (blessings upon blessings!) our own Bob Michael, our Enlightened Twosome, into their Enlightenment caused by the mysterious thrust of happy Determinism. In today's lesson, revealed to us in a conversation heard as if eavesdropping while strolling through the maze and turmoil,
  • 'Tis sweet, when, down the mighty main, the winds
    Roll up its waste of waters, from the land
    To watch another's labouring anguish far,
    Not that we joyously delight that man
    Should thus be smitten, but because 'tis sweet
    To mark what evils we ourselves be spared;
    'Tis sweet, again, to view the mighty strife
    Of armies embattled yonder o'er the plains,
    Ourselves no sharers in the peril; but naught
    There is more goodly than to hold the high
    Serene plateaus, well fortressed by the wise,
    Whence thou may'st look below on other men
    And see them ev'rywhere wand'ring, all dispersed
    In their lone seeking for the road of life;
    Rivals in genius, or emulous in rank,
    Pressing through days and nights with hugest toil
    For summits of power and mastery of the world.
    O wretched minds of men! O blinded hearts!
    In how great perils, in what darks of life
    Are spent the human years, however brief!
And for one moment, if only for one moment, there is a break in the terrible struggle (shadows fighting with shadows with shadow weapons and shadow thoughts in a world of unending shadows...) there is silence and all eyes turn toward our own Emmisaries of Consciousness, Big D and Big B. Alexis goes down upon one knee, hand to heart. A small tear parts from the corner of Laird's eye. Dennis, wiping the slobber from his chin, salutes as if to veterans of an old old war. Diebert stands off to the side, writing carefully in a little notepad, eyes toward Heaven, a knowing smile on his lips. Jupi in a little blue Wieningerian jumpsuit with white lapels comes skipping down the lane (in glee). Trevor, hiding behind the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil, rubs his palms together devilishly, preparing Apples & Ironies. Anders, with a calculator, in front of a blackboard, with thick glasses, is furiously reworking his Axiomatic lingo, trying to get it right (and he will get it right, dammitall!). Our own Cuz looks back and forth among the players somewhat doubtfully, as if asking himself, Are these people playing with a full deck?!?
Mahatma David wrote:It's up to them to change their priorities and develop some spiritual hunger. That's the bottom line. Until that hunger exists it is pretty pointless to reason with them on any level. You might as well reason with chickens and pigs.
One small problem: this whole thread is filled to the brim with sound reasoning, and in each instance the TBs (True Believers) come to the stage and 'reason', and their reasoning fails. Your system reminds me in some ways of Erhart Seminar Training (the famous EST). One has to 'get it' and then one gets it. The question is always posed: Do you get it? At first, naturally, no one gets it, but as time goes by and they spend more time in the environment, perhaps they want to get it, and so finally they Get It, and then everything becomes clear.

Myself, I stick with this realization: you, you-plural need to begin to unget whatever you have gotten. It seems to be part of a pathological self-description that increases its hold on you the more oppositional pressure is applied. But, and this is just a fact, one of my presuppositions I suppose, I do not accept declared enlightenment as a category. First, the word is utterly vague and is never one thing, cannot be one thing. Second, anyone who has ever talked about it, has talked about it differently. Third, everyone who has ever talked about it has only focused on some sort of doing (service) in the world. 'Enlightenment' then is really activity in the world (though an enlightened attitude, or elevated consciousness, is certainly something I accept).

The issue here (I think) has to do with interpretation. How we interpret and act in relation to our realizations. The second is (if it happens) how we deal with the psychological problem of Grandiosity. I don't know much about it but I know that people suffer from this 'disorder' and it is connected to so-called 'personality disorders'. As long as they are in it---to employ David's fine metaphor---to reason with them is like reasoning with a chicken or a pig. Ain't gonna happen. Life itself has to provide some event that causes the house of cards to fall.

