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Logic is an activity of becoming enlightened

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:13 am
by Pam Seeback
To be enlightened in this realm of awareness is to comprehend the nature of reality, which is that of Self (Thought) interpretation.

Using metaphors of spirit to express this comprehension:

Interpretation of Self is the nature of Reality, on all realms of awareness, conscious or unconscious. Self intercourse is always happening, whether this intercourse is pure spirit thought interpretation or whether this intercourse is the spirit of sense interpretation. Spirit (invisible thought awareness) is the foundation for both ways of interpreting Self, but both ways of spirit thought interpretation cannot be held in the conscious awareness of man in the same moment of conscious awareness.

And that because of this metaphysical truth that it is not possible to think both natures of thought interpretation in the same conscious moment of awareness, it is a necessary activity of consciousness that one way of interpreting Self must be transcended so that the other way of interpreting Self may be expanded into man's awareness.

Self is always interpreting Itself. This is why there is no such thing as 'a void' or 'an abyss', an expression of belief (the spirit of ignorance) that there is a state of awareness that is absent of thought interpretation. The 'void' or 'abyss' is the name given by the spirit of the sense interpreting intellect (the sense of Self, self) to that of which it is not yet aware, which is its nature of pure spirit thought interpretation, called The Kingdom of God by Jesus Christ and Nirvana by Gautama the Buddha.

It is also why men become stuck in their sense-of-self interpretation, interpreting God/Life/Awareness from the view of the dual/relative intellect. They have not yet realized that interpretation of Self does not begin with sense awareness; interpretation is the very nature of LIFE, of SELF ITSELF. It is the ignorance of man to this truth of the nature of Life as being that of Self Interpretation, I Am (Interpretation) on all realms of infinite awareness, that prevents him from stepping beyond his sense-intellect interpretation (his suffering of his duality and relativism) and into his expanding awareness of (the nature of) both his sense-of-self and of his pure spirit Self.

The activity of Self interpretation that is logic or reason is a way of stilling the mind of feeling-attachment so that awareness of (the nature of) pure thought interpretation can be revealed. Feeling-attachment awareness can be stilled by using logic or reason, but logic or reason cannot eliminate feeling-attachment in the conscious awareness of man. Only by standing firm on one's awareness that only by consciously transcending all mentalities, of which logic and reason is one, can man leave one realm of awareness of the ever unfolding Infinite Self and enter another realm of awareness of the ever unfolding Infinite Self.

True Infinity is the Infinite I (Am). The Infinite I uses logic and reason on Its Journey of "let there be, and there was." (Gen. I). Logic and reason is a useful tool on the way to enlightenment, but is not what enlightenment is.