An introductory insight to my thought.

Discussion of the nature of Ultimate Reality and the path to Enlightenment.
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An introductory insight to my thought.

Post by m4tt_666 »

Let me first start off by introducing myself and my extreme gratitude to the fact such a forum exists. My name is Matthew and up until a few days ago was oblivious to the concept of the boundless reality of true thought. I ultimately hope that within future topics I am eager to discuss with all members of this board that I, and in turn, us will find undoubted similarities, or on the contrary find equally different point of views in said discussions with the only intention of refining our combined knowledge for the further pursuit of the ever eluding truth that exists within us all. Below I will attempt to lay out as best I can, a rough template of myself and my way of thinking to try and dismiss any misconceptions we will undoubtedly run into in the future. (note such conflict is unavoidable due to the nature of thought and individual perception, and i look forward to any and all input!)

I also intend on keeping every concept as general as possible never expounding too far into detail due to the realization that we each create and live within our own Universe and any unnecessary detail, no matter how poetic it may sound, serves nothing more than to delude us off the real topic at hand. I believe knowledge in its purest form, needs no such detail. Bear in mind, I've only very recently discovered this conceptual way of thinking and am slowly training myself to identify myself on the one hand, as a conscious human being, a finite creature created by his mere thoughts and this alone, and also my infinite unconscious form which i believe to be the purest form of existence, for this half of myself, being unconscious lacks any real sense of itself and is therefore infinitely existent and simultaneously non-existent. I've also been attempting to slowly detach emotion from governing my thought action and replace it with unfettered logic. By giving up the illusion of control over my actions and instead, acknowledging the fact that the Universe in which i create to perceive governs all, will help to ultimately achieve total insight into all.

Before introducing anything else I instead will end my post here and let you all have a chance to become familiar with me as a person before we can accept each other as equal forces of thought and thus, pursue discussion with as much delusion dispelled as possible. I look forward to hearing any input on how I view myself and in turn, view everyone else in the sense I believe we, as individuals, are the beginning and end of our own created Universe.
Posts: 15
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 2:20 pm

Re: An introductory insight to my thought.

Post by Patrick86 »

Hello and welcome, Matthew!