Still the questions are the most important thing. Are these men really 'enlightened'? Is 'enlightenment' merely a game of self-declaration? or self-affirmation? Of self-promotion? On what are we to base a decision (as it were) about a person's 'enlightenment'? On what they say? What are the criteria? Knowing what we know about guru-culture in the West, are we to accept anyone and everyone who declares themselves 'enlightened'? What about that peculiar area of 'mixed enlightenment' (known even to Hindus)? An experience of 'enlightenement' or 'awakening' that still occurs within an essentially unevolved being? Does 'enlightenment' offer an 'ethical command'? Do the 'enlightened' do one thing? No thing? Any thing? What about the very different claims of the so-called 'enlightened'? If it is one thing why are the descriptions of it do different? (That question is directed to L'il Jupi who declared: 'You can't conceptualise a thing in two different ways, because then you'd be talking about two different things. The experience of a thing must be one and the same in two different persons (who use different language, are situated in different places, etc.) for them to see the same thing'. (Unfortunately he'll have to stop playing and come inside now, mother has called him to his bath).

The only thing I can think left to offer are these wise words from Public Enemy and the fine advice: Don't Believe the Hype. Will it help? Can it help? I remain well within my uncertainty.


Grandiosity: 'It refers to an unrealistic sense of superiority, a sustained view of oneself as better than others that causes the narcissist to view others with disdain or as inferior. It also refers to a sense of uniqueness, the belief that few others have in common with oneself and that one can only be understood by a few or very special people'. Grandiosity, Wiki. Those with Delusions of Grandeur: 'GDs are characterized by fantastical beliefs that one is famous, omnipotent, wealthy, or otherwise very powerful. The delusions are generally fantastic and typically have a supernatural, science-fictional, or religious theme.'
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Dennis Mahar »

All that waffle boils down to Alex is that you think GF people are stupid.
Be honest.
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Diebert van Rhijn »

Alexis, there are a few things which need to be remarked about your style and method.

First of all you are portraying a strong tendency to misrepresent with great regularity what someone writes in a very distinct manner, in quite subtle ways thereby changing often the core meaning or just transferring it directly into caricature, which you then use to enhance your own views without hesitation.

Another thing is that you, more than anyone else here, often states the obvious while at the same time missing the even more obvious. For example the fact that with every word, sentence or challenge you were already confirming the need for reasoning, structure, logic, "pruning" to even start the conversation. It's not GF declaring itself as serving these functions, but you and everybody with a mind is already doing it. There's no dispute possible apart from the question if something "additional" would be needed when approaching truth telling.

Sadly enough you avoided my direct question of how David would preach a specific praxis: some way to handle affairs, do ones job, clean ones house or manage ones finances, give to charity, help others or not, that kind of stuff. You cannot answer my question because there's nothing there to my knowledge. Just your innuendo and caricatures of what you think he wants people to behave like in their practical lives or some imagined consequences only you can spell out for us.
... or, if thou wishest and if it please thee, demonstrate that I am a psychopath. (I admit I am sort of waiting around for that one)
Even with all the interesting cases present as this forum, still your abundant intelligence, the recurring obsession and the controlling tendencies do at times point to a "Hannibal Lector" type. Perhaps a psychopath is a failed genius, like a journalist or forum stylist points always to a failed writer ambition. It's like all the elements are in place but that one sense is missing, and instead a monster, or something approaching its opposite is arises and yet the monster is so familiar, so much related to the very thing it cannot manage to become. And frustration, even persistence arises. The psychopath, like the journalists can only dream of recognition by one who can understand or at least appreciate, he might even search the easiest of audiences or some exclusive witness. As opposed to a genius which craves understanding by, of and from all.
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Diebert van Rhijn »

Bob Michael wrote: And surely there's no real edifying and enduring spark in the sort of dialogue that goes on in here and virtually all internet discussion forums.
It seems like a view impossible to substantiate further with any reasoning or anecdotes. It's an opinion which only can be taken on faith alone. I'm not so sure myself if there must be a person-in-person setting or if written words on the internet could never transfer the needed inspiration. That idea itself seems so very confining and limiting to me. I actually believe a person locked whole his life in a closet can still learn enough about existence if so inclined. I wouldn't know why that would be impossible: he has all he needs: some safety, some shelter, some food and his sense of reality to deal with. Can the odds already be lower than they already were?
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Alexis Jacobi
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'Descensus ad inferos', take 198756. "Lights! Camera! Action

Post by Alexis Jacobi »

