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The fruits of pure love and of pure logic

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 4:55 am
by Pam Seeback
"A house divided against itself cannot stand," is wisdom spoken by Abraham Lincoln, wisdom taken from Matthew 12:25: "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand."
There is no man who can deny that his house, his mind, is divided against itself; that within the walls of its imagined boundary rage the battle of the dualities for supremacy of the moment. How to permanently end this battle within himself is the journey of the man who has fully absorbed the wisdom that the House of God, the Kingdom of Pure Awareness, is Itself, undivided, and being that it is he who is of divided mind, that it is his responsibility, by way of having been given the wisdom of "two is division" and "one is not", to “make the two, one.”

The reconciliation of divided house unto Undivided House is one made by the man who has taken responsibility to go into the very depths of his awareness of himself to see, for himself, the beginning point of the appearance of matter, and how, because of the ignorance of this beginning point of dualism within himself, that his house of divided thinking came to be believed to be his one and only house of himself. For if one cannot envision the beginning point of the splitting into two, they also cannot envision the ending of being split in two. The alpha and the omega of cause of dualities is an imagined cause, this is true, but until that imaginary boundary between man's mind and God's Mind is erased, the vision of 'cause emanating from the uncaused' is necessary for its [eventual] elimination.

Where do the human ideas of love and of logic fit into this activity of making the two one? The pure heart is the heart that sees that it is not God or Life who is of a heart divided against itself, comparing form to form; rather, that this comparison of form exists only in the divided heart of man. The pure mind is the mind that sees that it is of perfect reason and of perfect logic to conclude that if God were divided of Himself, that God could not stand in Himself, and if God could not stand in Himself, God would cease to be God, and if God ceased to be God, you and I would not be here, right here, right now, speaking and hearing of these things of two and of one.

Which means, that it is by the way of the spirit of love of the spirit of logic being transformed into the spirit of reconciliation that every man has realistic hope that there will come a moment in his awareness of himself that the alpha and the omega of an imagined cause will be finished in his consciousness.