Diebert wrote:Sadly enough you avoided my direct question of how David would preach a specific praxis: some way to handle affairs, do ones job, clean ones house or manage ones finances, give to charity, help others or not, that kind of stuff. You cannot answer my question because there's nothing there to my knowledge. Just your innuendo and caricatures of what you think he wants people to behave like in their practical lives or some imagined consequences only you can spell out for us.
First, there would be no 'job' because 'the wise' choose not to work, remember? They get their money from the state and by 'abusing' social security (almost a form of fraud). So, no finances to handle, no charity, and therefore no economic help rendered. All the figures who (like Mother Teresa) dedicate themselves to 'helping' others, alleviating suffering, etc., have been routinely torn apart and ridiculed. There have never been, to my knowledge, any ethical recommendations that have to do with 'service' (in a specifically Buddhist sense), and the conversations have never turned on this. As to practical recommendations, the first order of business is to ditch the woman. No 'wise' man will have a wife or a girl friend. There is a decided anti-woman stance which, as I see it, necessarily becomes an anti-human body stance. If you are not having and dealing with female relationships, on the fact of the female, it seems to me that you are 'shearing off' from a substantial part of the human facts. Still, a good and necessary conversation can be had, should be had, about a 'male defensive position' in respect to a state-inculcated femininity, as I have often said. Honestly, Diebert, you have either not paid attention to the myriad ethical recommendations put forth by dear David et al, or you choose not to think them through.
Even with all the interesting cases present as this forum, still your abundant intelligence, the recurring obsession and the controlling tendencies do at times point to a "Hannibal Lector" type. Perhaps a psychopath is a failed genius, like a journalist or forum stylist points always to a failed writer ambition. It's like all the elements are in place but that one sense is missing, and instead a monster, or something approaching its opposite is arises and yet the monster is so familiar, so much related to the very thing it cannot manage to become. And frustration, even persistence arises. The psychopath, like the journalists can only dream of recognition by one who can understand or at least appreciate, he might even search the easiest of audiences or some exclusive witness. As opposed to a genius which craves understanding by, of and from all.
My dear Diebert. In an honest and open conversation I am a kind of miracle worker. Really. There is no conversation I am unwilling to have, no area I will not explore. We have been over this before but I guess we'll do it again: many of my parodies were born from the labels people attempted to stick on me. Instead of letting that get me down, I took the matter into my own hands, ran with it so to speak. One is offered so much good material among people who refuse to really explore the issues, who instead build a little fort for themselves in partial constructions, or partial divinations. Let's take an example: Dennis. I love Dennis and wish him all the best. But anyone can see that he places his eager, wet tongue right up into the assholes of those into whose grace he ingratiates himself. His 'intellectual work' is no intellectual work at all. But he wants to 'do battle', and he desperately wants to 'win'. Because he is locked into the struggle by his own internal mechanisms---impelled along as it were---he stumbles again and again into the same traps, and renders himself a fool (without seeing it). Y'all aid an abet him because, well, he 'supports' your positions.

If you were really to begin to tell the truth, Diebert, I really think your discourse would be very very different. Surely you MUST have noted the extraordinary ridiculousness of Bob's recent attempt to sidle up to David. Here's how it goes: he (seems) to admit David's 'enlightenment state' (this is deeply seductive to David), then he seems to sympathize with him and speak of the classical Christian determinism for salvation in the context of this 'enlightenment' that he (obviously shares). With his sidling maneouvre he accomplishes quite a bit, doesn't he? But YOU know as well as anyone here that this use of the term and title of 'enlightened' is a farce! You KNOW this, and I know you know it. But what do you do? You suppress it as a 'fact' out on the table, as you suppress so much else. You're in this conversation but you are in it DISHONESTLY. In contrast, I am in this conversation HONESTLY. And my honesty includes (I have declared all this openly) a wide group of different (intolerable) tactics of communication. Obviously, you have never liked this. It offends your sense of propriety. And like many, you certainly don't like parody. Who would, especially if they hit the nail on the head, or come close?

But let's look at this:
Perhaps a psychopath is a failed genius, like a journalist or forum stylist points always to a failed writer ambition. It's like all the elements are in place but that one sense is missing, and instead a monster, or something approaching its opposite is arises and yet the monster is so familiar, so much related to the very thing it cannot manage to become.
First off, you have begun with your own presupposition. That of 'genius'. Anyone who reads on these pages readily sees that the term has been expropriated and hitched to a peculiar wagon. I don't accept the GF forum's definition of genius. Never have. And another thing. If it IS a definition of genius, the definition falls out of the mouth of a group of dullards. Put explicitly: no genius will arise from this matrix. Not even a spiritual genius, whatever that could be. In this sense, if one were honest (a very rare trait here on the GF because very few appear as they are but as a charade of themselves)(that's my opinion), it is many who appear here who might be characterized as 'journalists' (hacks) when they might actually have created something of greater or perhaps more sincere value. But, I sense you bring up the thing about journalism and writing because you are aware (more than anyone else here) of my own writing ambitions? You also know, because I told you once, that I feel myself to be a 'frustrated writer'. Is there an angle here you think you might use? Can I help you in any way with it?

But going more to the grain: it is 'vitally important' to make honest efforts to define what really is 'spirituality' and what really is 'enlightenment'. If I have failed as a 'spiritual person', if I am failing spirtuality (which is a direct conclusion by the Gfers, and certainly David as we see just above: reasoning with us is like reasoning with chickens and pigs)(or like the I-Ching says 'with pigs and fishes'). But is this TRUE, Diebert? Stop your inveterate tendency to obscure your truths, to fail to state what you really think. What really is 'spirituality'? What really does this mean? If I am failing it I'd sure like to know how. But can you even approach articulation of this? You really don't Diebert. So again, in another way, you are a dishonest participant in this and these conversations. Perhaps you should be left alone and, ten years later, or a hundred, you will still be here, still playing the same role?

Okay, for me, still, apparently, there is still stuff I had to work out about my relationship to this forum. No doubt of that. I think that there are some very important things that are dealt on here (broached) and there are some very very dangerous tendencies that will take a man away from 'wisdom' and place him in something far less than even mediocre. If 'failure' is a term we can use here---you used it---I will say that that exactly describes it. To fail at the challenge placed before us because we remain enmeshed in...

And just what is it that we remain enmeshed in? It is such a good question but there is no one to have a conversation with about an answer. So I guess we are in an odd agreement. I accept that it is possible to become a 'monster' (a distorted being). The real question is just what indeed is monstruous.

Post script: Lest anyone think I deceive myself. I know that the thrust of this present post will not be registered or dealt with. I KNOW that these topics cannot become the topic of a genuine conversation. I know they will be skirted, as they always are. What that means, once again, is that 'I write for the invisible', those dismembered, incorporeal multitudes floating...out there. (It's marevllous actually).

Push it, Diebert. Push it!
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Dennis Mahar »

I love you too Alex...affinity. Thankyou for that authentic expression.
You are a miracle.
No amount of languaging will separate us.
It's just that all your interpretive predicates whittle down to a prima facie indicment that GF people are stupid.
See how deduction works better than interpretation?
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Beingof1 »

The solution is looking inward. David, Kevin, and Dan are all right about this. What is needed is a state of being that is belief. Belief in what one might ask? Belief in the only thing one can be absolutely sure of. Once one realizes what is stable and unchanging, one does not stand in a belief system of any kind. The belief morphs into faith and results of actual accomplished synergistic appearances. The appearance of all things and experiences are the result of our faith.

If you doubt this, ask yourself if you have ever seen the sun without the experience of it? The experience of the sun aligns with your faith. You do believe in the sun don`t you?

What we cannot be sure of is experts, opinions, governments, religion, the media, and others to be fair and balanced (mentally and morally) in their actions and intent. Almost everyone you meet and every 'successful expert' is secretly hoping you will fail and miss the parlor tricks of what is grandstanded as being 'in the know'. The claptrap is designed to rob you of your power as a human being. The powers that be (I am talking at the highest levels) know that one person, who is conscious of who they are, is able to pull the curtain away and see the puppet master.

There is no greater power in the universe than faith. Faith gets results when the conscious activity of the mind is silenced and the infinite consciousness is allowed or permitted to think through you. When you allow your mind to be used by what can only be termed by me as a rush of infinite golden white light, the limitations of what you thought you could accomplish are lifted to a higher standard of transcendance. The limitations that you have been spindled with since you were a child were all designed to rob you of your self worth as a human.

The energy patterns of the brain and the cells in your body are accelerated when you surrender to what is larger than can be comprehended. It is a known fact that all cells emit photons of light packets and these packets are information and energy. These packets alter the reality of what we call experience. They shape the universe. Sometimes the results are in an instant and sometimes it is a hypertask that takes time and space to respond.

Since all life is interconnected through electromagnetic energy and information, all life that exists in the universe can think through you. The desire of the ages is present within you and this desire is fullfilled when it is allowed to connect with all other life but that takes Faith.

We are connected you and I - this is a fact.

The language we need is one of absolute statements. Statements like " I am at peace", " I am agape", "I am the source", "I am reality", "I am that I am". Permit yourself to let your thoughts go into the unconditioned mind that freely flows.

When faced with a question, no matter what it is, ask yourself for the answer and believe it will be there and it will. This will be the experience of faith manifesting as an answer. It does not matter if the answer comes from your thoughts, your experience, or seemingly another person as you are interconnected with the whole it is all the source of what and who you are.

When I am hard on others it is because I have found nothing else like a hard cold shock causes delusions to slip away into the nothingness that is keeping us separated. We are one, as all life is one. There can be no me without the you being here.

When you love your neighbor - you are loving yourself. Even cause and effect teaches us this.

I am one with those that are in power. I am one with those that do not know who they are. I am one with all life as it is in the state of realization.

As I wake up - so goes the universe.

There are those that struggle with their self and overcome. There are those that struggle with the world and transcend it. Then there are those of faith that struggle with God and transcend into the absurd realm of a lack of separation.
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Re: 'Descensus ad inferos', take 198756. "Lights! Camera! Ac

Post by Blair »

Alexis Jacobi wrote:Push it, Diebert. Push it!
Deeb's has got a boyfwend,
Deeb's has got a boyfwend!
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Alexis Jacobi »

You don't need the possessive apostrophe on 'Deeb' since you wrote 'has'.

This one is for you: Jerusalem by Lauryn Hill.
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Blair »

Oh sorry 'bout that Alexi, was just playing into your tendency to stereotype, you know, like you constantly do?

Let's just call a spade a spade, a closeted homosexual what he is.

And stop picking on Dennis, girlyboy. Pick on me!
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Alexis Jacobi »

I want you to know that I have taken your offer into consideration. It occurs to me that we might work out a trade: if you will post, say, three consecutive posts that deal on actual thoughts, or commentary on what is being discussed, I will be more than happy to pick on you. I need some indications as to what sort of 'picking on' you require. Would you like to have your ass whupped publicly? Would you like to be pummelled endlessly or just jabbed at intermittently? To get the ball rolling, what did you think of the Lauryn Hill song? Here are the words.

(I would point out, though, that a man who asks to be 'picked on' from one he declares a closeted homosexual has placed himself in an odd position right from the start. Blair, is there something you'd like to talk about?)
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by jupiviv »

Alexis Jacobi wrote:Okay, for me, still, apparently, there is still stuff I had to work out about my relationship to this forum.

"My relationship to this forum" - tonight on the Lifetime Television Network!
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Diebert van Rhijn
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Re: 'Descensus ad inferos', take 198756. "Lights! Camera! Ac

Post by Diebert van Rhijn »

Alexis Jacobi wrote:First, there would be no 'job' because 'the wise' choose not to work, remember? They get their money from the state and by 'abusing' social security (almost a form of fraud).
Still better than going into real estate for all intent and purposes :-)

And yet you seem in a very real, very practical sense, grosly mistaken. What I've been reading about instead is a mixture of social security, software engineering, caretaker pensions, land-lording, and volunteering into setting up radio stations, discussion fora, producing glossy instructive videos, building websites and moderating this forum (mostly spam control). And that's only what I gathered with 30 seconds of thought.

Why don't you stop your freeloading and donate something to the forum owners since they provide you with such a great pastime? Not that they'd ever ask but really, what is it worth to you? I bet you'll play hundreds of dollars for a few hours full of confessions of some crap artists but years of great interaction provided to you doesn't cost?

You see Alex, it's you who are stuck in the force of production. You produce, cannot stop producing and you write like an addict. Each an every post shows craft and production, forever reproduced like the rest of the consumer society is wildly preproducing and postcreating. The element which is increasingly missing you don't even realize, the sting, the anchor, the twist which would make your productions increase immensely in value, making them more rare.

Each single conscious action of the wise is worth lives of production of the ignorant ones. This is the angle you should try to consider! The hidden motor behind all you say you care about and you don't' even realize where it's all coming from. The grey mostly forgotten or rewritten shadows of the past who essentially provided you! Don't forget about the metaphorical pen, the shaping force of the philosophical idea brought into the world vs all the swords or the plows!
All the figures who (like Mother Teresa) dedicate themselves to 'helping' others, alleviating suffering, etc., have been routinely torn apart and ridiculed.
Were those figures just caught in their own reproductive force or actually changing anything? Come on, ask some better questions!
As to practical recommendations, the first order of business is to ditch the woman. No 'wise' man will have a wife or a girl friend.
When love for wisdom is recommended, how can one recommend keeping all kinds of love interests on the side somehow? How could one not target man's most common spill of social obligations, hormonal obfuscations and financial malversations? But still you won't find this as requirement anywhere. It's what you just inferred from attacking the most common attachment for men.
There is a decided anti-woman stance which, as I see it, necessarily becomes an anti-human body stance.
No, it's all about the social construct. It's you who tries to link it to the physical matrix of being as necessity. There's not shred of support or evidence to back up your preaching on this matter.
Diebert, you have either not paid attention to the myriad ethical recommendations put forth by dear David et al, or you choose not to think them through.
We were talking about praxis, remember, as in practical application: do this, do that, don't do this, don't do that, if you want to reach all of this. Ethical recommendations are not the same thing. You're weaseling again because that's how you reason: by shifting the beacons each and every paragraph, like a young child changing the rules halfway and claim victory. Grow up, Alex!
Surely you MUST have noted the extraordinary ridiculousness of Bob's recent attempt to sidle up to David. Here's how it goes:... blah blah
Why gossiping about Bob at all? I think he's a young ambitious kid although he claims to be pretty senior in age. I love his extraordinary attempts. I think he might go far with it. This kind of perspective you don't seem to be open to. You have "diagnosed" him as well as a problem case somehow with parental fixation. That's what you do, that's what you want. It's your fundamental orientation to do so but it's just another form of bullshitting even when you might hit the target once in a while. It doesn't matter really in the context.
Put explicitly: no genius will arise from this matrix. Not even a spiritual genius, whatever that could be.
It certainly doesn't take a genius to see how your statement is nonsense: if a spiritual genius is "whatever", to such degree left undefined, you cannot be sure this undefined "thing" will never arise from any matrix whatsoever. You're just blabbering. You just cannot afford to understand the irony of how this forum appeared to be named and how brilliantly it worked out at times.
You also know, because I told you once, that I feel myself to be a 'frustrated writer'.
Are you a frustrated genius then? You know, I've worked my whole life with world class engineers, academics, excellent published writers and so on. I've met many brilliant people. And you're definitely a special case which should really not waste any of his talent on this forum for more than a few weeks. Your reasons of still being here are bullshit. You writing is going nowhere and your genius basically misdirected. That's why you're here: the last and final place of misdirection and misfitting on the Internet. Try to delve into this theme: it might surprise you!
I accept that it is possible to become a 'monster' (a distorted being). The real question is just what indeed is monstruous.
As we were.
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Diebert van Rhijn
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Re: 'Descensus ad inferos', take 198756. "Lights! Camera! Ac

Post by Diebert van Rhijn »

Blair wrote:
Alexis Jacobi wrote:Push it, Diebert. Push it!
Deeb's has got a boyfwend,
Deeb's has got a boyfwend!
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Tomas »

Great thread, Bob. You'll never top this one.

(One of the) Top 10 of all time at Genius.
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Alexis Jacobi
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Alexis Jacobi »

Diebert, you are like GF forum's bulldog. You appear at the gate and bark and growl! Pretty ferocious!

It's not that I don't want to respond, it is that your post is little more than a deviation. The substantial points I want to talk about, the ones that have importance, you choose not to focus on. Instead, here, you only seem to want to discredit the work---and it is real work---that I have done. This is the point that David traditionally chimes in, attempting to drive home the shadow-points that you have made.

I have made all my points, and I feel I have substantially cast in doubt or as questionable, those you (and others) seem so stuck on. It is the questions that remain far more important.

As I have said so many times before: I certainly do not seem to be writing for your benefit! (Yet I am largely happy with what I have contributed lately).

In respect to contributions to the forum, I have made numerous.

Everything else in your post, I have clarified in other areas.

Finally, I make the decision about where my writing is going, not you. Who you spend your time with, whether they are brilliant or not, published or not, is irrelevant to me personally. Bless your heart if any of that (or them) have meaning for you. Every time you bring up your complaint about my presence here I make an effort to clarify why I write here. I am very very clear what those reasons are. These ideas that 'we' (well, I) am discussing, I have plans for them. While I do this (here) I am fomenting certain 'uses'. I don't claim to be a 'genius' or anything else for that matter. I'd like to produce some interesting stories and perhaps a novel or two. It is very very difficult work. But worth it.
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Trevor Salyzyn
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Trevor Salyzyn »

Alex wrote:What really is 'spirituality'?
Spirituality is the means through which a person tries to relate to the infinite. A spiritual failure uses an ineffective method, like choosing to hammer a nail with a fish.

Enlightenment is the clear recognition of one's true relationship to the infinite. You can equate it to a closed case. Why keep struggling to relate to the infinite when you know what your relationship is, always has been, and always will be?

What's your problem with the word "genius"? You've outright admitted you've been hung up on that word for years, and it's the first word you'd come across in regards to this forum, so it sounds like your hermeneutical method struck a roadblock pretty damn early. There's no way that hasn't affected your judgement.

By the way, I think you crave attention, with the caveat you are very talented at getting people to pay attention to you. Thus, in the off chance it turned out you actually suffered from a mental disorder, I'd believe HPD.
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Alexis Jacobi
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Alexis Jacobi »

Trevor wrote:Spirituality is the means through which a person tries to relate to the infinite.
If I have a problem with the word 'genius' it is somewhat less with the word itself but with the many declarations of the geniuses from the Genius Realms about 'genius'. And, it wasn't the word genius that brought me here but following some links having to do with Wieninger.

And, right off the bat, I would take issue with your statement. I do not think that what we have to deal with here, or reconcile ourselves with, or even 'relate' with, is the infinite but rather the finite. The use of the word 'infinite' (here) is a little problematic. My understanding of what you mean by it is to say that all things are not finite things (since there is really no way to conceptualize what is infinite in the spacial sense, it is not 'useful' to an individual), that have no specific finiteness, nothing that one can really lay hands on (so to speak). It is part of a viewstructure that sees all things as unreal, or in any sense as in-definite. You and me included. So, it seems a way of 'standing' in relation to the world. As I have said many times, the way this view is used does not seem very healthy to me, though I can get inside it, I can understand it.

In contradiction therefore, I would assert that our life has meaning when we make decisions as to how we confront and 'relate to' the finite: the tangible facts of existence in this world. That means, people, situations, our lives in this (finite) context.

It is a pretty large difference in definition.
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Trevor Salyzyn
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Re: The Qualities of a Divinely Inclined Person.....

Post by Trevor Salyzyn »


Someone who never deals with the infinite, but only deals with the finite, is not spiritual, but worldly. Comprehension of the infinite is comprehension of reality, plain and simple, and as such, a spiritual being as a matter of course makes decisions about how to relate to finite things in the world: all the way down to which ethical problems are fantasies.

Considering your worldliness a sign of profound spirituality just shows that you have a rather fundamental confusion. I don't think you will allow yourself to recognize that you are not a divinely inclined person, that you can only believe the worldliest of ideas at the expense of spiritual ones.

I don't see any problems with anyone in this forum using the word genius, because I'm aware that it's not a sign of anything. The word itself bugs you, not its intended meaning. This means that you have not truly been in the know; you just believe you have. You get the wrong impression every time someone uses a word.
A mindful man needs few words.